December 29. 1941 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN 4 it 0 I! 0 ManJzeti STOCK MARKET IVES UNEVEN IN BRISK DAY NEW YORK, Doc. 21) OTV--In the speediest session (or more then 13 monthi, the itock market today moved over notably un van route with gain a shade In the majority at the cloie. Steeli, rails and an assortment of "blue chips" enjoyed year end recoverlei of fraction! to 2 polnta or ao, while rubbers, oils, tobaccos and motort finished with losses of at much. Heavy tax telling wai fairly wall abiorbed but It wat suffic ient to put brakea on many iMuea and offtet to a certain ex tent replacement demand which In many InslfinceK. was more or leas urgent. The ticker tape hummed from the start and transfers for the full proceeding! were In the neighborhood of 2,700,000 aharei. brtst turnover for any si-s-don- alnca May, 1040. The principal bidding stlmu lant, broken Mid, wai the grow ing belief the market, after hav ing dropped on average to the lowest level! since April 1.' lD.'il). had pretty well discounted a lot of possibly dUIurbing war bulle tin!, a new war economy and the likely cut or elimination of divi dend! by corporation! In the coming year. Prominent shares In the front ranks Included American Tele phone, Southern Railway, Sonla Fe, Bethlehem Steel. Western Union. Kennecott, J. I Case, United Aircraft. Allied Chemical and Du Pont. At low marks for the past year or longer were U. S. Rubber common and preferred. Goodrich and American Can. On the off side most of the time were Stand ard Oil IN.J ). Texas Co., Gen eral Motors, Sears Roebuck and th "B" stocks of American To bacco, Reynolds and Liggett Myars. Closing quotations: Air Reduction a" Alaska Juneau ... Is Al Chem tt Dye HOI Allls-Chalmers 2tlt American Can . 5s Am Car & Fdy 31. Am Rad Sta San 4 Am Roll Mills 10 Am Smelt Ref 381 Am Tel St Tel 1211 Am Tob "B" t Am Water Works 21 Am Zinc LiS 3. Anaconda 27 Armour 111 - - 31 Atchison 2" Avlutlon Corp 3i Bald Loco 13 Bcndix Avla 30 i Beth Steel OS Boeing Alrp 101 Borden 181 Borge-Warner 20 Calif Packing Calumet Hec Canada Dry Canadian Pacific Cat Tractor 17 Si 12 3s 37 10 Celanese Chet St Ohio 321 Chrysler 44 s Col Gas St El 46s Com'l Solvents 8 Comm'nw'lth & Sou s Consol Aircraft 201 Consol Edison 1 1 1 Consol Oil 81 Contt Can 221 Corn Product 82 Crown Zellerbach 101 Curtis Wright 8 Doug Aircraft 681 Dupont De N 140s Eastman Kodak 137 El PowJeLt 1116 General Electric 23 General Foods 36 General Motors 291 Goodrich 131 Goodyear Tire 10 Gt Nor Ry pfd 191 Greyhound 101 Illinois Central 8t Insp Copper 101 Int Harvester 43 Irtt Nick Can 47s Int Pap St P pfd .. BR H 82 371 19s 211 S6I 8) 24 1 3i 13s 12 22i 121 71 Hi Bs 4 7s 41 6i Int Tel it Tel Johns Menvilla .... Kanneeott Lib O Ford Lockheed Loaw's . Long-Bell "A" 1 Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit Nat'l Dairy Prod ... Nat'l Dlst National Lead ... N V Central No Am Aviation , North Amer Co , Northern Paclflo Ohio Oil Otis Steal P10 Amer Fish , FOR RENT TRUCKS and BICYCLES You Dvlv Mot Yoursall Bar 14 Lena and Short Trips, STILIS' MACON SERVICE Phone 1304 1201 East Main ami financial Carload Potato Shipments Day of Month Season 1941-42 Reason MI40-41 Dric. to Season Dec. to Season Dec. Dolly Date to Dale Daily Data to Date 1 21 iT 2HHH iT 201 2 0 30 2079 28 31 3007 3 23 83 21108 24 S3 3031 4 31 84 2720 31 8B 3062 B 21 To8 27S0 n iT 3004 0 24 120 277 28"" 146 3122 7 0 120 2774 il 187 3183; 8 23 134 2700 4 103 3187 0 24 178 2823 40 233 3207 10 33 211 2838 35 288 3242 11 39 247 2802 23 201 3283 12 33 280 2023 38 323 3301 13 22 302 2047 28 333 332S U 1 303 2048 34 387 3383 IS 47 330 2003 8 393 3371 1H 27 377 3022 lis" 430 3406 17 34 411 3036 32 462 3438 18 87 488 3113 33 407 3473 10 43 310 3133 4B 343 3321 20" 34 364 3218 38 983 3339 21 0 664 3218 32 633 3611 22 30 603 3337 7 62 3818 23 22 825 3270 40 888 3684 24 30 61 3313 20 717 3393 25 0 601 3313 f 717 3393 28 31 692 3348 18 733 3411 27 23 718 3371 34 789 3443 28 0 718 3371 47 818 3402 . 31 Month Shipment by Truck Grand Total Pnc Gas & El 10J I'ac Tel & Tel 971 Packard Motor li Pan Amer Airways 131 Paramount Pie 141 Penney ( J C) 741 Pcima R R 171 l'help. Dodge 281 Phillips Pet 44 Proctor & Gamblo 81 Pub Svc N J Ill Pullman 221 Radio 21 Reyonlor 0 Rnyonler pfd 23s Republic Steel 171 Richfield Oil 81 Safeway Stores 421 Sears Roebuck 40 1 Shell Union 141 Socony Vacuum 71 Sou Cal Edison 181 Southern Pacific 101 Sprrry Corp 271 Suindard Brands 4 Stand Oil Calif !fl Stand Oil Ind 271 Stand Oil N J 37J Stone & Webster 41 Studebaker 31 Sunshine Mining 31 Texas Corp 381 Trans-America 4 Union Cnrbido 691 Union Oil Calif 12 Unloi Pacific 60 United Airlines 10 United Aircraft 35 United Corporation 316 United Drug 611 United Fruit . 671 U S Rubber 141 U S Rubber pfd 62 U S Steel 32 Vanadium 17J Warner Pictures 81 Western Union ..... 23 Westlnghouse 741 Wool worth 231 S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 29 W; (Fed. -State Market News). HOGS: Salable BOO. Around 10 higher than Friday; most 183-235-lb. barrows and gilts 11.93 12.03. latter top. CATTLE: Salable 230, Steers fully 60 higher, on load good 1026.1b. fed California 12.23: helfera scarce, quoted higher; package good young 1123-lb. range cows 9.2; major share run dairy-bred cannera and cutters bulking 6.80-7.80, around 80-73 higher; medium 1300-1400-). bulla 8.00-9.00. Calves: Salable 10, Around 80 higher; odd choice, venlers 14.00. SHEEP: Salable 600. Fully steady; part deck choice wooled lambs 12.00; two decks shorn 8211). Washington lnmbs 11.10; two docks common and medium 110-lb, ewei 4.68. A rhinoceros Is able to scent white man at a greater distance than it can smell a black man. V Sav. 20 On Memorials By Calling at Klamath Fall Marble and Granite Weks 11$ So. 11th St and Making' Yaur Owa Selection (1940) I 1 Portland Produce fOMU.VD. On., Dm. t (Af)-l'tTa Prtott, A iradt, ic In ptrctirorot wrap Pr. too lo rartOfH. B iaO. t0 In pucA airot mrappaft. eartoni. Ia lb. ai lTIHIAr lit, I iialltr. majlmom of .4 of 1 r cent cldliy. dallvarad In eorfland. Wjiic lb.; premium quality onaiimum o( .aa of I par enl tfldltyl. ,01040 II, ; ,allajf routaa and country polrtl. S crqti l,a than flrt; aacoad qual it? at hirtland. xa under flraU CUKE.-C salllnc prlca Ut Portlaad r tallara: Tillamook Irlplate. tao lb.; loaf, r lb. Trlpleta to ohulaaaUra, Ke lb.; loaf. 7a f ob. Tillamook. KUOS Prlra to onaatiinart : A larja. Mr; II laria. Sic; A niadltim. Sir; P ni'd hunt too dot.; A unall, tev; B amtll. Ue dur; raaU to rftallari, ao Miliar lor caia, ; rarlonl. 5o hlgbar. Mlt l-ot I.TRV Hujlol prtoaai Xo. I frada leghorn brollar. uodar IS Iba., 1; u,er l, lb... tr, frra S to Iba., lSe; roailtr. otr 4 lb. laSe; rolorcd h'li,, llir; Leborni uudrr IS Iba.. IftHc: otar s ". I'Si rwatra. c lb. 1KI.V4K11 tli;ki;ih Hclllqi prlcaa: hem. Imc; torn. Buylns prlca: torn, tfa lb.; ban. ?Ta lb. UJIOM Yak ma. II.U-I.IO: Orttort. SIWl.oo par 101b. aark; Yakima. 10a. Uo: Oragoo, 40e. rOTAlOCA - Whlta Ick-iI. SIM Nntal: Ticbutaa (lam. rantal; Yakima No. I Otin. s.'WMa oanlal; Klaaatb. II 0 1.71 ranlal. COUNTRY MCATIt saiitnt pncoa ut ratallari: oountry killed hoia. bl buth- U to Ua lb,., lau.iec lb.; vaalar. faner, IsH-lPe: llbl thin. Ir.lle; heavy. 11.); lanih. ISS-lfttf; ee. l-fro lb.; fan ner coa. 10-lle; good cuttar cova. ll-USe; bull. I41M lb. WOOL 111 rllp. Oregon ranch, com Inal. -Jo lb.; croxbrad. t:e. lb. HAY Sailing prlca on tracka: alfalfa. No. 1, 110.00 ton; oat-vatch. 114.00 too. Vallay prlca i Wlllamatto clorar, Sit 00 top. ratlay polnta; timothy, aaataro Oregoo. 11.10. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 29 (eP) (USDA). HOGS: Salable 2230, total 4700; market 23 higher; good choice 170-213-lb. drive-ins, one carload, mostly 12.00; few drive ins 12.10; 230-270-lb. 11.00-11.30; light light 10.73-11.23; few packing sows 8. 50-0.75; feeder pigs scarce, quotable to 11.00. CATTLE: Salable 1500. total 1800; calves, salable and total 100; market mostly 23 higher; several loads medium-good fed steers 11,50-13.00; one load 13.10; common steer 0.00-10.80; light dairy steer down to 7.00; common-medium heifers 7.80. 10.00; some held higher; cannnr and cutter cows 4.80-3.73; fat dairy type cows 6.30-7.00; medium-good beef cows 7. 30-8. 83; good bulls 8.73-8.23; few 9.80; vealers steady to 80 higher, top 13.80. SHEEP: Salable 1100, total 1890; market 38-30 higher; load good-choice 97-lb. fed, wooled lambs 11.80; load 93-lb. shorn lambs 10.25 with few early shorn lnmbs 10.50; common owes 3.30; good choice ewes salable around 3.30-0.00. Read the Classified page ROMANCE 9 (jirrMfw Are) rod fttttaf a p. to. ack...e s pensions' puckavr Are yoar Up prauiur sad your blood praMur on th down-grids)' Does oscula tion Issv you old...or eo!r If you're) longing for that good, old, swooping, fluttering saasstloa... IT CHICAGO, Dec. 29, fAP) Grain prices have elevated frac tionally today In a continuation of more active trade but the murknt remained In a hesitant holiday mood awaiting develop ments affecting price control and the government's whmil and corn selling program. Processing Interests were un derstood to have taken a con siderable amount of government corn to be moved out of stc:l tanks In the country ut prices slightly above the market. Trad ers regarded purchasa of such a quantity as Indicative! of a good Industrial demand an well as limited open market supplies. They pointed out there Is no as surance that government prices for corn, as well as wheat, will remain stationary after the first of the year. Wheat cloned Ve-Hc higher than Saturday, May ?I.20T-4, July $t.27; Com '4-ttc up, May 84H-Hc, July 89 He; oats unchanged to He up; rye He higher; soybeans unchanged to He higher. POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 29 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 6 cars Cal ifornia, 2 Idaho, 1 1 Oregon ar rived; 18 unbroken, 40 broken cars on track; Oregon Klamath district Russets No. 1. $2.40-50, few $2.23, combination grade $1.90-2.00. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 29 (AP USDA) Potatoes: 6 cars Cali fornia. 31 Idaho arrived; 10 un broken. 88 broken cars on track; 8 cars diverted: 4 cars California, 3 Idaho arrived by truck; no Ore gon quotations. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, Doc. 29 (USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 157; on track 355; total US shipments, Saturday 472. Sunday 28; sup plies rather liberal; for north ern white stock demand moder ate, market slightly stronger; Bliss Triumphs all sections de mand fair, market steady; Idaho Russet offerings light, trading light, market unsettled; Idaho Russet Burbanks US No. 1, 2.53 70; Nebraska Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, 2.50-52; Colorado Red McClures US No. 1. 2.30-33; Minnesota and North Dakota Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, 1 50- 2 05; Cobblers US No. 1. 1.57s- 80; Wisconsin Katahdins US No 1, 1.53-65; Rurals US No. 1. 1.40-55; new stock, supplies light, demand light, market slightly weaker; Florida Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, 2.25-35 per bushel crate. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Dec. 29 (AP-USDA) There was very little demand for domestic wools In the Bos ton market today. Only occas ional inquiries were being re ceived and sales were limited to small quantities needed for im mediate use. Prices were un changed and firm. BIS SIX STEP OUT LAWRENCE, Kan. A 76 game basketball schedule will find Big Six teams playing from Lexington. Ky., to Berkeley. Calif., and Seattle. Two years ago: Finns kill 700 Russian in repulsing attack on Lake Suvanto. 1., a4 3 llTOj rTMiTeTeTITTrieMeTaN QJtaver CUD AT (3) Count BASIE Harry JAMES tyBenny GOODMAN Jimmy KAYE Saturday night, for a full half hour, Coca-Cola puts the spotlight on th band whlchr-accordlng to our latest weekly tabalsUoar-nad the re cording that outsold any other. ' IVIKY NI0HT IXCIPT JUHOsY Mutual Network KFJITslBP.M. mi JtiYZA f In New Year's Show llii.,jf,lWll!fj.Wi -eW,e . Jv Th Bentley Trio, shown here playing on what Is said to b the world's largest marimba. The musical trio is on el the had-Iln acts which will play Cal-Ora Tavern on lfw Year's Eve. Birth Certificate Information Given At Clerk's Office Klamath citizens in search of birth certificates can receive full information on how to ob tain them by applying at the county clerk's office in the courthouse, according to an an nouncement by Mae K. Short, county clerk. Persona born hero prior to 1007 should write direct to the Bureau of Vital Statistics, Ore gon Building. Portland, after obtaining forms at the court house. All employes In defense indus tries a well as Job applicants IK1M1 II Buffi? fiWlffll iiifflRiiiriif HH JdlaIJII Jul!!J 1 . jl IS iiili i We might as well face facts. To facilitate war pro duction, you're going to have to make your present car last and last and last ... The national welfare requires that existing automobile transportation be maintained at the highest efficiency possible without interfering with the war effort In order to help you keep your car In good order; to help you maintain its even operation General Motors dealers who utilise the GMAC OTHER GMAC PLANS ACCESSORIES. If you need torn ew accessories oa your cr-a rtdioi a hestar; fog lights or th Ilka your Geaeral Motors dealer cm icll thtm, too, oo a convenient inital mejnt plan. USED CARS, If yon sr considering nsed ear, It can be puichaied on the economical General Motors Instalment Plan. FARMERS, If your Income dspendf oq crop returns, yonl, find that the GMAC Seasonal Income Plan will fit your oasds. TEACHERS. Thr. Is a special GMAC plan far teachers so that they do not hsva to mike payments daring th vscstioa months. NEW CARS. To the extent tbst they at available, new cars, of course, can always ba purchasad on the tow cost General Motors Instalment flan. Only dtalers in CHBVROLET POmiAC CfcQSMOMW ' BUlCK and CADILLAC ears offer thi GENERAL MOTORSINSTALMENT PLAN must furnish proof of United States citizenship, according to government regulations a n- nounced here Friday through the Oregon State Employment service. OAKLAND, Calif., (AP Patrolman Earl Rumetsch had foresight in Ignoring his physi cians' advice. They counseled an operation but he resorted only to tape after his nose was punched awry by a man he sought to arrest 10 daya ago. Christmas eve he was punched by seven men one blow' strik ing his nose as he sought to arrest a drunk. Now physicians say he needs no operation. His nose Is back in line. 111 HiiTr'sssTTmn mwimcMtfo -fc tc lie AGR E E E An agreement ha been reach ed by the Klamath project of the United State bureau of rec lamation and the fish and wild life service in connection with the administration of Lower Klamath lake bird reserve and the Tulelake water covered dis tricts In the Modoc area, to the satisfaction of both group, ac cording to B. E. Hayden, USRA superintendent, who returned here this weekend from Wash ington, D. C. Th fish and wildlife service will look after all wild life in both area and take over approxi mately 30,000 acre in Lower Klamath lake for a nesting and breeding area for wild fowl. Hayaen stated. In exchange the bureau of reclamation will have full charge of all leasing of land In Tula lake and government land in Lower Klamath lake, approxi mately 10,000 acre. Th land will be used for grazing and other purposes and is not part of the wildlife service' 30,000 acres. All revenues from leases and from other sources, such as land or taking muskrat or other fur bearing animal from th area, will go to the bureau of recla mation. The fish and wildlife EHENT REACH 1 REFUG services, are now equipped to offer you a special plan whereby you can finance repairs on your car whatever the make or the model-and pay for them on regular, convenient mbnthly payments. Bring your car now to your General Motors dealer. He will give you an estimate On necessary repair and maintenance costs, and he is in a posi tion to finance the complete job for you through General Motors Acceptance Corporation. There are GMAC financing services ready for almost any cat financing problems you may have either in getting your car, in paying for it, Or in keeping it running; and to ask about them will probably save you money. Whatever Your Car Financing Problem Consult GMAC FIRST DSf THE COUPON lU0W--NO SALESMAN Will CALL arm mi motors hcceftshci mNMmM tniareMarenjr, Not York fttmt aaaaaf aa af JajeM wf atyteweaaWej veV f eeer rawaaat O Iarformaea kmt lUpalra AccaaefTrirBeIa. D GMC Iignrlo Chan for aqwl ManthlF p7mota enta eaexImJ Mew. O lemea-i Sexaooal Waa aa aw csweked below, O Special Teaeaer'e ?! ea tan taecked below. q cmvaouT pontim a oldsobiu sac a cadium a uniNoautooM Cseti servlca has been given, under thl agreement, strip of land ona-miartet Of ft mile, aarlHaa mnA totaling 2600 acre, djacnt to in water covered area in Tu: lake to us as they s fit. Hay den said he felt th service want. d to .grow alfalfa along the strip for feeding purpose and to prevent the bird from going to farm land nearby. The fish and wildlife service ha been working for the past two or three year putting in dlkea and making preparation! for the nesting and breeding pro gram which will be completed when the water Is put through the new Tule lake tunnel and pumped Into that area. Skiers Use Moore Park Hill Sunday Klamath Fall winter sport enthusiasts Sunday found a ski able six inch mantle on the Moore park hill and some 30 snow fan were reported on the alone In th afternoon. Crater Lake national park wa the mecca Sunday for the biggest ski attendance Of the winter. Many vacationing stu dent and adult found th rim area under flv feet of powder enow. The Crater Lake Ski club electric lift operated in the afternoon. No injuria were re ported. Read the Classified page When In Mediord Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joe and Ann Ewlay Proprietor t I ' l" J