...a . rr sW sl K ImW WiF Mmht 8 i 38-Inch Outing Flannel LOVELY STAMPED Pillow Cases 8 POUND COTTON Linter Batts Values To 22a yd. Pair 39 49o Velua 39 CROWN TESTED Rayon Prints 39c 49a V.lua Stripes nnd checks. Assort cd color mill lriitflhi. A grand vnltirl 42 x 36-Inch stamped pillow cases In many attractive pat terns. Good quality muslin with colored bordcra. Savel 72 x 00-Inch cotton linter batti that open up Into one piece, All treated with ultra violet ray. No wastel Jut received! 800 yards of lovely Crown Tested rayon prints. Guaranteed wash able. New colors and pat terns. Save nowl Choice of Double or Twin Bed Sizes Low-Pile Chenille on Fine Sheeting Worth pfB $4,98! sTS Fluffy new chenille spreads that will add to the appearance of any bedroom. Low-pile tufts on dyed-to-match sheeting. Contrasting classic border with bright florals. See thcml FAMOUS "LAUNDERITE" and "GUEST CHAMBER" SHEETS 81x99 Launderite Sheets THREAD COUNT 70x62 TO SQ. IN. Nationally famous sheets that give you maxi mum service for the money. Wide tape selvage, hand-torn to insure evencss after laundering. Cellophane wrapped for your protection. Try I.aundpritci once and you'll buy them agalnl SHEETS 63x99 93c 81x108 1.19 j 17 04 CASES 26c 42x36 CASES WILD FLOWER CASES 42x38 Each 17c 81x101 "SUPER LAUIIDERITES" With Patented 2-Ply Reinforcement Better quality sheets . . . the only sheet In the world with the patented 2-ply re inforcements! Side reinforcement guards against breaking or fraying. It's a whale of a valuel SHEETS 81x110 1.34; 63x101 1.04 ' ; $2.98 "Guest Chamber" Sheets 76 x 70 thread countl That means strength and durability! Wide taped selvages, evenly stitched hems . . . hand torn to Insure evenness. Sears Finest Quality 32 SHEETS 81 x 108-inch . 1.49 TOWELS Bleached, hemmed squares 10 for 89e MUSLIN 36-inch, brown yd. 9e Blue Chocked KITCHEN TOWELING, C part linen, yard I 9 ROMAN STRIPE, port linon, yard Famous "Paradise" Cotton Prints 80 Square Quality Value sfcO yd. Wahfat anil Mlfn.tt Fnrniv Mnpla nil plnln ;ardn In M In. wl.lt lis. rhwaa. ilnta. ttrlpta and aiuall floral. MO rants I Embassy Rayon Prints 49V Worth 59c A Yardl All M InrliM wide, flpiin rayon, rayon errpn and umo crown-tested. All art WAilmMe. Thick and Thirsty! TURKISH TOWELS Rtg. 39o Valuesl 29 Trtm atmorh'nt Turkish towM with colored border. Kxtra. law fiU Inch Mm. Stock up now inil aval Linen Toweling 15c yd. Bath Towels Each 25C Radiant nantcl hnrto, Oonrrrmi 13x44 tnrh tlt K 4 ' T ' V 1 VN 'fil mm 133 So. 8th REMEMBER You Can Buy Anything Totaling S10 or Mora UD StAKS tAlT PAT PLAN) Dial 5188 70x80 In. Double Blanicefs 3 Lb. Size! 5 New Wool! We call these blankets the country's best buy for housewives on a budget! 5 new wool, balance curly Imported cotton woven the "core-thread" way for soft nap and strong underweave. Attractive plaids. 72x84 Comforter Printed Silkolin 298 mi A big heavy comforter for ntrn warmth M low price t FlHd with cotton lintm. Dainty flower print eorcrlnf. 38 INCHES WIDE - MONKS CLOTH 4 PLY QUALITY . Reg. 45e Value 35 yd. Heavy quality that makes fine drapes, covers, etc. Natural oat meal color, 36 Inches wide. Sava at Saarsl Sunfast DRAPERIES 349 pr. 33 Inches by 2 1-3 yards! Gay floral prints on texture cloth. Four generous pinch pleats. In many ' patterns. , I so wool bUNket I 7X84 I y ) j ij ;Z"n''yasg I : ; Sears "Harmony House" ; Venetian Blinds - Reg. 45c Value 39 q. it Cholra of wood or te lat, Vernt atlva wood tntrtn and Irnttom rails. THtlntt And raliKlntr mflrhnnUm. Bring ,vinr window mftatwrctrifnUI