0 .'0 'tr. 1IK fir at J!..' .u tit ft- r ,;- Is.- a. i i i te ;.!: W xm i f i 1. V- ir It; ,0it 'V y ' .?; (.' f SERIAL STORY HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL BY ADELAIDE HAZELTINE COPVUIOMT, 141. MCA SERVICE. INC. THU STOHYi Th (rmi of Aa tjrrw Ww.rbom'i wtJl Bp If Tin that hla rterr Carol, and five taer raplo7, J a 4 a; . tPfavthav or not fcla plarbor mom Andr la nunina; the hnilnraa ac cord In a: to hla fathr poller of "aerrlve to the people" put Carol who kaa lored Andy alnce Ctrl fcooaV la difficult pot. Alto on a taa will hu not been found, Carol fcaowa Ita terms, and her heart Ink When Andr curreatlr -vol Ted with alee Linda Jnltaa, tarna manajrement vr te u erupuloua Mr, llerrlck, waoia nlr Idea la to ma Ita money, aha fcaowa that vnleea Andy ahowa anora of the heart that aee made him hm Mod to newsboy Mky ad to a moarrel puppy adopted ha will loae tha atora to charity by to to of the atranara Jury" hla late father will pro- . video" for. Bill Reece la lore with Carol, tella her be wanta to aea Andy about tha toyland eleTator vaich needa repairing feara pen By-pLaehLn Herrick will nt biat NICKY TO THE RESCUE CHAPTER VI HERRICK dW put Bill off TND n,rR. SB JTJ" when ha went to him Monday o sea about repairing the old toy land elevator. "Mr. Herrick wouldn't promise anything," he told her. "Said he'd look into it He talked about ex penses and how they were trying to hold them down. He thinks he can make money by squeezing very dollar. The danger angle doesn't worry him." ."Then youH just have to go over his head and see Andy after 11." ' Bill shrugged ominously. "That's cut, Carol. Andy happened to walk Into Herrick's office when I was arguing with him. Of course, Andy didn't know what it was all about I could have been asking for a raise as easily as begging for elevator repairs. But he didn't ask. He simply joined in and told me Mr. Herrick was in charge of all operating details." "Oh, BiDt Maybe I should have let you go to Andy in the first place." "Dont blame yourself." He tried to smile it off. "I didnt get you up here for that I really wanted to ask you about the store's half-n-half party. I'm president of the thing this year you know and the committee wants me to (et Andy's permission to have it next Saturday night" - -"Mr. Dearborn would have wanted us to go ahead. Why not go back with me and ask Andy now? He's In his office." Bill looked at his Santa Claus suit "I guess It's all right for Santa to be planning a dance," he aid good-naturedly. "Let's go." "Andyll remember that his father liked the parties," Carol Muid as they walked down tha tain. "I remember I have a date with jreu," said Bill. , "Yes, you have." Her lips an swered, but her heart raced back !to another holiday when Andy's gather had brought him to the party. Andy was just back from military college then and bad duty-danced with all the girls once. But he had danced with Carol twice! She could still feel the warmth of his arms. She had been wearing a cornflower blue dress, the color of her eyes. He'd aid, but of course it was only lis line, "You're the prettiest girl la the store, Carol!" ITPHEY found Andy in his office. A "Go right ahead," he agreed. "Tell the committee it's aU right." "YouTl be there, too?" Bill sked. Andy smiled doubtfully. Carol felt let down. Mr. Sear lorn always came. Andy should remember that He'd enter into their foolish gaiety, and as a cli max of the evening he would ap pear in the half-n-half costume. It had been originated by Mr. Dearborn's own sense of humor. ;The back of it was red velvet and .'White fur in the traditional Santa Claus manner, but the front in cluded Father Time's flowing robe and a scythe. She thought of the party again .when she saw Nicky come with the afternoon paper. ."Half-n-half party next Satur day, Nicky. You're invited, of course." "Sure." The boy's eyes beamed. He looked at Andy, who was standing in the doorway waiting for a paper. "You goto be the half-n-half fella, Mr. Andy?" . Andy looked surprised. "Half and half?" Then, as if remember ing, "Oh, you mean am I going to wear that old suit and pass out trinkets?" - "Coursel Party's no good 'thout that!" "Maybe I can get Bill to play the part." - Nicky's face fell. "Aw, no, Mr. Andy. The boss's gotta be Mr. Half-n-half. Mr. Dearborn al'ays did" He caught Carol's warning fiance and broke off. Y0U "to. Nicky," Andy re- plied. "Yes, I will. I'll look BP the suit today. I'll depend on Carol to help me collect the gadgets." "Maybe I could help you," Linda was saying behind them. "But you can go for cocktails first, can't you, darling?" Nicky recognized her and his face clouded. With a little dart ba was out the door and gone. "Why don't you take my car and go on?. , m try to Join you by 4:30." . Reluctantly she accented his keys and left, sweeping past Carol' desk as if she owned tha crowa Before Andy exclaimed, "By Jove, Carol, I left that pup in the car again." He rushed after Linda. She went to the office window. From there she could see the street below and the place where Andy parked his car. Linda was just unlocking the door. She climbed in. Carol could see her hands push the keys into the ignition lock. The hands paused, then angrily switched on the en gine. The car whirled from the curb as Carol's eyes followed it Suddenly Carol gasped. She could see one of Linda's hands reach toward the back seat. The door was thrown open and Cinder was hurled to the street in the midst of traffic Cars honked and skidded to avoid the dog. He ran back and forth crazily, dazed by the rush of wheels. Then Carol saw Nicky. He was running toward the dog, dodging in front of cars. Finally he reached Cinder and clutched him to his small breast Miraculously he re turned to the sidewalk, unharmed. She saw Andy now. He was still pushing his way through the crowd. He reached the curb In time to meet Nicky, put his arms around the boy's shoulders and draw both him and the dog close. Then he stared after his car, tousling Nicky's hair. They came up to the office to gether. Andy's lips were a grim line. Nicky was half embarrassed by Andy's gratitude. 'He didnt fall out Nicky." Andy's voice was hard. "He was pushed out I saw the whole thing but. I couldn't get through the people to stop it You might have been killed saving htm, Nicky." "Jlmlny-geel I never thought of that!" "I cant repay you for risking your life. But just as a sort of thank-you, how would you like an electric train? As a gift from me?" "Jlmlny-geel" "It's yours, son. The biggest one in the toy department Go pick it out." (To Be Continued) During the second quarter of 1940, the United States import ed 278,101 pounds of refined cotton-seed oil. The water level on the springs at Tarpon Springs, Fla., rises and falls with the tides of the Gulf of Mexico. More than 90 per cent of all Egyptians are Moslems. Headquarters for Bicycles Tricycles Wagons Lionel Trains POOLE'S BIKE SHOP 222 8. 7th. Phone SS20 OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla THIS CURIOUS WORLD VergilLT POPULAR J8 CVf tR 5 5s. OPINION, 0 1 jjjL Z))J ESS Ayitvo ' II to D I (jj VIORE THAN , -Ss? I.OOO KINDS ' fsPL- of MINERALS A -H5E?? 1 ARB KNOWN TO ' -SCIENCE. "In baseball, yFrxA jJfStT a SITE. OTHERWISE THEV 1 SW ?fF fi3 MEAN THE SAAAE? SVy rS JJL DAVEt THOMPSON, 1 M AMLWAOtCEE, WISC. ' ,, iT V J'f T.atau..m.ofF. NEXT: The devrrorsnr-otan! GUARDIAN OF THE LAW HORIZONTAL 1 Plcutred law enforcer. 9 Seasons. 10 Peg again. 12 Shape. 13 Conveyance. 15 Before (pL). 17 Weeps. 18 Artist's stand. 19 On top of. 21 Foot digit 22 Any. 24 Dolt 25 He can criminals. 21 Midget 29 Open (poet), 30 Perform. Answer to Previous Pnisle SSI SiTIEiTl ILIAjUjRIAl ICUAiVl WIALI IEINI51UiEI lAERO siojFiALJAfi BLhriEteN TR!E NOpaLEEllH EIRIQip EHTpiEE IPEiE!b OWE IK?nC AIM rnATajRMr opnp CLAY lop i nPre MlEJTJE URiSTeI ESSIE IRIAINIEEI ISiEiTfSl 49 Consumed. 50 Was over thwum. l,r Ji,r, ?3 Book of maps. 38 Compass point 38 poem. 40 Insect eggs. 42 Swallow liquid. 48 Impoverished. 47 Animal. 55 He has a Job. VERTICAL 1 Buddies. 2 Aged. 3 Lieutenant (abbr.), 4 Russian log hut 5 Gaelic. 6 Myself. 7 Gorilla. 8 Roman emperor. 9 Serious. 11 Italian seaport. 12 Waste land. 14 We. 18 His badge Is called a . 17 Depot 18 Came In. 20 He is some times called an . 22 Tree. 23 Antelope. 26 Age. 28 Gained. 32 Incursion. 33 Mammal. 35 Implements. 36 Icon. 41 Sow. 43 Pealed. 44 Neuter pronoun. 45 At 46 Vegetables. 48 Narrow inlet 60 Influenza (abbr.). 52 Guinea (abbr.). 54 Toward. Jr br" iL i F ' 31 14 Id'5 3L 17 I iaj I liy 20 3 ! mtu ' ' til 1H 45 41 I 42 43 44 45 V 146 ,'-ii?5 u r II 1 I 1 II I 1?' I 6E PRETTY . VVieMErTHFB..' WHV. VlHE'a PESSI- ( VBH-AW WITH EASV reRTH" I LOOKUT IF XXJ EVER MISTS-I'M A J I THESE, OPERA LAW T KETCH I err BIO lUDEWOILq OPTIMIST Vtioms nowacans A CSUy WITH I UP IM SASSIOTY-- I LOOvt HOV MX! WO CAM EASY y THAT STUFF WOT WOULTJ PEOPLE CAM EMTERTAIM TBLL IP "oJ S ok) 'im, if HE THiwv; a v, wip J iooo. icids with 1 oot th' ) EVER. DONE I JVO- JUMIt OM V.f f 5HOWIM' "EM TH' HCsr RIC3HT SOMETHIW-- K I'D BE AFRAID f PITCHER-3-- . Ofc,1! W,.TS 1 WOULDM1 THEVD THIMti EVEM hOVICS, (Tf f".:sS BACK..' HAVE . I SVA-a A WHEW DU 'W-x MOKIE )-ff"-vV ROUGHNECk! ( WIOC.LEXH.ICi 'i, ON MEy lyTVl WlUSCLES .' J .Kg sFji J! K?.:r".- o.(vwillin',, winw,w THE ART CRITICS , w ,m mt, ung Eao.jAsoM this -i-si'j HAMMER'S OP THOR ARE ?J CUfANGING IKi HtAD' APTERTVE WATCH PARTY Y AT TUE OWLS CLUB ? t JOVE DONT TELL ME THIS ) " IS A BARBER 6hOP-" (- Mm; Hfr'i"T INUW t:i-, BARBER A eHWJE ONCE OVER. i LIGHTLV NAWP. MI6TAH MAJOR, D1S ARE TH1 POUE HOME 'OPFISAH CLANiCV AXED MDU WHOT VOU TOTIM1 THAT POST FORVOli oM A PU6SON VAllvl WARBLE: BETTER CHORDS WIF SOMB BARBER 6H0P "oPHERE r Z V. RENDER sT-. I A V rii-. -mts1 m JEffijssseiaa FOR THOSE BALLADS RED RYDER By Fred Harmon fl TH0U5KT SO CA T 1ES . W T3EAH 1 f 15 IT COINS VaIRIFUNS VV3UN1. ( V "v "' :' en 3itt 6uTeutyiXCriSS5,f3UTlNH TO COST US I SUH,euT tUWl. J COLONEL OULEPr v ?. - ,.J POSSgSStp LN CO' I. e -- LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE PWFUL WORRIED 'BOUT HER StSTTER.TILUE-, WONDER HOW SHE FOUND HER SICK? TILLIES ALWAYS ENJOYED POOR HEALTH BUT NELLIES A DEAR OLD SOUL A GOOD VISIT- A ' -i I BUT tSMT T OH. I CALLED TILLIES OH GEE! T? HM-M-fVE HAD I TILLIE REALLY I DOCTOR TODAY I HOPE THOSE 1 SEVEN AND I I AWFUL 6ICK SURE! SHE'S 6ICK- BISCUITS DONT f FEEL FINE, SO I THIS TIME? ) MENTALLY MOSTLY- 6TART YOU FAR THEY'RE I HOW CAN I SAME AS LOTS OF TO WORRYIfTBOUTI DELKIOUS, ANNIE - Q YOU TELL? FOLKS WORRIES YOUR INSIDES. AND THIS STEAK fs, A ABOUT HERSELF- , DOCTOR J IS PERFECT 1 I WHERE DtD VOU EVER LEARN TO COOK? DID YOU TAKE A nnMfSTIT fiOFNCF By Harold Gray 1 NO-O--I JUST PICKED UP WHAT LITTLE I KNOW FROM HAVTK TO DO IT UES3 TM SORT OF A eKQEESStom. COOK- . BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martin CWOVV mt j ' WASH TUBBS Dy Crane SW6 10 CHIMA V :r tJEiusfet.,- BV OF THE L' i"K ! pacific! vouxl MA r- r"7 gmt" FLY THE SOUTH Lhrf tH?h i ATLANTIC, THEM I A' -r i IN CHUH3KIN6 VOlAL ' BELWEB A...W6LL. LET'S CALL IT A MB5SA6E .' HOWEVER, THIS IS NO. OOOIMABV MBSSAfeE.ITS EXTBEjgLV CONFIOENriALI IT MUST NOT SET OUT Of YOUB POSSESSION) . sjry UMDER4TAM0, FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS T let me repeat: UMCER NO ' CIRCUMSTANCES "ft WUST THS FALL IMTO ENEMY HANP5y I 1 '.'"J J!i mi J i i fntf" ; fcM,iWafli.tBllliliei.iiiii. 1 u 1, mi ;," tfrfll 1 ry :k' c 1 . , j NOW FOR THE MESSAGE! Wf A PHOTOOBAPHIC PROCESS WE'VE PEWJCBO IT TO A30IT-! THEr SUB OF A PCA...THAT 6H00LO HELP VOU IW PIWDIM6 A SATE HIDING PLACE BLAZES, By Blossor xr- tuu tM 1 i-t tour tHe, k J w? and TO MAKB SURB 'f WrTHOlT TMB FW WJ" i!tLJ Vou'ur tinr tub KFY? 1 R , THE- MONEY MS.' YOUR KEYS . IP YOU ARE J WONT BB ABLB f' !,SlKdkrMAv FITUPO I J ALLEY OOP '' ' ... . By V HALT WHO 3CrJMMU!!littaJl f HA.'eOX'VE CAUGHT iyi"'". I ' IT'" ' fS-ijK HmmmI 90 VMOPTO 4l 11 "l IHAVEWTSEEIO yEH?OH...HRUMMPH.' ME A SPYFOOL-... WOH.OHfVI ,w -L-7 WA9MT OOT BACK HERB I THf LIKES OF OK4C SIDe.FLUMKY . EVERVOME Ik) THE. yTT IT LOOKsVI T)L. 5 Vl VET AFTER ALL. WOXM VOU BEFORE.' I I'M HUMTIM' FOR CASTUE KKJOW9 f LIKE X'VB I f I I WHBI2E TH ... Pf J (tor.