'lil-,MiWIIIIIJIItlllWlili.,l).lllll 1 m Picture Parade for 19-1 m 1 t 5 1 'A H'flj" THE ARMY VISITS Recurrent rislti of big army convoys in 1341 helped bring the reality of war and preparation for war to Ihii community. Picture ihowi army trucki at the bivouac lite near Klamath river on the Kesterson road and main highway wait. i t 4 i Crime, disaster', I f development, in- J vVv t v dustrial disputes, v '! and preparation lf r ' rfJ for war produced these local news paper illustrations in the year now at an end. 4 JtJr Vt 1 NEW 8CH00L HEAD Admin lttratlon changu in the local chool eyitem proved an impor tant ttory of 1941. Picture ihowe Arnold Gralapp. who became high school auperlntendent and In 1942 will become head of all local schools. It ' BIG WEATHER NEWS Biggest weather event locally in 1941 was on August 18. when 1.92 Inches of rain fell in 45 minutes. Picture shows the flooded Main street underpass. mi i.(7. v. r- .5 1' 1 :rfsttCJi,V--. rr - fflrTS?iH i wm''mvwKf wjf 1 4ttst'i --'-." v - Yrrf' ! ' ''7- lit" ,r" c ! " ? LwL'!Ii-'. Zefatj.'k, v'Bal. "rti111( $ i MURDER STORY Crime had Its inevitable part In the 1941 news picture. Dr. Salem A. David, left above, was killed at the Buffalo Lunch on South Sixth street when pursuing two holdup men. George Parks, right, is accused as one of the slayers, and will be tried in 1942 for first degree murder. -' w J BIGGEST FIRE Biggest fire ol the year was In the Ewauna Box company yards, where about SI 50.000 worth of lumber went up In smoke and flames. Picture shows the fire fight, which saved the plant and part ol the yard. Snawskijiji WORST WRECK Most sensational automobile wreck of 1941 occurred at Barclay springs, on The Dalles-California highway north, June 12. Killed were Maurice (Blackle) Cannalonga. "disappearing witness" of the Bridges casei Forest Kogloy, Olympla, and John Barlow. MO. 1 NEWS STORY Rated as the most interesting local news t '. j . . itory ox tna year was tne mystery death of Marie Hussell (inset above) who was found lying beside the highway at Wocus. Eugene ...... Hugh Smith, shown above at the door of the county jail, ad- STOP AND GO A long-awaited traffic Improvement came In mltted he had taken Miss Russell in his car but claimed she 1941- Mcturt hows workmen installing one of the new stop and Jumped without warning. He got five yean for failing to stop at 8 signals, the scene of an accident. r 4 ir i mm Wl:. I'fl i - f 1,4 s i( 4 V I f i 4''''. t 2 J 4 i d in, wlXW. W I v 1 H'-ll P -K's '4 1 WxMeutt- sot BIG JOB Biggest construction Job In this area was the $600,000 development of the municipal airport by the civil aeronautic administration. This picture gives an Idea of the sweep of the 6 100-foot main runway. Klamath people hope an airbasa will be located on the field. ONE OF '41 STRIKES Several strikes occurred In this area in 1941 as labor union carried on an organisation drive. Above, the picket lino at the Long-Bell Lumber company plant at Weed.