SERIAL STORY HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL BY ADELAIDE HAZELTINE COPYRIGHT. 141. Kit SERVICE. INC ft Ilk 4) to (It S if. .6 TUB ITORYl Tka tanai ef Aa. 4rar Durban's will aaaelfytag thai Ma e-eralary CarAl, and Era ' - aia-v apl7, a h a 1 1 J a d a; a ' avaffhor or boi bla ala-lto- aaa Ar la naalar taa aala-- ar-aaraMa- fa ata ata-ra pollrr af --a-rvlra la tha people.1 pal Carol, waa aaa lored Aadjr alnea glrl aaad. la a dllBealt apol. Altaoaaa aa will aaa aot bcaa faoad, Carol kaawa Ita t-raia, aai lier heart - alaka whea Aadr. enrreatlr la Volvra with aleak Llada Jallaa, ta-a ataaajr-maat aver to - aernpnlona Mr. Ilerrtrk. whoa aalr Idea la la maka mnner. "ha kiawi that aalraa Aady ahowa wara at lha heart lhal haa made him aa klad to aawabor Meky ad to a aaoavrel pappr ka kaa adopted, ka will loaa lha atora la charity by Tola at lha atraasa -iay hla lata fathrre will pro - tiowb tor. i-eBny-piaeains icr - Xek taraa dowa Bill Reeee. aa , aaiplaya la lora with Carol, aa repalra for tha tarlaad eleTalor. w'hem Mrky aarea Aady'a pap , tram trafle after tka doa; kaa : aaea toaaed lato tko otreet by ' Llada Jallaa, Aady preraleea him tka blsseat eleetrta trala la tka tar department. ' aaa CAROL MAKES ADJUSTMENTS CHAPTER VII 3TT December 23, Mr. Herrick'i policies began to take their tolL Complaints were numerous. Customers who had always re ceived courteous and fair treat rnent were being turned away .without satisfaction. ' - Carol had no Idea how many were offended before Mrs. Milli : gan dared to bring her trouble to .Andy's office. She had been re fused the return ot a defective sweater. ": "It has holes In it, young man," Mrs. MiUiean said heatedly. "Holes! Your girl downstairs tells 'me you cant do anything about It. I know better. It's a gift. I cant give It like this! Your ' lather" . . Andy stopped her. "Mr. Her- rlrV tends to such matters. Mrs. " Milllnan. I'm sure he'll do the rieht thine." 4 "Mr. Herrlck?" She sniffed de risively. "It's a funny thing the .- ' owner of the store cant make his ra own adjustments. Mr. Dearborn ilz would never have let this happen." . .. Andy said, "The store's policy is a little different now, madam. j "Different!" Her eyes blazed. -"So different IH never set foot In "the place again!" She threw the sweater down on his desk and .(talked out . - Perhaps It was Just as well the will had not been found. Andy might seem to reform only long .enough to get possession of the store and then revert to policies like these. ,fTHE next customer to coma to lA Andy was Mrs. Grover. She : mad three trips to his office be fore she caught him in. She wanted to return a bicycle she had F night for her little boy's Chrlst as. "Ha wanted it mora than ny- .- thing In the world," she told An- My. -We couldn't afford it but jhe begged so hard." : - Ta sorry," Andy started to ex plain but she hurried on. "Ha was so sick," she told him. "The doctor said it might heln just to look at it" ; Carol pitied her. .' ' "He was never able to ride It ." (He only touched it with his hands. L1 ;ily little boy" her voice caught -05 w"he died last week." - ; "Tm sorry," Andy sympathized. But you see we have a rule. We jaant let toys be returned. You " -understand, of course." "We'd only had it three weeks. fie never rode it We need the money for clothes for the other children." Carol clenched her fist Andy, Andy, her humanity cried. Give her the money. It's only Justice! - nut she heard him say, "Mr. Herrick is in charge of that, Mrs. Grover. Youll have to see him." The woman turned wearily away. Carol longed to stop her, to press the money into her hands. t Give it back in the name of Mr. .r Dearborn. Give it back for Mr. Dearborn? The thought ran riot in her mind , and left her breathless. The will said that the name of Dearborn's must never stand "for anything but service." Here was another contradiction of the will. First Mrs. Milligan. Now Mrs. Grover. They were two of dozens who were being turned away empty handed. ir.t It must not happen! Until tha ntK will was found, she, Carol Fair Held, must uphold the store's ' reputation. The way was dear at lost Fnr his sake, for Andy's sake, for the store's sake she would save its name. Then when the will was read and Andy knew its terms he would have a fighting chance. &ne nao always been allowed to l fwrite small checks signed with her i jiniuais. ne had never abused l that privilege. i She would not abuse it now. ! he would use it gratefully, j Her hand trembled a little as j he wrote the first check. To Mrs. J JMilligan for $3.95, the price of the i sweater. It steadied as she wrote the second check. To Mrs. Grover, Z4.50, the price of a bicycle. I a a jgHE corrected many similar cases' I in the next days. But she J hadn't anticipated the most seri-. j ous of them alt It concerned Miss' a Fanny in Hosiery. TThe old employe came to the office shaking with despair. "It's ij Mr. Herrick," she managed to tell Carol. "He' laid me off. For .'good. He says I'm-too old to i work." j . "No, no, Miss Fanny!" Carol j protested. "He can't do that." I : "He has done it I'm going to J take it up with Mr. Andy. Ha won't let him, will he, Carol?" 4 "I hope not," she said fervently. Andy came. Miss Fanny fol- lowed him into the office. I .Numbly, Carol waited. What J irony this was! One of the very . persons who would pass Judgment 99 Hi Si li: 'if: '. ?" px a. en on Andy was now asking him for mercy. What would Andy do? Carol was afraid to think. The door opened at last and Carol read the answer in Miss Fanny's hopeless eyes. It wrung Carol's heart As she passed the desk, Miss Fanny paused and laid a hand on Carol's arm, started to speak. No words came. Only a gasp. Miss Fanny was too hurt to talk. After she was gone, Carol flamed at Andy. "It's not rlghtl Miss Fanny's given her life to this store! You can't turn her out!" His lips denied the doubt in his eyes. "Mr. Herrick did it Carol. I won't interfere." "But it's YOUR store," her voice rose in condemnation. "It's Dear boro'sl Why don't you run it your own way? You know this isn't right" He regarded her silently. Then. "She wanted $500," he said even ly. "Santa Claus stays in Toy land, Carol. Not in the manager's office." He took his hat "Keep any messages for me. I'll be out the rest of the day." He was angry with her, too. Carol knew why she expected the sum. It was what Mr. Dear born usually set aside for retire ment Five hundred dollars! Her mind toyed with it until she began to accept its reality. She had righted other wrongs. Why not this one? True, she had never written so large a check. It would be cer tain to come to Mr. Herrick's at tention at the end of the month. But by then surely the will would hava been found and both ha aha Andy would understand tha did it in deference to Mr. Dearborn's wishes. The letter to Miss Fanny was different from the others. It praised her long service in the store and thanked her for her loyalty. She paused a tense moment be fore she put Miss Fanny's name and the three figure sum on the check $500. She signed it Dear born's with her own initials un derneath. (To Be Con tinned) Latest available figures show there are 822,285 miles of sur faced county and local roads In the United States. Approximate ly 86 per cent of the primary and secondary rural state highways in this country are surfaced. OUTOUfWAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson ME(B0(R THAT C4USEO THE GREAT IB-SQUARE: A1LE CRATER. IN COCONINO COUNTY, AKlZCVf-.. WOULD HAVE DEMOLISHED CQUPLETEi-V THE CITIES OF WINtSLOW AND HAD THEV BEEN IN EXISTENCE AT THE TIME a ton. tan sr an sonet a MOST ORANG CTANS KNOW THE SeJlEWIRC PRINCIPLS OF THE v at-evafv-a t.ana.i.MT.gfi, A&. LABGEST CCXJNTRV IN TUB WESTERN HEMISPHERE IS ANSWER: Canada. KfixT: A new discovery about Old Sol HOLIDAY PUZZLE HORIZONTAL l.Pictured Roman god. 8 He is of this month. S Twelfth part of a year. 13 God of war. 14 Considerable in degree. 18 Mud. 17 Anger. 18 Made shirrs in 20 Sesame. 21 Music note. 22 Horse's gait 23 Close to. 25 Afternoon (abbr.). 26 Sixty sixties (astron.l. 28 Minute skin opening. 31 Electrical en gineer- (abbr.) 32 Symbol for tantalum. 34 Sweet-secre tion (pi.). 35 Nautical. 36 Indian Army (abbr.). 38 Symbol for tellurium. Answer to Previous Puzzle EE SELlEeBEnL. SWL T RURIFIP FIR I sioB'sngAisiEiirBgNTio TiOEBfAN ABO ft F MM ill mm , , , Pff HPE E RBAmEfcl FIE lL DUlNlGiElRlglugr' 3d Repairs. VERTICAL 4 1 Fountain. I Imprison 43 Sun god. 2 Tapestry. 44 European fdod 3 Born, fish. 4 Pronoun. 46 One who apes. 5 Gravel. 481 am (contr.). 6 Over (poet) SOEmmet. 52 Tuned again, syllable-. 54 Eucharlstie 10 Louse egg. wine vessel, 11 Part of rumi 85 Thailand. nant's stom- 57 Carries. ach, used as 58 To irritate. food. 69,60,61 Greeting 12 Ship's steer- common today ing apparatus. 58 Symbol for (PL). 14 Specter. iron. 15 Golf mound. 18 Standing room only (abbr.). 19 To dibble. 22 Surgical perforations of the skult 24 One who rotates. 27 Eagle's nest 29 Black corvine bird. 30 Entirely. 33 Crafty. 37 Small island. 39 Craze. 40 Drone bee. 41 Supplied with nourishment 42 Timekeeper 43 Headstrong. 45 English school. 46 Afresh. 47 Footlike part 49 Entangles. 51 Light knock. 63 American Indian. 84 Constellation. 56 Military police (abbr.) ' 1 5 4 I I lS I6 I7 I l,& I9 l' 1" i11 3- r-fT Hq rT : is V"ni5 H pF rw rp a 26 n . -sk " 15 39 4 tlUT 41 p2 43 II44 45 I 146 47 P4T 49 50 Tj 53 r-p4 55" 56jTT57 r-Tia BT" j 6Q j pi x'm cwim' X sou wca .TOa' AN' PUT TH' TOOCO CLEAJsJED UP, Id 1 I AWAV I Vve US1N' I WHUT NVkng Sou I TODAV cSOLUV, I I I JUS THINK OP IT.' DOUT KNOW WHUT N. , S MADS ME JUS' , THINK OF IT.' V Ta.-naar.T0t. THE ASH CAM LILY trdn.5, , HELLO.' WHO? Oh.JAK&- HOvV'DWOU SET UERE? vNEVER MIND CALLINS ME CEMENT HEAD, I'M NOT THE HATOR; - HOW WA6 I TO KNOW WHETHER NOU CAME BV TRAIN OP K.ANSAROO POUCU ? IS VOUR THUMB OUT OP OOIMT f - NO.X. HAVEN'T SOT A CAR; IT'6 JAK.E, ' THE MAJOR'6 BROTHER.' HE'S GOT MORE THAN A HARLEM . ORCHESTRA! J IF HE CAMS ON A TRAIN ,'M 6ETTIN& HE VMORB BURNT- CORK A MAHEUP Yt AND BEAT U HIS WAV fi ' ASA N'l PUCLMAM, H r tiAKE'SlNTOWN- RED RVDER 1 H-.D PL.NS.I3 ib puv Y so HQR6EKCH,TJUCHSS,0uTl'iH4.T? I WITH 1DUR EXCELLENT SisS R-,CH AD W SIRlSJG " i CT cyRoujeRErjAj'1 By Fred Hormor iys.FC.E I SOUNDS "NIGHT PROPOSE. WE If INTERS. SUNS, . merge our J Colonel Jui-tP-' I ASSETS, f-N J I NENTUCKT LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE lUEi JIi Y iT JW TH-Rp-'S '"E TULR cOlsg tq C&t j c rtNS(:roTNo nVfo?iss ?5o.n I 3? tf-V US ANY PONE.Y? KtsffJCM TO TLSE. p(OAD ACRES J i, I, " II X, Of (-VMNTEO VAi.LET M ""alaTaa By Harold Gra I HAPh'Y YEAR. ANNIE ! NEW I "N SPITE OF iM year! It' m Try iMW&m Hi BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES rr docs look i PLENTY TOUGH I FROM HERE, BUT t tT MXV NOT I TURN OUT SO BAD NO use cr us BCRROWINT TROUBLE-, r NOT-EVEN IP THAT S ABOUT THE EASIEST THUG WE CAN BORROW IN THESE TIMES - YEAH. BUT WHATE TK USE O BORROWIN' SOMETHIN' YUH DONT WANT f RIGHT YOU ARE. MY SAGACIOUS YOUNG LADT" Br THE WAY WERENT YOU UP PRETTY EARLY THIS MORNING T WHY i r ( WELL, THERE Ha! (T WAS WAS TH- 6WEEPIN 1 THE AROMA OP AM DUSTIN" TO DO, 1 .COFPEE AND WHEN IT WOULDN'T I BACON THAT BOTHER YOU AN ROUSEO ME BREAKFAST TO GET-J MADE Me OIDNT MEAN TO f WfetfT TO ) IWCKE vjgu UP- J GETy By Martin WOT'4 VT? TVW? SOWS. 009. MlXiO WV1W WW) fvSKEO V tOUr WXJS VMkKiTCO "TO VCA4 WSW feVVc. VKVb TO VME. tAOTWKb Kt f,V-w OV n SL www' I tAM. V VOW K OKT.-tWai MJNTVWtACj TO VOOT T. M. nffnaTBim i WASH TUBBS TJE 6ET A LOT UEEft A&iW M6WT5 THESEPJ EH, VXI BET.' ABAUT TO TAkV OFF OM A ONE-STOP HOP TO BATHORST, AFRICA, WrTH THUEE PAiSSBJ6Ea6.0WB NEWER LETS CVO Or HIS PORTFOLIO... PROSASLV OVRRIBS DIPLOMATIC fi-PERJ THE. SECOND WEARS A WEST FDIUT RIM3... PROBABLY A 6EWERAL AND THE THIRD, 3 0 IM JIMMIE MADV4AM.HADA PBMTAL APPOINT MEWT... SORRy IM LATE. HAPPy mem VEAR! USED TD CO A BIT OP PLVUUcV MYSELF j FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Cran I .- AhV$?$Sf ' I r what m A ws s'posbo to be V-?jrS2fc UiftWli1r jal -M MAW6AM, j WAV TO B6YPT. BUT 1 mZu. m' niri PUUUO...HSDcSMT Ltf'-. 1, Hrt llifniiaaa ' - affagfClHi lit fill "i.ili. i"J?.'?'.I! ! " "f,,, , fr. What to likb lb kkiow is WHY DO THE" ALWAYS BUILD Tonus SO FAR APART ? ) My A Nice J FEET WAY TO S hurt . START tub T77.K ALR6ACyl NEW . By Blosser WHAT DO THE 6IG AMD LITTLE HAND3 SAY? TWeLVB FORTY FIVE ! WE'LL HEAR 1MB ROOSTERS BEFORB W6 GET HOME YOU OH L WB SUR6T THB AARBiSAID WAY T6 HE, SHADY3IDE I FEELIMfl ? BETTER . ALREADY ALLEY OOP ""jjfi N0W ARB YOU SATISFiSDt - t ":'V-'kaTl 1 TOLD YOU WB WBREf , OM Bi 7V-77-H.OM HERE COMES SOMEBODY,') . " V WELL,X GOSH.IP HE FINDS THIS Jk I VyiATA MUS, I'LL SB SUNK I 4'Si,M& OOTTA THINK J RS TH f N PAST' l 1 f. YAP.WOPPoL "T' I I ) HASN'T aOTJ----fV,---' '. I I' HZiP'XXr50 SODDEN ciVEW WITH WINS I NOT VOUR 305-J TO y BURDEN A I TH CLINK J, By V. T. Hamfin "y,A WORTHY TAiKrwisA ,N V,HSWWOTTA BRl-ikl W I"" I'LL HOLD OPBN TMB DOOa XMS; ( AN" I NEVBR BVBN ! Ak,rt-rucrJCT 1 DESTINATION X y !--- n . , FAR CELL AND .