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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1941)
December 80, 1941 TITIC EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE a o Villi Here Mrs. Jack Flam ing and Infant ion, Kimono, of Eurokii, Calif., tiro visiting with Mm. Fleming's parent, Mr. and Mn. It. W. cinpp, 2210 Oardun avenue. Mm. Fleming li lha former Ollva Juno Clupp and haa boon residing In Eureka for noverul months. Clnll Clupp. another daughter, la visiting In Portland with relatlvca. To Corvallli Doan Jones haa returned to Corvallli to reiuma till studies at Oregon State col lege after ipendlng Chrlittmni vacation with hi parents, Mr. and Mm. C, L. Jones of Kane street. Tlia family enjoyed Christmas day In Aahland with relative!. Returning From North Mr. and Mn. Hlclinrd II. Wukeflold lira expectnil to rutuin to this city Wednesday from 1'urtland and Tlmhorllnu lodge whore they huve spent tin; punt auvcrul duyi, to continue their vlnlt with Mm. Wuki'fleld'i puronts, Mr. and Mm. Hollo C. Clrocs liuck of North Ninth direct. The Wukofleldn urrlved Just beforo the hollduya from their home In Massachusetts, thli being their flmt vlnlt to the went since their niurrliigo In the full. While here, Wnkefleld luis been enjoying soinn skiing, upending two days lit Crater lake- last week. With Paranti Mn. Dick Hooves (Marguret Cummlngii) ii pending loveral dayi hero with her paronta, Mr. and Mm. Karl G. Cummlngi of Washington atreet. Mn. Reevei will return Wednesday to her home In Lebanon. Return North Mr. and Mn. George Anderson and daughter, Diane, havo returned to their home In Portland after spond Ing the holldaya here and In Spruguo River where they spent Chrlitmaa with Andenon'i parent!. To LekeVleW Mr. and Mra. Marvin Krlle and daughter, Vlckey Jo, have returned to their home In Lekovlew after pending Chrtstmai with Mn. Krlle'i parenta, Mr. and Mm. Fred Juatls of the Rex Arm apartment. From South Mm. Bertha Young of Crescent Mills, Calif., Ii vliltlng here over the holiday! with her ion, Earl J. Young. 1427 Johnson itreet. Mm. Young Ii a former resident of this city and thl! Is her first visit In 23 yeara. Goes Horn Donald Wish burn, 2-yrat-old son of Mr. and Mn. Paul M, Washburn of 3029 AlUmont drive, returned home Monday afternoon after receiv ing medical treatment at Klam ath Valley hospital. Improving Mm. Sydney Welmteln, daughter of Mn. Carl W. Henry, 2S04 Reclame tlon avenue, continues to Im prove at her mother'! home where ihe hai beon critically III. Transferred Horace Arment, In charge of vocational place ments at the Klamath branch of the bregon State Employment Service office, has boen trans ferred to the Ontario, Ore., of flee. False Alarm The city fire department was called to 142 Riverside at 10:83 a. m. Mon day when a fire wai reported at the Lee Baldwin residence. The alarm was false, firemen aald. Transferred Raymond R Cnsas, Thomas E. Bustln, Louie Alello, Edgar C. Daggett and Nell A. Soderlund, all of this city, havo been assigned to Wichita Falls. Texas. Wrsck.r CalUd A Great Northern railroad wrecker was called north at noon Tucoday to reset a freight locomotive which hod been rlrrnlled by a broken track near Ilend, accord ing to the GN trainmaster'! of fice. For Your Information TH Wl the city are In constant use, especially after school hours and at night. English, French, German and MAIL CLOB1NU TIME (EMecllve September 28. 1941) Train 17 Southbound 8 a. m. Train 20 Northboundi 10:00 a. m. Train 19 Bouthboundi 5i4S p. m. Train 18 Northboundi BiOO p. m. Auxiliary Members of the Curpentora auxiliary will not hold tho usuul sewing meeting Wednesday as previously an nounced duo to tho Illness of the hostess. Social Club The Rebekah social club will meet Wednes day, December 31, In IOOF hall, when potluck luncheon will bo served at 1 p. m. This will be the Christmas party with tho usual gift exchange. Forty-five minutes of snappy cnturtiilnmcnt uro promised Elks and their ladles who attend tho New Year's Eve ball at the Elks lodge Wednesday night. Profes sional acts will be featured around Emtio Uuzaid's orches tra, and special prizes and nov elties are being worked In with the audience. The whole evening will be entirely "different," according to the committee in charge. A cocktail hour, starting at 9:30 p. m will be followed at 10:43 by the entertainment which has been characterized as the most sensational ever presented here. One of the hcadltncrs will be a "Superman" act, another a bur lesque on Hitler, and another will feature Valentino and Eve lyn, Juggling Jesters. Master of ceremonial will be Sid Blake of Seattle, nicknamed 'The Clown Prince." First call for breakfast in the new year will come at 2:30 a. m., but serving will continue as long as necessary to take care of everyone at the lodgo party and any other Elks and thctr ladles who may drop In for breakfast after celebrating else where. Midnight will be highlighted by the usual noise makers and other things to usher In the new year. VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS BARKER Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., December 28, 1941, to Mr. and Mra. Oak L. Barker, Route 3 Box 980, city, a girl. Weight: 4 pounds 13 4 ounces. SEI Klamath continued to ride on the crest of a winter wave and a minimum temperuturo of 18 degrees was reported by the weather man from tho US bureau of reclamation. Mon day's maximum temperature was Just three degrees above freezing, or .) It was 0 degrees above zero at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning according to the highway pa trolmnn at Sand Creek. High ways were In excellent condl tlon and all hove been sanded Chains should be carried throughout the mountain dis trict, highway officials urged Christmas sleds were getting a good work-out by the younger set and motorists were urged to drive carefully ns hlllsln Italian are spoken by Pope Pius, who la a Roman by birth. A magnolia tree at Elkhart, Ind., bloomed twice in 1932. W ll i. 1 l ll I HI TOWN HOP $1.98 to $6.95 mmmimk FOR NEW YEAR EVE A candlelight icrvlce entitled "The Light of Mon" Is to be pre-1 sented at the First Covenant church New Year's eve at 9 p. m. Those who are having a direct part in the program ore the fol lowing: Wilbur Anderson, lead er; Richard Eastman, large can dle bearer; other participants, Ivor Strid, Lorcn Londborg, Mcl vln Clauson, Harry Clauson, Vlr-, gll Nelson and Bobby Eastman., Other young people and Jun iors will constitute the choir that will sing the following In terspersed songs: "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear," "O, Come All Ye Faithful," "The Light of the World Is Jesus," "Since Jesus C'nmo Into My Heart," "Toko My Sliver ond My Gold," "Hove Thine Own Way Lord," "When Lovo Shines In," "Joy to the World." Following tho candlelight ser vice a social hour will be en joyed with refreshment! being served. A watch night service will close the evening's meet-! Ings. Members and friends are Invited to attend. The Covenant church Is at 823 Walnut avenue. U'U' a I i iisiiiliiiii .i liisiii w iydp iffiffiS VALUES Regrouped Reduced! in Canada spends $133,000,000 annually on her public schools. CARLSON Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., December 30, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Carlson, Quartz Mountain, a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 6'ii ounces. , Christmas Her a Mr. and Mrs. Edwards Sr., of Portland, spent Christmas week here with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Edwards of 2430 Orchard way. To Portland Shirley Crafton has returned to his home In Portland where he has been working for several months and la now on the defense program In the north. Improving Friends of Mrs. M. E. Cooper are happy to learn she l showing Improve ment at Hillside hospital where she recently submitted to an Operation. Police Court Seven traffic tickets were paid, one drunk and one disorderly conduct caae sentenced when police court met Tuesday morning In the city hall. Return Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Henderson Ind two daughters, I Ann and Jean, have returned from a holiday trip spent on the coast. To Portland Charles Pound ers, Junior employment officer at the Oregon State Employment Service office in Klamath Falls, has been transferred to Portland. In Klamath Falls L. O. Arena of the State Industrial Accident commission, was In the city Mon day on business. SPECIALS! OIL PERMANENT WAVES $2.50 & $3.50 Oats Ivmlnis by AriMliMnunt Mary's Beauty Shop PHONI 4171 411 MAIN Upturn Ovw Islln rurallurs Hon WADDINGHAM Born at HUlsldo hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore , December 30, 1941, to Mr. and Mm. R. J. Waddlngham, city, a girl. Weight: 6 pounds 1 4 ounces. COULD BE PORTLAND, Ore. OF) It was a pretty smooth thief that swiped those boxes out of Bruno Rlchter'i yard. 'They were worth $7," said Rlchter. "But I bet 'the man got stung." The boxes were bee hives. ..4. DREW'S MANST0RE IT Coats at 13 Late styles and colors. Size! 34-42. Get Yours Now! All Other COATS 22 .nd28 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main I seaaWHHMHKr pilLIL VEU3S 'n ; " ' 'V """"Vl 1 ' A OF GOLDEN GOODNESS AGED iSM! Jm INTO THIS GRAND WHISKEY! WimWSm I ;3$gatf Nttare te Inarm ' J 1 "'Jkl tali iraee1 wnlsHeyl Mow taste the wWjf;.l Y "". added rlchasss sad bmImwwms jmus ts proof Xtlfirm mm m mm mm mm I mimmm UIIIIJU vJE NW Jit &OW v HEOSESIDE OISTILLE DISTILLERIES CORP. NAPA, CALIFORNIA We'd Much Rather Sell This Merchandise Than Count It! We're Determined Not to Carry It Into the New Year! So Out They Go at a Great Savings to You! Shop and Save at Penney's! 5 WOOL SINGLE BLANKETS I19 Deeper nap lor greater warmth and longer wearl Site 72x84. Sateen bound. DOWNSTAIRS VALUES! VALUES! Reduced! Re g ro up e d and repriced Dresses our GROUP 1 97 GIRLS' WARM SNOW SUITS 398 Water repellantl Fully lined for wsrmthl Full cut. Sises 7-12. SECOND FLOOR VALUES! VALUES! SMART, WARM GIRLS' COATS 590 Styled right for the young Missl Tweeds and smooth finishes! Sises 8-16. SECOND FLOOR MEN'S HEAVY COTTON UNIONS 98c For greater warmth and comfort! Lortg sleeves, ankle length. Full cut. SUes 36-46. MAIN FLOOR Pleated skirts! Long waist lineal Spun rayonsl Crepes. Siies 8-52. GROUP II 247 Crush resistant velvetsl Draped frontal Colors wine, black, blue a a d greenl GROUP ni Wool Jerseys! Short waists In pas tel shades! Pleated skirts! Metal trims! GROUP IV Two-piece dresses with military braid and buttons. A A or lace trims I SECOND FLOOR DOWNY NAP WHITE OUTING FLANNEL IT- Extremely low priced or such soft warm flannel I Makei wonderful pajamas and other nlghtwear for the whole family! 27-in. wide. BALCONY LADIES' NEW PURSES 98 Simulated leathersl Plaid trimsl Pouches! Over-the-shoulder styles! All at a price you can affordl MAIN FLOOR DOWNSTAIRS STORE SHOE VALUES A f Iff REDUCED ! ! LADIES' FALL SUEDE DRESS SHOES 77 8 B77 Clarar pumpsl Novelty 1 1 e 1 1 All reduced to c 1 a a rl Broken liiesl THEY'VE GOT A PURPOSE IN LIFE COMFORTI NURSE OXFORDS 2W Smartly styled of soft black kidl Peni-Flax cork cushion Insoles and Sanitised lin ings for added wear and corn s' o r t. Leather soles and heels SfiSs l?t . N CLOSEOUT1 MEN'S BETTER COATS J0OO Men! Take advantage of thli bargain and aavel Highest quality values in the latest styles. Reduced to clear! Full ilia range. MEN'S REPELLENT REVERSIBLE JACKETS L98 5' Just receivedl New style reversible sport Jackets. Tan and green, or tan and brown. Slsesi Small, medium, large. MAIN FLOOR SIZE 20x26 PILLOWS A soft mixture of down and 4 00 feathers In featherproof tickingl A DOWNSTAIRS m VALUES! VALUES! SIZE 72x84 BLANKETS 79' Downy nap in rich plaid col ors. Excellent for sheet blanketsl DOWNSTAIRS VALUES! VALUES! 5 WOOL DOUBLE BLANKETS Striking plaid patterns I A4Q Bound in 2-in. sateen. More warmth for your money. & 72x84. DOWNSTAIRS VALUES! VALUES! LADIES' NEWEST FABRIC GLOVES 49c Well tailored styles that look so expensive! Latest popular colors and styles! MAIN FLOOR VALUES! VALUES! . e. sissir iaie. FACTORY CLOSE -OUT BLANKET Shrewd buyers will grab these money saving values. si Heavy weight, large pieces. Blanket ends and centers. All colon. Large generoui portions of fine quality blanket!. Some large enough to cover three-quarter slse bed. BALCONY LADIES' SHEER SILK HOSIERY Beautiful 3 thread hosiery. . Latest winter colors. Sises 8HxlOH. MAIN FLOOR 79'