Jannnry B, 11)42 THK EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Classified Advertising Ratot: Ona tiny run . por word 3c 3 dny run prr word He 3 day run prr word He dny run per word 10c ! day run per word 11c Week run per word 12c Month run per word 32c Glaibijfied AclLteAtiiiHXf Sectiati 20 DISCOUNT for payment In Advance. Thli dis count given to do away with book work and billing ... on actual paid In advance adi only. 5 DISCOUNT for Payment by the 10th. Thli die. count given to Insure prompt payment of adi charged on monthly basis. CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartment! for Itnnt !!! Automotive 34 Dullness Opportunities 4H Educational 12 financial 40 For Bale or Trade . 3D Oeneral Notices .. 4 Health 13 Help Wanted, female 14 Help Wanted Male 1(1 Houses For Rent 2(1 Livestock and Poultry 44 Lost and Found .. 2 Miscellaneous For Runt 211 Miscellaneous For Hale 311 Miscellaneous Wanted 42 Real Estate For Sale 30 Real Estate Wonted 32 Room and Board 20 Sltuntloi.s Wanted Ill To ExrhntiEP 40 Loftt and Found LOST Lady's gold wrlat wntch. Keepsake. Howard. Court View Hotel, Mrs. Vciunif. I B BTRAYKD to I-inkey ranch nt Stronghold about Dec. 20, 10 Iambi. Owner may have same by paying for ad 1-7 4 Oeneral Notices THE "K" CAFE. BOO Klamath Avenue, l now open under new management. 2-0 ELECTRIC I" 1 I' E THAWING. Klamath Electric and Motor Works. Dial 3300. Keep thin ad handy. 10 10 Services BATTERIES CHARGED In 30 minutes. Reymer's Associated Service, Fourth and Mam. 2-3mtf FLOOR SANDING und refim.ih log. Clifford Golden Phone 3022. l-Slmlf WRINGER ROLLS" Washing i machine and vacuum cleaner j parts for all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service, (JII I South Sixth. I -31 mil I WILL obtain your delayed . birth certificate lor you. Chas. I Hathaway, 120 N. lOlli St.., Klamath Falls. Ore 131 FLOOR SANDING, Finishing We generate our own power. ; C. DuFour. Phone 3D00. ' l-31mU; HEMSTITCHING I DRESSMAKING. Buttons and Buckles covered, Alterations; on new and old clothing. Mrs. ) H. M. Allender. 731 Main, Room 218. Phone 7263. 1-lOmtf FLOOR SANDkVG Old floors reflnlshcd. Norman Fraloy. Phone 4001. l-24mtf PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, 510 Main. 1-2-imtf PICTURE FRAMING Goeller s, 230 Main. 2-Umtf PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, kolsomlnlng. Dial 0R4II. Mel vln E. Frost. 113mtf ELECTRO' UX CLEANERS Sales Service. P. O. Box B14. Phone 5018 Your dealer, Tarkel Tweet 112 SAWS REPAIRED Thcrlght way. Bodenhamer's, 353 E Main. 1-10 HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene j diet. 8848. 1 6 RAY HALL Your Electrolux dealer sales and service. 813 Roseway Drive. Phone 7167. 1-8 PAINTING, paperhanglng, kal somlnlng, 75c hour or contract Phone 5068 1-8 PAINTING, Knlsomlnlng H. L. 12 Educational CURRY'S APPLIED HARMONY Music School offers tho fol lowing course for nil begin ners In music. Hand position -sight reading sight singing ear training keyboard harmony. 220 East Main. Phono 4570. 1-10 QUICK METHOD In ballroom . dancing. Modern, old stylo. Square dancing. Form your own group. 1401 Esplanade a 1-4 MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL LEGE 015 Klnmnth Ave Phone S8B3 IflOmit 13 Health DOCTOR M. C CASSEL, chiro practic clinic Smno location, 532 Main. Dial 7215 1-7mtf 14 Help Wanted, Femnle WANTED Unencumbered housekeeper and cook be twoon 28 and 40. $40. News Herald, Box 440. 440tf WANTED Woman to work for man and wile's board, and small wages. Phone 1)078. 1-8 WANTF.D Burroughs oporator and stenographer. Lumber ex perience preferred, but not necessary. Box 870, Herald ' News. 18 YOUNO WOMAN tor housowork and help with children. No cooking or laundry. Must be ' able to meet public nicely. 412 High. 16 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Woman help with liou.wwnrk. Stay nlnhts. 11)55 Fremont. 1-8 WANTED Oood stenographer, male or female, lumber exper ience preferred, some book keephiK experience. Apply in own luiwlwrltlng. State salary expected and experience. Nrwa-Hcrald I3nx 831. 1-5 W ANTED Cilrl for housework and care of children. Apply ShnnKhai Cafe, after 7 p. m. 18 16 Help Wanted. Male OLD LINE Life Insurance Com pany denlres salesman. Liberal contract, perpetual renewals. Address llox 880, Klamath Kails. MO FOR JOliS In airplane factories. Apply Mr Llstal, Room 201, Willlts Itlrig. 1-0 18 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED woman wants ranch work or chambermaid Job. Phone 4230. 1-8 EXPERIENCED butcher wants steady employment. News Herald Dnx 498. 1-5 EXPERIENCED woman cook with 15 year-old boy wants work. News-Herald Box 370. 1-6 UA1IYLAND Cure of babies and children Hour, day or week. 412 HiKh. Phone 8341. l-12mtf ! WOMAN wishes office work. I Several years experience. 1 Grocerv or drv eoods store preferred. Phone 0408. 1-S 20 Room and Hoard HOARD - ROOM 1IHI Main. Reasonable. 1-S HOARD AND ROOM 407 North nih. Phone 0010. 8B3tf HOARD ROOM 820 Jefferson. 1-5 HOARD AND ROOM 407 No 0th Phone 0010. 4BB8U HOARD AND ROOM. Private shower Stenm heat. 723 Klam oth. 1-7 HOARD, ROOM Lady or gen tleman. 1321 Johnson. Phone 55411. 1-19 ROOM UOARD314 Washing ton. Phone 8530. 1-5 ROOM BOARD. ' Double room. 2530 Applegnte. 1-7 ROOM-HOARD, 224 Michigan. $37.50 month. 1-9 22 Rooms For Rent HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 1304 Worden. 1-17 VACANCY Court View. Third and Main. 1-10 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main. Stenm healed. Weekly rates $3 up. 50c to $1 per night. 1-15 ROOMS 1034 High. l-5mtf NICE ROOMS for gentlemen Phone 5244 1-4 COMFORTABLE furnnco heated room adjoining bath. 1026 Jef ferson or phono 8834. 1-14 CLAREMONT, 228 No. 4th. All outside nowly decorated, mo dern rooms. All with new in. nerspring mattresses. Free parking. l-13mtf FOR RENT Nice room. 134 N 3rd. 4600U ROOM for gentleman. Modern home. Phone 4687. 1-8 24 Apartments For Rent APARTMENT Court View, 3rd and Main. 1-10 WARM, nicely furnished house keeping room. 248 Broad. 704U VACANCY Thrco rooms, din cite. Electric range. Adults No dogs. 325 Commercial. 458U NICELY furnished cabin. Also desirable housekeeping room. 248 Hrond. 808tf VACANCY Esplanade Courts Furnished. l-31mtf FOR RENT Two-bedroom fur nished apartment. 2300 Blehn. Phono 7206 or 4527. 861tf THREE-ROOM APARTMENT Wundrr Apartments, 121 So. 2nd. 4046U FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, wntor, gas. 419 No. 10th. l-24mtf CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day, week or month. 1-Umtf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nished apartment. 23O0 Blohn. Phone 7208 or 4527. 4138tf HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, every thing furnished. 216 Main, Fairfield Apts. 1-6 RIVERVIEW APTS. 4 rooms nicely furnished, two bed rooms, very desirable. Phone 6817. 4740tf STRICTLY BUSINESS AJAX GREETING CARD CO. "Happy Birthday and Verse raws -a. 24 Apartments For Rent 34 Automotive ONE-ROOM APARTMENT 813 MODEL A ROADSTER Stor Plne. 1-10 age lor cars. Shell Station, 0th and Commercial. 1-5 FURNISHED APARTMENTS $14-318 month. Zlgler Apts., '28 OLDSMOBILE First-class block south Pelican City shape. Cheap. 2125 Blehn, school. 1-8 TWO-ROOM modern, furnished apt. 1215 Owens. 1-5 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 109 N. Broad. 1-0 VACANCY Rex Arms. 1-20 26 Houses For Rent FOR RENT Well furnished house. No children. Phone 4804. 1-10 East Main Phone 8304 1 7ml! 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR RENT 3-room unfurnlsh- "TIDLTC ed house, 317.50 month. In- tO quire 2009 Fargo. 1-5 . . , ! New Treads on Your Casings. 2-BEDROOM furnished house. I New Tire Guarantee 501 Market. 1-6 Size 600x18 $6.50 up TRUCKS FOR RENT You Firestone Home & Auto Supply drive; move yourself, save 527 Main Phone 3234 Stiles Beacon Service 1201 1-S TWO-ROOM cottages Wood, CLOTHES DRYERS $1.00, I lights, gas furnished 330 $1.30 and $1.55. Lucas Furnl- j month. Link River Auto turc. 1-5 Camp 1-18 j FOR SALE 14-foot steel boat UNFURNISHED duplex Rango, and oars. Two-wheel trailer, refrigerator, oil furnace. Call newly built, new tires and after 5:30 p. m. 305 No Oth. tubes. Wm. Shuklc, Algoma, 4551tf Ore. 1-7 MODERN furnished house. One FOR SALE Household furnish- bedroom. Inquire 305 Lin- ing 2 beds, springs, mattress, coin. 334tf electric range, trash burner, FURNISHED 3 room cottage. wo,od ,ran; 2 dressers. 1540 Water free. Good driveway. Lakcvlew St. W Also 2-room cottage. 4806 DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS South Sixth. 1-6 128 cu. ft., S2.50 nt mill Phone MODERN 2 and 3-room fur- Bl C,"ifcr Lumber Co.. on nlshed houses. Utilities fur- "ced highway. l-17mtf nlshed. 2125 Blehn. 1-9 STOVES REPAIRED All parts 28 Miscellaneous For Rent stocked. Used furniture, stoves ....vssvwv bought. OK Second Hand DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas- Store, 820 Klamath. Phone cade Garngo building. Cars, 5671. l-31mtf trucks, machinery, what have . . you? Call at all hours. Phone RED OR GREY CINDERS for SjjS l-Omtf driveways. Phone 4748 eve- aeeacagsn nings or Sundays. Howard ?,l-..-m'?i'-l'-'r-?vB1?1-'- Graham. 865U FOR SALE Two 2-bcdroom CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, homes. One 3-bcdroom home including suburban sections. FHA loans approved. Low Block numbers indicated, in monthly end down payments. dex keyed to map. Price, 20c. Open for inspection from 12 For sale at Carmichael's news to 4. 2250 and 2226 and 2220 stand, chamber of commerce, Reclamation, Mills addition. Ernie Piluso's Drive-in, Ever One 4-room modern with ! body's Drug, Lee Hendrick's acre. Phone 3004. 4045U Drug, Loulo Polin's, Postoffice . , rr news stand, Robinson's Food FOR SALE - Two houses for st shaw stationcrVi The XnZra im? u1 Ncws-Herald, Vic's S i g n a 1 Inquire 1227 Main St. 133tf Scrvice. 8864tl FIXf,hR(JOM r M,dCrr .TT RECONDITIONED wood range. jSmii. T v. 'iUh a"u' California, Oregon Power Co. Family slzo orchard, fruit, R62tl nuts nnd berries. Under Irrlga- Hon. 267 Maple, Ashland, Ore. RECONDITIONED wood range EjMBaaeDB6 California Oregon Power Co. 8 AutomotWe 88Mf in-.a.namv CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, tI rontiac oeclan $11 85 Including suburban sections. Custom "6" 4-dr. like new. Block numbers indicated. In- Equipped with radio, heater, dex keyed to map. Price, 20c. Snfti-flcx steering wheel, clock, For sale at Carmichael's news new white side tires and ape- stand chamber of commerce cial foamtcx seat cushions. Lib- Ernie Piluso's Drive-in, Ever- eral allowance on your car. body's Drug, Lee Hendrick's Sco Allen Otto with Earl Smith Drug. Louie Polin's, Postoffice Pontlac Oth and Klnmnth news stand, Robinson's Food ., . , . - . , , store. Shaw Stationery, The FOR SALE-27 Standard Buick NeWs Herald. Vic's Signal sedan and two-wheel trailer. !--,,i- cTona. Cheap. 4016 Altnmont Drive. 5,ervlcc 3803 1-6 RED OR GREY CINDERS for " - r , driveways. .Phono 4748 eve- Used Cars for SPOT CASH. Grhnm t204tf First Class Prlces-For First rt""'rn- 3204tt Class Cars. No Delay for Your FOR SALE New Underwood Money. See Jack Morris, typewriter, used only six Mgr., at times. Will sell for $20 less DOUGLAS MOTOR CO. than cost. Phone 8230. 323 Used Car Lot 1131 Mnln N. 10th. 6tf Next to Elk Hotel. 1-31 FIX THAT RADIO Our bust- FOR SALE On account of sick- ncss is sound. Conner Service ness, late '37 Chevrolet pick- Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone up, A-l shape. Phone 7887 or 8878. Just south of viaduct. 1821 Dayton. 1-5 l-9mtf '37 CHEVROLET Deluxe Coupe, FORSALE Electrical pipe excellent condition, heater, dc- thawing equipment. Inquire froster, good rubber. 4707 So. 520. Klnmnth, Schubert's Re- 6th. 1-7 pair Service. 1-4 by McFsatters No. 567 to you. Cartwrightl" Apt. 1. 1-5 AUTO GLASS Replace that broken glass In your car a' Rewey's Glass Shop corner Elm and Broad Phone 5710. 1 8mt( "TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK. See Mr Yoes. factory trained service manager. 4034U FOR SALE 1038 Ford coupe. 420 High. 1-4 1 3 Miscellaneous For Sale I I RED FRYERS AND ROASTERS Crystal's, Merrlll-Lakevlcwj Junction, 1-3 1 USED WATCHES, reconditioned and guaranteed. Men's 12 and 16 size Elglns and Walthams $11.00 up. Rickys Credit Jew elers. 1-11 GOOD til body wood. Phone 7832 1-7 GLASS DUPLATE safety glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resil vering. Kimball's Glass Shop 527 Walnut. Phone 7378 1-8-mtf JANUARY SALE of Bedroom Suites. Lucas Furniture. 1-6 COLORED FRYERS and roast ers, corn fed. We deliver. Phone S834. 1-11 EQUITY OF $82 In Kelvlnstor ironer for sale for $35. Bal ance payable in 3 monthly payments of $4.84. Phone 3985. 1-7 PRY PINE FACTORY MILL BLOCKS 128 cubic foot load, $4.23 delivered. Metier Bros. Dial 8852. l-19mtf FOR SALE Violin, guitar. 1200 gal. Steel tank. Altamont auto Camp. 1-6 WILL SACRIFICE Frigidaire, $30. Square tub aluminum Maytag washer, $30. L. G. Ashwell, 840 Upham. 1-6 FOR SALE Fancy Gem single drop seed potatoes. Santford Jones, Bonanza, Ore. 845tf 38 For Sale or Trade BEAUTIFUL lady's one carat diamond, platinum mounting. Will trade for late used car and assume. Evenings. 5531 So. 6th St 169tf 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED 4 or 5-room furnish , ed house. Phone 7366. 1-4 WANTED Small size, late model, used combine. ,Give full details. C. H. Brooks, Selma, Ore. 1-6 WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone S713, our ex pense. 1-llmtf WANTED TO RENT 20 to 40 acres, for cash. Rt. 3, Box 235E, Weyerhaeuser. 1-7 WANTED to rent by responsi ble party, laree modern, fur. I nlshed house. Close to Main St. Phone 8341. 1-6 i 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED TO BUY Hereford cows and heifers. M. H. Bar bour, Kern Hotel. 1-7 FOR SALE Chester White j weaner pigs. J. H. PhippsJ Midland, Ore. 1-10 j FOR SALE One Holstein cow, fresh 2i months. One Jersey cow, will be fresh In 6 months. Phone 4943. 1-7 FEEDER PIGS FOR SALE Dale E. Brown, Bonanza. 1-9 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 3361. Midland road. l-31mtf FOR SALE Just fresh Guern sey and Jersey cows. Rt. 2, Box 498. South Sixth. 1-8 46 Financial CASH LOANS WIIHODT X.VDOBSERS S WAYS TO GET A CONSUMERS CASH 10AM FHOKI . WSItl . COMB IN Too bm4 bo co-lfnra or tndortvri to rt I ooniumtn loan whether you are married or tlDSt. THREE LOAN PLANS NO. 1-INCOMR LOANS On your noU only. JCo vagt (uitfn rnenti. No oilgnert. NO. WRiriTORB LOANS Your ctianctfT U mor IraporUnt thtn tht furnltur lUtlf. NO. ATJT0 LOANS $M to MK euh low ud Ho toeing, CONSUMERS CREDIT (M-tU 720 Pine St. 8SSS) Phone 7711 !4lmU LOANS OX VOrjR AUTOMOBILE Cash At Once! Tour Car Keeil Hoi Re Fully Paid For ... See Us Today Commercial Finance CORPORATION lit South etil St.. Klamath Talln Phone SIM M iss 1-Slmtt See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor Investment COMPANY 114 X. Tt Lie. M 74 Phone SMS 1-simtf Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Jan. B (JP) Motors and other scattered fa vorites pushed up in today's stock market, steadying a num ber of groups that Inclined to back away during the greater part of the proceedings. Transfers were around 700, 000 shares. The move to accelerate war production, principally in the motor sector, was sustaining In fluence for individual Issues. Air Reduction Alaska Juneau Al Chem & Dye Allls-Chalmers .... American Can .. Am Car & Fdy Am Rad Sta San .. Am Roll Mills Am Smelt & Ref Am Tel it Tel ..... Am Tob "B" Am Water Works . 8i 41 271 31 291 31 141 391 66 20 201 Am Zlnu L Si & Anaconda . Armour 111 Atchison Aviation Corp . Bald Loco Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing Alrp Borden Borge-Warner . Calif Packing Calumet Hec ..... Canada Dry Canadian Pacific Cat Tractor Celanese Ches It Ohio Chrysler Col Gas & El ..... Com'l Solvents . 21 1 181 6i 121 4 411 ,.. 201 .. 351 481 51 91 ...318 .... 20 .... 131 SI Comm'nw'lth 4c Consol Aircraft Consol Edison Consol Oil . Sou Cont'l Can 241 53 Corn Products Crown Zellerbacb Curtiss Wright Doug Aircraft . in . 81 . 68 1431 Dupont De N Eastman Kodak ..139 El Pow & Lt 11 281 40 34 General Electric General Foods . General Motors Goodrich Goodyear Tire . Gt Nor Ry pfd - Greyhound Illinois Central . Insp Copper Int Harvester 141 HI 231 121 71 101 481 271 eoi it 57 371 211 231 391 31 271 31 131 131 211 151 91 131 101 91 71 51 81 191 21 141 15 801 211 31 40 511 14 251 3 101 231 181 81 43 961 14 8 m 121 301 41 201 261 41 Si 41 41 381 41 74 131 691 HI Int Nick Can Int Pap St P pfd Int Tel St Tel Johns Manville Kennecott Lib O Ford . Lockheed Loew's Long-Bell "A" Montgomery Ward . Nash-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit . Nat'l Dairy Prod . Nat'l Dist National Lead N Y Central No Am Aviation ... North Amcr Co ., Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otis Steel Pac Amer Fish Pac Gas & El Packard Motor Pan Amer Airways , Paramount Pic Penney (J C) Penna R R Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet . Proctor Se Gamble .. Pub Svc N J Pullman Radio Rayonicr Rayonier pfd .... Republic Steel . Richfield Oil ... Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck ... Shell Union Socony Vacuum . Sou Cal Edison . Southern Pacific Sperry Corp Standard Brands Stand Oil Calif .... Stand Oil Ind ...... Stand Oil N J Stone St Webster Studebaker Sunshine Mining Texas Corp , Trans-America ... Union Carbide ... Union Oil Calif . Union Pacific United Airlines . United Aircraft . 36 United Drug .. . 51 United Fruit , Hi U S Rubber 16i U S Rubber pfd 68 i U S Steel 55 Vanadium .... 201 Warner Pictures ................ 6i Western Union 251 Westinghouso 80s Woolworth , 274 Farm folks ought to like hard winters. They keep city folk from visiting. 48 Financial FOR SALE Grocery store, fountain and service station. Good location, across from school. Phone 9048. 1-8 i 38s 147 29J 61i 324 4i 111 411 133J 48 Carload Potato Shipments Day of Month Season 1941-42 Jan. to Season Jan. Dally Date to Date 1 0 0 367S 2 6 8 3682 3 13 19 3693 4 0 li" 3693 5 I " ' 6 j 7 8 - 10 H 12 . 13 14 ' " 15 18 ,8 i 19 20 . 21 22 23 24 2 zzz ZZZ 26 27 ' 28 29 30 31 POTATOES r SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 5 (AP- USDA Potatoes: 9 car Califor nia, 5 Oregon, 19 Idaho arrived, 29 unbroken, 28 broken cars on track: market steady, very few sales; Oregon Klamath district Russets No. 1, 32.90-60, few $2.65. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 5 (AP- USDA) Potatoes: 21 cars Cali fornia, 94 Idaho arrived; 83 un broken, 16 broken cars on track; 6 cars California, one Idaho, one Utah arrived by truck; market steady, firm; no Oregon quota tions. LOCAL QUOTATIONS (The following quotations are obtained from a good source, but cannot be guaranteed as covering every offer or sale. They represent prices paid or offered to growers:) For U. S. No. 1, $2.00 and better. For U. S. No. 2, $1.00-1.20. Some offers have been made for culls at 30 cents. S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 25 OP) (Federal State Mar ket News) Cattle: Salable 950; strong, mostly steers, quality im proved; 2 cars top good 905-1005 lb. steers $12.75; practical top, three cars $12.50-65, two loads medium $10.85-11.00; load good 855 lb. fed heifers $11.75; range cows scarce, salable $9.00-25; aged medium cows $7.75-8.25; bulls scarce, odd head $9.00. Calves, salable 95; firm; good to choice vealers quoted $13.00 to $14.00; one load common and medium offered. HOGS: Salable 450; around 40 cents higher; bulk good to choice 185-235 lb. barrows and gilts, $12.65-75, latter top; numerous good cows $10.00. SHEEP: Salable 900; strong; deck choice 90 lb. wooled lambs $12.29; bulk $12.00-15; medium to choice ewes firm, quoted $9.00-90. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 9 (AP-USDA) Cattle: Salable 2, 400; total 2790; calves salable and total 100; market active; steers mostly steady, cows gen erally 25c higher, instances SOc up; bulls steady; several loads good around 900-1100 lb. weight steers $12.50-13.00, top $13.10; 1234 lb. weights down to $12; common to $9.00 with cuttery dairy steers down to $7.50; few fairly good heifers $11.00-35; common-medium mostly $8.00 10.50; canner and cutter cows $5.50-8.50; fat dairy cows $7.00 8.00, medium-good beef cows $8.00-9.00; few young cows $7 8.00; medium-good beef cows $9.00; few young cows $9.50-75; good bulls $9.00-50; good-choice vealers $13.00-14.00. Hogs: salable 1650, total 3850, market active, 15-25c higher; good-choice 170-215 lb. drive ins and carloads mostly $12.25; 230-270 lb. grades $11.80-79; light lights $11.00-90; packing sows $8.79-9.90; choice light feeder pigs $11.29-90. In 1938, the United States produced 38,000,000 pounds of snuff. Season r940-41 Jan. to Season) Dally Date to Data 4 4 8B34" 38 42 8863' 47 89 3909 80 139 3959 ' CHICAGO, Jan. 9 (P) After extending the new year advance with early gains, the grain mar ket today backed down under the weight of increased profit taking and some sales to hedge stocks purchased by commercial interests. A Washington report that 1942 production goals for some com modities, including feed grains and soybeans, may be raised at tracted much trade attention. The fact that corn prices are above levels at which the gov ernment is quoting old grain for sale, with wheat-near commodity credit corporation asking prices, had a bearish effect. Much corn recently has been sold by the government. Wheat closed 1-1 cents lower than Saturday, May $1,281-1, July $1,291-1; corn 1c lower to 1c higher, May 851c, July 871 1c; oats unchanged to le down; rye l-ic higher; soybeans 31-2Io, lower. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, Jan. 8 (AP-USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 110; on track 281; total US shipments Saturday 677, Sunday 30; supplies moder ate, trading very light account of zero weather; market sliehtly stronger; Idaho Russet Burbanka US No. 1, $2.75-85; Nebraska Bliss Triumphs, US No. , $2.89; Minnesota and North Dakota Bliss Triumphs, US No. 1, $1.80 to $2.00; Wisconsin Rural US No. 1, $1.60; new stock, supplies light, demand very light market about steady; Florida Bliss Tri umphs US No. 1, $2.10-18 per bushel crate. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. I AP)-6trTTBR Prlnta, A trade, 39a In parchment wrapper, too in oartona; fi grade, 8o In parchment -wrapper!, cartone, 39c BuTTKRFAT Pint ooalltj, muhnma of .6 ot 1 per cent acidity, delirered In Portland. 39-39tto Ib.j premium quality (maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity) 40 40Ho lb.; valley routea and country JPolnta, centa leae than first; aecond quality at Portland, sto under first. CHKesK felling price to Portland re. tallera: Tillamook triplet!, Z0 lb. loaf, 2Ho lb.; trlpleta to wholesaler,, MHO Uhl loaf, S7Vio l.o.b. Tillamook. KiiOS Prices to producers: A large, ISo B large. Sic; A medium. Slot B medium. Mo doi.i A small, use; B small. Mo do. resalo to retallera, 4o higher for eaeae. . cartons to higher. LIVB POULTRY Buying prloea: Ko. t grade Leghorn broilers, under IVt lb'., ltel over 1H Ins.. 18c; fryers, H to i lbs., l!lc; roasters, over lbs., colored hens, 18o; Leghorns, under Sty IN., 1641 over 8H lbs., 18c; roosters, Sfl lb. IIRKS8F.I) TURKKYr! Belling price! hens, soc; tom, 870. Buying prices i tonus , Saw lb.: hens, iM lb. COUNTRY MBATS Selling prloea l re tailers: country killed bogs, best butchers, 1 to 1 lbs., 1514-lto lb. vealers, fancy, lD-SOci light thin, 13-lte; heavy, IS-Koi lamba, lgrA-tOo; awes, MOo lb.t oanner cows, u-lto; good cutter eows, IHIHd bulls, 14-lfic pound. WOOL INI clip. Oregon ranch, nominal, 3S-3S0 lb. crosibrads, Sa7o lb. HAT Selling price on tracks: alfalfas No. 1. 120.00 ton; oat-vetch, III.N ton. Valley prices! Wlllam.tta (lover, glt.Oo too, valley points timothy, eaaum Oregon, gll.M. ONIONS Yakima. UMlJSl Oregon, gl.MM.90 per io-lb. sack; Yakima, 10s, SMI Oregon, 40c. ' . POTATOES White locals. 91.60 entail DasehuSas Qeras, l.7e cental; Yakima No. 1 Oema, t.7 cental! Klamath, 11.71 eaatai.