5. SERIAL STORY HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL BY ADELAIDE HAZELTINE COPYRIGHT. 1041, NEA SERVICE. INC TUB nTOHVl Tbe 1crni of An dr, Denrbora'n will apM-lfr that Inn fmnloTM wha Mm Innn nt arrvrd hU Arm, tonMher with hi nwretnrr enrol, nnnll Judnn whether or not plnrhor non Andy ' In runnlnir be ntom necordln- to thn old policy of "nrrvlre 1o 1hn prople." If Andr nan fnllrd br hn flrnt fnrenlorr dnto niter bin fnther'n otb, ntorn In to ba aold . for rhnrltr. Thin nankra Cnrol-n rola dimrnH. Lore br fnlthrnl - fmtotoro IIIU Brree, nho baa lovrd Andr alaro slrlbood. rfinrnfcMi (Inn when kin enirerne tn nter Iba atom wnn put off br fcla fathar. Carol denlra to nnacrnpu Ion Mr. Hrrrlrk. nulitnnt nan nrar, anj knowledirn of tho nrtira terma. Andr rrturna from rachtlnnT trip nrlnnlnc sleek Lln dn Jnllnn with blm, mnkea frlrnrin milk newjibor Mfky who bad brought pnprra to bin lata father, nan TUB WILL IS MISSING CHAPTER IV ANDY came late to the office the next morning. "I'vo been to Mr. Benson's. 1 hadn't heard that he was dead. They don't know much about the will, though I un derstand my father made one four months ago. A new one." . -The more delay in locating it, the better for her. It would give . her time to think. "Yes, he made one," she ad mitted. "Maybe it's in the bank box." "No, It was opened yesterday. The will wasn't there." "Could it be with his personal papers?" Andy asked. "I doubt it I go through them pretty regularly. But IH get them from the vault and we'll see." She went for them at once. The vault was a small room built in to the store on the fourth floor. Its thick steel door opened with combination which Carol knew. She glanced around. Confidential Information for the management lined the shelves circling the wall. On one side, letter files and mis cellaneous papers. On the other, receipted bills and books filled with inventory records stacked al most to the ceiling. Carol smiled when she saw those books. They began in 1891 and went all the way to 1941. Each year Mr. Dear bom referred to the one of the preceding year to compare the figures. He rarey needed any of the others. The inventory records reminded Carol of the shelf of old City di rectories in her office. They didn't So back to 1891 but she had a dozen years, with all of them ex cept the current year entirely worthless. Mr. Dearborn had wanted her to save them. As long ss she had been with the store no ' one had ever used old ones. She looked now at the safe in one end. of the vault Mr. Dear born might have put the will :there. She went to it and peered inside. The interior was bare of anything but black money boxes and bags of change. - The logical place for it was in the bank or at home. She said as much to Andy when she returned i with the pile of papers for his in 'spection. ;4JXL look at home," he prom : ised, after they finished with the papers. .'- "Would you like to go over the mail now?" she asked. "There are ia few things I haven't tended to." i He agreed and she brought a jitack to him. 4 "You know what to do and how jto do it," he complimented her. I "You don't really need me around jhere, do you?" ! "Of course we do," she denied. "The store needs you. To carry (on.as your father wished.". "My father gave his life to it (He didn't have much fun." '. "His pleasure came from the business," she said fervently. "He ran the store for the people. Cus tomer and employe alike." She jrushed on, thankful of this chance fto champion the policy of Dear 'born's. "He didn't want money so much as he wanted to serve the people's welfare. He coveted good 'will instead of a bank account. It was the secret of his success!" Andy studied her eager face. "You believe that, too, don't you Carol?" Exultation filled her. Andy was interested. "Yes. It's true!" A mocking voice interrupted them. Andy looked his surprise. Carol turned to see Linda Julian leaning indolently in the doorway. Ignoring Carol, Linda drawled, "Isn't she quaint, Andy? She still believes in Santa Claus!" ; He shrugged. "Hello, Linda, come in. Carol and I were just differing on business ideals." "You didn't forget your luncheon date, did you, darling?" she said weetly. Too sweetly, Carol thought "I want to try the Hotel ' Seville." Carol slipped out. Anger and: frustration sickened her. Would Linda always be here, interfering with Andy and his work? Andy returned at 3 o'clock. "I .went home to look for ihe will," lie said. "Couldn't find It Linda thinks you ought to know what be came of it." She felt the hidden accusation and resented it "I don't know," she denied aharply, revolting against his repe tition. . "Well, it'll all go to me anyway," he concluded. ' She said more calmly, "I'm sure he expected you to run the store." His boyish mouth formed a half wistful smile. "When do I start?" a a a CHE called Herrlck first because he had the most responsible position in the store. His big bulk filled the doorway as he entered, , complaining, "Couldn't get an elevator. The crowd's over-running us." He went to the inner office and tield a hand to Andy. "Herrlck," Carol heard him say. Her desk was so near the office door that she could see and hear everything that took place unless the door was closed. It wasn't closed now. Andy feigned recognition. "Yes, of course. You haven't been around long, haw you?" "A year," Mr. Herrick replied. "An infant in an organization where they count service by dec ades." He laughed at his own thrust Andy smiled, too. "Maybe that's what's wrong with the store." "I didn't know there was any thing wrong with it," Andy said uncertainly. , "You havent been around much," Mr. Herrick chided him. "Crowds don't make money." His sharp eyes appraised Andy. "Are you going to run the store like your father did?" "That depends," Andy coun tered. "I don't expect to spend all my time here. I'll have to look to the organization to carry on." Mr. Herrick's voice quickened. "You can do that all right," he assured him. "Now take me. I'm supposed to be assistant manager but I've never really had a chance to run things. I could show you how to make the store realize a real profit if you'd be interested." "Guess we're all interested in more money," Andy conceded. "How would you change things?" "Cut out unnecessary expenses. Run our own business instead of letting the customers dictate to us." He launched into an explana tion of his methods. He talked for half an hour. "Take sentiment out of busi ness," Mr. Herrick concluded. "Buy and sell. Get money in the bank. That's what counts. I can pulU thera for6u." He plus ed, then said smoothly, "Frankly, Andy, I know you dont want to tie yourself down to this business. I don't blame you. You're too young to give your life to it. Why don't you turn it over to roe and forget it?" (To Be Continued) LOVELY TREES MILES CITY, Mont. (IP) Earl Johnson began to get sus picious with his load of Christ mas trees when ho started no ticing them growing all around. He found he was in the Black hills of South Dakota, where evergreen trees arc plentiful. Asking directions to Mar marth, N. D., someone had sent him 100 miles out of his way. What Is called the oldest bird sanctuary in the world is located at Abbotsbury, England. It Is in habited by 1000 swans. Looking tor Bargains? Turn to the Classified page OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hooplt Headquarters for Bicycles Tricycles Wagons Lionel Trains POOLE'S BIKE SHOP 222 S. 7th. Phone 5S20 hhreVs sou vwa.it ctay rsmt theeb WO.AST PVvM TILL. X eSEB IP VOUB BRaTHEB.'S WE BCOMO 1 BOWS AMYTHIkfcS TO UPtSE-T BACK, SOUK DKSMITV...LIK& TVIWCJ. I GAM KAY DOVJM ALL THE BEEAKABLES V5 J WITH Sl COPEe AMD wieer I SST'ns-ea , BEFORE VCtl WERt MAECIECJ I I fflfftnif i2 t was easy For him to --i ! l Willhi-- T. JUR ooat mow it9 I l"H P 11 s V wait there. y LcA'i'Si.t'-n?I-,?' inc Wtf MOTHEeS GET CBAV "-tr , ' HdUl MME Al l EGAD, JULIET.' GOOD EVENING S , bJSwA I SPUTT-TT.'-YOU TOPPLED r Jit mi1,ui IM feOPTCV.' T WAS J06T RUMMAGING FOR AN OLD G006EBERK.T WINE RECIPE WHEN T CI DOFj WHERE FOR 5TRKV COINS, AND SALVAGED ONLV HAIRPINS, PENCILS AND s . i 7 5 -I ROWLED votl 1 OVER. MACTOR, t THOUGHT VOL) VJERS 1 STARTING SOW NEW NEAR1 6 , EVfc EAnRLV AND DBCIDEO TO MRCTL THE M006B , 2ntrRupte.d INNEMTORV tr imi uminwt RED RVDER By Fred Ham THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson ( KWI S "WW LON3-vND6.t) KENTUCKYy COLOMEL JULEP 15 A FaW f 1 Hc It i L IM 1WN lOU'KE M f V.'nv'lOU 72x ( COLONISLL-EONVS AROUND THESE jt (SuEST WHIUE HE LOOKS FOR. 1 IHiNNiri' CriRVIN? riirvJ ffoA'oSw --, bfrX f-1 Ir(x1 A COUPLE OF J t. ' V 77-!! ' p 5J z GRAND CANVON IS &ETTINO BUT THE BED THE ENTIRE STRUCTURE IS WOVIN& ABOUT AS FAST AS THE RIVER CUTS DOWN ITS BED. A RABBITS PROMT TOACICK ABE AADE 8V HIS- HIND FF.ET," FORNPELT, MISSOURI. IP THE UNITED STATES WERE AS THICKL.'V POPULATED AS IT WOULD CONTAIN 4300. OOQ OOO Ml. LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By Harold G VEP- ANOTHER YEAR NEARLY GONH-TK SLAQGS PETER LA PLATA-PEG AN' LITTLE B1LLY--SAM. TH' PRESSER DR.THER0N-- CADOY COM1K BACK J , XAi l j TH" BAD ACCIDENT AT TH PLANT -THEN TK JAM OUT AT TH MINE -6 CUTTLE AM HIS CANG FORTY-FOUR JOHN-TH INDIANS" PCHSON GAS --THAT CAVE-GEE I THAT WAS A CLOSE Of lE- AMD NOW "DADOV GONE AGAIN ON A BOMBER WITH PUNJAB AND TH ASP AND HERE WE ARE WITH DR. ZEE LOOKIN' BACK, IT6 BEEN QUITE A YEAR. GOOD AN" BAD 7M F .v. in "TV ri ill r vv-t I i mmmJ LX . L."' I. K."W mm r BUT THEY PUT RtOR-VlCW MIRRORS i IN CARS GO YOU WONT TURN TO LOOK BACK LOOKIN BACK TOO MUCH IS BAD--LOOKIN' AHEAD IV WWI KfctKS YUM 1-tbALTHY-CEE! I WONDER WHEN "DADDY" WILL BE BACK BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Mai VP ',29 MtfAm'fC. NEXT: When San DItro geab went to town. FORMER U. S. PRESIDENT HORIZONTAL 1 Mother. 4 Stout cord. 8 First name of pictured U. S. president 14 Range. . 16 Turkish governor. 15 Farewell. 19 His last name. 21 Garden tool. 23 Lucky number 24 Observe. 27 Insane. 29 King (Latin). 50 Finish. Answer to Previous Fuzxle 1 1 IDIAINL- ILlHiE E PHLBITII rr ANL CH EsFn6tAjDOBaHOT I If H lTbHSTE LEaNlT1E llDEgAClTIRiEISSHClR'E Pteisms tuRin:e!d ink fjj f g 1 EiTjAP'E .. Etj&OMl A;RjNH(g MrTONri VHP it fflTE-,, , IsHpehte EJTINIA SHCIUptaaS OREg swl wBoBTgUgr 1 31 Cralt. 33 Egg dish. 36 Elastic band. 38 On top. 39 Roman robe. 40 Newspaper chief. 44 Deliver into an enemy's hands by treachery. i47Lion. 48 Music note. 49 Advertise ments (abbr.) 52 Sister (abbr. 53 Proceed. 55'Young owl. 57 Poker stake. 60 Grow old. 61 Anger. 63 He was elected for separated terms. 64 Verify. 65 Fresh. VERTICAL 1 Damage. 2 Either. 3 Myself. 5 Is in debt. 6 One who paves. 1 Football team, 9 Raced. 10 Advantage. 11 Six (Roman). 51 Female deer, 22 Poem. 25 Devour. ' 26 Before. ' 27 One who poses. 28 Prohibits. 30 Great anger. 32 Threes in cards. 34 Pillar. 35 Jutting rock. 36 Sailor. 37 Rodent. 1 41 Scottish river. 42 Electrified " particle. 43 Conquer. ; 45 Cloth fragment. 46 Trouble.. 48 Faithful. ...a iiAL,n outtao fr:- S" I'GWiii L( t,uss.v-vcrrs C - '$ W'c'M'f'i f-jewe. av' a y y T ZZZm I'D WKVF. T'VWn N TKV CAW WASH TUBBS By Cr 12. Electrical engineer (abbr.). 13 Beverage. 15 Aviator. 17 Holly tree. 20 Any. 21 Meat. 52 Slavic 54 Stick. 56 Fasten with thread. 58 Compass point 59 Toward. 61 Into. 62 Note of scale. 3 if?! 17 nr ijrji9 Sol rzr " IVl "Tpo rTol 32 40 41 42j IH 43 "13? 45 46 W eSj"1j WT19 Fn- h:sm -HfI 57 5a sa 60 y, VI 61 61 VOW RECORD A A SPECIAL A W"Ve BEEM ; 1 f rf'6 MORS THAU LUCK.VOUMalf fEEL THAT VOIJPE t.WUEWTLV OdALIBiPQ TO . -J ASENT 16 OJTTANCHW(S.WLW I IWPPBSED BV T " - - i, MAM. MXlUE COOL, CAUTIOUS, HAUW.6 AN fXTRftAAyiy IMPOSTANT AMD , ' 5 ' ' 1 LIPB KASBEBJ OweMAIWOW VOUB APPAS.EMT Nl- OUICK-WITTED.AMD EXPERieMCElS. DAUSBBOU6 JOB THAT MUST NOT-THAT rr rrfc ; V ESCAPB APTEft AMOTHCff tS ICUACK a SUP- IVE N VOU HAVE THE KO-OR-DIE CAWfJOT FAILf WE'D UK6 "09 Vt50 K Jl WJUIUTARV BEEM VIUIW6 DISASTER BEEM LUCIO! DETERWMATIOM TO REACH UNDEBTAKE ITJr -f-, S I EA6y-VO(. - HEAOiMO ' V - V S L)H YOUR SOAL DESPITE ALL is T7 ri iJV CAM Peawt FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS bBIos r But we only had Four in T vili voo py fooNT do fSoRny I camt help vtj 1 - -v l&jrr A OUR PARTV I THOSB OWtK S IT OR MUST I THAT MP vVMATS MY SON WENT TO A DANCe IN J HeS AM IMPOSTOR I ) I if KIDS PULLED A FAST ONB . I CALL YOUR DIDN'T YOUR KINOSTON ! TMB BOY YOU ( GIVE HIM A kICK W W, jOUf BY DEDICATIMG THE BILL TO MCI FATHER? WANT ME PHONB HAVE" MUST BE THE ONB ( THE PANT3 WITH J ( AWw UL ALLEY OOP ByV.T.Han, r 1 7C NOIM VBRK9 AWMORE. l PAOOUMMBD SLICK TO fr -.'J(r- t 'Li?&i ' s ' 73 Ij'-'-'-irt ?y hCJiAWWm " -M I fl