SERIAL STORY HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL BY ADELAIDE HAZELTINE COPYRIGHT. I1. NIA SIRVICC. INC 4.' t a: tt n I TRB ITORTl Ta Tanaa a Aa aVaw Daaraorwa will aaeelfrlaa- 'tfeat hla aerlary Carol. aa4 ova ataer aMalaraa, ah a 11 Ji4f waatfcar ar sat hla playboy aoa 'Aaa la raaalar Ilia haalaraa ae ro rafna- ta ala tatarr'a poller at '"acrrtra to taa poop!," vat Carol, arha kaa larr Andy alara vlrU koo4, la a alfnrutt aval. Altaouaa . fka will kaa aol baaa foaad, Carol fcim Ita taraia, aa4 ker heart talaha whn Aady, earreatly In tIye4 wlta. alack Llaaa Jallaa ' taraa laaagaiaeat arer ta ma aerapalaoa Mr. Harriett, araaaa 'aaly Idea la ta aaka raoaay. ska kam tkat waleaa Aady akawa aaora of taa kaart tkat kaa taada aim ha kind ta uwibor Mrkr ad ta a laoncral aapar ha kaa -adopted! ho will laaa tka atara ta charity ay vota af tka arraara Jary" hla lata father'a will pra !Vlddl for. Paaay-plaefclas Bar .trlek tnraa down Bill Reeee, aa taaiplora la lava wllk Carol, oa aapalra far tka torlaaA aleratar. Aa Hairleka pollclea ar1a ta ,taka tkclr toll, Carol miakca eaea aaJaatMeata ta acveral eaatoatcra ta mphold tko atare'a tvpatatloa, kaowlac It wilt sat ker la troakla with Herrlek hat will ataad Aady ta a;ood ataad wkea tka will la foand. Day hafara Chrlataiaa tha taylaai elevator falla. Injuria Itwihtr Mrky. Bark-paaalna; Herrlek prateada to hlaata Bill, area hlau tt J5 NICKY'S MERRY CHRISTMAS CHAPTER IX TT WBtnt very Merry Chrixt ' maj far Carol u ih tnd Mary climbed Into BUTi andent car and beaded for the hospital. Bill, In his Santa Claus suit, teemed less downhearted than last night. HaM ffet another 1oK ha assured ! them, and show Mr. Herrick that aomebodr else would trust him. Mary, too, was lifting herself above her troubles. She had the promise of a job on January 1 and .) was happy about It It, . And Nicky was going to be all " tight The hospital had given her a favorable report Just before they atarted. . It should have cheered Carol. But It didn't - Nothing could. Not as long aa Dearborn's was being ruined by Mr. Herrick'a mismanagement and Andy was sitting calmly by, una ware of the tragedy of it .No, the sight of lighted trees and burning candles choked her. Wreaths of mistletoe left her un .j, moved. It was Christmas every-e- where except in Carol's heart She forced smile to her lips when-they entered the big, brick banding of the hospital. She must lie gay for Nicky's sake. Quietly, Bill pushed open Nic ky's door and peered In. "We're ji, too late," ha whixpered. He stood aside and they all stared at the darkened room Ught f ed by the huge Christmas tree aU ready decorated and sitting beside ... Micky's bed, . , . - '4.. Carol's surprised eyes moved to -nha figure bent to the floor near She tree. The figure straightened, t was Andy Dearborn. Ha way putting together the pieces of !track for an electric train. f Andy said, "Hello, Carol. Hello, Mary.- Merry Christmas.'' He nodded coolly to Bill. .! . He's blaming Bill, Carol thought (miserably, and Bill's too proud to tell him the truth even If Andy would believe it !; , "We brought a tree, too," she managed to say. "We wanted iNlcky to have a Merry Christ mas." She dropped her parcels en a chair and Bill leaned the mall tree against the wall. Their ;'; ' gifts looked trivial beside Andy's lavish ones. ;' It was difficult for any of them .40 find something to say. Finally Carol gave Nicky their packages, but her good wishes stuck in her throat She smiled and patted his hand. "Jiminy-geel Thanks!" The " iboy's expressive face told an ap-,- ipealing story. "What a Christmas ii .'this turned out to be!" ; They watched him open the gifts. Then Carol went to stand above Andy, He was Just starting the new train, V "The doctor says Nicky will make it now," he said aside to her. i ; "I'm glad." She mustn't let his affection for the boy encourage i her to forgive him. The whole affair, indirectly, was Andy's own fault. He should have been able jto see through the sham of Mr. .'Herrick long ago.. Yet even the accident hadn't opened his eyes. ic . is .1 ,.. .ot 2- Xi "T 2 "HEN Andy left, Carol turned . rebelliously to B11L "You see, Bill? He blames you, too. Mr. Herrlek has seen to that You ought to go to Andy yourself. 6j .Make him listen to your side of : the story. He would remember .Of when he came into the office that day you were arguing with Mr. Herrlek, He could confront him 0i) with it and Mr. Herrick would have to admit you reported the elevator. It's not right for you to . accept responsibility for some- thing you didn't do." "Carol's, right," Mary added. "You ought to see Andy, Bill." i They had forgotten Nicky. He w said, his eyes thoughtful, "Aw, v fliey don't think it's your fault do they, Mr. Bill?" ' ; They allooked at th boy. Bill shook his head. Carol said, "You aren't to worry about it Nicky." Impetuously, Mary said, "Bill got fired for it Nicky." Tired?" His eyes widened. "But, Jlmlny-gee, Mr. Bill al'ayt took care of everybody! He wouldn't make an ace'dent!" "That's aU right Nicky," BUI assured him. "The only thing that matters is your getting well." "We may tire him," Carol said, "We'd better go " When they reached home, Mary left Carol and BUI together. "Mary wants to go to the party Saturday night, BUI. Would you mind her going with us?" "How do you know I'm going?" he said slowly. "Or have you for gotten I'm fired?" "I haven't forgotten," she said steadily. "But you're going to the party. Just as if you still worked at Dearborn's. I won't let you turn and run when you know you're in the right" a a a CHE saw his jaw tighten. He could be stubborn when he chose. She felt obligated to see that he went Saturday night It would be good for his self-confidence. "Besides," she coaxed, "you cant let me miss it When I've turned -down a dozen dates for you." She smiled to lighten the exaggeration of the boast Bill smiled, too. "You know I can't Carol. Yes, 111 go and we'll take Mary. She's a nice kid." He slanted a suspicious look at Carol. "You're not trying to pro mote anything, are you?" She flushed. "You know how I feel. Bill." "Yea. I know." He looked away. "You're not in love with me. You're in love with some body else. Somebody whose name is a secret And there's nothing I can do about it!" "Look, Bill." she urged. "Why don't you get a new girl? You de serve someone else." "Give you up to a fellow I've) never seen?" he retorted, "Oh, no, Carol. Not me. I'm going to see what he looks like first!" (To Be Continued) The Soviets may, under inter national law, strike at Japan if and when they so decide, with out any prior warning. Alexan der N. Sack, ' international law authority. OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla OH, COME ON NO, WES, I CAIN'T I COULD IP " I I JUST WANT BRING MVSELP TO IT WAS A I A SNAPSHOT TO DO IT NO.' TEN GUN-BUT I SEND TO A YEARS PROM NOW NOT THBT.' N COOPtE OP KID VOU'D HATB MB NOT ON N0UNV NEPHEWS IN LIKE A NEWLY WED INNOCENT . ft-TWE.EAST.', HATES A TATTOOES NEPHEWS,' Tffd v!Kr "r PUT "?l5v" Ns--X, f " 't ' i V'EKl ON HIS CHEST.'... If pY'V, Nv Y TOWf. SUOAR , YOU HAVE , ' .Ay ' 6 V' NO CONSCIENCE" K' " &MStk' ""THE CWmT" CT" RED RYDER 1 WILL LEAVE lOU TO TM5CUSS JtCuSAND ire rinwaw. sKE.cs tr ducks Or OUK rDH3SE.D PARTINcRSHlP WITH THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson r 7A. IS SEFMRATeD FROW CENTRAL AMERICA ONLV SV A WHERE THE UMITED STATES HEAOQUARTEKS IN THE CANAL ZONE TOUCHES PANAMA CITV4 CAPITAL OP THE BEPUBUC OP PANAMA. rrs not' USICOAAMON AMONG . INSEC1S FOR OPPS'P'RINO X M. RCC. U. S. PAT. OFF. COPR. 112 BY NEA SOVKC. IMC BLiAMki VRSS CAN Pll-U IM THE BLANK. V Breathes there the man with soul so dead, Who never to hiaaself;,Q hath said ANSWER: This Is rpy own, my native land!" Sir Walter Scott. Do pineapples have seeds? NEXT: BRITISH CROWN COLONY HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted British crown colony in Asia, . 6 It is adminis tered as part of British . 11 Mountain nymphs. 13 Companion. 14 Those who run. 16 Sprang. 17 Depress. 18 Hawaiian food. 19 Darlings. 20 About (prefix). 21 Pronoun. 22 Doctor of Theology (abbr.). 23 Division of geologic time (comb. form). 25 Symbol for tellurium. 26 The gods (Roman). 28 Born. 30 Writing implement; 31 An agent. Answer to Previous Puzzle El I 'HI I I ITiOJ jOI IJ AP ANI lECONI lABErT Ab,AGE IL'ENDLJG'l ism lOOMElTl I i l"U'T'5nT'FIAKWPT' L IA' Y E IR gTgRTlBBa E A M gSBgygBll OKI BSa LEnBEnDo TOJO pTTs AINtlWOL.1 IP t,o.g;cs 33 Therefore. 34 Article. 35 Upon. 37 Alternating current (abbr). 39 Repulse. 43 East Indies (bbr.). 45 It exports large quanti ties of . 48 Its capital Is SMlRces in line. 52 Longs. 53 Disunite. 54 Loan of money, 13 French (abbr.). 15 Spain (abbr.). 16 Jumbled type. 21 Its native capital is . 24 Poem. 25 Golf mound. 27 Writing fluid. 29 Age. CA PONl 30 1,alian river. ABOVE 32 Symbol for KlCNffwl ruthenium. - 1 1 33 Part of the VERTICAL head. 1 Northeast 36 Common wind prevail- laborers, lng over the 3" Arabian Adriatic Sea. garments. 2 Black 38 Rajah's wife, vulture. 39 Short-napped 3 Name again. fabric. 4 Supplies with 40 Electrical men. term. 8 Revoke a 41 Suffix. legacy (law). 42 Gelatinous 6 Sultan's substance. decree. 44 Institute 7 Five and four. (abbr.). 8 Decennium. 46 Nothing. 9 Indolent 10 Appends. 12 Senior (abbr.). 47 Snare. 49 Cluster of fibers. 50 Native metal. jap llipMI, Tl rl 37 I rM" 39 40 1 I4' n n 45 46 47 P" 4 49 SQ 5P- -J L-jjj- r : "J l-i ft I'll I I I I II I T a 10 3 But v.'e'LL 6iT if Pcx Amu KLui' T"l 1 rV2R IF WE H&LP SlT COLONEL. 1 JULEPS THOROUGHBREDS SHIPPED! J-Sq? kwey'I IvJ ' T its. PUCHESSi -k x i n V Vir r.vm: v iJm HUT - JM la-asffm If I I aV.roiJaV . aBa?aV ' LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE LOOK, ANNIE-WITH NELLIE QONE FOR ISO TELLING MOW LONG, DO YOU THINK YOU COULD CARRY ON HERE FOR A WHILE? 7 'A WHY. 6URE I GUESS ) SO- TD I LIKE TO-'-OF COURSE, WHEN DADDY" v-umca o-is- H 1-3-42 OF COURSE BUT UNTIL HE DOES IN THE MEANTIME YOU'RE DOING NELLIE'S JOB-I'D LIKE TO RAY YOU THE SAME AS SHE GOT- T T A NcnmiN" doing! WHY. THIS IS FUN I WANT TO HELP OUT- mm mm BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES I C'rAOVJ- FMNTVVN PCX J2 19 WASH TUBBS JWffl NEVER BE EM jr &ff " I IH CEUTRAL AFRICA jfTW BEFORE, BUD f WELL, ) -.-rv, V0U SURE SEE SOME l" ' T fprr"4'''-; -"S 6J6H1S OU TWS BOW FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS THn -rotets rr act- . .i -n iaM nunUD AT I EACT TE1I "T, I 1 I' OUV IMC UNE WAS always Busy y ivp ,-Jf ,- S aNU tU WAS V YOURS . I Tuouswr TUe kids viebb gointS To The COMMUNITY DANCE UIU JUNb oAt ANYTHINO ABOUT THE RIVIERA BLUE ROOM ' TIME I WVo HERE. MV ROOM WAS BLACKED OUT MOST OF THE TlMB, SO 1 FETCHED VOU USEFUL HTTL& PRECEPT A BO OP ASSORTED LIGHT BULBS YZA MMPH.' I 6ES Y( hi 60ME OP TML-M. X XX ARE REOvWELL. H JAKE, I'LL JUST PUT . A axzr sKtz im TUP ) DIMIM6 ROOM 11 .J I r..l CPQAIM YOUH RACK I I I i i I 1 II. -VV . , 'I r,T REAiCHlMG FOR , Mil ' iiiian vvvvj. i i irvv-ir x i v . 1 k- -a- ,a Ti a i i iAMva-j.w iwvia'7y'.,vi ' i c ICAL BROTHER, V O I ILL wr m nio OLD H0BBV OF COLLECTING HOTEL KNICK-KNACKS T LL WACER THOSE BED BULBS HOTEL FIRE" E5CAPE5; jfjl n 1 1 LbAST i.JX4 BROUGHT By Fred Harm a r5 fl "isn out L- WW ry I colonel juleP's I la t 1 )f53aa-r"Btvy. "Tv ( tot aw Blooded I ; Va fw vl??ri!r i 'lArV 3 I H0S5ES-KWCH LESS vM 1 ' VX? i V-. V A KENSTOCK.Y FARA i y JtiPtfVCS"'' By Harold Gra HM-M-TELL YOU WHAT WE'LL DO WEXL SORT OF GO SOCIALIST. OR COMMUNIST. IN A CAPITALIST WAY. SHALL WE? E ER-HOW II B DO YOU M K MEAN. W F; DOCTOR? 82 - rS U .'I. WELL. WHATS MINE IS OURS, LETTS SAY- MONCYlN THIS DRAWER- HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES' ALSO ITS FOR ANYTHING. YOU WANT-CLOTHES' MOVtES-CAftDY-AMYTHItlQ AT ALL-NO STRINGS one! THATLL JUST AS IF I WFRE ER-" ER---A By Marti i V.rS W. T'VXJ! SK. U T'tA eN SOU few A--?- cof im) ay ntjumYicc. a T if I .1 ' BOY. WE HAVE A TIME.' V WE UKE TO LV LOW AMD V T J STAMPEDE HERDS OF ELEPHAMTS, V 7) AMD MACHME (SL'M CROCOTILES! y 1 CANT THIS TtMc,THO THESES 1 By Cram HO HUM! HEBE ME ARE 1H KHARTOUM, E6VPTIAM supn: scocr it WAS SUCH A DULL TRIP, BUD THiv; OKAV.. THBEE OVIUAWil but WHICH 16 CAPTAiH BASVfl w - nil i v COM IM It MP "irlTiCf. latTTT M..W0 oyr. MTTT 1 ' f TO. -4 Me j I GOT A CALL FROM THERE' SAVINQ FRECK LES COULDN'T PAY TUP CHECK, BUT X ASSUMED IT WASN'T FRECKLES , BUT THAT BOY WHo e Been POSIN3 AS HIM' Bv Blosso Combt Tb tminjk op rr, if twp check was ro AMr TUI lfir -im ii r-Mii-r- nx. rr- n- i i-W STY U' cam, mi iv hl onvict inc. t. M. mo. 0. rrzi arf!N I in ail ALLEY OOP VI 7 BELI6VB Mfi, MV FRIEND, VOU'LL BE 1bv THE WAV.'ILti'1"- JH !SuRJA.?D5c,POR THB cervicb r-rx presume vouBK-rrS rKjid. VOO'Rt POIN& ENOLANP THIS NiaHT CAN PASS ME ha. 'jaiV ...LCTTIMa MB OUT T7 BV T5WWh! wowtVv lBOTH MB AnA T CA,KJ GST T 'N JOHN'S I TBLBMrS By V. T. Ham'ir 'PSMTSi?ili.H "MlJ I'VU tour TO SB6 KiNG JOHN. WHY, WI J1? OKAY ilTH Dul OMH0W I'vB &OT A