Jiinunry 2, 10-12 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THRC8 ol DIRECTORS OF FIRST FEDERAL HOLD MEETING The bouril of directors of tlie Pint FimIitiiI KnvliuiK mid I.uuii nnnidiitlmi nf KllllUlltll Fill In llcld (heir flltcontli sciiil-umiiml iiiiit'lInK Monday nlchl mid (lo cliirrl u U'V.!- current dlvhli-nd to IKIIIIC 25110 stiver of lliv lininetiwnt d hiivIiikh nssnclulloii. Tho board of directors which coniprlne well known local bust loasineii wcru reported well pleiueil with tin- proKrea shown by thu us.Hoclatloii during tho punt alx month. C. S. ItulxTtxon. president, i sluted that nut only were suv on oneo ukuIii rccclvliiK u 3'4 current dividend hut tliut nmple reserve nro on hand, In fact more reserves than ure. required by tho federnl government. llnhert.soti mwle Hpeelal men tion of tho fact that tho uing conservative policy which ha been responsible for tho tre mendous growth of the assocln Hon will be carried forth In 1 U 12 nuil loans will be made particularly on new construc tion and cverylhlnK Will be done, its In the pant, to build greater Klamath Kails. In spile of the continuing downward trend In dividends or savlnKs the Kimt Federal hoes to mnlntiiln Its present liberal eurnlriKs, Itobertson said. Saving and Loan nssocln Hons throuKhout America have played nn Importnnt role In Colleges of West Should Go On 72-Month Basis, Report PALO ALTO, Cnlir., Jon. 2 (UP) Colleges and universities of the Vest should go on 12 month basis of opcrntlon Immedi ately, as an aid to national de fense, tho executive, committee of tho commission on colleges and universities of tho ninth corps nrou has recommended. Under tho proposed plun, stu dents uruduulliiK from high schools could enter colleges or universities ut once, and would have a better chanco of complet ing their higher education before they reached draft ago, tho com mission pointed out. Tho commission headed by Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, of titan ford university, also urged courses of study be arranged for tho maximum contribution to tho war program; that the CAA pilot training program In col leges and universities bs placed under direct supervision of the army and navy; th. t draft boards "bo encouraged" to defer stu dents and teachers specializing In study In fields essential to tho national defense; and recom mended all institutions of learn ing at once act to Increase their usefulness to the nation. "Unless forceful action is now taken, tho nation Is In (lunger of losing o college generation, the training of which is essential for effective modern warfare and for solving tho problems that are bound to arise with the cessation of hostilities," a commission statement said. helping to form tho savings habits of citizens, Robertson said. It Is no wonder that when U. S. defense savings bonds and stamps were first is sued that Savings and Loan as sociations were naturally a tre mendous help to our govern ment in making available these bonds and stamps to the public, he stated. ABOUT RAINDROPS The ordinary raindrop Is made up of 11,000.000 water particles. The drops vary from one-sixteenth to one-fifth of on Inch In diameter, according to weather conditions. BLOOD-GROUP IS RECORDED Kuril soldier of tho Australian expeditionary force has his blood-group recorded In his pay book and on the reverse of his Identification disc. Young Evacuee Interested in Snow at Seattle SEATTLE, Jan. 2 (JP) A six-year-old who arrived here after a 3000-mllc trip alone from Hono lulu expressed more interest to day in tho chances of seeing snow than in the bomb-blasted scene she left behind her. The young evacuee Is Mary Dngby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ilagby. She came here to stay with a greol-uunt, Miss Isa bello Grant, for the duration. "I saw the marks whero the bombs hit," she related, explain ing that "mummy thought It won practicing at first until the neighbors told us it was real war." The youngster reached Son Kronrlsco by boat and flew here. The Strawberry Mountuin wild area on tho Malheur na tional forest, Oregon, has been approved, according to Lylo K Watts, regional forester, U. S. department of agriculture. It is an area of about 31,700 acres The west end is about five miles south and cast of John Day, in Urarit county, Uregon. Tho with- drawal includes tho high country on tho dlvldo between the Mid die John Day river, and Can yon Creek and Malheur river, In the center of the area is tho highest point, Strawberry mountain, 0000 feet. The aver age elevation is about 7000 feet The main ridge of the divide is a lava flow overlying mineraliz ed sedimentary rock. It is the summer range for mule deer. and black beor live here. At one time It supported a band of big horn sheep. Tho headwater streams In the area are small, but cutthroat and rainbow trout fishing Is fair. Classification as a wild area prohibits commercial timber cut ting, hotels and resorts, organiz ation camps, and road construc tion. The trail system is fairly complete, according to Watts. SUN'S EFFECTS The sun's energy output var ies, but when the sun gets hotter, tho earth gets cooler, since the Increased solar temperature stimulates evaporation and winds hero on earth. A mixture of glycerin and al cohol will serve as a first rate lubricant if the shackles of the car develop annoying squeaks. WEC1 I SERRS MAC I MM BATTERY 1 HIKES! GOLD CREST Ou.rantMd 6 Months Energex BATTERY Gu.r.ntMd 12 Months 3" With old BatUrf Ijiui nrlccd . . and sensational savings on Sears Gold Crest nai leries. Buy now! wwm With old A BUT " 39 Plate Wood S e p a rators, a sturdy Inexpens ive buttery. trouble . u'"e" our car! Shop STtar. foBrlt Z W "d """ performance! Same GUARANTEED QUALM ll i i i r.wi IS .. :S,-M T n-nfl-m POWERMAX Guaranteed 24 Months With old "90 Batterr 45 Plate Port. Orford Cedarl 3nnrators. As-, sures quick! starting thoaol cold mornings. CROSS COUNTRY Guaranteed 24 Months With "75 Old Batterr Unbeatable con struction! Super .fliiu nxldes. A battery that dcpcndoDtei CROSS COUNTRY Llfewear Separators With old f90 Battery Trade In your old battery on a fine Cross Coun try. Protck top! i Miupr! une-p"- Safety verm Super Cross Country '"r Months Guaram With old O95 Battery 51 ovetsl" plates! 5 minute cold test. Un beatable constr uction and de pendability! in inn KZa-r .TiJ.i' 38aw,i', mLM"""!" ' UseSeors' Easy Payment Plan : x i Genuine Sonju Hcnle autographed m j.. ttxlw dsl il m fancy figure skntcs. Authentic pro- t H'v JF TVri $ $ fjj fensionnl design. Tool stoct runners, I lmd2&- J S h hollow gi'ound runners. Perfect saw H 3 f IM,Jr:' I M S teeth for figure skiitlng. Triple finlshl I 'S-y& ll m While elk leather Bhoesl Plus Postage ksf'-'lS Kr$EfovJ Q H Womon's Figure Skates. While elk shoes fJl 13 I Genuine Souja Hcnle autographed fancy figure skntes. Authentic pro fessional design. Tool stoct runners, hollow gi'ound runners. Perfect saw teeth for figure skiillng. Triple finlshl While elk leather Bhoesl Plus Postage Womon's Flguro Skates. White elk shoes wllh high quality flguro skntcs nllachcdl 49 Low priced HOCKEY ICE SKATES "Professional Looking" Now P29 Just 9 A value! Cowhide split Heatmaster Heater 1495 Equals $18.95 r- V- heaterl New ra dial heat distri buting rim and built-in defrost er blower. A fast heater. Chrome plated deflectors. Durozone Antifreeze 129 gal. Positive protec tion! Solid ice cannot form " even when only 30 solution remalnsl Will not give off poisonous fumes. Ml Bargain Ski Equipment A. Rldgo Top Hickory Ski with metal $1995 edgos B. Clear Bottom Hick- $995 ory Skis Pr. C. Chippewa $749 Ski Boots . D. Steel Ski Poles E. Cable Bindings leather shnc has un breakable hard box too. Nickel plated steel tubes and blades. $349 $349 For the Defense of U. S. Buy Defense Stamps and Defense Bonds! Heatmaster "177" All Angle Heater Sensationally low priced! Has built-in windshield defroster blower . . . extra large heat ing core , . . revolving deflec tor. Three chrome blowers. Salem Warning System Tried Out SALEM, Jan. 2 (P) Salem's new air raid warning system, which Includes a huge steamboat whistle, five industrial whistles and police and fire sirens, isn't yet satisfactory but it will have to work until a better system is figured out, defense officials said today in commenting on yester day afternoon's test of the sys tem. Yesterday's signals could not be heard in many parts of the city. NATIONAL ANTHEM ' The "Star-Spangled Banner" was not officially the national anthem of the United States un til March 3, 1931, when Presi dent Hoover approved the act of congress which so designated it. DID THE THICK . The anti-hoarding order el United States treasury depart ment brought In mare than t4 000,000 in gold coin, gold eerttfi cates, and bullion. Apothecaries sold sugar tmt spice in the 14th century, ,tter OR 3 98 fcacn rnf; y,4. 0-w,' rt. Fnt ss to 45. tor 19C 0"' 9e motion 0 m -n- 10. Inn 2 1 port V00I SOX 5C 4 ,01'. Wo' ,esWn 4. SO " SO and SH0s Will lolVi tn- hi.. leUO ' y0t 5c tot Men's ZiP FRONT PLAID JJACIKJETS Water Rpellen$ Heavy 83-otine wool plaid '20 new wool, S0 retued wool) with crown sip front, two luh pockta, adjtutabla aid atrip. Brown, blu or frtcn. Sixes H to 4ft. PLAID All wool nlald (25 76 reused) with dpper front, two fllaflh porkeU, Slzea from 34 to 48. BUY DEFENSE SAVIh'SS STAMPS AT , SEARS Capenkin JACKETS Slid fastened front. Hport back with half belt and full rayon lining. Sizes from 34 to 48, SVEDE JACKETS 81f-1oektnr 1 p front and chest pocket. Two lash side pockets. Brown suede. 34 to 4ft. JACKETS I W- ltJVC & 9 95 ; $. VSggr . Heavy Wool " -n Kersey Pants A $449 2.49 1.69 2.79 1.49 . Men's WORK SHOES Scars' Prtcm Onlg Shockless work shoe and ox fords with .sponge rubber cush ioned steel srch and leather lone-weartng; cord sole. 6-12. MANY OTHER STYLES AT LOW PRICES! HERCULES OVERALLS Double strength denim cut over graduated pat tern to Insure accurate fit. Hi-back overall. 30 to 18 and 3-aeam Jacket. 34 to 50. CARPENTERS' OVERALLS PAINTERS' OVERALLS .. STRIPED COVERALLS STRIPED OVERALLS Malnne type, re-lnforeed - at all -strain point. Guaranteed Boat-' Sail drill poafcets. Size S3 to 43. . Men's Tru- Point DRESS SHI UTS ST1.65 Seart Price Only Curl-prdbf collar with exclusive, hidden stays, wlltproot lining, San- ' forized" broadcloths In waahfatt, vat dyed colors, patterns. 144 to 17. Stl'MBERKIXS PAJAMAS Coat or tuck - la heavyweight flannel ettes napped on both aides. S t rl pea or plaids In three styles. Stiea from A Is a "Sandy Nevln" SHOES "FLEXIBLE5" Pefilfrned to be aa supple an your own foot. Wlng 1 1 p. rnoccAnln, bluoher, wall-toe, aviator strap. Brown or black. 6 to IX 3 95 ffI'HgrIln, Fur Felt HATS Sr'tPrIc Only . You'd expect to ; av morel They look It! Hnnp brtm, diamond crown, b re ton or of f-t he face types. All sizes. Y017 CAN PURCHASE ANYTHING TOTALING $10 OR MORE ON SEARS' EASY PAYMENT PLAN! WL WTO BBD il 133 So. 8th Dial 5188