SERIAL STORY HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL BY ADELAIDE HAZELTINE TUB BTfinvi Tae terms f A drw Daarbarn'a III apeelfvlna; that Bla arcr-lar Carol, and Ave - . Bihar vtnplovea, aaall Jniga Whether ar aot hla playboy aoa . Andy la running- tua buklnraa Br ordinal to hla father poller of v aarrvlra to tbo people," put Carol, . . who baa loved Andr alncc a:lrl- BDOO, IB B "uron K' hiiivm . . : tha will baa not been foond, I'arnl knowa tta ternia, and her heart alnka when Andr enrreatlr In volved with aleelc l.lnrta, Julian, torn mnnnrremcnt over to -aerupuloua Mr, llerrlek. v? hnaa oalr Idea la to maka money, aha knetva that unleaa Andr ahoiva mora heart ' ha will loaa tha atora to charily or vnta of tha ajorv" hla lain father'a will pro Tided for. rennr-l'lnchlnr ller rlek tnrna down lllll Iteeee, an employe In lovo with Carol, on Trepalra for tba lovlnnd elevntor. Aa lierriek'a pollelea bestn to taka their toll, Carol make caah dlnatmenta to aevernl euatomera to uphold the atore'a reputation, knowing It will icet her In tronhlo with llrrrlek bat will aland Andr In aood atead when the will la found. Dar befora Chrlatmaa tha lorland elevntor fnlla. Injuring; nawabor IVIekr. llnek-paaalnK llerrlek Urea Ulll. Hill, Carol and her roommate, Marr, Bn to ae Kicky on ChrUlmoa day, and Andy there. Atler he haa rone, lVlrky learna from them thnt Dili wna not to blame for tha elevator eeldent, a a a ITERBICK TAKES THE CREDIT CHAPTER X ' 4'T'VE been to Mr. Benson's office. "asaln, Carol," Andy tald when be came to the office the day alter Christmas. "They tell me all my father's affairs will be tied up un less we can find the will. In the meantime the court wants come kind of record of the store's assets on the day of his death." "Our annual Inventory starts Monday after New Year's, Andy. rr-i !. t. I M ch could talk of it calmly now. If the will weren't found, inventory need hold no terror for her. "That will . give us the stock on hand. Then ' we can add the sales since Mr. Dearborn's death and subtract the Invoices to get the amount in the tore the day he died." it-t i J- 1 ; J v.. lual Bvuuus mmijuuiicui mil ft should satisfy them," Andy greed. "What record do we keep of the inventory?" "Mr. Dearborn was old-fashioned enough to keep a big ledger for each year. It lists everything he inventoried. The ledgers are in the vault Mr. Dearborn always referred to the preceding year to compare figures." "Last year's record, then, would give the lawyers some idea of what to expect, wouldn't it?" "Yes. The 1940 ledger is on top. BhaU I get it for you?" "No. I don't need it yet. I know the combination of the vault if it's that big one on fourth floor." "Then "you can get it any time jrou want it, Andy." They had been too absorbed in ' ithn conversation to nntira that a "customer had entered the office. .Carol saw her first and recognized Iher as Mrs. MiUigan of the sweat ier episode. i Mrs. Milligan was smiling. "Is Mr. Dearborn busy?" "No-o,"- Carol said doubtfully, looking at Andy. She wanted to say something to prepare him for the visit But she had no time. "Oh, Mr. Dearborn!" Mrs. Milli - gan held a white gloved hand . toward him. "I want to thank you . for your courteous letter and the '. check for the sweater. It shows ftmilVa. rinlnp' tho rieht tMno" Aftov ell it wasn't so much the $3.95 as the principle of it Your father used to say, The customer is al ways right, Mrs. Milligan.' I see jyou're following in his footsteps. Your father was a fine man, Mr. (Dearborn." Andy was too perplexed to an swer. "I want to take back all that I your store again, young man. You can count on me for a customer." "That's fine, Mrs. Milligan," he managed to say. "I'm glad Dear Iborn's was of service to you." Mrs. Milligan left and Carol (waited tensely for Andy to ask jher about the incident. What could Ishe tell him? That she had dis regarded his Instructions, openly (defied him? Without the will to make him understand her motives Ihe would never forgive her. But he didn't ask her anything 'about it. And within two hours he had janother visitor. This time St was Mrs. Grover about the bicycle, a a "JAROL'S eyes widened when she saw the little woman enter the office, a smile on her tired lios. "The money you sent," Mrs. Grover began as she met Andy. "You have no idea what it meant ito us!" She has no idea what it's mine- to mean to me, Carol thought grimly as she rose and left the office. She'd valk through the store, go to the main office on some pretext. She needed time to think. iHow could -she justify her actions without revealing-the contents of Khe will? She couldn't do that She dis carded the thought before it grew Ito a temptation. No, she'd have to admit her part in writing the ichecks and take the consequences. Firm in this resolve, she re turned to the office to face Andy. ' But she found she need not have worried at all. For Mr. Herrick iwas in Andy's office and what he was saying cleared her of any con nection with the cases. "You're right, Andy," Mr. Her Irick agreed. His voice was as (smooth as cream. "I knew we'd regret not returning the money to two such fine customers." a TIE knew we'd regret it! Carol suppressed a gasp. The colos sal nerve of himl . "Well, I believe we would, Mr. fHerrlck. Their attitudes today (showed me how much they appre ciated it I'm glad you're loosen ing up a little." "Yes. After I thought it over I allowed the refunds, I didn't toother you with it I know you xpect rno to.handle such details." eopvmoHr. i4i. NCA SCRVICC INC. That's right," Andy told him. 1 want to congratulate you on your good Judgment" His good Judgmentl She supposed she should be grateful that Andy was so easily duped. At least It saved her un pleasant explanations tor the mo ment In the meantime tha will might be found and she could come out in the open with all she had done. And it would b found, she was sure of that Mr. Dearborn had put it in soma logical place. It be gan to look as if he had hidden it Why, she could not guess. But, knowing him, she knew that a man of his exactness would make certain that sooner or later tha will would be discovered. She was so deep in her thoughts she didn't hear Andy come up be hind her until he said, "Star-gazing, Carol?" His voice was light, almost cheerful. The result Carol supposed, of gratitude from Mrs. Milligan and Mrs. Grover. Grati tude he had no right to accept Well, she wouldn't try to match his enthusiasm. She couldnt shrug oft the way he was letting Mr. Herrick run the store. Every day she was becoming more convinced that the Jury of six would have no choice but to disinherit him. "No-o, thinking," she finally an swered. "About the party tomorrow night I guess." He was sober now. "Are you going to wear a blue dress?" A blue dress! The words startled her. They pulled her mind from dismal thoughts of the store's fu ture to more happy ones of her own. She tried to be casual. "A blue dress?" She gave him an impersonal smile. "Why? Is blue being worn this season?" She wouldn't let him know how viv idly she recalled that dress and THIS.CURIOUS WORLD a ' 1 rSrSrW I jStHfS CONTAIN ABOUT m Wmgzxffirtix 'fmgcM isoo seeds IffTiKSi1 .VlKfr? IN HAWAKf if 1 'i$v-.2&V E-tvM k fortunateln; II: 3 G53$XV F THERE ARE MO lij I Jt0BJr.Cl M H NATURAL. Ml iLWiC'vlSsKSbiAx i poiiniatimo ft WwJf. W"?VVv AGENTS FOR. 11 P'Meappue BY N-ASERVtCC. INC. r suffer- - APPROXIAAATBLV Xt MILLION -VISITORS SAW THE U.S. NATIONAL PARKS' IN 194-1- NEXT: Are birds OPERA HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured opera star, 10 Relates. 11 Rodent 12 Circle part Answer to Previous Puzzle B U.RMAL J I iND!i !a OREWDISL JFRM EiN.D RlUNElgTsL-lPPU-fNCeo aawsenpioli hdcIAR'S" 14 Exist 15 Beat 17 Mine. 18 Exclamation. 20 Unit. 22 Leaner. 25 Australian bird. 26 The head. 27Apiaceous plant. 28 So be It 29 Age. 30 Pint (abbr.-) 32 Attorney (abbr.) 33 Threesomes 34 Cooking utensit 35 Assam silkworm. 37 Cloth measure. 38 Bustle. 41 Midday. 42 Small particle. 43 Put on, 44 August (abbr.). 46 Compass point. 47 Street (abbr.). 48 Neat 80 Siberian river. 52 Upon. 53 Plant stocks. 65 Be Indisposed. 87 Organ ot hearing. S9 Easter seasons rU Wl AINIA SMR WNROON alTTneisP e arms; splUirrn hprest 10 rju j'ji2 i3 I l'i lb 1 H17I IH ifl" 15 47" 1 pa f ' iJT! 50 pnrj5"5 IH 1 1 Ml I n Ir bis easy compliment The wound was deep enough already. Ha studied her. "I dtdnt sup pose you would remember." "Remember?" The right shad of bewilderment in her tone de nied the swift sweet stab of pain the memory brought her. (To Be Continued) HOW IT IS MADE After being boiled In water for a long time, meat falls to pieces and the substance which held the meat fibers together is dissolved In the water. This solution, when cooled, turns to jelly and It, in turn, is ordinary furniture glue when dried. LOTS OF PAPER In the course of a year, each person in the United States uses an average of 50 pounds of wrap ping paper, eight pounds of fine papers, 80 pounds ot paper boards, 21 pounds of magazines and books, and 120 postage stamps. Headquarters for Bicycles Tricycles Wagons Lionel Trains A Small Deposit Holds Anything Until Christmas POOLE'S BIKE SHOP 222 S. 7th. Phons S520 By William Ferguson jtJt 1 17- HOLD A WATCH To our 5vA2. to IF IT'S- RUNNING-, Sv i SEO. HEISTER HUNTER., DENVER., OOLO. onr most expert fliers? STAR 10 Male singer. 13 Heavenly body. 14 Rib. 16 Relative. 17 Mister (abVr.) 19 Seek. JFlRT 21 Exaltation. 23 Symbol tot nickel. 24 Electrical en gineer (abbr.). 25 Issue. 130 Dessert. 31 Secret foreign agent. VERTICAL 1 Music note. 2 Sick. 3 Cut lengthwise. 4 Student of immortality, 5 Transpose (abbr.). 6 Deserves. 7 Vermont (abbr.). 8 No. 9 Senior (abbr.). 35 Completes. 36 Plant parts. 39 One who gives 40 Sign. 44 Weapons. 45 Toward. 48 Beverage. 49 Apt. 51 Honey producer. 84 Tellurium (symbol). 55 Land measure. 56 Symbol for lithium. 58 Like. OUT OUR WAY It, Y YXl!), I THId OLK5HT ID NO. IT klO UtB.' ij Vt'J i l , fcj MA.RB HEWi LEt3 V X D & HAVH !' I V- ' ' ' CC11ICAL OP M.XJ, SOU A iOOO EXAMPLE J I V 1 I IF X SO VOl.lti Ad WE A BAC5 ON fe Uf (If I HOUSE ALL VajMlLED I THAT VUW SHE'LL I " ? M B,,l A UP LIKE THltJ OkJCB I X MAd TH CADSB "Jl J- 'N A M1LB y OP PULLIN lOU Vv J OOWN, LIKE OJB DIETV J) I r , I APPLE I MEAN OWE XvS l-S 1 CvAD APPLti LETlti millL-L I l ill NOT THIklK X I "AVY V"l 1 ..L N . WHEN X ffjiV) I - think ys''h ' '-' SJ5h, . GOOD MEDIC1WE AMD BAD -S . RED RYDER f XONT CD- PACK VviiTnTJ SURE .DUCHESS ' 1 TH-COLONEL'S rt SO HARtt f rOLD ON.5UH ' ArlJOlN " -JV I I rr ijini usiijr iniL-s, - 1 fiUi.r wJ;sJ UJtDl ANUft J 1-nti.Mlv I UUWM jyUKNU T3 1 J B 1 tiT i . , KVi.' I Cfr I P rS I TCviU CMiJf r I ID AM Uie I Kjir lLniui,i tMvir I BBBBaT M-aa7i n kom mmm k- Y-w:ra ILERPHA " " 'bv. Groy T THAT BOMBER GONE. SOMEWHERE SOME DAY. WHEN SHES ' fVE BEEN THINKING. "t"-"! OH SUPE VOirO '&,allllllm,ll . OUT ON THE NORTH ATLANTIC jj.rl : OLDER BUT NO USE TELL1NQ ANNIE YOU WONT f ER--WELL- WATIT TO LIVE AT M SURfi-WELL ; WARBUCKS. PUNJAB. THE ASP 6 ? HER NOW SHE SEEMS WANT TO MISS ANY I OF COURSE, H15 PLACE -BUT HX 1 O COURSE I QVEN UPAS LOST ONLY SAW Vi HAPPY HERE-WHY SHOULDNT MORE SCHOOL-HOW I "DADDY LIABLE TO BE AWAY 1 I COULD ! IT IN THF PAPER THAT ONCE-- kjj SHE STAY? ITS BEEN A BRIGHTER. ABOUT IT? SHALL I OUGHT TO BE -EP-QIIITE A WHILE--1 ALWAYS BURNED IT BEFORE SHg DII-FERENT HOUSE SINCE J WE GO AND MAKE BACK SOON. THESE TlfIFS-YOU I TRANSFER Dl SHE CAME y RWN K ' x BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES NOU T6LV.-HtV XVIMT TO j I.J ov-Jvr. I 1 NOUR 1 I .in-r GO WASH TUBBS By Cron. ' HI, HO! ALWAYS THOUGHT I'D BB IN THE AIR FORCE 1 jff OH.WEUl IM ( " rr.SEeWSTO M 2TT IP CU WH l f M CASE OF WAS!, AMD HERE. 1 AW IM KHARTOUM... W SURE SEEING THE X COME FROM THE Ul I TO uSjS, ML EASE " A CAPTAW IM MILTTARy IKITELLIEWCEJ fflf WOE3LD! 7,SOO MILES, & I ROOM OCCUPIED 8Y JSh lUl- k TUC fYlOTPAl ilrtl -rT 80UM0 FCR CHIWAMTi-- " I L- I N TWO... HELLO.' WfWrS JK L , ,1 THAT STATH WPARr $g , PORTFOLIO! FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS YeS, MR. MCS005EYTHERI3 WE'RE? FOUR OF THEM , AND TKE STARTED WALKING HOME A ToTMe BLLIB ROOW A3AIWST HI9 FATHER'S WISHES, FRECKLES IS NOW STUCK FOR A BILL HE CAN'T PAY.- COUPLE OF HOUR3 AGO ; ALLEY OOP TbV. tX'. (toKAY, ITS awo n 1 tAtc -al; HAVING GA1K1ED ENTRANCE TO THE CROWN'S HEAVILY-GUARDED HEADOUARTERS DMLV TO LEARMTHAT WOPPOTHE BLfTCK KING JOHN'S ACE GENERAL, HAD MOT YET RETURNED, OUR HERO 6EIZED THE OPPORTUMITY TO GO AFTER BIG6ER.GAME, KlklCl JOHKI HIMSELF By J. R. Williams K ou.ooctorv B yestvme: Wi A. E VJvi WOS ijr iw m p4o HOUiW.r VOON0-.-i.VU I U".VC&T(vMO TV". .B TVt VOOK1& W4 S RKTUtW AMH.VOU TO C-CTOUVi rv- 1 y:?;' tent ,iv ! 1H1 ' )r, ' y:s:f.r- -i I v 11 nr mm r jk.viw OUR E&AD,3AKB,IP WOO WERE NOT MV BASV BROTHER . T 11 rs nil MY HUMlOOR OP CHOICB TOBACCOS ARE MERE WERE UOVS, DIDN'T I KbH ham 1 ice Tn Qpamc sms L NUEU YOU CRASHED U TUROUSM II t ov .ttwvoul OCO.S,S?Ov OO NOO TVVNMVt ve C.V LV.(W-S. OOv4 I i , a 1 I 1 B r I I naMcw . 1 11 Wc'Rf? HOLDING Thf-IR CAI A3 SECURITY UNTIL. THEY VAOULD YOU MIND CAN PAY THE CHECK S DESCRIBIN THE" CAR. , PLEASE 9 BOARDING HOUSE, kto lm lkhl V TELLING JULIET X HID BECAUSE VOL) -WHV,WHEN WE A PATCH OP Thin" . irp- t V -IWH 0 VtA o-e. WE-'LL SS.COW.-3t VAUCVV vOVtM -aAVTJ(LV J f r AX CMEV-. JSCEffil TNI? BATTERY 19 LOW THE STARTER, WON'T WORK THE FENDBR3 ABF LOOSE OMB TlRff 19 ABOUT Tt) 6LOW OUT--AND THERE" ARt? FIVE HORNS I f?, i- xrf-A r i rv t. " i i .1 i . - iMii -nr1 f , u A ft WHY, with Major Hoopla YZ YEAH ? TBLL TME ) ( HCKE ITM, V WHOLE oTOR.Y. V UNCLE JAKE.' ' If RICHARD THE LION- Y IT WAS UNDER HEARTED WHEM ONE OP YOU WALLOWED IM ( UNCLB ANOG' AFTER ME SOL) V t 0LD wATS J V KEPT Bt.UOBERIN&,y V IN THE V' , I unDc tic rvincMIT T i v 1 I k .- v-r J I W OROWN YJEAR kXSi ) Vr Nd MN MEW ; . -.tM? By Frod Harmon KT5J K3P AfiOAtn." l-ULUNtL r ( H'.-6PO!L-urT By Martin WE'D AOOT WV 3P, "SOU V.OVlv. 30T VMCVl VOO". MtttWJKV." VV KfiVi fcYi TO CtkttCN OH By Blossei Mary FPSCKLB9 WAS AT 7HB BLUB ROOM ... Si By V. T. Ham'in v WOPPO.'TW VPRV C1.1V 1 CWB HERB 1 ict eie.T.' AW I I DIDM'T RECOQ- MITtB, HIM tlTHKK, m 'in 111a WHITE AS