.IiiiHinry fl, 10-12 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THRES KLAMATH MEN APPOINTED ON D BOARDS The KwinK Im )ijitii i no o( Klmmitli county us 11 n ill rcciw InU iin-u In rinptitisi.i'd hy tin' lint of cmniitllUM! iipHliliiiciitN to thu fiirtlii-diulriK iniM-linu of thu OlC'Uun Srril (JriiWrl'B IcMUHr ti l)D held Jiiiiiuiry 13 unil III til I'orvalllji, iiccunlinii In (.'. A. lien (liTiton, c (Mi n I y iiKMciiltiinil HKI'tlt. The buurd of ilii eclnm (if the Icuiiuo met recently mid iippulnt ed eleven committee 101 folluwit: Winter cover cropn, feficne.H, ryi'Ki'iiH.H, bi-nUjni.vi, clover, nl fulfil, uiul lulsct'lliineoun KniKM'ft; VCKetllhl" MH'ctfi, colidlllli'lit liml inedielnal herb itced.s, niiKiir heel need, pent mid weed control, Need KrudliiK, tuntiiiK, mid wurrliiius inn; mm kcllilK. AAA pronini, mid Iniiisportutlnii. KiirmerN or otliei:i fruin Klam nth county who have been named on the various committee) are un follow: C'loviT. ulfalfa, and iiiImtIIiiiiu uun Krasse.i Lloyd Clllt, Itonan zn; Ciene Jimiiniond, Mernll; M. M. StiiMny, Malm; l)ewey haw ton. Knit K In ma I ti; Henry Wolfe, Chlltxpiln; Dave l.l.-.kiy, Kliim nth I' a I l.i. I 'out and weed control Dirk Jlenzel, Malln; Harold .Schlefer kteln, Klamath KallN. Seed itraduiK, teitln and warchoiiMni: Harry Jaiitmaii, Mulln; Joe Jacob, Malln; Henry Semon, Klamath Fulls. llent(ra.-.i Kd Cieary, Klam nlh Fulls. Ill addition, Kd Cieary of Klam ath Fulls has been named by the board to act as chairman of the bcntum-vi committee. This com mittee will deal with Mich tpicN tloiin iin trends In production of the different kinds of bentifruM-c-; where shuUl each kind of bentKra.n be used; possibilities of acreauu increaseN of one or moro types of bunlKi uss; produc tion and marketing problems; harvesting methodii and the costs of each; fertilizers; market out lets and possibilities of expand ini; the uso of Oreuon lH-iitgr.nu. 1942 Enrollment Sets Record for Legion Auxiliary " Heaviest udvance enrollinent In history la pouring Into Hie American Legion auxiliary's na tional hend(uarters In Indianap olis us me auxiliary musiera its forces for service to America during 11)42. accordini' to Mrs. J. II. (Jallaiiher, membership chairman of Klamath unit ol tile? auxiliary. latest luembershm rennrK from national head(iiurters showed udvanec eurollmeiit of KlU.arii, a ij.iln of US.uriL' over tlio same date last venr. Manv thousands more inembcrships were In tho luiml.i of units mid departments and in process of irnnsmmai to Headquarters Knrollment for 11)41 ha rrnched uu nil-time liiuli f rr'l 8:12, n Cain of lD.flot) over the mine ttato last year and nn In crciisn of 17,5:t:i over the prevl ous IiIkIi record. r The local unit hint 11M in..m bcrs enrolled in advance for . All wives, mothers, sisters nnd diiUK'hti'rs of Legion mem ber or deceased veterans are . bchiK Invited to Join tho auxil iary nt this time nnd take purl In the 1042 program of patriotic . ; service. 'Them Blinkin1 Japs Are Monkeys Relates Soldier A HltlTISII HASH HOSPIT AL, Malay. Jan II Ul') A little cockney infantryman nnnncd tliroiiKh Iiin baiidaKcH and said: "They Hin t soldiers the Jap iiiicnc. They're more like bllnk In' m o ii k e y n. They climb thiouKh trees. They dodife about In Hie Jilnnle. "C!or blluie! Tho liltlo blliiht ern won't fluid III thu open.'' Ho raised his one urm In a Heslure of dlsKUst. The left urm was ihlssinii. llu hud lost it In the steaminK Junules of Malaya before behiK transported to this base hospital. A Scot In thu next bed nod ded his head. "Aye," lie said, "Ye'vo got to be llku Tiirzuu Inu catch them." The cockney mid thu Scots man weru two of nmny here who have narrowly escaped with their lives in nlr, land mid sea battles hi thu Mulayu area. The Scot was one of 13 men sheltered In u hut as Japanese dive bombers smashed at the Malaya front line defenses. His riKlil urm was missing. "1 wus lying fucu down with my hands over my neck and the next thing I remember I saw my own urm ueross the room . . . (Jive me a wooden club mid I'll go buck uguln!" Thu cockney udded: "I wunt one more cliuncu ut 'em with me good arm." In unother bed wus Albert Skinner of Kdinburgh. llu dis guised himself ns u native uud gut through thu enemy lines with valuable Information lifter living for two weeks on raw rice. "I ll never look a rice pud ding in the fncu again,'' he said. "Our company wus cut off on tho northern front nnd wu split up. I foraged In a deserted vil lage for food nnd, looking in one window, I suw a Japanese soldier playing a piano. Later I heard drunken laughter and the sound of smashing crockery. "About that tune they spotted us and began shooting but wc managed to sneak away." Then there wus the renr gun ner of n Cutnlina flying bout which buttled n Japanese bomber. "I got in two or three bursts before the Japanese got his can non going," he said. "Ills plane must have been heavily armor-' ed. He got mo In the chest." The flying boat caught fire mid wus landed nt sea, where tho nine crcsv members jumped overboard. They flunted and ; swum for seven hours. Another j C'ntnllnn sighted them, dropped a rubber flout mid food and medlcnl supplies. Thu nine men all wounded stayed afloat for hours, oc casionally sighting sharks, un til dark. They tried to light u flare, which almost set their rubber raft ufire. "I wus thankful fur tho mor phia injection that somebody gave me. Things were pretty grim and the pilot began asking whether uny of us were mar ried. The sharks made tilings! uncomfortable, ton. j "My arm was hurting nnd 1 1 wns ubout fed up when we suw i the lights of u ship. It wus a! Dutch submarine nnd they took ' us aboard. We submerged all tho next dny and landed ut ' dusk. Thnt wus u hell of u wuy for mi airman to come home, wasn't 117" 102 Cars of Spuds Shipped In December The Klamath Falls office of tho department of agriculture an nounced Monday that 102 car loads of potatoes had been shipped from- tho Klainntli basin by truck during December. Added to the totnl of :i.r)74 car louds shipped by rail up to and including December 31 and by truck up to November 31, the December truck figure brought the season's total to 307(1 enr londs. Up to December 31 of 11)40. :i24 cnrlonds had been shipped from the Klamath region. Some people ore in debt be muse they spend whnt their friends think they make. A. H. H Authorized Hitch Hikers-May Be Popular CHICAGO, Jan. 6 (UP) If the automobile und tire short ago becomes acute, "thumbs up with the A. H. II." mny become as popular a war slogan as "Re member Pearl Harbor." The A. H. H. authorized hitch-hikers Is the Idea of Herb Pucker, editor of a motor magl zlno nnd also a keen friend of pedestrians, particularly "wnr pedestrians" created by ration ing. Packer proposed tonight that the states license hitch-hikers who meet certain requirements as to responsibility and citizen ship. Upon payment of a 50 cent foe, the hitch-hikers would be Issued a license tag or armband signifying that tho bearers were authorized hitch-hikers and en titled to wiggle-waggle on any highway or street in the state. The "A.H.H." would protect drivers from thumbers not bona fide licensees, but Packer's idea would work both ways. He also proposed that cooperating motor ists be given windshield stickers making them authorized picker uppers. This would eliminate much futile thumb wiggling, conserve the energies of thumb ers and thereby, he asserted, aid the defense program. Authorized hitch-hikers would pay the authorized picker-uppers a five or ten cent fare, depend ing on how far they ride, to cover gasoline costs. Packer thought the day might como soon when certain street corners and roud intersections would be designated as A.H.H (stations) at which thumbers could wait, certain that a picker upper would be along in a few minutes to convey them to work. One advantage of the A.H.H. plan, Packer said, would bo the virtual elimination of traffic jams in downtown areas by cut ting down the number of private cars on streets. "From the standpoint of the driver," he said, "it would be a great relief to know how to dis tinguish between bums and the legitimate traveler along the highway to whom he would Ilk to give a lift. "In addition, the provision for nominal payment equivalent to bus fare would help many a ear operator pay his gas and oil ex penses. "From tho standpoint of the country, thus essential traveling: would be dono with a minimum use of vital auto tiros, parte, gas, oil and other defense material.' Read the Classified page. CHILI & BEANS The Best You Ever Ate! BURR-O-N Building permits issued re cently by City Huilding Inspect or Harold Franey were an nounced this week as follows: W. L. Cotton, residence, lot 0.1(1 block 116, Mills addition, $3000. It. M. Klder, 2118 Rudcliffo street, remodel residence, $200. F. C. Markwardt, 2539 Dar row avenue, garage, $175. W. A. Koenig, gurngo nnd re model residence, $500. Hundnll K. Smith, 2255 Vine avenue, remodel garage, $50. L. N. Huls, remodel business building on South Seventh street, $000. II. E. Wutlcnburg, garnge, 808 Mt. Whitney street, $125. Mrs. U. II. Kersey, 1015 Owens street, garage. $50. W. D. Miller, supplement to permit for residence construc tion, $1000; supplement to Mont gomery Wurd warehouse build ing. $4000. W. D. Miller, ndd fire cs cupe to Willard hotel. Second and Main streets, $1500. U. S. has tuken control of burlap, so doesn't have to wor ry about our supply. It s in the bug. SUIT SALE One Group fltdueMl to 518.75 DREW'S MANSTQRE Grocery Contracts Ratified by Union ' Collective hnrintlnlti,, tracts covering working hours, ,, wages and conditions for em . ployos of both Safeway stores - nnd Emll'H Kllod Mlirln'la lin.pn boon ratified by Local Oil of tho AFL Teamsters' union, I3us- ltiess Agent Enrl Edsall nn 1 nounced Tuesday. Final acceptance of tho agree- ment hns not been nindo by homo offices of either compnny, Edsttll said. Teaseed oil to a totnl of 2118,. 174 pounds was imported hy thn United States during the second quarter ot 1040. Tho true song of n bird, its high-pitched note, Indicates lo femnles the exclusive possession of food territory. Chnrloa Darwin rnlsed 537 .' plants from n single ball of mud found clinging to the toes of n . snlpo. Friendly Helpfulness To Every ' - Creed and Purse Ward's Klamath Funeral Heme Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ward, Owners Willard Ward. Mgr. 825 High Phone 3334 YOU'LL BE FRANKLY TOLD IF GLASSES ARE NOT NEEDED THEIR EYES.. Must Be Right! Whatever YOUR job, your eyes must take in thousands of details everyday, performing endless important tasks! Your eyes rightfully deserve the BEST and they GET the best in optometric science when you see the capable registered optometrist here! Stylish, GUARANTEED EYE GLASSES IT 1 lifin- --1 in TH The West's Laraest "4SgJ Manufacturing and Dispensing Opticians OREGON WASHINGTON UTAH IDAHO 715 MAIN ST. - - - - KLAMATH FALLS Dr. Wayno Savage Registered Optomctriit in Chorgo I RAYON PRINTS Chenille Bed Spreads Crown Tested 49c Value! 39' Jut RclTrd! 500 ytrdi of lovely Crown Tet4 rayon print . GuarantH waatuibie. Srw color and pat Irrm. H now ! ''''SleWcjajyaj Thickly Tufted Baby Chenlllei IViT'ljr paiM rhenlila b-djreal wltfi nl' tc, roDtrietint; bor dfra tn floral deilfn! Dv-d-to-inatch back It r n it n d of oualilr hefting! IoiiM or twin led iJi'- In four lutcious color I SNOWY WHITE SMOOTH TEXTURED FIRM WEAVE 'LAUNKMTF SHEETS! Hand Torn For Size, Evenness After Laundering! 81x99 Inch Size! 04 Worth SI. 29 Cnrefully torn and finished from good quality, snow white muslin! Wide taped selvages and neatly stitched hems for -extra strength nnd wearing 'qualities! Large 81 by 89 Inch size. They come to you clean and fresh, wrapped In pairs in cellophane! t 9c UNBLEACHED MUSLIN 'Mradfne-t" unto ml rnatn r!r nititlln. ttrn titurr. V. tii lira ill. for iirartli-Kl. UkM Wright ahwtlnc! is a 40 tliir-ad count! . BLEACHED FLOUR SQUARES All -rfivt. hrintm-d rrady for . lht tiriijdy tfiinrr-s ri tili-.n h. m.mv whltr! M. ifi.Ji alert Ntirk up on thU pQ iwrlal -- -. It lor 03w COTTON BATT "-tie in (ino iiirre, 7?:"0 Inch, full r.imfiTtr Mr! AH n- rWt.m lnitr, -.nnittr-d with illr.-i ir.M ti Jij pound. OQ HrRnIsr 41r vahif! . TURKISH J PASTEL PL AIDE GUEST TOWELS nuW4-r-firj.il odor In hand t -36-)m-h turkuli towfla ! Mak lot r If gllr-ft or faon towrli. Trim and htrra , WASH CLOTHS flritx-l bonlrtJ full U Tn- rr rlolh. In ,atrl Q I IIA w for 25c ahadra SLUE CHECKED KITCHEN TOWELING Part Linrn. j C fard IwB ROMAN STRIPE Tari Mnrn. rard I7C FASHION -TOWER DRESS SHIRTS Sanforised Shrunk Permanent Fit 3'8 Wi J V iJtiTJ Z .. . i For I J-- litollf 1 Regular $1.49 Value! XV V4i SIM 19 brlrr S M I. ft y y NV m W v "" Fashion -right white dress shirts with non-wilt collars for day-long smart appear ance! Cut to fit and tailored to please the most particular man! Quality you'd expect for much more! X1 nmrr thMi nhrlnknc leftl CANVAS WORK GLOVES Imln to give ftlfnctry nrrvtco nt an rxrpptlonnliv Kw priori I fl ltm- hr ttto dorm! pair V V SHIRTS, SHORTS, BRIEFS "PilKrlm' quality, cotton rib Vntt shirts nnd hrWs, hroadcloth ahnrt, all wnrth mncli niorrl Shirts W tn 4d, shorts SO to 44, OOia . aaeh ' MEN'S DRESS SOCKS Attractive ncr patterns and col ors In rayon plated drrM nocks, rrmilar or ankle lenRths! Hurablr and (rood lonklnit! In aizfs 10 A tn ! nr. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Pinfiirlrrd shrunk, not moro than shrinkam-! Bliia or gray chamhray or tan covert, "Sturdy OQ Oak" r-.f.H ftlr-a Hit fo T MEN'S UNION SUITS "rilsHni" hrand. Ion or short sli-eves. ankle, tennth! Cut full In white of ecru, elastic knit for 5flp Sizet M to W Bw DRESS Newest Stylet rtrrow or wide hrlnis In arf rnnco sprintf atylrn, Ith imnrt contmtlnff hat bAitdsl Vou'll find jitt. thn lint ynii want nt Rears! See them today! Sicca 0 tn 7H. HATS j 29 CARIOCA PANELS! 'Fiesta" Netel 19 pair Crisp, colorful window cur. talna In Fiesta net panels, Miie, gold, green or rt, n-gulnrly J5c! 36 x 76-Inch lre Pep up dull, uninterest ing rooms with these Inex pensive panels! PrisciMc CURTAINS Reg. $1.49 Values! 90-inch width by 2 'i yards. Woven dots and figures in rose, blue, green, and ecru. i7c or pair "SLUMBERSOUND" 5 WOOL Double Blankets Reg. $2.98 Value! 2" (lav ptaid doithl Mankets with S wool for coiy warmth! 8ift, deep nap and sturdy. Inns fiber otton warp fof addt-il strensthl flirea pound wrisht, 70SQ size! SHEET BLANKETS 69c 70x80-in. Siie Cheat .lai'k Frost tlieso wlntrf nlshts wKh warm cotton sheet hlaitketsl DiuiMo sia q eednr, rose or blue platdal 133 So. 8th For the Defense of U. S. Buy United States Defense Bonds and Stamps! PHONE 5188