t M pi . v n tVr. SERIAL STORY HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL BY ADELAIDE HAZELTINE THHJ 8 TOR V I The lerma nff A- 4tv Dent-horn's will uperlfyln thnC fct ecrrtnry Cnrol, nnd th flKt fmplnfM mIio hmr limrrit torrwri th afore, ahull Judtt brthrr or not hl jilnjbojr Andy tm running h liolnrN p rordlnv to lt fnlber' poller ot ''mtrvlcm to tne pro pi p.- pi Carol wbn a Invert Andy Ine Irlhondt la a dinicnlt pot. He inrmbrrinr a 41ma when Andrea rairmrHa In enter the firm xrnu put off hy fcla fther, h kopp ha will mend lila wny-. lv up pro pi like leek plnjittrl Mnda Julian, ljrnore ih Mlii Mnnel of Mr. Hrrrick. unaertipiilna mat manoirer, nnd urtlle down to work before lb will la found. If Jury TOto oc niralnM htm ha will loan the tr to rbnrlty. Nha dtifr to another employe. Hill Itreer. who tnem her, nnd to ller rlck. any knowledge of the nlll'a term a, although be typed It her- " "LEAVE IT TO HKBBICK CHAPTER V KyOUR ideas sound good to me," Andy Anally said, in reply to Mr. Herrlck's outline f,or the store management "They should make money. Til turn the details over to you. From now on you'll be able to manage as you see best" Carol could hardly wait until ' he was gone to rush in and tell Andy what a mistake he was making. Why, he couldn't let Mr. Herrick manage the store. Mr. Herrick would ruin it! The Peo ple's Store? That slogan Mr. Dearborn had spent SO years achieving would be lost in 30 days! She had thought she didn't want Ihe will to be found. Now she began to hope it would. Soon! The quicker Andy knew the terms ot it the better chance he would have to fulfill them. She must warn Andy. She was the only one who realized the se riousness of his first decision. Though she couldn't hint the con ; tents of the will, she could reason with him. "I couldn't help hearing some of your conversation with Mr. Herrick," she began bravely. "I wish you wouldn't listen to him until you've well, you might have other ideas when you get into it" The phone Jangled. Carol start ed for it but Andy waved her back. "Oh, hello, Linda," his voice was warm. "No, I haven't for gotten, ril make the Cocktail Bar by E. I have things, fixed up here." To Carol he said levelly, "IH be out the rest of the day. Turn everything that comes up over to Mr. Herrick." Her face showed her disap pointment He must have seen it ifor he added, "Don't look so Iglcomy, Carol. You don't need me around here. I'd rather sail a yacht than run a store. And I Iknow a whale of a lot more about t" . But it didn't soften the rebuff. He had made it fairly clear that he expected no interference from her. "Dont make excuses, Andy," she said finally. "A boat and a store are just alike in that they meed a real captain at the helm." 'For a moment, he stared at her. Then, shrugging, be picked up his that and walked out She watched him go, her heart (sick within her. A dozen times that afternoon (she said, "Ask Mr. Herrick that (Mr. Andy left word you were to Hake it up with Mr. Herrick." i The news flew through the (store. Mr. Herrick was in charge. Mr. Herrick, whom they disliked. (Some talked of quitting. Others topenly resented Andy's choice. That night 12 Christmas extras mrere laid off. "Too many even (for Christmas," Mr. Herrick ex plained. "We're cutting expenses." Mary Todd was one of them. She came to Carol, her voice thick with worry. "I'd counted on my job until Christmas. I knew I'd be laid off Christmas Eve, but not Ibefore. I bought a fur coat," she paid anxiously. "Now I can't fin ish paying for it." Carol studied her. She was tyoung and eager and to her the Ipossession of a fur coat repre isented happiness. Impulsively, Carol said, "Come stay with me, iMary. We'll share my apartment until you get a" Job. It won't cost Orou a cent. You can use your money for the coat." Mary's eyes brightened, then (clouded. "I couldn't let you do (that There's no reason for you to take me in." "It's Christmas," Carol smiled. "That's reason enough for any thing. Let's just say this is my Christmas gift to vou." "Oh, thank you!" Mary threw her arms around Carol's shoulders end hugged her. She hurried off, ier steps Jignt with Joy. "IT was 11 o'clock when Andy i x reached the office Saturday, He 'Was smilingly unaware of dis . approving eyes which greeted ihim. To make his appearance more disconcerting, a half-grown mon igrel pup was following him. "This is Cinder," he told Carol. He reached down to pet the dog's haggy head. "He's not exactly parlor dog but he's faithful. He strayed to the house the day I came back. Seemed to like me, Welcomed me home." He paused, ladded, "He was the only one to 'do it." "Docs he follow you every iwhere?" "No. Ho hopped the trunk of itha car as I backed out I didn't isee him until I Btopped down Itown." The dog wagged a friendly Itall. "I'll have to take him home Iwhen I an in lnnMi. I'll tair him Idown and lock him in the car in the meantime." i But Linda came Just as Andy fwas leaving with the dog. -.'Xunch. darling,'.' she purred. COPYRIGHT. 14M1, NEA SERVICE. INC. "Haven't you spent enough time in this stuffy old store?" A half hour, Carol thought grimly. I wonder what she would think if she knew Mr. Dearborn used to spend IS out ot the 24? Then Linda saw Cinder. "Oh, that awful dog!" She shivered. "Why don't you get rid of him, Andy? He leaves hairs on every thing. And the dirt!" She rolled her eyes in disgust "He's only a pup, Linda. I'll teach him manners when he grows up." Her voice was suddenly sharp. "You're not serious about keeping him. Andy Dearborn?" "Why not? The old house Is empty now." Carol glanced at him. His eyes were shadowed. "Well, I wont ride with him!" Linda declared. "When I used the car yesterday my white Jacket was filthy with hairs. I can't stand him, Andy!" "I'll take him home before we go, then." Impatience crept into his voice. "You wait at the Main Street door for me and I'll pick you up In IS minutes." ... pAROL told the incident to Bill when she met him in the store cafeteria for lunch, but Bill's mind was filled with trouble of his own. "It's that old elevator to toy land," he told her. "I'm going to see Andy about it" "You'll have to see Mr. Herrick about it Andy has told me to send everyone to him." "I don't want to see Mr. Her rick. I'm afraid he'll turn me down and something has to be i done." "Is it still working?" "Yes. It runs. But yesterday THIS CURIOUS I jUWftJ&jf I FLOOD IJ j- fj-arlr ' pbom the zcxj "-pFi tM iL-rSSZ1 FLOATED OUT OF " flfl Xt" THEIR- POOL. HwmGt.wc THERE IS ' RJKK5I CANNOT GROW A f- IN WOOD CONTAINING )W rf&J ' LESS" THAN S fCN8 i vy? and SaMfeSiJwlXnJSl ARE OFFICIAL SPELLIN&S fjifc0S$-O TfJSs) FOR VVHAT PLACES NOW , WervKVAx I ,N E news CT ANSWER: Cairo, Moscow, Viborg and Ireland. NEXT: Do bears hng their enemies to death? NOTED SUFFRAGIST , HORIZONTAL 1,5,10 Pictured late suffragist 14 Grandparcntal 15 Follow. 16 Air (comb, form). IT Divan. 18 Sloth. 19 Lone Scout (abbr.). 20 Sea swallow. 21 Tendency. 23 Sheltered side. 24 King of Judea in B. C. 40-4. 45 Symbol for 25 Suffix. iron. 26 Woody plant 48 Ripped. Courteous' 30 Exists. 80 Type of jacket 31 Church part. 51 Pronoun. 33 Opposed to off, 53 Like. 34 God of war. 55 To weary. 35 Symbol for 56 Apportion. 57 Rugged crest of a mountain. 89 Existence. 60 Let it stand. 61 RajaK's wife. 62 Matching groups. ruthenium. 37 New Bruns wick (abbr.). 39 Toiletry case. 42 Mystic ejaculation. 44 Norse god. Answer to Previous Puiile nofiLJp op eUcTr ov.e ri "jiTogTHVe IV;E;NM5' ELZ nA DHVHR EixK3BARiT 0,M E iLI lEiTBNB&AiTE'R DIA;T6gPTIOGlAtE3E EO'I'TIQRHH SBiBTiRiAiY i'E.oasBlM A'DjS iliallSS m Sii I I 15 14 14 17 21 J6 "'13 pa 46 47 So ; 56" 60" when It was loaded with children it almost stopped. X thought it KUUlg io lau. "Oh, that would be terrible!" She was worried. "Surely Mr. Herrick will tend 1o It." "He's put me off on everything else I've ever asked," Bill re torted. "What if he docs the same with tills?" (To Be Continued) WAR INTERRUPTS NEW YORK -Fordham's first football practice in preparation for Missouri in the New Orleans Sugar Bowl, Jan. 1, was Inter rupted by an nir raid alarm. STIDHAM EARLY BIRD MILWAUKEE Tom Stidham has ordered nil Marquette foot ball players to report nt least twice weekly ' to the school gymnoeium for an hour of sup ervised exercise. WORLD By William Ferguson 13 In that place. 22 Doctor (abbr.) 24 Pertaining to the liver. 28 Having ears; 30 Hostelry. 32 Assam silk worm.. 36 Indian clan symbols. 38 Head covering 40 Combines. 41 Skirmishes. 43 Sacred vocal composition. VERTICAL 1 Subdue. 44 Egg-shaped. 2 Elenhnnt tiMlc. it cu- . u- . i j . i u naa uiu t Out of danger woman to Tilts. receive a vote for the U. & presidential nomination. 47 Memorized role. 49 Device for holding work. 5 Pasture. 6 Imbecile. 7 We. 8 Regulations. 9 Copper. 10 Provides food. 1 1 Look askance. 12 Feathered shaft used ay a weapon. 51 Mutilate. 52 Age. 54 PercerVe. 58 Half an em. '- tjiLrsi fT-afrrrrj 56 7 IS 19 lT ll" IT" 15 - pjsjs- t$ n36 49 pTTn - w . OUT OUR WAY fl L. 1 r.MISTAH MAJOR, I STEPPED ? W GRHAT CrEftR. JAON V "teH At l Aen Jll A wSAPrew, a-ZTl J ' ( Ir4 TO PAN VOU "TH1 DOLLtxH - J ' ' IS TI IKT MOMrY OR A BUNDLE C't V. " EKJb a iuSti'VDU WM Jy ,1 YOU LOAN ME LAI" Ol OF LAUMDR.V A DOLLAR- J J,t I- V E A KLUMI 7 I 7 SUMMB FEAST VO' "SIKTY ? PORGE.T IT.' BUT I il ' Z -- p!r PEEPER?. OM THU HARVEST OL' YOU MUST COME ALOM6 AS i ' 'i well, tub Kiea-Kiu.iN' JAON ASSEMBLED UP NESTIODV.' Y MY VALET TO AM INFORMAL ii' SkSiXfi -f ZZiJilJ&Jilt J I I I S DAME FORTUNE SO PRiENDLY X NV.vg NEAR'G EV& 6MOKER y -i-l KoSftt THra24 V ,, I1- ' - P S3- ME.MISTAW MAJOR, AT TUB OWLS CLUB J II RED RYDER Bv Frd Harmon I -2- n,fAY pEAH.' A REPAST FcRloH CDLOE.L'YHl EW-UM Rt'fOil I hiND iQualtH TE.a VAWonc W v.uat m-x-t awii'nnmijui ... , , , j mm J LfMbtf wSmj Mk tfm U LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By Horold Gra, ft HEARD THE A TELEGRAM ""l fwUMOSTGOf BUT VOU UUVU WMBOI U MUHRi v LmjAs9SBnBR Z JrJ OFAClI:.- Wk01-1" l tAkpXY ' 6rAU f .CALU-OmP WHY. NELLIE- SPRrNGPlELD- VWJ GET ADV-- R. YtS 3 SHn I S?P Rl" 1 T BEBi CO FRAIL-! CTTATlON-TVtf.RE'S WHRTSTHE I SHK-SHES VERV aL TAKE VDU VV I '1 r.A.MSl6D r,ELU!i OH. I HOPE tTTS A TP AIM tH MATTER? ILL MCTORV to THE STATION- f 7 ' 9,A" m) "-66 BACK I VOU C,j HOT WHAT IM 1 TVEMTY MIHUTES- J- SHE NEEOS ME--, J E SWWH -v7fr.' V. C SOON.OT AHEAO-; A!.fW,T CURE IT fi YOULL BE THERE I I uM, m BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martin mminmmimmmmmmimrfi I Jf lLfir:iY'f' ' ammmmmmjT , A SsVr I miL. . it4Ti7!ilMiCT!m,- t. itm .t w. . J WASHTUBBS By Cron " h u,c -..r - 7 Z W ; . r t rr-r -n n ,. . . " rl IN ACMV .BOTH 1MEOIfLy Sy'E HAS A OOmACHE MAIOR I St? ' ACJ" ' alrZrJZ??. .. chimaT bremt, please rush PoRWctt . .WwTtws tSuiwI -'"iiiiiiliililisMaiSJVJslsssW V fcA X hi 1 , f L . , cyrii mi by wl hivtut. it. r. m. miq. u. . mi. oft. J FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Bossc, . . Bur that TPbm vouVl. Ves , but ir sou "raxs tuat "1 And how aboutTwb firoi"?? IPP WWWHOS CHECK 13 HAV8 TO LCAV8 WB'LL TiAVE NOwiv 0i AS TUB CPOW 1 J HOW ClyWALK li MILM IacTBR TUB piper POSIWO AS WHO TeM BUCKS SOMETHWO AS GETTING HOMB ANO ITS A FIIB3 jti WITH HIGH WEE1S ? W)UP1B OP MM M AROUMO MERP, BUT OVER OUR SECURITY UWTIU 12 MILES lb SHADYSOBV - f ' JK 1tiK S S IP THAT CHECK ISNT HFADS, NOO CAM COMB w JL,l"Hf WW1 W 7 1 Rn S !f, T PAID, I KWOW WHAT MISTeR BACK WITH THE WlIMWW 7 'vM V 7 TV BE SO HlQH By J. R. Williams bogkj Tvtierv veaes too scow I :fF M 3 v ja5oM tr'RXvi Wlij S HSCi- OfjSsu OUR BOARDING HOUSE, r with Major HoopU