i Li M ill IS -i 5 . - jr. JPI F7 L'tvr.--?M p l i 1 '-CT 1 I i 1 f 1 m Picture News of the Week ' " k , ft to ' 1 1MB - - 11 m . -Ji i r w a LTV ,"'W Twt'?'f' . A . V Y : NOW SECOND LIEUTENANT Thl ! Fhl Tthj f ru .."'U"U f"yr1,'"a.,ft cun,T bou9h S50-000 dcfeI bond with mon.y from th. bond Tinklnalmr i. ".L, , ?Vn' W" ft A - rW'jrl T. Jf . ' , I w.... riniu. .now.. ibo. n lo ngnt: County Commissioner Jack Banner. County Judo U E Reader .nd r,.t . ''"'"" cona w ..-.wMa.-.y.y-.- -TavacTiTarf W m), i,i ,n , mmMf ..rrtfc -iM..lttt.eWifetUH J,Jd0.f.nleb"-1St,,ndin9 JfMS"t Mh" Ctt- " Promote th. !. .. chairman of TTT 'v ' FT? "A"LI!a AWAY THE 8NOWSow piled In th. c.nt.r of Main .tr.et wa. hauled away l county d.f.ns. MTlng. eommitte,. alTlllo " th. i. now taking final pilot train- truck, Friday, clearing th. .trt.. Thl. plctur. .how. . truck being filled with .now at Ninth .nd ,nS rBMnix. Main itreeti. iSillA I T : SCLE Of WILES p'tlL , CLARK FIELD T l-f ,- FT.STOTSEN8URG ZZZr..r. IZ J . v ' vv ...vv. pjsu-:. - .LCSAO " LSS.STASCE L U Z O N-. psAPf J CONTINUES NCRTM " T.... r-. : J j -a O v Of FALLEN MAN14.A 1 ? r A .rv-- ' V" - . r- i1- MANILAS ; ggy Ir- I I'BAr, I rrr 1 : f ... A .-I 1 J 1 it vv i : a i "iV 7 T " ' T. AS 1 . "VL . ' "--MB ''Tfc KLAMATH MARINE HONORED Shqwn her. Ii PrWnlo J.mew Earl Roger, of Klamath rail, receivlno th. "honor h.Hn. (nil GIRLS RUN H. S. PAPEnr.i,i. i,m ji. ... ... . ... "'"T om w.jor u.nerai William P. Upihur at recent of Manila, with Cayit. .Tacuat.d but American and Philippine troop, fighting on norU. of th. "t ed.tor; Nad.n. P.lmerton. coov ed.tor. and Dorothy Elllng.on. new. editor. .on of Mr. and Mr.. L..I1. Roger.. 851 Pacific Terrace? . !( , - m $ vie .visas: 4 r- 'i?: t V4 -'- vffi is 'J j ...... . ,:, .. . . r L RUSSIANS TAKE KALININ Flame, .weep a building In Kalinin. Rus.ia a. red m hrother, Ruell Loyd Luce. wa. th. la.t man to enlist at the enter th. city, recaptured from th. German, in Russian hunter "ffensive. 7 U0-0P" 324 M ti t . M ' Lsw"nc E- L"' GREETINGS Staff Sergeant Che.I.y of th. US marine corp. 11 itl'.? ,1",' ""V Tob.rul'uru, recruiting station her. off.r. conar.tLl.tion. , !.'""! ,oldi" ln '""found gr..U th.m Luce, first man to enlist in the marines in 1942. Young Luce' brother, Russell Loyd Luce, was th. last man to enlist at th. h.l"rcrh!:t'n soldier In ISr.oround """" """B " "k,n Pr"on"- 'on. British K --VS.' r . y'y fc .l...r,.,J,.kMfijil - "ii-finriiTi iinii 8- v-'-- Msssssaat4ss( 1 . 2-jui ' fl CHURCHILL. ROOSEVELT AT CHURCH Winston Churchill nd Pr.sld.nt Roos.velt leav. Christ church at Alexandria, Va., tlB--.'-..... ... , . V'fff1; -SMn C?-h ,v''i lssllMMM.it0ii.iri-i sleaiiiWA'L iiiwiwinr Inr ' - I . j NEW YEAR'S GIFT At $300 N.w Year's gesture of goodwill, th. AFL Tm.i.. . i , V)) 911, this week nraientad tha iff', office,., .'.,. polic, .ndKUmath mid.c.r m."' "rhV", ZtatowlU SXL' pollc. headquarter, when It will be av.il.hl. 2a . a... BZ""?"l b' p.lao,d ln. th clll nd Hugh Col., T.amst.r' trust...