THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINa) i Cloitlfled Advortlilnq Rotot: Ono day pit word 3u 2 day run per won! (Jo 3 dny run per word (Jo 4 lny run per word 100 ft dny run per word Ho Week run per word 12o Month run por word 32o 20 DISCOUNT for Payment In Advance. Thli dis count given to do away with book work and billing ... on actual paid in adi only 3 DISCOUNT for '; Payment by the 10th. Thii die- j count given to Insure prompt payment of adi charged on a monthly basis. Dnrrml)f,r SO, 1041 0 If. CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartments For Rent 24 Automotive 31 Business Upportunltles 411 Educational 12 Financial 4(1 For Sale or Trnda 3tl General Notices 4 Health 13 Help Wanted, Female 14 Help Wanted Male 1U Houses For Rent 2(1 Livestock and Poultry 44 Lost and Found . 2 Miscellaneous For Rent 211 Miscellaneous For Sale 311 Mlscollanaou Wanted 42 Real Citato For Sulo ............ 30 Real Estate Wanted 32 Room and Uourd 2(1 Sltuatloi.s Wanted ill To Exchungo . - 40 Trannortotloti ... B 4 General Nollcoa CONTINUOUS enrollment for complete course New tuition rates There's no substitute for quality. Northwentern Beauty Colli-gc. 1 2 I HAVK SOLD by business, K Cafe, BOO Klnmuth avenue, anil will not be responsible for any bills contrneteil after Decem ber 27, 1041. John Keimffel 12 31 Poraounlt FREE MARCELS every Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday Northwestern fleauty C'oll'-U'-12 10 Sorvlce HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Huttons and Buckles rovered, Alterations on new and old clothing Mrs 11. M. Allendi-r. 731 Main. Room 210. Phone 72(13. 1 Iflmlf FLOOR SANI)'c; - Old floors reflnlNlied Norniaii Kriiley : Phone 40111 I L'-lnitf PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, BIB Mam. l-24mlf PICTURE FRAMING C.ocller's.! 230 Main. 2 -Mmlfj PAPEHHANGING. PAINTING.. kulsnmlnlng. Dial 08411. Mel vln E Frost. 113mtf ELECTRO' UX CLEANERS Sales Service. P O Box 814 Phone 5918 Your denier. Tarkel Tweet 1 12 8AWS REPAIRED The rlht way Dodenhamrr's, 3.13 E Main. 1-10 BATTERIES CHARGED In 30! minutes. Reymers Associated Service, Fourth and Mnin l-3mtf CARPETS, rugs and furniture cleaned Doremus Run Clean ers Phone 51)75 2012 Or chard. 1-3 REMODELING and REPAIRS Wm. B. Powell, Builder. Phone 3730 1 1 WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service, 811 South Sixth. 12 31n.U REROOF Right over your old roof. Quickly, safely and eco nomically For an estimate phone 3730. Wm B Powell 11 FLOOR SANDING and rctlni l Ing Clifford Golden Phone 3022 12-30mtf SPECIAL $2.9.1 oil permanent wave $1.50 Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict, 8848. 1 8 I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you, Chos. Hathaway, 120 N 10th St., Klamath Fnlls, Ore 12-30 RAY HALL Your Electrolux dealer soles and service, 813 Roscway Drive. Phone 7167 18 PAINTING, pnperhiinglnK, kol- somlnlng, 75c hour or contract. Phono 5000 1-8 FLOOR SANDING, FINISHING Wo generate our own pow er. C DuFour Phone 31)00. 12-31mtf PAINTING, Knlsomlnlng II. L. Brown. Phone 4226 MOmtf 12 Educational QUICK METHOD In ballroom dancing. Modern, old stylo. Squnro dnneing. Form your own group. 1401 Esplanndo 1-4 MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL LEGE. 915 Klumath Ave Phono 3883 inomtl WHEN YOU THINK OF SUC CESS think of Northwestern .. Bonuly College, ono of Amer ica's exceptional t r n I n I n g schools 1-2 13 Health DOCTOR M. C CASSEL, chlrn prnctlc clinic Same location, 832 Mnln. Dial 7213 l-7mtf 14 Help Wanted, Female GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK Stay " or go home nights, Nows-Hor-akl Box 404, 12-31 14 Help Wanted, female WANTED Experienced steno grapher. Must have good per ncinallty. Steady Job. News Ileruld Box 4042. 1-1 WANTED Mlgli school girl to work for room, board and nnlnry. Modern home, close In. Write box 1, News-Herald. ltf WANT F. D Unencumbered hoUM-ki-i-prr and cook be tween 2ft and 40. $40. News Herald, Ilox 440. 44011 WANTED Ranch housekeeper, middle -aged. $43. Nowslli-r-aid, llox 444. 12 30 C'APAIILE all-around offlco girl, some typing. Cascade Laun dry. 12-31 , 16 Holp Wanted. Male WANTKIJ Automobile body and fender man. Greshsm Motors, Tulclnke, Calif. Phone 41. 12-31 I'Oll JOHS In airplane factories. Applv Mr Llstul, Room 201. Willlu Uldg. 1-1 WANTED Experienced bell Imv Elk Hotel. 12 31 III Situations Wanted SIIII'MAN'S HOARDING HOME for children. 3H02 Olsbee, Sooth Altamont. Phone 73(15 1-4 IIAHYI.AND Cure of babies ami children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Phone 8341. l-12mtl GIRL wants waitress work. Ex perienced. 3431 Altamont Drive. 12 30 MIDDLE-AGED competent wo mnn wunts work on ranch. Phone 4230. 12-31 EXPERIENCED woman cook with ISyearold boy wants work News-Herald Box 370. 12-31 20 Room and Board HOARD ROOM 829 Jefferson. 1-5 ROOM HOARD 348 N. 10th. 1-1 HOARD ROOM 1018 Washing ton. 1-1 HOARD AND ROOM 407 No 0th. Phono 0010. 4B88tf HOARD AND ROOM. Private shower. Steom heot. 723 Klam ath. 1-7 HOARD. ROOM Lady or gen tleman. 1321 Johnson. Phone 5.148. 1-19 22 Rooms For Rent CLEAN sleeping rooms. 816 Commercial. 12-31 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main. Steam heated. Weekly rates $3 up. 50c to $1 per night. 1-13 ROOMS 1034 High. 1-Smtf NICE ROOMS for gentlemen. Phone 5244 1-4 COMFORTABLE furnaco heated room adjoining bath. 1028 Jef ferson or phono 6034. 1-14 CLARF.MONT. 228 No. 4th. All outside newly decorated, mo dern rooms. All with new In nersprlng mattresses. Free parking. l-13mtf FOR RENT Nice room. 134 N. 3rd. 4B00tf 24 Apartments For Rent VACANCY Rex Arms. 1-29 VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.50 and up per week. 1404 Klamath. 1-2 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gas. 419 No. 10th. l-24mtf VACANCY Two rooms, bath. Electric range. Adults. No dogs. 323 Commercial. ISStf HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 920 Lincoln. 4587tf COMFORTABLE two-room apt., ground floor. 248 Broad. 4540U FURNISHED APT. 501 Mar ket. 12-30 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished Con venient hotel service. Dny, week or month. 1-llmtf FURNISHED 3-room apt. 433 No. 10th. 12-31 PARTLY FURNISHED 2-room opt., downstairs. Private bath, electric range. Close In. $20 month. Inquire C 1 2 1 4 High, days. 12-30 TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment 1805 Mnln. 3904tf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nished npnrtment. 2300 Blchn. Phono 7268 or 4B27. 4138tf NICELY furnished 4-room mod ern Apt. 2 bedrooms Inquire 2110 Applognte. 4749U VACANCY Esplnnado Courts. Furnished) 12-31mtf FOR RENT Two-room cnbln, two room apartment. Inquire Lnko Hotel. 12-30 34 Automotive 34 Safety Tested 64 - Cars - 64 MANY LATE MODELS NOW AVAILABLE 1 940 & '41 Olds Sedans 1940 & '41 Chev Sedans 1940 Nash Sedan 1940 Willys Sedan 1 940 Mercury Sedan BUSINESS AS USUAL! We're trading take ad vantage of our complete stock at pre-war prices! Dick B. Miller Co. OLDSMOI3ILE CADILLAC The Big Oldi Tower at 7th and Klamath lltli and Main Phone 4118 24 Apartments For Rent R1VERVIEW AITS. 4 rooms nicely furnfched, two bed rooms, very desirable Phone .1817 47-IOtf GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Furnished. Steam heat. Gai age. Phone 50B4. 1 FURNISHED APT. quls. 1320 Oak. Villa Mar 12 30 26 Houses For hem THREE ROOM HOUSE -Partly furnished. E Gray Ileal. Es-; tate, 118 N. 7th. Phone 4.121. j evenings 4680. 12-30 THREE ROOM furnished apt. reasonable. Phone 46!MI or 1834 Orchard. 70tf FOR RENT Two-bedroom house; In Stewart addition. Inquire 241 Market. Phone BDSfi. 13 FOR RENT Three-room mud-! cm unfurnished dwelling. Paul O. Landry. Phone 5612 orj 4566. 1-3 SMALL modern furnished cot tage. Everything furnished. 2125 Blchn. 400-ltf MODERN CABIN 2247 Home dale. 12-30 BACHELORS' CABINS 425 Willow. 1-3 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save t Stiles Beocon Service. 1201 Eost Main Phono 8304 l-7mtf TWO-ROOM cottages. Wood, lights, gas furnished $30 month. Link River Auto Camp. 1-18 UNFURNISHED duplex Range, refrigerator, oil furnace. Call after 5:30 p. m. 505 No 9th. 4551tf THREE bedroom house unfur nished. 1840 Johnson, owner. 1434 Johnson. 12-30 MODERN furnished house. One bedroom. Inquire 305 Lin coln. 354tf THREE ROOM furnished house. Garage. Inquire 1443 Oregon. 401 ltf "What do you mtan there's STRICTLY BUSINESS t, I the' board' melting acme I m X GAS HEATER f HM1 opon ilieplacol Automotive ' 26 Houses For Rent TWO-ROOM portly furnished house Steady renter. Near State Line Tavern, Tulelake. 12-30 '.I ROOM modern house furnish ed or unfurnished. No dogs. S22 50. 2237 California Ave. at front. 1-2 : THREE ROOM furnished house. ! Large porch. Phone 4248. 12-31 28 .Miscellaneous For ,,e)nt DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade GarnRp building. Cars, trucks, machinery, whot have you? Coll at all hours. Phone .1115 l-9mtf a0 Real Estata For Sale WILL SACRIFICE LOT in River- view addition, on highway. Good loan available. Terms to responsible party. Phone 7439. l-l SIX-ROOM HOUSE Bath, new paint, paper. $2650 for quick sale. Terms to suit buyer. Phone 5817. 4002tf TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE; three bedroom house; three-bedroom house with fireplace and rum pus room in basement. Diesel furnace. See Lloyd W. Rusk, 1608 Austin, off Shasta way. 1-3 FOR SALE Two houses for price of one. A real bargain. Inquire 1227 Main St. 133tf 3-BEDROOM house. Large cellar, double garage, one acre good gnrden ground, for sale or rent to responsible party. $35. Inquire 2550 Kane. 12-31 FOR SALE Duplex with hot water heat. Owner leaving town. See at 651 Alameda. 1-2 ATTRACTIVE 2-bodroom home. Completely modern, oil fur nace, Venetian blinds. Fur nished if desired. Very easy terms. St. Francis Park. Dial 4978 after 6 p. m. 12-31 nothing Ilk a cosy, chtarful 34 Automotive Better Buy While You Can Cars and tires alike will be rationed by our government early in 1942. '31 Oldsmoblle 6 Sedan, good tire $ 95 '32 Oldsmoblle 6-Cyl. Coupe, good value $ 75 '32 Chevrolet Sedan, cheap transportation . $135 '34 Chevrolet Sedan, heater $175 '33 Chevrolet Sedan, heater, good motor $245 '34 Hudson Six Brougham, radio and heater $223 '38 DeSoto 8 Sedan, heater $343 '38 Chevrolet Coupe, excellent motor, new paint $345 '38 Ford Deluxe Coupe, radio and heater $335 '38 Oldsmoblle Deluxe Sedan, radio and heater $435 '38 Chevrolet Tudor Sedan, radio and heater $330 '37 Packard Touring Sedan, radio and heater $495 '37 Buick Special Touring Sudan, a smart sedan $525 '38 Pontlac Sport Convertible. 6-Cyl., very smart $573 '38 Pontlac Deluxe Sedan, excellent condition $815 '39 Chrysler Imperial Sedan, radio and heater $793 '39 Buick Century Sedan, like new . $795 '39 Buick Special Sedan, low mileage $775 '39 Buick Special Coupe, 8-ply tires $893 '40 Buick Super Sedan, radio and heater $1085 '40 Buick Super Coupe, radio and heater $975 '40 LaSalle Deluxe Sedan, like now $1125 '41 Buick Special Sedan, deluxe and guaranteed $1195 H. E. HAUGER 18 Years the 8 a. m. 1330 Main St. 34 Automotive FOR SALE Equity In 1934 Chevrolet coupe, in good me chanical conditioi. Wallace Redfield, Box 764, Bly, Ore. 1-1 EQUITY In 1941 Buick cheap If taken at once. Call at 2048 Orchard after 1:30 p. m. 1-2 FOR SALE! '39 Plymouth De luxe Coupe. Radio and heater. $550. News-Herald Box 410. 12-31 1941 FORD PICKUP 25TJ0 miles. $750. 5718 Summers lane. 1-2 FOR SALE Equity '36 Ford coupe. Radio and heater. Ph. 7957. 4680 Peck Drive. 1-1 KARL KU-JAC'S BODY SER VICE now located at 2006 Ore gon Ave. Better body, fender work and painting for less Give us a trial Past five years at Cascade Garage 1-3 AUTO GLASS Replace that broken glass In your car a Rewey's Glass Shop, corner Elm and Broad Phone 5716. 1 6mtf "TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK. See Mr. Yoes. factory trained service manager. 4934U '41 OLDSMOBILS 6 sedan. Ra dio, heater, 2 new front tires. $900. News-Herald, Box 362. 12-30 A BARGAIN Equity in '41 Chevrolet sedan. Phone 7512. 12-30 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1940 Pontiac deluxe four-door se dan. Perfect shape. Call eve nings. 1536 California. 12-30 36 Miscellaneous For Saia U. S. ROCKWOOL Insulation will make your home comfort able also cut your fuel bill many dollars. Call us for free estimate. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 3301. 1-3 RECONDITIONED wood range California Oregon Power Co. 4885U DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. ft., $2.50 at mill. Phone 8383. Conifer Lumber Co., on Weed highway. l-17mtf FOR SALE Christmas trees, wreaths, holly, mistletoe, hand mado toys, all kinds of greens, pino cones. Let us help you with your Christmas contest decorations. 1023 Main next to The Meat Center 281 CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban sections Block numbers indicated, in dex keyed to map. Price, 20c. For sale at Carmichael's news stand, chamber of commerce Ernlo Plluso's Drlve-ln, Ever body's Drug, Lee Hendrlck's Drug, Louie Polin's, Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food store, Shaw Stationery. The News Herald, Vic's Signal Service 3205 FOR SALE Christmas puppies. Two to five months. $15, S25, or trade for used high-grade shotguns, rifles, revolvers of equal resale value. Beldlu Springer Breeding Kennels, Westslde, Tulelake, Calif. 4973 RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 3204tf SEASONED FIR BODY WOOD Phone 3787. 1-19 Automotive House of Buick to 7 p. m. Phone 5151 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE New Underwood typewriter, used only six times. Will sell for $20 less than cost. Phone 8230. 325 N. 10th. 5tf FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness is sound Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct l-9mtf j RED FRYERS AND ROASTERS j Crystal's, Merrill-Lakeview ' Junction. 1-5 i COMPLETE Coffee Shop equip ment for sale. Large Frigid aire, long electric range, etc Box 650, Herald-News. 1-1 GRAIN AND MILK FED TUR KEYS We deliver. Phone 5949. 12-30 t.ITMRFn RARr.AtNS Khinlnn $19; 2x4 s $20; shingles 75c Dundlc. r HA homes our spe cialty. Very small down pay ment balance less than rent. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 3301. 1-3 USED WATCHES, reconditioned and guaranteed. Men's 12 and 16 size Elgins and Walthams $11.00 up. Rickys Credit Jew elers. 1-11 COLORED FRYERS and roast ers, corn fed. We deliver. Phone 5934. 1-11 GOOD fir body wood. 7832 Phone 1-7 METAL EDGE hickory skis with binders and poles. Excellent condition. $18. 632 N. 10th. 4730 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 12-31mtf GLASS DUPLATE safety glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resil vering Kimball's Glass Shop. 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. l-6mtf USED electric range, good condi tion. Write Mrs. Ada E. Dick son, Gen. Del., Klamath Falls. Ore. 4932 DRY PINE FACTORY MILL BLOCKS 128 cubic foot load, $4.25 delivered. Metier Bros. Dial 5852. l-19mtf FOR SALE House trailer. In quire McCollum Lumber Co. Tulelake. 1-2 COLORED HENS Dressed to order. Phone 4246. 12-31 FOR SALE Fancy Gem single drop seed potatoes. Santford Jones. Bonanza. Ore. 845tf 38 For Sale oi frada BEAUTIFUL lady's one carat diamond, platinum mounting. Will trade for late used car and assume. Evenings. 5531 So. 6th St. 169tf SALE OR TRADE 1 acre In Rabbit flat for furniture or what have you. 2215 Orchard St. 12-30 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Dead or worthless nnimnls. Phone 5713, our ex pense. 1-llmtf WANTED TO RENT Farm. Shares or cash. 4518 Sum mers lnne. 12-30 44 Livestock and Poultry FRESH GUERNSEY and Dur ham cows. .. Rt. 2, Box 498, South 6th. 12 30 34 34 Automotive ' WANTED - Good Late Model USED CARS for SPOT CASH First Class Prices For First Class Cars No Delay for Your Money Douglas Motor Co, USED CAR LOT 1131 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Registered thor oughbred stallion. Proven sire. Gets 100 Palomino colts from any Palomino mare. Fine racing record. Thoroughbred brood mare In foal. Two-year half thoroughbred Palomino stallion. Three thoroughbred fillies. All very reasonably priced. Registration papers for all. Barbara Worth Stables, 4615 Bee St., Route 9, Box 200, Sacramento, Calif. 1-1 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 5361 Midland road 12-31mtf 46 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT ENDORSERS WATS TO GET A CONSUMERS CASH LOAN PHONY . WRITE - COM1 IX Von need no eo-tlpiers or endoreere to jet conmmera loan whether 70a art married or single. THREE LOAN PLANS NO. 1-1 CO MB LOANS On your oot only. No ( uslgo mtnU. Ko co-alfnen. NO. I FURN1TCRE LOANS Your diaracur u mer tmportut than tb furaltun tclX. . NO. S-ACTO LOANS so to 4600 cub loans tad rtfta aaciBg. CONSUMERS CREDIT U-OI 720 Pine St. s-e) Phone 7711 IS-3lmtf LOANS ON VOIR AUTOMOBILE Cash At Once! Tour Car Need Not Be Fulr Paid For . . . See Us Today Commercial Finance CORPORATION 111 South eth St.. Klamath Fall! Phone na M-2S3 IS-3lmtl Sea Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor Investment COMPANY ill N. Tta Ue. M-n Phone tm 11 Jlmtl Equitable Loans cost you less and get you Out of Debt. Lower Interest Rates Prompt Service CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 Tu-Fr-tf 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE OR RENT Small grocery store with living quar ters furnished. $33 mo. 1402 East Main. 12-31 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HATTIE M. KING, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the administration of the estate of Hattie M. King, deceased; and that the court has appointed January 21, 1942, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. as the time for hearing objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. ' WILLIAM GANONG, Administrator of said estate. D 23-30; J 6-13. No. 195 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Executor of the estate of Alber Automotive See Jack Morris, mgr., at Main Next to Elk Hotel 12-31 L. Durant, deceased, by the Cir cuit rourt of the State ot Or gon for Klamath County Pro bate Department. All persons having claiml against said estate are herebj notified to present the same duly verified as by law required M the undersigned at the office ot A. W. Schaupp, 6131 Main street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the date of first publication hereof. VERNON LEROY DURANT. Executor of the Estate of Albert L. Durant, Deceased. D 16-23-30; J 6-13. No. 191 34 Sports "js! Briefs V Hugh I Jj"' ' Fullaxton. Jr. t NEW YORK. Dee. 30 (Wide World) Signs of the Times The title defense which Welter weight Champion Freddie Cochrane has promised to make for Mike Jacobs In February may never come off. Freddie has asked the navy for month's furlough to get ready , for it and nobody seems to be listening to him . . . The pre football teams may encourage their players to take defense jobs so they'll be around next fall, when they can practice evenings and play Sundays. . . Buck Weaver of the Louisville Times comes up with the swell Suggestion that everyone whe listens to the bowl games osj the air should buy $1 worth of defense stamps as a ticket' to a game that would cost him five bucks or so to see ... Norfolk's Ocean View Golf as sociation members voted unan imously for a proposition ra quiring each member to buy at least one $25 defense bond. SCHWARTZ AT THE BAT John Beer of the Newark Sun day Call tells this one on Gul Schwartz, noted slugger ot tha Newark sandlots . . . Seems he went up in the Jersey hills te play a game at High Bridge one day , . . When the opposing flinger cut the plate with, his v first pitch, Gus wasn't ready, but he heard the umpire shoul "ball." . . . Another perfect pitch brought the same result . . . Gus didn't take his bat off his shoulder all afternoon an4 always reached first . . . Aftef the game, the ump told him: "I know all about you as I hitter, Schwartz. When you didn't swing I knew they were no good." BOXINO rHICAfiO Harry Traney, 1M. Cleveland, outpointed Edille Lander. 136, Chlcaao (10). ll.U.TIMOKK-KI.I Tunero, 160, N York ouli-ointed Irvln Proctor, 1&9H. Baltimore (10): Deacon Johnny drown, 13 H, Bait more, and Frankle Willlami, 152 Vi, Waakv UiRton. drew (10). PITTSBURGH Pant Carrabantoe, It Chile, outpointed Otto Dlackwell, let, Borne Itead. N. Y. (10). NEWAIIK Jnrk Kenny, Llrlnmton, V. J. knocked out Steve Hiutak. 163, Newarl 2); Walter Htevene, 1X1, Newark, knocked out Steve Oeim. 131. Paalalc. Jf. J. (4). WiLMINOTOX. Del.-Al Trlhuanl, IMHi Wilmington, outpointed Eddie Flnnaaae ltltt. Bnltlmora (8). STANFORD WINS, 80-45 BERKELEY, Calif., Dec. SI (P) Stanford university, shott ing an impenetrable defense with a basketball team averag ing six feet three Inches la height, bottled up Ohio SUM to win 60 to 45 last night. In the other game of I doubleheadcr. University of California reserves defeated the Athens club of Oakland, 80-8T Wednesday MldnlU, i Dee. aiat. FREE leepeeitloe lata and Harm I M7 m A