Dpcrnnhwr 211, 1041 TITP: EVKNTNC HE RAM), KLAMATH FAT,T,S, OREGON PAGR NtNq Claielfiod Advertising Ratoi: Olio iluy per word He 3 day run per word do 9 day run per word Ho 4 diiy run per word lOo 3 clay run per word 1 1 o Week run per word 120 Month run per word 32o 20 DISCOUNT for Payment In Advance. Thli dl count given to do away with book work and billing ... on actunl paid In advai.ee ads only 5 DISCOUNT f Payment by the 10th. Thli dls count given to Insure prompt payment of adi charged on monthly baali. CLASSIFIED INDEX ApartmcnU For Kent Automotive .... Bualneaa Uppnrtunltlei ..... Educational ' financial For Bale or Trade ......... General Notices ; Wealth Help Wanted. Female ..... ' Holp Wanted. Male .- flouaca Kor Urnt Livestock and Poultry .... ' Lost and Found - Mtaccllancnus For Kent ..... Mlacelluuooua For Kiilo , Mlaccllnneoui Wanted ...... . Keul Kaluto For Sulo Ilea) Batata Wanted Floom and Board Situations Wunted ; TO EXCllUllgO - Transportation ... a Loet and Found .... 24 at .... HI ....12 .... 40 :ih 4 13 .14 .... HI 2(1 .. 44 ...... 2 .. 211 ... :t .... 42 an .. 32 20 ..... 1 4(1 H II I LOST Chain of keys. Reward j Northweatern Beauty School. 234 Main. 12 21) i LOST Coin nurse In Wool worth's or Newberry' Need money badly. Reward pi-one nlWH 12 20 General Notlcea CONTINUOUS enrollment for complete course 'ew tiiilton rates There's no uhtitule for quality. Northwestern Beauty College. 12 j I 1IAVE SOLD by business. K j Cafe, HOtl Klamath avenue, and will not be responsible for any bills contracted after Decem ber 27. 11)41. John Kcnoffil 12 31 Personals FREE MARCELS every Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday Northwestern Beauty College 12 10 Service HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs H. M. Allen-ler, 731 Main. Room 218. Phone 7203 1-lliiiitf FLOOR SANUWG Old floors reflnlshcd. Norman Fraley. Phono 4001. l-24mtf PICTURE FRAMING Art and HOARD, ROOM Lady or gen Olft Shop, 510 Main. 124 nit f tleinun. 1321 Johnson. Phone . . - l 554(1. 1-19 PICTURE FRAMING Goeller's, 230 Main. 2-14mtf22 Rooms For Ront PAPERIIANG1NG, PAINTING,' kalsomlnlnu. Dial 0B1H. Mel vln E. frost. l-13mtf ELECTRO! UX CLEANE1LS Sales Service. P. O. Box 814 Phone 501B Your dealer. Tarkel Tweet 1-12 SAWS REPAIRED The right way Bodcnhamer's, 353 E. Main. 110 1 BATTERIES CHARGED in 30 1 minutes Rcymcrs Associated Service, Fourth and Main 1-3 in If CARPETS, rugs and furniture cleaned Dorcmus Rug Clean ers Phons 5875 2012 Or chard. 1-3 REMODELING and REPAIRS Wm. B. Powell, Builder. Phone 3730 1 1 WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service. 811 South Sixth. 12-31mtf REROOF Right over your old roof. Quickly, safely nnd eco .nomlcally For on estimate phone 3730. Wm. B Powell 1-1 FLOOR SANDING and rcfimxh Ing Clifford Golden Phone 3922 12-30mtf SPECIAL $2.05 oil permanent wave $1.80. Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict, 88411. 1-0 I WILL obtain your delayed birth ccrtlflcnto for you. Cluis. Hathaway, 120 N 10th St., Klamath Falls, Oro 12-30 RAY HALL Your Elcclrolitx dealer sales and service. 813 Roseway Drive. Phone 7187 1-8 PAINTING, pupcrhanglng, kal anmining, 7Bc hour or contract Phona S080. 1-0 FLOOR SANDING, FINISHING Wo generate our own pow er. C. DuFour Phono 31)90. 12-31mtf PAINTING, Kalsomlnlng It. L. Brown. Phone 4228 I-lOmlf 12 Educational QUICK METHOD In ballroom dancing, Modern, old style. Square dancing. Form your own group, 1401 Esplanade. 1-4 MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL , LEGE. 018 Klnmnlh Avo Phono 3883 lOOmtl WHEN YOU THINK OF SUC CESS think of Northwestern , Beauty College, one of Amer ica's exceptional training schools. 1-2 Health DOCTOR M. C, CAS8EL, chiro practic clinic Hume locution. 532 Main. Dlnl 7215 l-7mtf 14 Hulp Wonted, female WANTED High school girl to work for room, hoard and naliiry. Modern home, clone In. Write box 1, Nowa-Hcrald. Itl WAN T K 1) Unencumbered housekeeper mid cook be tween 2.1 and 4(1. $40. Nnwa Herald, llox 410. 440tf WANTED Hunch housekeeper, middle-aged. $15. Ncwa-Hcr-Did, llox 444. 1230 CAI'AIILK nil iirmind office lrl. .Home typing. Caacodo Laun dry. 12-31 16 Help Wanted, Male FOIt JODS In airplane factorlca. Apply Mr I. Intnl. Room 201, Wilhta lllclg 1-1 WANTED Experienced bell boy Klk Hotel 12-31 Situations Wanted SHIPMAN'S HOARDING HOME for children 3B02 Illshee. South Allamont. Phone 73(15 14 ' 1IAIIVI.AND Care of babies and children Hour, day or week. 412 Until. Phone B341. 112mtf (ilKI. wants waitress work. Ex perienced Drive. Altamont 12 30 MIDDLE AGED competent wo man wants work on ranch. Phone 4230. 12 31 EXPERIENCED woman cook with 15-year-old boy wants work. News Herald Box 370. 12 31 20 Room and Board ROOM-HOARD 346 N. 10th. 1 II HOARD ROOM 1018 Washing- I ton. 1-1 I HOARD" AND ROOM 407No I llth Phone 0010. 48H8tf HOARD AND ROOM. Private shower. Steam hent. 723 Klam nth. 1-7 I STEAM HEATED ROOMS j -" view Hotel, Jnt and Main. 12-20 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main. Steam heated. Weekly rates $3 up. 30c to $1 per night. 1-13 ROOMS 1034 High. l-5mtf NICE ROOMS for gentlemen. Phone 5244 1-4 COMFORTABLE furnace heated room adjoining bath. 1028 Jef feqpon or phono (1834. 1-14 CLAREMONT, 228 No. 4th. All outside newly decorated, mo dern rooms. All with new in ncrsprlng mattresses. Free parking. l-13mtf FOR RENT 3rd. Nice room. 134 N. 4600U VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.30 and up per week 1404 Klamath. 1-1 24 Apartment! For Rent FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gas. 410 No. 10th. l-24mlf VACANCY Two rooms, bath. Electric range. Adults. No dogs. 323 Commercial. 155tf FURNISHED 3-room modern du plex apartment. Call Van Dukcrs, phone 8837, Vi mile north on Bend highway. 12-28 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 020 Lincoln. 4587U COMFORTABLE two-room apt., ground floor. 248 Broad. 4S46tf FURNISHED APT. 801 Mar ket. ' 12-30 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished Con venient hotel service. Day, week or month 1-llmtf FOR RENT Apartment cottage. Close In on Oiik street. $20 Fred Fletcher, 12 MpIIuiso Illdg. Phono 4272. 12-29 FURNISHED 3-room No. 10th. apt. 433 12-31 PARTLY FURNISHED 2-room pt downsliilrs. Prlvnlo both, electric range. Close in. $20 month. Inquire !)I2',4 High, days. 12-30 T1IUEK ROOMS Hot witter. No parking space. $30 month. Water furnished. 718 N. llth. 12-20 TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment 1805 Main. 3004tf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nished apartment. 2300 Blchn. Phono 7286 or 4527. 4138U NICELY furnished 4-room mod ern Apt. 2 bedrooms. Inquire 2119 Applcgnto. 4749tf 13 24 Apartments For Ham VACANCY Esplanade Court. Fiirnlahcd. 12-3lintf 1UVKRV1EW Al'TS. 4 room nicely furnished, two bed rooms, very desirable. Phone 51117 474tr KOR RENT Two-room cabin, two room apartment. Inquire Luke Hotel. 12 30 glkncouht apartments Furnished. Steam heat, (inr age. Phono S084. 1 2 FOU RENT 4-room furnished Apt., hot and cold water fur nished. Adults. No doe,. 1745 Menlo Way. 12 30 FURNISHED AIT. quia, 1320 Oak. Villa Miir 12 30 FOR RENT Two-room furnish ed Apt. Wood, water fur nished $20.00 21 20 Recla mation. I 2 2'l 28 Houses For Rent SMALL modern furnished cot luge. Everything furnished 2125 Iliehn. 4004tf FOR RENT Duplex, furnished.1 1143 Pine. 12 20, MODERN CABIN 2247 Home ) dole. 12 30i BACHELORS' CABINS 425 Willow 1-3 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save i Stiles Beacon Service. 1201 East Main Phone 11304 1 7mll FIVE ROOM HOUSE Large j living room, full basement, hot water well 1845 Kaplan-1 ode. Phono 0025 471 ltf' FOUR ROOM furnished house .. Adults. 3703 Altamont Drive. Phone 0731. 1-18, TWO-ROOM cottoges. Wood, j lights, gas furnished. $30 j month. Link River Auto I Camp. 1-18 1 UNFURNISHED duplex Ranife. ! refrigerator, oil furnoce. Call j after 5:30 p. m. 505 No llth. 4.r).rltf ! .. . ! TWO-ROOM partly furnished: house. Steady renter. Near State Line Tavern, Tulelake. j 12-30 i MODERN furnished house. One bedroom. Inquire 305 Lin coln. 30-1 If , TWO-ROOM furnished house, bath. Inquire 2327 Dnrrow. 12 20 THREE bedroom house unfur nished. 1840 Johnson, owner. 1434 Johnson. 12-30 3-ROOM modem house furnish ed or unfurnished. No dogs. S22 50. 2237 California Ave. at front. 1-2 THREE ROOM furnished house. Garage. Inquire 1443 Oregon. 401 ltf THREE-ROOM furnished house. Large porch. Phone 4248 ' 12-31 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Two-bedroom home. Basement. garage, hardwood floors, oil furnace. Completely modern. $42.50. H. R. Maguirc, Realtor, 1005 Pine. 12-29 28 Miscellaneous For tient DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cado Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what have you? Call at all hours. Phone 5115 l-Onitf 30 Real Estate For Sal SIX-ROOM HOUSE Bath, new paint, paper. $2050 for quick sale. Terms to suit buyer. Phone 5817. 4002U TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE; three bedroom house; three-bedroom house with fireplace and rum pus room in basement. Diesel furnace. See Lloyd W. Rusk, 1608 Austin, off Shasta way. 13 FOR SALE Two houses for price of one. A real bargain. Inquire 1227 Main St. 133tf STRICTLY BUSINESS 30 Real Estate For Sale KOR SALE Apartment house, doing good business, lit a sac rifice. ItiMoon for selling due to owner's declining years. LI 43 Pine St. Phone 44411 12-20 3 ROOM house. Large cellar, double gunigv, one acre good garden ground, for sale or rent to responsible, party. $35. Inquire 2550 Kane. 12-31 FOU SALE Duplex with hot water hoot. Owner leuving town. See (it 051 Alameda. 1-2 ATTRACTIVE 2-bedroom home. Completely modern, oil fur nace, vcm-tiun blinds. Fur nished if desired. Very easy terms. St. Francis Park. Dial 4II7H after (I p. m 12-31 34 Automotive FOR SALE '34 Chevrolet truck, flat bed. $125. Take part in trade for wood or what have you? 2220 Biehn. 12 29 KARL KU-JAC'S BODY SER VICE now located at 2000 Ore gon Ave. (letter body, fender j work and painting for less Give us a trial Past five years! at Cascade Garatjc 1-3 1 AUTO GLASS I Replace that broken glass In i your car :i Hcwcy's Glass Shop corner Elm and Broad Phone j 5710, 1 Omtt j "TRY THE NEW DEAL" at; IIL'ICK. See Mr Yocs. factory; trained service manager. I 4934U 41 OLDSMOHILE 0 sedan. Ra dio. heater. 2 new front tires S:mo. News-Herald, Box 362 12 30 A BARGAIN Equity in '41 Chevrolet sedan. Phone 7512. 12-30 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1040 Ponliac deluxe four-door se dan. Perfect shape. Call cve nines. 153(1 California. 12-30 36 Miscellaneous For Sate FOR SALE Built pulley attach ment for 30 Caterpillar, two speeds. II. E. Conger, Rt. 2, Med ford, Oregon. 12-29 HKCONDITIONED wood range California Oregon Power Co. 4885U DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. ft.. $2.50 at mill. Phone 83H3. Conifer Lumber Co., on Weed highway. l-17mtf FOR SALE Christmas trees, wreaths, holly, mistletoe, hand mndu toys, all kinds of greens, pine colics. Let us help you with your Christmas contest decorations 1023 Main next to The Meat Center 281 CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban sections Block numbers Indicated. In dex keyed to map Price, 20c. For sale at Carmichacl's news stand chamber of commerce Ernie Piluso's Drive-in, Ever body's Drug. Lee Hcndrick's Drug. Louie Polins, Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food store. Shaw Stationery. The News Herald. Vic's Signal Service 3205 FOR SALF. Christmas puppies. Two to five months. $15, S25, or trade for used high-grade ' shotguns, rifles, revolvers of equal resale value. Bcldiu Springer Breeding Kennels. Wcstside, Tulelake, Calif. 4973 RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays Howard Graham. " 3204U FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 8878. Just south of viaduct. l-9mU FOR SALE New Underwood typewriter, used only six times. Will sell for $20 less than cost. Phone 8230. 325 N. 10th. 5U SEASONED FIR BODY WOOD Phone 3787. ' 1-19 by McFeattera 34 Automotive WANTED -- Good Late Mode USED CARS for SPOTCASH First Class Prices For First Class Cars No Delay for Your Mom.-y Se Jack Morris, mgr., at Douglas Motor Co. USED CAR LOT 1131 36 Miscellaneous For Sale USED WATCHES, reconditioned! and guaranteed Men's 12 and; 16 size Elgins and Wallhams $11.00 up. Rickys Credit Jew-; tiers. Ill COLORED FRYERS and roast ers, corn fed. We deliver.! Phone 5934. 1-11 GOOD fir body wood. 7832 Phone 1-7 METAL EDGE hickory skis with binders and poles Excellent condition. S18 632 N. 10th i 47301 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath Phone 5671. 12-31mtf EQUITY of $82.00 in Kelvinator Ironcr for sale for $35.00. Bal ance of $14.52 payable in 3 monthly payments. Phone 3985. 12-28 GLASS DUPLATE safety glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resi! vering Kimball's Glass Shop 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. l-6mtl USED electric range, good condi tion. Write Mrs. Ada E. Dick son. Gen. Del., Klamath Falls Ore."- 4932 DRY PINE FACTORY MILL BLOCKS 128 cubic foot load, $4.25 delivered. Metier Bros. Dial 5852. l-19mtf FOR SALF. House trailer. In quire McCollum Lumber Co Tulelake. 1-2 WE STILL HAVE a few SLEDS left, priced from $1.35 to $2.75. Lucas Furniture, 195 E. Main. 12-29 COLORED HENS Dressed to1 order. Phone 4246. 12-311 FOR SALE Fancy Gem single drop seed potatoes. Santford Jones. Bonanza. Ore. 845tf 38 For Sale or Trade BEAUTIFUL lady's one carat diamond, platinum mounting. Will trade for late used car and assume. Evenings. 5531 So. 6th St. 169U SALE OR TRADE 1 acre in Rabbit flat for furniture or what have you. 2215 Orchard St. 12-30 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 5713, our ex pense. 1-llmtf WANTED TO RENT Farm. Shares or cash. 4515 Sum mers lane. 12-30 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Registered thor oughbred stallion. Proven sire. Gets 100 Palomino colts from any Palomino mare. Fine racing record. Thoroughbred brood mare In foal. Two-year half thoroughbred Palomino stallion. Three thoroughbred fillies. All very reasonably priced. Registration papers for all. Barbara Worth Stables, 4615 Bee St., Route 9, Box 200, Sacramento, Calif. 1-1 FOR SALE Feeder pigs and sows Haley Bros., Bonanza, Ore., Box 145. 11-28 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phono 5361 Midland road. 12-31mtf FOR SALE Three gentle sad dle horses. Inquire 4618 Can non avenue after 0 p. m. 12-29 FRESH GUERNSEY and Dur ham cows. Rt, 2, Box 498, South 6th. 12-30 SPOKANE, Wash., (AP) Chief Machinist's Mate M. H. Ripley reports tho Spokane naval recruiting station has re ceived applications from: One man who gave his birth In the year 1223. Another who said he was born In 1941. A third who placed his birth dato two weeks in the future. Automotive Main Next to Elk Hotel 12-31 46 Financial CASH LOANS ITIIOl'T EN'lHIRSKHS I baij to urr a coxslmkrs CASH MIAN Von tn-rd no on iifmre. or tmlorttn to ft ft oft.umert loan wru-thrr jou arc married or tingle. THREE LOAN PLANS NO. l-.NLOMK LOANS On fur oot only. No w> ul(0 menU. No tlfneri. NO. t PC UNIT I' RE LOANS Vour character u trior Important than th ruroltur (tit if. NO. J-AI TO LOANS 6M to tMi cab loaaa sad refln anting. CONSUMERS CREDIT H-ni S2TO 720 Pine St. Phone 7711 LOANS O.N VOUR AUTOMOUILH Cash At Once! Vour Car Serdjot Me Fully Paid For . . . See CJs Today Commercial Finance" CORI'ORATIO.N III South CUi St.. Klamath rails Wione .lifts 51-23 l2-3lmtl See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor Investment COMPANY It S. Tlh Lie M-S75 ' Phone SM LEGAL NOTICES CITYvTION IN THls CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOP. KLAMATH COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF CARL ALFRED PRAGER, Deceased. TO: Ralph C. Prager, Edward C. Prager, Margaret Byerley, Elizabeth Wittmann, Sam P.) Weiscnstein, and Edward Weisenstein, also all other unknown heirs of Carl Alfred Prager, deceased, if any such there be: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You, and each of you, hereby are cited and required to appear in the above-entitled Court within ten days from the date of service of this Citation if served within Klamath County, Oregon, and within twenty days if served in any other County of the State of Oregon, if personally served; or if served by publication, with in twenty-eight days from the date of the first publication of such Citation, which is Decem ber 15, 1941, to show cause, if any exists, why an Order of Sale should not be made as prayed for in the Petition to Sell Real Estate herein for the following described real property in Lake County, Oregon, belonging to said Estate, to-wit: Southwest Quarter of Section 14; and Southeast Quarter of Section 22; Township 26 South. Range 15 E., W. M. WITNESS The Honorable David R. Vandenbcrg, Judge of above-entitled Court, December 13, 1941. DAVID R. VANDENBERG, (Seal) Circuit Judge. ATTEST: MAE K. SHORT, County Clerk. BY: GENEVA GARLAND, Deputy. D. 15-22-29; J. 5-12. No. 191. In proportion to her popula tion, Canada is second only to the United States in the number of telephones in use. . Tho first banded bird to fly across the Atlantic was recorded July 3, 1913 34 They Were Evacuated From Alaska r- t f .. . , L ft .i Kl i V Jja " - I v! '" "'Si' 3 l l Mil iTMIIi II l lllllli Iliitl'-ii Amon? the first women to be evacuated from Alaska were these, shows upon arrival at Seattle. All are young wives of defense workers. Left to right, back row: Mrs. H. J. Ainsworth, Mrs. R. J. Zahrobsky, Mrs. W. O. Johnson; front row: Mrs. S. C. Foyston and Mis. L. B. Harvey. Japanese Shooting Works For Quick Pacific Victory By GLENN BABB J VflRIf Tint 9Q rWtHo NEW YORK, Dec. 29 (Wide World) Japan, choosing her own time, launched her war on the United States and Britain at the moment she had brought most of the factors that favor her to their highest degrees of effectiveness. ,Just now she is enjoying to the full the advantages these factors give her. But she is op erating on a time schedule that will not permit of many delays or deviations. Occidental econ omists agree that unless they have misread all the data avail able Japan must win quickly or suffer defeat and economic col lapse. To an overwhelming, appalling degree Japan is shooting the works on her lightning war In the Pacific. Economically she was 100 per cent mobilized when she struck at Pearl Harbor. Just about all she had was ready. But the fact remains it was about all she had. Japan's elements of strength are these: complete preparation, the result of at least five years of unstinting, unflagging effort on the part of a regimented peo ple; an army tempered by more than four years of actual cam paigning and a navy and air force secretly armed on a scale unsuspected by her enemies, all fully mobilized; all the best of the geographical situation, short er lines of communication and an interior position In the vast battlefield of the western. Paci fic;,, some measure of guidance from her ally, Germany, up to this point the most advanced military power in the world; a united people and leadership; a morale which combined a fatal istic readiness to win or die, bitter racial hatred of the enemy, desperation, and a dream of world domination, But she had far less of all the material resources needed for war than the United States, one of the powers she had challeng ed. She has far less industrial capacity. Her output of steel. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Van Brimmer Ditch Company The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Van Brimmer Ditch company will be held Mon day, January 6, 1942, at 2 p. m, in Community Hall in Merrill, Oregon, for the election of five directors for a term of one year and for transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. HARRIET B. FOTHERINGHAM Acting Secretary D 29; J 2. Aff. News. No. 197 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed Executor of the Es tate of Margaret J. Ambrose, de ceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klam ath County. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present same, prop erly verified, to tho said Execu tor at the office of his attorney Henry E. Perkins, in the Stew art-Drew Building, 731 Main Street in the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six (8) months from tho date of this notice. DATED Dec. 3, 1941. KEITH K. AMBROSE, . Executor of the Estate of Margaret J.' Ambrose, Deceased D. 8-15-22-29; J. 5. No. 187 I for example, at 7,000,000 ton a vnar ia nhnut nno-lhirturtl,. nt year, is about one-thirteenths of ' the American capacity. She must go abroad for nearly all her oil, most of the metals vital to mod em war iron, copper, tin. nickel, aluminum, tungsten and others and for her rubber. She has spent five years and a sizeable portion of her national income in accumulating vast stores of these materials. She raided the Junk piles of the United States from coast to coast for scrap iron and steel until this trade was stopped. She bought huge amounts of pig iron from British India and Malaya. She drew on the mines of all the world for other metals. And she bought oil p to the capacity of her wealth and ail the tanker tonnage she could mobilize. Oil is the crux of ber prob lem. Hugh Dalton, Britain's min ister of economic warfare and probably the best authority on this point, estimated that the jumped into the world war with enough oil to fight it all out for 14 months. It seems a fair as- ' sumption that that is indicative of her reserves in other essen tials. But she must also count on the readiness of her foes to ap ply the "scorched earth" policy. She must be prepared to find the oil wells blasted, the refin eries wrecked, rubber plantations laid waste. It will be months after occupation, perhaps years, before she can count on a steady flow of wealth from any con quests. College Recruits Sought by Navy For Higher Ranks UNIVERSITY OP OREGON, Eugene, Dec. 29 (Special) Word has been received here by Dr. Donald M. Erb, president of the University of Oregon, that the U. S. naval reserve is now en listing juniors and seniors In ac credited colleges and universities for active duty after graduation. The navy needs, according to the announcement, 7000 senior now in college, or college grad uates, as prospective officers. Seniors who enlist today will not bo called to active duty be fore next June, in order that they may graduate. In addition, the navy needs 7000 men now In their Junior year In college for officer train ing. It is contemplated that stu dents who enlist now may com plete their education and grad uate in 1943. This policy has been establish ed by the navy in order to In sure the availability when need ed of adequate numbers of can didates with requisite education al and other qualifications. Low, watery land In North Carolina is of - various types) bays, dlsmab, pocosins, swampi, and savannahs. ROMANCE 9 SLIPPING i" Are you gttlog p. m. pk...oT passionate pucker? Ar. your lip pressure and your blood prtnurt on the down-grada? Does ovula tion laava you cold...or cooler! 'If you're longing for that good, old. awooplng, fluttering eensatloa... SEE