SPURTS AP Pictures Review Headlines of Year Li I -v: v MINNESOTA T DE ROLLS ON AND ON P,1,n, m'r t,,B ,M """bck Herman Frlckey (33) of MlnnenoU lunres over for of fo.h.ll Tm.i,. Mi,h,l.Z'T i ,T. . . . Z ,. M touchdown In (he Minneaota-MichlKan game that Iho Gopher, won, 7-0 to add to their trln of foolhall tirlorin. Mlrhlf an a Tom Ku.mi (45) vainly trie to balk that .core. Mlnnenola policed off WlKon.ln, 41.6. to end the aeaaon u ive.lern Conference cham plon Uidefe.t.d and untied for two .Iralf ht ana, Mlnneaota led Th. Auoclated I're.. final national (rld iron rinkln, poll for Iht "cond sucMve ywr" K , ' V. , ,"" - y .-' ir4W' ' ' 3 1 r ?l f ? 'V "V" v - f v y", - " -;;'', .. '!:;' ":x .:- ( ri ,C' - K .Wis; ' ," COURT OUEEN T""1'' ontlnued Us reputation for r , , w uui eon,,,, fcmae slar, when Mrt Sarah Palfrey Cooke (above) of New York won women', singlei title at Forest Hills, defeating Pauline Betz of Los Angeles, 7-5, 6-2. Bobby Rlggs of Chicago took men's crown by beating Frank Kovacs of Oakland. Calif.. 5-7. 6-1. 6-3. 6-3. also at Forest Hills. j f w t ' 41 , s , 7 ' . ,i " Vr" . "," V ! '.: -35 TUP rKIF THAT I".OT AWAY l'n"' hl ',,,' moment In late afternoon Ht WMt I MM I JJ I MTTM I of Oct. 5. when the ball (foreground) thai Yankrea' tdrnmy Henrlrh had awunc at, for the "final" out, glanced off Dodger Catcher Mickey Owen, flotr, the Brooklyn Hums reckoned their world series chances good. They were trading. 4-3. In ninth Inning of fourth game, having won one game. Instead, the, Yankees followed up above error With (oilrtrun rally, winning 7-4. and look the championship in a subsequent game; score, 3-U. s wi.'. inn.. LAURELS Prank Leahy (above), who In his first year there led Notre Dam through an undefeated grid aea on, (ho first for Irish alneo 1930 team coached by Knule Roeknc . i y u.i mil him ii, mi h f .1" ,f ''t ZZ is i,l.iiA.ill i'MI i,.,Xx.fL-ii CWIVA Nancy Merkl, 14, JTTllVl of Portland, Ore, Ocrlpplo for her first eight year of life, clipped an amaslng 17 seconds off the American 1,500 meter free style record In women's national A.A.U. meet at lllgh I'olnt, N. C. V J I ill, toiia si, stiiiitiiiasaiSilartiMmmA Af!P CHAMDQ Washington State's Gllberg and X-"V,IU '"'""J Wisconsin's Epperson (38) tangle during Kansas City game that gave Wisconsin 39-34 victory and national collegiate basketball title. Long Island V. beat Ohio. 56-42, to win fourth intercollegiate Invitation tourney In New York Vi ) ft December 81, 1941 " C PAGE NINA ... - '-j. t-V4 1 v ' r "iZn? N.. ' -ok . f"f)Cll If" fOrVAFHY What Champion Joe Lonls did to Loo Nova (left) and that "eoe VrVJITIIv. wl VIUL I mie punch" the challenger developed for just this occasion mado fistic history Sept. 29. The Bomber pulverized Nova, won a technical KO In 2:59 of Round 6. Other major bouts: Buddy Baer, who knocked Louis through ropes; Billy Conn, who stayed 13 round.. . r-i ar4EjaujjMi'4 . st si wsi?r --a r5 . i VITTOR Women's m. IV I Wl tional amateur golf title was won by. Betty Hicks Newell (above) of Long Beach, Calif., who defeated . Helen Sigel at Brookllne. Mrs. Newell turned pro in November. aVi.'' I". CI V D I D n Mighty leaps of 273 feet (above) at Leaven. w I IX ur worth, Wash., and of 243 feet at Lake Placid, N. Y., lifted Torger Tokle sky high over nearest ski competitors. . Lake Placid jump broke 6-year-old Olympic 65-meter record. . A I Hl' dogged chase W'"- after a major golf title ended for Craig Wood above) of Mamaroneck, N. Y. , who took national open title and trophy at Fort Worth. Marvin Ward won national amateur! ' Vlo GhessJ. the P.&A. crown.' - UfiV I ID TM AD Oregon's Les Steers set record of W M I Ur I 11 A IV 611" 1'igh Jump, Inching up from above 6'10" at Los Angeles In May. Leslie MacMitchcll, NYU's relay see and mller who's undefeated In cross country, tied com petltlvn Indoor record for mile with 4:07.4. Greg it Ice ran two miles In 8:53.4, three miles la 13:51, both world records f,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,..,,,,, , n ,,,,, r u.,u,i,,,,,.,iW.w..iWW.i,U.J , , ,U, piiassrTw,,ft.v.hvvivv..v...,j,wriW HssMaaaaaasMaVaissssssssBstfls h 5 'V i ? .' I I 'few I 11 11 r, ...?r-Tf; f 'u COOD HORFFIFCU Wlilrlaway, winner o the Kentucky Derby, Preakness and , ... . 1 Belmont SUkes, must shove over to make room for Alsab i e.l'.lwJ.year;.Id chmPon " I841' Cinderella horse that cost Albert Sabath only $700 and won 1110,610 before taking a rest that will precede his campaign for 1942 laurels. Whlrly's one-eyed blinker (right) keeps him from bearing out at the turns. Bay View, an unsung 4-year-old. won world's richest .horse race, the 5100,000 Santa Anita Handicap, and Porter's Cap took the $50,000 Santa Anita Derby,. CM ADP AllltfP Co-winners of the 500-mile Indian jnMtxC MLirVE spoil, Speedway May 10 were Maori Rose (left) and Floyd Davis, hugging trophy. Rose, his own ear forced out, crossed finish line In racer Davis drove the initial laps.