The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 05, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    .liimiiiry fi, 1912
To Phoenix- Mis. E. II.
Iter left Monday tnirnliiu by
(ruin for l'liuciilx, Ariz., whcru
he will iitlriid thi' KnidiialUiii
ceremony nt l.iiku field, mill sett
hur mm, Kslon Klmcr "Mike"
HuliilKcr, receive lil.i wIiik.
"Mlko" look his primary trutn
Inil ut Oxiiiird, C'nllt , It Im ImnIc
IriilnliiK nt Uukrr.fiHcl, mid his
mlviinco triilnliiK ut I. like. At lite
time ha recelvr Ids wiiikk Iiu
will also receive lil.i commlnriloii
nil second llvuluiiiiiil In tlio Unit
ed States unity ii I r corps. Kn
rotito notitlt Mrs. BiiIsIci.t will
visit oitu ilny In 1-os AliKi'lcs be
foro coiitlmiliiK t" l'liocnlx for
tha January seventh crrnnony.
AAUW Meeting Members of
tlio afternoon book section of
AAUW lira to meet Tuesday ut
2 o'clock ut tint lioinu of Mrs.
John Johnson, 1425 I'ndfic Tcr
J nice, ut which tlmo Mrs. Puttl
f3uck will review MurKiiict
Leech' book, "llitvelllo In Wash
ington." Improving Gilbert Nelson,
younif sokllcr who wus seriously
Injured on The Dulles Ciillfornlu
hlKhwuy In u cur accident short
ly l; fun) the Christina holidays
Is mild Unproved ut Kliiiniitli Val
ley hospital. Tho youth suffered
Mend Injuries mid a leg frncturc.
Fire alarm Tho clly flro de
purtmcnt wus culled to 214 Kust
Main street .Saturday at (1:15
p. nt. when o flooded oil stove
licciimo ovcrheuted ut the Mnce
ftedmond residence. There wus
no dumniie.
Improving Mrs. Hudy Mey
ers, who has been seriously ill at
her home, 1)17 North Ninth
street, is showing Improvement
although she will bo confined to
her bed for nnothcr four weeks,
members of her family stated.
To Portland Mrs. S. A. Wll
eox of Portland returned to her
home Friday night lifter spend
ing Christinas here with her
dnughter's family, Mr. nnd Mrs.
John II. llnrris Jr., of Fremont
Home Mrs. D. K. O'Deil nnd
Infant daughter returned home
to 824(1 Altamont drive on Sun
day. Tho child was one of the
New Year's day babies born lit
Klnmuth Vnlley hospital. O'Deil
Is stationed nt Fort Lewis.
From Salem Dave Totlen
spent the weekend here with
members of his fnmlly from Sa
lem where he Is locnted In the
state highway department of
fices. To Burns Circuit Judge Dn
vld R. Vnndenberg, nccompanled
by his young son, David Jr., left
Sundny morning for Hums to sit
on the Donner nnd niltzcn river
wnter rights ense.
Improving Floyd Pnrnr.oo,
Infnnt son of Mrs. Cnsslo Pnrnzoo
of Chlloquln, Is reported Im
proved nt Klnmnth Vnlley hospi
tal where ho has received treat
ment for pnoumonln.
Election There will be elec
tion of officers of tho Noble
Grand clt J following n 1 o'clock
luncheon nt lOOF hall on Tues
day nftcrnoon.
Nile Club Tho Klnmnth Nile
club will meet for a no-hostess
luncheon nt 1 o'clock Tuesdny
nftcrnoon nt the Elk hotel.
Red Cross Again!
TJio present lied Cross drive
for ndded millions of dollars is
not just an afterthought of Its
usual full drlvo for member
ships. This la the real
The Red Cross
must make, Im
mediately," prep
orations nnd ex
penditures, on a
sen I c unptirnl
loled for the
past 25 years.
So you'd bet
ter just forget
tho little Red
Cross button nnd window stick
er your dollar bought hero re
cently nnd dig considerably
deeper before you'll hnvo nny
right to feel Hint you've done
your shnro in tlio interests of
mercy nnd humanity.
Thcro will bo pain and suf
fering nnd deprivation it-plenty
before this war Is ended. There
will bo need for nil the re
sources of tho Red Cross.
Where7 When?
Who knows. Mnybc right
hero. Disaster Issues no nd
advanco bulletins.
Support your Rod Cross with
your time nnd your money.
Next Monday Mr. Wliltlock
of the Knrl Wliltlock Funeral
Home will comment on "About
Day of Prayer Tho (into for
tho World Day of Proyor has
been set for February 20, It wn
miuounced Monday, n n d nil
churches desiring to uulto In the
ttiu mill union meetliiK, are nuked
to send ut once for sufficient pro
grams for their respectivo pro
grams which they may obtain
from cliurch headquarters. They
are a ln linked to obtain ono copy
of tho handbook. Those wishing
further Information moy cull
Mrs. John Ynclon, 0U0U.
Distribute Toys Firemen nt
the Central fire station hero
heaved n algh of relief us the
holidays ended unci brought to n
closa tha distribution of toys to
311(1 boys mid girls in Klumnth
fulls unci suburbiin nrous. All
requests, except those from tils
tmices which the firemen were
not able to reach, were accommo
dated, iiccordlnit to the men. This
number is under that of previous
ycurs, It wus observed.
Return Home Mr. nnd Mrs.
Stove Demon of 807 Alameda
street, returned hero lust week
following u brief visit In Los An
geles with their son Noel, who Is
with tho United Stntes nrmy nlr
corps, ferrying division. A sec
ond son, Lieut. Gordon Benson
Is with the nlr corps In tho I'hll
Gueit Speaker Mrs. George
Muorheiid of tho public health
service, will address the Klam
nth Fulls Women's club January
12, on the venereal dlseusc situ
nlion in relation to national do
fense. Arrangements nro being
bandied by Dr. Peter II. Rozen-
From Portland Pnnsl Rob
ertson, formerly of this city and
now in Portland where she Is
doing secretarial work for Purke
Dnvis company, spent several
days hero ns the guest of Mrs. Es-
tel Wlrtz. Miss Robertson visit
ed Christmas with her family In
Grants Pass.
City Band Practice Munici
pal bund practice Is held the sec
ond nnd last Mondnys ot each
month nt the high school gym
nasium. Charles Stnnflcld, di
rector, snld anyone wishing to at
tend nnd try out for tho band
will bo welcomed.
does South Rose Mncnrlney,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. R.
Mncnrlney of Washington street,
left Sundny for Ross, Calif., to
resume her studies nt the Kath
nrlnn Branson school.
Leaves for North Dick Nsr
ey, nephew of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Brndy Narey, was among tho
students leaving Sundny night
for Portlnnd to resumo his stud
ies. To School Lctty Stcwnrt left
by train Sundny for Oregon
Stnte college after spending the
holidays here with her mother,
Mrs. Judson Smith.
To Oregon Slate Miss Sylvln
Thompson, dnughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Rollln Thompson, left this
week for Corvnllls to enter Ore
gon Stnte college.
Goes Home Mrs. Bertha Wil
cox of 421 Mnrkct street, re
turned to her home Sundny nftcr
receiving medical treatment at
Klnmnth Volley hospital.
Move Mr. and Mrs. R. R.
Procbstel nnd son moved this
weekend to tho Dr. Pnul Shnrp
residence, 202 Wnshlngton,
where they previously resided.
Visit Hill A number of
Klnmnth folks journeyed to
Snnwmnn's hill nenr MePtnnH
Cullf., Sundny to enjoy tho ski
ing nnd tobogganing.
Resumes Position Phoebe
Siroky, who hns been 111 for sev
eral dnys, wns nble to resume
her position nt Moo's early Mon
Leaves Hospital Mrs. C. W.
Rold nnd Infant son, returned
homo Sunday from Klamath Vol
ley hospital. They reside on
routo 3.
To Tulolake Don C. Fisher,
hend of the Crnter lnko pnrk of
fices here In the federal build
ing, spent Monday on pork bus
iness in Tulcloko,
Transferred Paul A. Brahc,
Georgo R. Uerllngs, Edwnrd L.
English mid Jnmes A. Grisham,
nil of this city, novo been As
signed to Wichita Falls, Texas.
From Morrill Mrs. William
Grovo of Morrill spent Monday
shopping in Klnmnth Falls.
How To Relieve
Creomulslon relieves promptly be
cause it goes right to tho sent of tho
trouble To help loosen nnd expel
germ Indcn phlegm, nnd aid nature
lo sootho nnd heal row, tender, In
flamed bronchial mucous mem
branes. Toll your druggist to sell you
n bottle of Oroomulsion with the un
derstanding you must like the way It
quickly nllnys the cough or you are
to havo your money back.
for Coughi, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
Browns Return Dr. nnd Mrs.
Harold M. Brown returned Sun
duy evening to their homa on
Leltoy street after nn cnjoynbln
fortnight's visit In southern Cali
fornia where they wcro guests
of their son-ln-luw nnd daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Gurold II. Hill
(Murguerlte Brown), of Glendulo.
They also visited In Whltticr
with Mrs. Adelaide Vun Dellen,
n former resident of this clly,
and with other relatives nnd
friends in the Los Angeles nrea.
Tho Browns mndo the trip by
train nnd on route homa spent
two days In Sun Francisco.
Penalties Tho police Judge's
offlco announced Monday the
following schedule of fines which
will bo imposed on those fulling
to observe tho truffle reguliitlons
In regard to the light system In
the business district: running red
light, $2 fine on first offense,
$S on second; Jaywalking, $2
fine on first offense, $5 on sec
ond; failure to observe pedes
trlnn signal, $1 first offense, $2
second. The first rcgulntlon op
nllna in motorists the second
and third to nedestrluns. accord-1
Ing to Pollco Judge Leigh Acker-
Icicles Thrive Boyd M.
Adams, former postmaster of Vls
tlllas, Lake county, now visiting
ot tho Clorcmont, hns Just re
ceived word from the present
postmaster, Frank Owens, that
their port of the country Is now
covered with 14 inches of snow.
rimnf. m rmnrlt mnnunrlni, nn
w ...... v. ,.w
icicle hanging from tho eaves 0f, " u "
u.. nn.irri hiM, m,.nrn,l hrary clubrooms.
84 inches in length.
Men's Classes II. W. Scott,
director of the businessmen's
physical education classes held
Monday mid Tuesday nights at
Klamath Union high school, an
nounced there will be n meeting
oi mo mcmueis ncuiit-suuy ai.ol llic Amcncnn Lesion are
7:30 p. m. nnd if the attendance
Is below the neccsfiiry figure the,
cIossps will be discontinued.
Returns Home Florence:
Wcuver, who spent the Christ
mas and New Year's holidays
here with her brother and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Weaver,
left this past week for Los An
geles to resume her teaching po
sition. Return From Seattle Mr
Mrs. Joe F. Evnns nnd
Byron nnd Brock, returned home
Sundny morning from Skykom-j
ish and Senttle, Washington!
where they spent tho past 101
dnys ns guests of Mrs. Evnns'
mother nnd grandmother.
Improved Clarissa and John
Mason, children of Mr. and Mrs.
Burgo Mnson, hnvo recovered
from illness which confined them
to their homo on Washington
street during tho holidays. Both
nrc students at Fremont school.
Returns North Mary Margar
et Scott, daughter of Mrs. Clara
Scott, returned Sundny morning
to Portland to resume her studios
at Reed college after visiting
hero over the holidays.
Resumes Studios Ronald
Htitchcns, son of Mrs. Jack Left
wlch, expected to leave Monday
for Corvnllls to resume '.lis stud
ies at Oregon State college nftcr
spending the year-end holidays in
Klamath Falls.
Moved Mrs. M. E. Cooper
was moved to her home, 1082
Melrose street, from Hillside hos
pital at noon Monday. Mrs.
Cooper Is greatly Improved fol
lowing a major operation.
Surgery Earl Locke of Bo
nanza submitted to major sur
gery nt Klamath Valley hospital
Monday morning.
To Portland Mary Alice Ser
ruys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Willinm Sorruys, left Sundny
night for Portlnnd to resume her
studies nt St. Helen's hall.
The funeral service for the
Into Lewis H. Hawk, who pnss
ed nwoy In this city on Thurs
day, December 25, took place
in the Linkville cemetery on
Mondny, January 5, at 2 p. m.
Ward's Klnmnth Funeral Home
In charge of the arrangements
t l fhaiitrmitt ot ffmcf
In NR. (Naturc'a Remedy) Tablets,
thoro aro no chemicals, no minerals, mo
phenol derivatives. NU Tablets arc dif
ferent art different. Purefv vegetable a
combination of 10 vegetable ingredients
formulated over 50 years ago. Uncoated
or candy coated their action is depend
able, thorough, yet gentle, as millions
of NR'i havo proved. Get a 256 box
today ... or larger economy size.
For Your
(Effoctive September 28, 1841)
Truln 17 Southbound) 6 a. m.
Train 20 Northbound 10:00 a. m.
Train 18 Southboundi 5:45 p. m.
Train 18 Northboundi 9:00 p. m.
League to Meet Members o
the Junior chamber of commerce
lenguo wcrp to meet Monday at
7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs.
C. M. Pucker, 1051 Erie street.
Mrs. Embcrt Fossum was to give
a reading, members to spend the
evening sewing for the American
Red Cross.
Eulalona Plans for the state
conferenco of tho Oregon Society
of Daughters of the American
Revolution to be held here Fob
runry 17 nnd 18, were to be
made nt n meeting of Eulalona
chapter Monday night at the
hom0 ot Mr- K- E- Wattonburg,
Pine "trcet, nt 8 o'clock. Mrs.
E. D. Lnmb was to present a pa-
per on. "Eorly Oregon Gardens."
Eagles Party The Eagles aux
iliary will sponsor the first of a
series of pinochle parties, Tues
day nt 2 p. m. In the Eagles hall.
The public Is invited.
Board Mooting Members of
the Klamath Fulls Woman's Li
brary club board will meet for
tho regular January session on
. . , n
m., in the li
Final plans
for the Monday program at
which time Mrs. George R. K.
Moorhead of Salem will present
the defense film, "In Defense of
the nation," and there will be
two-piano program presented by
Mrs. Joseph C. O'Neill and Mrs.
Samuel A. Mushcn
American Legion Members
asked to meet promptly at 8
o'clock Tuesday night in the Le-
glon holl for an important busi-
ncsa session, according to Com-
mnnder Angus Newton.
Blue Monday The Blue Mon
day club was scheduled to hold
Its regular meeting at the Moose
hall at 7:30 p. m. Monday.
Dogroe of Honor Tho Degree
of Honor will hold drill team
proclicc and old officers practice
at the KC hall at 10 a. m. Wed
nucHnv .lnnnnrv T
Moot Slated All old and new
! ,,.,,.,. , ,,, c,.,,,.r i ...
k " dZfo THEY'RE FIRST ' ' h
' f-'j S WITH THE MEN IN ) - ' V'j
; v S n ! Y ' . JVfMAN'S NAVY ) '
-1 JOili ; t ,t's
tfV -Cl V"I ( CAMELS.)
" O (ARETHEFAV ! : 4 yy
liJ ELaJSl LJ -l-
And to save you tint and trouble, your dealer now has Camel cartons specially wrapped Dlt fa ''AT -
and ready for mailing to men in the service. N 9y, Atg ' Triy . . . -i
Whether he's stationed on land or sea whether he's in tho Army, Navy, Marine f 6uw' a"rf '
Corps, or Coast Guard, when you send your carton of Camels you'll be sending the nr fa - I
cigarette men in the service prefer set rigbl. Stop in at your dealer's today and send -v I
a carton of Camels to that chap who's waiting to hear from you. -T""" " I " ' .
than the average of the 4 other largest-selling brands tested
, less than any of them according to independent scientific
tests of the smoke Itself! The smoke's the thingl
community club are requested to
be present at Adcll Fredrick's
homa Tuesday, January 8, at 7:30
p. m.
Pelican PTA Tho Pelican
PTA study group will meet at
tho home of Mrs. Nell Hansen In
Wocus on Thursday, January 8,
at 2 p. m. The subject will be,
Parent and Child Relationship,"
given by the leader, Mrs. Edna
James Clifford McKeehan,
for the last 15 years a resident
of Klamath Falls, Oregon, pass
ed away in this city Sunday,
January 4, 1942, at 4:11 p. m.
following a brief illness. He was
a native of Missouri and at the
time of his death was aged 78
years. Surviving are two daugh
ters, Mrs. Flo Jamei Enloc of
Tacoma, Washington, and Mrs.
Hovcta Endrcs of Prlncviue,
Oregon, one son, Frank McKee
han of this city. The remains
rest In the Earl Whitlock Funer
al Home, Pine street at Sixth.
Notice of funeral to be an
nounced at a later date.
Richard Allan Jones, Infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Jones, passed away in this city
on Saturday, January 3. Be
sides his parents, little Richard
is survived by his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones and
Mr. and Mrs. Ivcy of Portland,
Oregon. Graveside services and
Interment were held in the
Linkville cemetery on Monday,
January 5, at 1 p. m., an elder
of the Church of Jesus Christ,
Latter Day Saints officiated.
Ward's Klamath Funeral Home
in charge of the arrangements.
Baby Kirk, the infant daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kirk
of Beatty, passed away at the
Klamath Agency on Sunday,
January 4. Graveside services
and interment will take place
in the Chief Schonchin ceme
tery on Tuesday, January 8, at
2 p. m., the Rev. B. V. Brad-
thaw officiating. Friends are
respectfully invited to attend
Ward's Klamath Funeral Home
in charge of the arrangements.
On Business Jerry McCartie
of Bonanza was a business visi
tor in Klamath Falls on Monday.
the direction of Mrs. Peter
Strelt, local Red Cross chairman
and president of the Women's
Service league, a group of wom
en met Tuesday, December 30 in
the Hoseley hall to formulate
plans for work during the com
ing season. Mrs. Strcit, who saw
active service in the Red Cross
during the first World war made
the following tentative appoint
ments, assistant chairman, Mrs.
C. A. Fuller; head of cutting de
partment, Mrs. E b e n Riley;
building custodian, Mrs. Betty
Moore; head of sewing depart
ment, Mrs. Joe Young; knitting.
Mrs. Will Zadow; bookkeeping,
Mrs. Claud Masters or Mrs. Ruth
Heidrich. The above appoint
ments may be slightly changed.
The women have been greatly
aided in their work by the dona
tion of the IEU union hall at
Hoseley's camp. The building,
which is about 20 by 30 feet in
dimensions, is ideal for the sew
ing work. It was built in 1040
by the union members, who re
cently disbanded. It has been
used somewhat as a meeting hall
for the people of the community.
A long table will be installed for
cutting and people of the town
have pledged numerous pieces of
furniture to help fit out the
room. For the duration of the
war, the hall will be used exclus
ively for Red Cross and similar
After the regular meeting, re
freshments of tea and sand
wiches were served by Mrs.
Claude Masters, Mrs. Betty
Moore and Mrs. Joe Young to
the following women, Mrs. Peter
Streit, Mrs. Myron Mallison,
Mrs. Joe Young, Mrs. Claude
Masters, Mrs. Rollo Moore, Mrs.
Arthur Ipe, Mrs. Eben Riley,
Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Clifford, Mrs.
Jim Williamson, Mrs. C. A. Ful
ler and several new guest mem
bers. The old Service league will be
abandoned as a club during the
war and all women in the com
munity interested in helping in
Crater Lake
CRATER LAKE Ranger and
Mrs. W. T. Frost and sons,
Charles and Gordon, returned
here on Wednesday after a two
weeks' holiday visit with rela
tives in the San Francisco bay
Mr, and Mrs. Martin Palmer
have recently returned from Val-
lejo, Calif., where they attended
the wedding of their son, Bob
Palmer. Bob is In the US navy,
and his bride was the former
Barbara Lee, recently of Grants
Guests of Chief Ranger and
Mrs. J. C. Crouch during the
holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Ern
est Rartell from Rocky Mountain
national park, Colo. Rostell is
well known in this area as he
was formerly publicity ranger at
Crater lake. The Crouches also
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert Armentrout of Portland.
Armentrout was a temporary
ranger here during the past sum
mer. On Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Douglas Roach and daughter
Barbara, returned here after a
holiday visit with relatives in Se
attle, Wash.
Ranger and Mrs. Clyde E. Gil
bert and daughter Judy, spent
the holidays in Med ford with
Mrs. Gilbert's mother, Mrs. W. C.
Janes. Since their return, Mrs.
Gilbert and Judy have been con
fined in bed with the flu.
Mf. and Mrs. R. P. Berry re
ceived word of the marriage of
their daughter Lucille, to James
Matchette of Billings, Mont. The
ceremony took place on Christ
mas eve, and the couple will re
side in Billings.
the program are asked to contact !
the officers or attend the meet-1
ings. 1
TTr'iirr'l 1 n it L 1
Sprague Girl Scouts
Have New Uniforms
and their mothers met Tuesday1
night at the home of the scout
master, Mrs. Joe Young, to worst
on the new uniforms that were)
recently ordered. Chief buslnesa
of the evening was the cutting
and fitting of the goods for the
suits. Tho new uniforms ' are
standard Girl Scout uniform
with official buttons and -red
The purchase of the new suite
was financed wholly by the sale
of Christmas cards conducted by
the troop members during the
past two months. The uniform
will be worn at special scout
meetings, jamborees and confer
The girls are planning to make
Infant clothes for the Red Cross
during the coming emergency.
They will meet once a week to
get materials and directions fof
home work during the rest of the)
After the regular meeting,' re
freshments were served by the
leader, Mrs. Young.
NEW YORK, Jan. 5 IP) Col.
William S. Barker of San Fran
cisco, a veteran of overseas serv
ice with the Salvation army in
the last war, has been appointed
a regional supervisor of the new
Salvationist military and naval
department. . ' v-
OurlM tults-icld u HlfN :"(
$23.75 AND $28.75,
the average of tho 4 other largest1
telling brands tested slower than
any of them Camels alio give you .
smoting plus equal, on the average, to