January 8. 1942 PAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON New Year's Eve Affair Wednesday Elk Hotel Scene of Gay No-Host Affair As 1942 Greeted by Guests at Buffet Supper One of the gayest of New Year's eve partlea was the In formal gathering of a group of friends in the dining room of the Elk hotel where a buffet supper lind dance was enjoyed from ten to two o'clock starting the last day of the year. Making plans for the party were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Zamsky, Mr. and Mr. George Clark, Mr. and Mra. Don New torn, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hart Jones and Mr. and Mrs. John Schubert. Bright red and green gar lands and other holiday greens made the large room attrac tive. Small tables were placed about the rooms. At midnight "Auld Lang Syne" was the greeting and horns and serpen tine distributed among the guests. Those enjoying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Post, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nel lis, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mushen, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bay, Mr. and Mrs. George May, Mr. and ' Mrs. Al Zenger, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. C M. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Zamsky, Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Don Newsom, Mr. and Mrs. John Schubert, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hart Jones, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Goeckner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Til ton, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Urquhart, Miss Ruth Dunning, Miss Mary J. Clark, Mr. Haarby Becben, Mr. Jack Conner, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Jobe, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard, Mr. and Mrs, Walter LeSette, Dr. and Mrs. Neil Black, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bogatay, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. David Bullis, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whytal and Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Padgett. VISiTOR FETED AT BEANE HOME A gay time was shown Mary Ellen Dalton of Dallas on her visit here this past week as the houseguest of Barbara Beane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beane of Pacific Terrace. Miss Dalton arrived Tues day. She is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta and president of the house on the Oregon State college campus. On Wednes day she enjoyed a visit with Mrs. Lawrence Hardman of Tulelake, former classmate, and on New Year's eve at tended a party given at Cal Ore tavern by Mr. and Mrs. Beane. Friday the younger group journeyed to Crater lake for a day of skiing. Miss Beane, Miss Wilamae Lehto, Miss Dalton and Rich ard Beane will return Sunday to resume their studies. OFFICERS TO , BE INSTALLED BY SHRINE CLUB Members of the Klamath Shrine club are looking for ward to the dinner scheduled for half past six o'clock Wed nesday evening at the Elk hotel. There will be a cocktail hour followed by dinner at seven o'clock. Newly elected officers will take over their duties at this meeting. Mr. Robert Thomp son is president, Mr. E. B. Hall, vice president, and Mr. Floyd Stanley, secretary and treas urer. Mr. Willard Ward is in charge of the evening's pro gram. Plans will be made for 1942 activities. The affair is for members of the Shrine club only. SUPPER ON NEW YEAR'S FOR VISITORS For the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham of Eugene who were New Year's houseguesta of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. John Houston entertained with an informal supper party at six o'clock New Year's night at their horn on Pacific Terrace. Sixteen guests were bid den to the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Graham left Friday for their home In the north. Cascade Crest Chapter to Meet Cascade Crest chapter, OES, will hold Its first meeting of 1942 on Wednesday evening, January the seventh, at half past seven o'clock in the Ma sonic temple at Chiloqutn with the worthy matron, Mrs. Wal ter Brown, and the worthy patron, Mr. William Morande, presiding. A social hour will be held after the regular meet ing. All members of the order are cordially Invited to attend. Cocktail Party Given Guests Gather at Thompsons Before Elks Party Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Thompson entertained with a cocktail party in the recrea tion room of their home on Pacific Terrace for a group just before the Elks dancing party New Year's eve. Mr. and Mrs. John Houston and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ser ial ys assisted the hosts. The buffet table was attractive with arrangements of bright red poirtsettias, large red candles and holiday greens. Fifty guests were invited for the affair including a number from out-of-town, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holmes Jr., of Grants Pass who were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Slater, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham of Eugene, house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. COMMITTEES FOR ANNUAL TEA NAMED But a few weeks remain un til the annual benefit bridge party and tea given by the Klamath Falls Woman's Lib rary club for Doernbecher hos pital, and committees are working toward one of t h e most successful parties in the many years the group has do nated funds to the children's institution. The date of the affair is Saturday, January the thirty first, at half past one o'clock in the Willard hotel. Mrs. Robert A. Thompson is chairman of cards and she has named the following com mittee heads: Mrs. A. G. Proc tor, table reservations; Mrs. Harry Wayne, tables and chairs; Mrs. J. F. King, stage decorations, and Mrs. Emile Buzaid, tallies. Mrs. Ralph W. Stearns is chairman of the tea commit' tee and has named sub-chairmen, each to select her own committee. Mrs. Ernest D. Lamb will be in charge of flowers and tea services, Mrs. Glenn Kent will solicit for tea cookies, and Mrs. Franklin L. Weaver is in charge of the serving. All women of the city are urged to take part In the bene fit with all funds going to the children's hospital in Port land. Affairs Honor Visitors From East Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Wakefield of Massachusetts, who are the guests of Mrs. Wakefield's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollo C. Groesbeck, have been entertained at several in formal dinner parties during the past two weeks, and have been greeted at the Groesbeck home by a number of friends. The Wakefields returned the middle of the week from a visit to Portland and Timber line lodge, and plan to remain here until next week before leaving for their home in the east Mrs. Wakefield Is the former Grace Jean Groesbeck. TEST 4 JUDITH Little Jud'th Joan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mahoney of Oakland, Califor nia, and formerly of this city. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ma honey a rtd Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Krueger, all of Klamath Falls. Kennell-Ellla PSSfcf ii hi i mil BaaMMMaMaaMMBaaBaMaB , v. v v j , J ' 4. Y ' - ' i $ lilt .-ill . ,V . A v ftu; ; -r - rrlV" ; 5 -o t - I II HI Mil I 'lIl'VlVHl 'li 1 ' '' ' '-" JilljKeMl ki Kiwanis Party Set For Wednesday Eve Dinner Party to Be Followed by Dancing at In stallation of Club's Officers Outstanding on next week's calendar Is the installation of officers of Kiwanis club which will take place Wednesday eve ning, January the seventh at the Willard hotel when a dinner dance is scheduled along with the ceremony. Mr. Malcolm Epley will be installed as president; Mr. Ed Ostendorf, vice president; Mr. Keva Hutchinson, secretary; Mr. Bert C. Thomas, treasurer; directors, Mr. John M. Budd, Mr. R. C. Dale, Mr. Orin Fra ley, Mr. Joseph Hicks, Mr. Lester Offield, Mr. Henry Per kins, Mr. Charles Seavey, Mr. E. A. Thomas and Mr. Willard Ward. Retiring president is Mr. Fred Southwell. Here for the installation will be Mr. Charles Wiper of Eugene, lieutenant governor of Kiwanis, and Mr. Phil Hitchcock of Bend, former lieutenant governor. The speaker of the evening will be Mr. D. J. Ferguson, chap lain of the United States army at Vancouver Barracks, for mer Presbyterian minister at Albany and Astoria. Dr. Ernest D. Lamb is chair man of the evening with Mr. John H. Houston scheduled as master of ceremonies. Dr. Lamb's committee includes Mr. Paul Roberts, Mr. E. M. Igl, Mr. Stanley Woodruff and Mr. Willard Ward. Mrs. Lamb will be in charge of table dec orations. The cocktail hour is planned for half past six o'clock with dinner at seven o'clock and in stallation ceremonies at eight o'clock. Dancing will be at nine o'clock, according to the chairman. There will be music and special entertainment during the dinner hour and a cordial invitation has been extended to all Kiwanians and their guests to attend the affair which is the social highlight of the Kiwanis year. At least one hundred and thirty are expected to attend the dinner and dance. Holiday at Dalton Ranch Virginia and Janice Bubb, home from school for the holi days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bubb, spent New Year's with Betty Lou Dalton at the ranch home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dalton, near Malin. They left Tuesday for the ranch and returned here Thursday. Betty Lou is home from Dominican college at San Rafael. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jen kins and two children, Nancy Lou and Clifford Jr., are ex pected home this weekend from a holiday visit spent at the home of Mr. Jenkins' mother and other members of the family in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Cofer were Christmas guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Foster, at Prlneville. Also holiday guests at the Foster home were Mrs. Foster's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barrle of Lakeview. DECEMBER BRIDE Miss Bemlce Irene Steelhammer, daughter of Dr. nnd Mrs. Henry William Steelhammer of Portland, was a lovely bride of December the twentieth when she became Mrs. Thomas H. Radcliffe, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hcber Rad cliffe of this city. The ceremony was read at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Portland. Deacon, Portland Alumnae Club Has Party Students College day Eve Home Feted From Mon- Miss Barbara Beane and Miss Wilamae Lehto were honored during the holidays by the Klamath Falls Alpha Gamma Delta Alumnae club on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Wayne Scott, 1945 Main street. For entertainment bingo was played the fore part of the evening, prizes being chosen from a tray by each winner. The latter part of the evening was spent play ing continental rummy. Guest prizes were boxes of person alized stationery wrapped in the fraternity colors of red, buff and green. Hostesses 1 for the occasion were Mrs. M u r e 1 Long of M a c d o e 1, California, Mrs. Robert Shaw of Tlonesta, California, Miss Bette Duni van and Mrs. Scott. Undergraduate guests were Miss Frances Balin, Miss Gladys Park, Miss Lois Bech doldt, Miss Polla Ganong, Miss Lehto and Miss Beane who are both attending Ore gon State college where they are affiliated with Alpha Gamma Delta. Barbara is ma joring in home economics and Wilamae in pharmacy. BOOK TO BE REVIEWED BEFORE GROUP Members of the afternoon book section of the American Association of University Wo men will meet for the first time in the New Year at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon, January the sixth, at the home of Mrs. John Johnston, 142S Pacific Terrace. Mrs. Paul Buck will review Margaret Leech's book, "Reve ille in Washington." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holmes Jr. and young son, Jack, were New Year's visitors in Klam ath Falls, their former home. The Holmes were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Slater, and young Jack was a guest at the John Houston home. They returned to Grants Pass on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott of 723 Uerlings street are be ing congratulated upon the birth of a son, their first child, at Hillside hospital on Janu ary the second. Mid-Winter Carnival Winter Dancing Club Schedules Affair Janu ary 17 Plans for the second of a series of four parties planned by the Winter Dancing club in the Willard hotel Saturday evening, January the seven teenth, are being made by a group of hosts made up of four young couples. The affair, to be held in the Willard hotel, will be a mid winter carnival with favors and fun planned in the spirit of the occasion. Hosts will ho Mr. and Mrs. Tod Tibbutt. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Goeckner, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whitlatch, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Funk. LEAGUE TO MEET AT PACKER HOME The first meeting of the new year for Junior Chamber league members is scheduled for Monday at half past seven o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. M. Packer, 1951 Erie street. Hostesses will be Mrs. Packer, Mrs. Joseph S. Bally, Mrs. John H. Harris Jr., and Mrs. Ralph M. Stearns. All wives and sweethearts of Junior Chamber members are Invited to attend. Mrs. Embert Fossum will give a reading during the evening and there will be sewing for the Red Cross on hand. COCKTAIL PARTY AT HANVILLE'S Mr. and Mrs. Howard Han vllle asked a small group of friends in for cocktails before the Elks New Years eve party on Wednesday at their home on Lavey street Guests of the Hanvfiles In cluded Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wiley Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Justin McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prock, Mr. and Mrs. Roy John son, Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Griggs, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Van Busklrk. Mrs. Walter Brown will en tertain members of the verse group of the League of West ern Writers at her home on Pacific Terrace Monday after noon, January the fifth, at a half past one o'clock dessert. fcjni.iAii'i.w"-sy at SEARS Open House New Year's McComb Home Scene Of Party on Thursday Afternoon. Thirty-five guests called between the hours of two and six o'clock New Year's day at the homo of Miss Mary McComb, 1639 Crescent ave nue, when Mias McComb and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Blodgctt entertained at open house on the first day of the year. Coffee was served at a prettily appointed table cent ered with greens and a horn of plenty which held bright fruits. Assisting at the coffee table were Mrs. Sam Roberts, Mrs. Warren Bonnet and Miss Marie Collier. REGULAR MEETING OF DAR SLATED Members of Eulalona chap ter. Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution, are looking forward to the Monday eve ning meeUng of this coming week when they gather at the home of Mrs. Robert E. Wat tenburg, 219 Pino street, for the first meeting of the year. Mrs. Wattenburg will be as sisted by Mrs. H. A. Nltschelm and Mrs. B. W. Zollman. The programs. "Early Ore gon Gardens," will be pre sented by Mrs. Ernest D. Lamb. Plans for the state confer ence of the Oregon Society of Daughters of the American Revolution to be held In Klam ath Falls Tuesday and Wed nesday, February tho seven teenth and eighteenth, will be discussed at the Monday ses sion. Reeds Visit In Pennsylvania New Year's holidays are be ing spent In Pittsburgh, Penn sylvania and other points on the east coast by Mr. and Mrs. Nolson Reed and son, Scott, who left Sunday night by train for their former home. They expect to return the latter part of January. Tt&HCHckut) Sewutfi. . S9 ROSE ANN SITKIN, from her Los Angeles already large stock. J Was $159 I Now $259.00 M 1 Brawn ff 3950 B.ek I Was $9 50 Wo, $210 Z I Brown Caracul i I VVoj r. 1 Lamb ...Maw S "-3U JU Now $ 29 f 1 Was $11. 1 Natural R,j I I Sable-ay-' tr"'"' ..Maw $259-00 Wos $99 .J" J'. I An . Now i .. I ItETTEIl FI RS - - TERRIFICALLY REDUCED t Northern Back Sable-blended Muskrats. Were $249 to $299 Now $199 to $239 Dyed Russian Ermine Coats. Were $449 to $595 Now $379 to $495 1 Only-American Mink. Was $1,295 Now $895 Brown or Grey Russian Squirrel. Were $210 to $295 Now $179 to $259 Women Organize ( For Red Cross Work Groups Meeting for Knitting and Stitchery as War Work Attracts Many Klamathites Bridge Is due for a chair In the back row of afternoon meetings and Instead the click of knitting needles and the whirr of the sewing machine, and the sighs over button holes, will take the placo of the "four no-trump" and the Oregon ron ventton player's response. Within the past week several groups have organized for Red Cross sewing ana knitting. ROBERT First New Year's day for Master Robert Harwood who Is just six months old and the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Har wood of 216 Washington street. Kennell-Ellls Mrs. Winnlfred Glllen Is en joying the skiing at Timber line lodge at Mount Hood and has been at the winter resort for the past week. r.V , " . Y'L irv-'i 0; OVIl LIBERAL CltEDIT TERMS AUK STILL IX EFFECT t Bss sssssssssssssssiissLff IN PERSON! en of America's foremost designers, Is here direct store, with hundreds of beautiful furs to add to our She will be glad to aid you In making your selection! dDDDOO First to start a group of ten were Mrs. Stanley R. Woodruff and Mrs. Raymond Coopey who asked friends In Thursday morning of last week. Tho guests brought sandwiches and the hostesses provided cuke and coffee. A box of Red Cross sewing was opened und distributed, t h e 'guests choosing between men's pajamas and children's nightgowns. All called for button holes and tho work was on. Guests at the Woodruff homo Included Mrs. Howard Llstoo, Mrs. F. W. Peuke. Mrs. Dean Osborn, Mm. Neil Black, Mrs. Wllliclm Uodlne, Mrs. Albert Fitch, Mrs. Harold Palmer and Mrs. Arnold Gra lapp and tho two hostesses. Tho group will meet tach Thursday and Mrs. I'eoke will entertain .Thursday, January the eighth. On Tuesday at ono o'clock Mrs. Robert C. Hart asked a group for luncheon with sew ing following. This group al so plans frequent meetings, and those gathering at Mrs. Hart's homo on Pacific Ter race were Mrs. R. E. Geary, Mrs. Sam Lock wood, Mrs. John Budd. Mrs. Don Drury, Mrs. John II. Harris Jr., Mrs. S. A. Wilcox of Portland. Mrs. C. A. Henderson and the hostess. Mrs. John Shaw and daugh ter. Betty, left Friday by train for Portland where they will spend tho coming week and at tend the wedding this week end of Mrs. Shaw's sister, Miss Molly Cunningham. .fatuous Positively the Greatest Price Slash ing Fur Sale ever held In Klamath Falls! Gorgeous top-quality furs cut to cost . . . near cost . . . BELOW COSTI Compare Sltkln quality and price with ANY FURS OFFERED ANY WHERE! Hera is the fur coat you want at the price you want to pay. ... Be her Monday . . . EARLY!