f. t S ! I v.- ; f; ! & i i SERIAL STORY HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL BY ADELAIDE HAZELTINE COPYRIGHT. Ital. NKA (ENVICC. INC. a- t:. -i. Li I I; So zr SK' PA I"' 6r ' THB ITORTi Taa terms f A- 4raw Dcarhon'i will paclfrlna that fcla aecretarr Carol aad flra taer aitlo7ca a a a 1 1 J 4 a feraeta er aat ala playnnr boh Aadr la mania las analneaa aordlna; ala faiarr'a poller at arrlea ta lae people," pat Carol Was aaa IotWI Aadr alaea Hrl. fcooa, la a alfnmlt apot. AHaoata tha will aaa aot bam fonaa, Carol fcaawa la teraa, aad her heart alaka whrm Aadr earreallr la , voire with aleek Linda Jallaa taraa maaairenieat aree ta crnpaloaa Mr. .Herrlek, whosa air Idea la ta maka raaaar aaa kaowa tkat Micas Aaar akowa Mora at tha heart tkat kaa mads htm ha kind ta aewabar Ktrkr ' aad ta a monrrel pappr ka kaa adopted ke will loae tka atora ta . eaarltr kr ota at tka atraaira Jory' kla lata fatkera will pro vloed for. Peaar-plnrklar Uer rtrlc tnras down Rill Re aa amptora lm lora wltk Carol am repairs tor tka torlaad elevator Aa Herrlck'a pollelea best ta taka their toll Carol atakea cask aalBstmeata ta aereral cutoatora a npkold tke alore'a repvtatloa . . kaowlnc It will tret her In troabla 1 with Herrtek bat wlU staad Aadr la rood ataad when tka will la ' loud. a. " , AN ACCIDENT! CHAPTER VIII " fHE day before Christmas was always queer in the store. There were late shoppers frantic for gifts. There were employes 4i. too busy with their own exchange pf gifts to give the usual attention . to customers. It took close super w vision to reconcile the two. But ;-- Mr. Dearborn accepted It as a part of the Christmas pageant. , He didn't resent the inertia that set in during the last few hours before the holiday. Be understood u. it and sympathized. Not so with Mr. Herrlek. He came to Carol's office now, mut tering his resentment of the last minute let-down. "You'd think yesterday was Christmas," he com plained. "Everybody's lolling on the counters. Go around and wake them up, Carol." Carol stared at him. 7hy was be asking her, when that was the job of girls in his own office? He looked nervous, too. Of course. She'd be glad to go. Yet she couldn't help wonder ing why he had chosen her. j.. . i . "Where's the boss?" he asked ''' ' ats she started to leave. . "Out in the store somewhere. c' Shall I find him for you?" r, , "Ho. Never mind. Just get after the girls for me." - She had covered the upper - Boors and had reached the base ment when she heard the scream. It was followed by running feet and the appearance of a girl cry ing, "Quickl Somebody, quick! The toyland elevator's fallen." Andy, Bill and a dozen men were struggling to open the shaft. They were prying the big iron doors free now. Voices of the trapped children rose in terror, Mr. " Herrick, - standing near oL cursed. Andy crawled down to the ear soon as he . could squeeze , the opening in the doors. be elevator rested on the bottom of the pit and the children were piled on top of one another, so panic-stricken tney couian t rm- lUngle arms and legs. ! Andy was talking to the ehfl- wren, soothing them. One by one iha began lifting them up. Bill leaned down and took them from bis arms, setting them on their feet In front of Carol. , a a fTHE doctor came and examined , ! them. They were badly ' frightened yet none seemed seri ously hurt. But when they were almost all put, Carol heard Andy say sharp ly, "Get another man, Bill. We cant manage this one alonel" V He was bending over the figure bf a boy lying on the floor of the elevator. The boy clutched a little girl in his arms. Andy loosened his hold and lifted the child away. men be picked up the boy. Nicky's eyes were closed and he was murmuring, "She was so little I didn't want her to get nurt.' ."' They had him out of the pit at last and Andy was holding him again. "Get an ambulance, Bill,' jhe ordered. "Nicky fell on his back with the weight of the other (Children on top of him." t Bill hurried off. tAndy spoke briefly with the (doctor and together they tried to imake their way through the I crowd with Nicky. Mr. Herrick rushed up to Andy and Carol Iheard him say, "That elevator (should have been reported to me, Andy. Bill's been running it at irelief hours. He ought to know at needed repairs. Carol seethed. Mr. Herrick was trying to blame Bill. He would 'do anything to save his own skin. It was a shame. She'd go- to Andy herself and tell him about that interview Bill had with Mr. jHerrick. She suggested to Bill that they go together and take each child to the proper place. He eratefullv agreed end within Ian hour they had delivered each lone to his mother, explaining that the doctor had examined him and Ifound him unhurt. ; Then, while Bill returned to the Istore, Carol went toward the hos pital to see about Nicky. . aaa (TTMTNY-GEE, Miss Carol," Nlc- ky said. "I didn't 'spose you'd come so quick. Mr. Andy Uist left." They had fixed him up In a - ICar sr.; tas br. (through .fir, T". V.'. 1 BTT x -...- K I, i I I . I ' II r, ! plaster cast but he seemed cheer- "Of course I'd come, Nicky. Slow do you feel?" ' "My back hurts but the doctor laays it's O.K." "That's fine. Ill bet you wera urolng up to toyland to see that Wectric train Mr. Andy promised?" I "Uh-huh." His small faca Wouded. "Guess 111 be here for (Christmas now. You can't hava knuch Christmas In a hosnltnl." LJ "Don't you worry about that," .taiure4.Unv "Sometimes hos pital Christmaset are the nicest of all." And she determined to make it so. She spent the balance of the afternoon searching for a small tree and tiny ornaments to match it She bought a lot of little gifts and wrapped them separately in bright tissue. It would be fun for Nicky to open them. When she finished she went to look for Bill. Carol wanted him to go with her and Mary to the hos pital In the morning. The closing bell apunded as she reached toyland. For a swift moment she remembered that this marked the end of another Christ mas shopping season. A strange nostalgia swept her. Another year was quickly drawing to close. Too quickly! It meant there were only ten brief days for j Andy to prove himself. j BUI was sitting on his tinsel 1 throne when she found him. Ha 1 had his head in his hands. ' "Billl" she exclaimed as she ' rushed up to him. "What in the world is the matter? Surely you're not worrying about that accident" she caught herself. He looked up at her, his eyes weary and disillusioned. "Santa Claus?" A cynical smile played havoc with his mouth. "Mr. Her rick just gave me my Christmas present A yellow slip!" "Fired, BUI?" she gasped. "Yes. Fired. He wasn't man enough to come up and tell me. He had to send a printed note. Fired me as if I were no more than a Christmas extra!" "He's planning to blame you for tha elevator accident," Carol blurted out "I heard him say as much to Andy this afternoon. It's unfair. I'm going to Andy my self. I'm going to tell him Just what happened!" BUI roso heavily. "No, Carol. Thanks just the some. It Andy's too blind to see what's going on he won't take our word for it Hell hava to find Mr. Herrick out soma other way." (To Be Contained) The modern motor engine de mands the highest type of spark plug performance, and an In tense spark is essential for Its best operating efficiency. Tire rims that have bent edges are evidence of the driver's care lessness in regard to keeping the tubes properly inflated. Headquarters for Bicycles Tricycles Wagons Lionel Trains POOLE'S BIKE SHOP 222 S. 7th. Phone 5S20 OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hooplo THB EM2I.3HT , H 1 THOU3MT . LIGHT IM THIS THE WJl-L Or I MKW A.DDITOW J TH'WOOPB HAO I MUST HA.VB DCEK) NTHW BLIWDBO HIM, OLD DUMCBOM fr- AMD WHBM HB LCXKS HWOUC5M M l riT7- WEMT BACK. TO SJMELV. EACH U-jfll IMF nrrvrT) into tmb old machikjb, but - IMIC UUfr SHOP HEt FELL MA.VPP. Mlr'tJ C ilj I OVER A 4 COT A , ) L'l" "I?11111"! Hint! , A ACHIrJrl COLD . I OUT OF THE DUAK." . .. ..w- aw - 7.T ---vv j QUIT BELLERIMS AT MB LIKB K VOL) WAS THE TOWN CWER I'll GET OFF VOUR QU6, BUT WWW INO OF TOWN IT VJHERE A BONNW-FIDE DEPUTV SHERIFF- CAN'T RIDE ON HIS BADGE f-vPUT A UNIFORM UN WME MONKEVS AN1 THEV THINK TWEWRE NAPOLEON m LISTEN ,WJ VELLED Ml OUT OF NINE BLOCKS' FREE RlOli ALREADY, WMALE - FACE .IP VOU'RE NOT OFF TH19 6U IN IO SECONDG.I'LL PIN BACK VOUR BARM DOOR ears with that NOVELTV- STORE BADG1 OFVOUP.W , CITY BRIN A TRANSIT - Ui I RED RVDER By Fred Harmc THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson SCIENTISTS HAVE I f . x JUST DISCOVERED, IS V k ! I OO.OOOAAJLS V A THAN THEV IV S I Mao 7?-ocs,rt7r r- FOR US TO qUOTE 1 fff 'A GOSLIMG, &ROWINO Ur, &(C7WS DOWN, Say EDSAR AOOSe, FQXf OKLAHOMA, I T.M.KaU.S.fAT.OfF. A FEW WATER. CARRIED FROM SOUTH AMERICA AND CARELESSLY THROWN INTO THE ST JOHNS RIVER, IN FLORIDA, SPREAD SO RAPIDLY THAT THEyrWAC0 1-2 --S NEXT: TChere the Vnlted States and Central America meet. AN ASIATIC PREMIER HORIZONTAL 1,5 New Far East premier. 9 He is a leader in . 14 Economics (abbr.). 15 Aid 16 Proverb. 17 Loan. 18 Main point. 19 Heavenly body. 20 Baseball penalties. . 22 Tree. 24 Single thickness. 26 Session. 27 Shine. 30 Unit 31 Advertisement (abbr.). 33 Lament. 34 Company (abbr.). 35 Footless. 37 District At Answer to Previous Puzzle JAN TTsLiGiOpL-JM onthi AREiSnGHg AjTHM: I IRE pTREBTSH I 'fPE;FnTJ I !L tPABTtRTOTHN E'A RBPTj) ZjsTrRlOiSl LS,0P1F bElN.OiS IHO'NiTT" RiAHS'0L EnAPjERBMn IS: I AflHTOITlE SDFIREn y;eia'R!51 43 Nickname for Lemuel. 45 Perform. 46 It is (contr.). 47 Afresh. 50 His foreign minister is VERTICAL 1 Snaky fish. 2 Frozen water. 3 He succeeded 44 Him. irince 24 Pertaining to place. 25 Positive pole. 28 Officially examine accounts. 29 Repasts. 32 Put on. 35 Near. 36 Father. 39 Reflections. 41 Powdery substance in flowers. 42 His country's native name is 52 Cavity. 55 Kind of chicken. 59 In debt. 60 Paradise. torney (abbr.) 61 Over. 38 Entrance. 62 Otherwise 40 Short sleep. 63 Watch. 42 Nothing. 64 Restore. 4 Supply. 5 Labels. 6 Charm. 7 Comedian. 8 Mammal. 9 Auto tool. 10 Bustle. 11 Satiate. 12 Grow old. 13 Fish trap. 21 Snare. 23 Part of "be." 48 Organ of smell. 49 Sharpen. 50 Foot part. 51 Night bird, 53 Lyric poem. 54 Finish. 55 Auto. 5G Nickname for Abraham. 57 Ovum. 58 Novel. HCW (ALCH WILL IT f? t J AEpUTT 1 LJ I PLUSH ADMIT V' SO THE CS5T HE 10 CRio ) SAW 1 HAVE NOT WT J'f DUCHESS PUIS TOUR ksnIUCKT J . b ,1 1HPU5ASD AfVrMlCF READY J I UP THE LJD STABtEguT ' iPSIj v'BT0''' CA&H' )ASD GoH.' OMLT UMTil I CArt SELL mv H3(tr5e rsu- m old KEMTUCK.Y. SUM"- UCM. AS IT cREANS W HEART.' COLONEL JULtP' 1; If I "nME, LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By Harold Gn MAYBE TO BETTER WATT A FEW DAYS AND 66 G HOW T 13. AFTER THE NOVELTY WEARS OFF BUT SOMEHOW I OOKT THINK A "GOOO JOB WELL DONE WILL EVER LOSE IT 6 THRILL f Lf0?!!! ) B THE WHOLE HOUSE XtfM&ift euSTUNS RROUNO A I ( MAYBE TO BETTER WATT A A Imr ouv.ra- nKiiunncrecrs rl HS fin r-KSSH I ' W.fl AND HAPPY AS A f t SHIRTS ALL CLEAN AND I j I TOWELS IN THE BATH- f ' LARK-6EEMS TO I 111 sn-inni rmHi I I mu I nc flfcHLS WHY, U' ) .'VVC'i, LOVE TO WORK I IsiHC vvHa uoirt TibitKLW I I F ILL GtT Ffvv AS A 15 ..V" I il I HM-M-H NEW I )i' 0 .'.X.: U D PKS-WHATARt- fa fe, M BR00M6WEEP6 CLEAn: I Mil . rvt- n 0 K-r-vcr-rr n rJVK V bAT ff-VvJR. FORTHSTKIO- boItnh buddie! " .. . By E-Ia- aaaaftiliiam TO iTl' I . V I .iiJuaiJ Ttmm ffa1? " 1 Lcom. m; ur . nfvicr. we Twi t oi, -H WASH TUBBS By Cror I IZ 3 14 14 17 2425 47" AS, 5? &T 59" 62"" IS 6 9 IO II 12 13 19 M 1 1 lataaaaiaMaaa 1 I I iaaaaVaOO I 1-1-7 -Rn WM -r1-1 ri52r"3r-T54P 60 6T 53 56 57 158 61 : 1 1 1 2 51,5 EX?XeS f T VOJLL TRANSFERS f I " TV-W l l W- "" IS TO BATHUIT, AFRICA. HEREA. FERRV CTMEU OUEB ; ?,, M (Sjtfttf. S ' V'v' FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blossi f ." -TPA -rrrm r MOT IN YET I OUGHT "El Ten MORF MINUTB3 AMD lhA , p-" ' YOU'LL FIND, NINc? T1UFS CAST OV Vf CALL MR. MS GOOSEY, BUT X GOING TO CALL JUNE'S FATHER HBNBY. WHV v TEN i THAT IF YOU'U. JUST SMILB AND , GUESS HED THINK I WAS J DONT YOU ST ODTTLB DOWN COMFOPfTABLY. YOU CAN A JUST AN ALARMIST ,n ; ! in. DOWN, AWO STOP WAIT MUCH FASTER I -X ; ' ' EM) I L-' t r V BEiNS SO a I nrS yv ; b - !:f fl Threh- a.m. .' I WONDER IF JUNE IS HOWS .' X DIDNT HEAR HER COWB IN.' ALLEY OOP P'.LISTEM, SUA.ieD...THI3 IS A MATTER WELLAzlL tl'iS TXST ri.r.XS.TV.'..- yyuiAT V .11 fcJMIM WUIOMblVt; VvAKIT f TOO BA.D I GCTTA WASTE I feSSjJ i fcjii-c;hi j a -rti-K y.i 3L:t: wwK.r ir vmuici M &LEEPY... HELLO, 9" M t:Z ? v6s,J YOUEVJHILH . " rms tvaAJoeieifJ' km r COULD 2ITTO 'M, THIS YAP SHOWS UP T'GUIOl MB WHAT A BIT OP UJCt. U X PLAY MyfAfJO ra, kkjht,' i By V. T. Hem'i BUCKO .' BUT t'LL Riairrovj vcxib! awh. TO9RB THtRly BELIBVK ME, OLD CHAR I'LL SPSTHAT YOU'Rr. NRLL RIWARDeO K3R.THIS Nioi-rr'a WORK.' 0 ir'A 13 iriuk tt amy tr rT,f Be etc 3SUAm-TiJAi'3 II J .mt!tt:AAf R1MMV I , ' v.- v a ja ' ayWi i. ivi iw . iiyaw ir r.aanwi i man xi.v i fi L' ji .corp. WavayitJJn t Tjj ' TJ'ib