P(ccnilrr 2!. 1011 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE o ft Returns H0m Cecil Van- drnherif, 8-year-old rinuKhter of Circuit Judtfe and Mm. David 11. Vandmbrrif, Willi moved to Imr honia on WimhliiKtoii trccl curly Suturday ovcnlntf. Hlio ha to covered from sevoro attack of pnoiimonln but will ba confined to her bed for o,ullo some time. Improving K. C. Mill and K. P. Myers, who suffered inirn when bunkhomo on the Chet Barton place cauuht flra Chrlst .man eve, were reported Improved liil llllliilde honpltul Mondiiy niornlnK. Lowell MrFudden, who w aUo burned about the hands and fuco, wns ublo to leuve the hospital Saturday. Word Received Mr. Ger trude Miller of 4(1(1(1 Denver av enue, received her find loiter from her son, l,elund "Bunny" Miller, IH, who In tdntloned In the Pacific with Hie United Hlatci navy. "Bunny" uld. In hit brief note, "I am alrliibt and ferllim fine. I don't wonl you to worry." The letter wan mailed December I), day after wur win declared. Yoiiiik Miller formerly attended Itoonevelt nchool end Klamath Union hliih nchool, on llntlriK before bin Krndiiutlon. NoHoet Dinner Mcmbcm of the Minerva Book club of I he limine und Profenilonul Wo men' club wern to meet at the home of Mr. 11. D. Park at 327 Main Direct at 7 o'clock Monday nlliht for a no hontem dinner. There win to be a K I ft exchange and Chrlatmai tree. Medical Treatment Jimmy Nelaon, 14, son of Mm. Viola It. Nelson, of Tulelakc, In receiving medical treutment at Klamath Volley hospital, where he recent ly aubmlttcd to minor mrifcry. Head IInurl. Gilbert Net pen, younx aoldler who wait se riously Injured when struck by a car on The Dnllr.i California highway, remained very III at Klamath Valley hospital. The youth has fractured leg and bad head hurts. On Leave -Private Clarence O. Jurralrd, son of Mrs, Jonnio Jerralrd, of (11(1 Prescott street, Is home on a five-day leave from duties with the United Stutes marine corps. FOUR HSES MED HERE Bi UW VERS TY t' 'ft";" ' r. ' t i Return John Penny of I la ger, who suffered bad facial cut In in automobile accident on the Lakoview highway a week ago, wo able to return to hi home from Klamath Valley hos pital on Saturday. Dorcas Circle Member of the Dorcas circle will meet at the home of Mrs. H. S. Cunning hum. .126 North Klghth street, at 2:1(1 p. m. Tuesday, December :to. Visitors Mr. and Mm. Sir mund Cross (Harriett Sugar man) are here for the holiday visiting Mrs. Gross' parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sugurman, of Lin coln street. Return Ham Mr. and Mr. Stewart Moore returned to their home In Portland Sunday after noon after spending Chrlstmu with their daughter' family, Mr. and Mr, trunk P. Drew and young son, David. Valley Visitor Charles Week of thl clly eul the holiday In Ashland visiting with hit slsler. Mr. A. J. Ilodgcn. He will leave th first of tha year for navy service In San Diego, In Portland Mr. and Mr. Mutt H. Rauw of 303 South Klghth street are spending the holidays In Portland with friend and relatives, expected home the latter part of the week. Klamath Kail residents will be offered four course sturtlng January 0, by tho Oregon stale system of higher education, ac cording to an announcement by W, G. IJeutlle, unslstunt director of 1 1 io general extension division. Similar classes have been of fered the past three months to those Interested in obtaining uni versity credit or developing per sonal efficiency. The winter term instruction will bo under the di rection of Lawrence S. Bee, Ph. D., professor of sociology, Uni versity of Oregon; Jean K. Eber hart, M. S., professor of physical education, coach of athletics, Southern Oregon College of Kdu cation. The following subject will be offorcd: Instructor' course In first aid, Tuesday, 4 to 8 p. m. Physical education laboratory, (basketball coaching) Tuesday, 7:1 .1 to 0:15 p. in. Tho Family, Thursday, 4 to 6 p. in. Sociology of the Clly, Thurs day, 7:15 to 0:15 p. m. If the enrollment Is not suffi cient any ono of the above classes may be discontinued. In struction will bo offered In Fre mont school, Seventh and HiRh street. For further Information write or call the general extension di vision, Oregon state system of higher education, Eugene, Ore. 4 f V '4 Ftt fill 4 t,S' A 'S" ' A lone sailor patiols the beach of the U. S. Navy rifle range' at Olongapo, 50 miles west of Manila. In tills picture made month before the Japanese attacked this beautiful spot. EMPLOYES REPAID Restitution totaling $1150.32 has been made to approximately 44 employes of the Huzard-Burk-hart Pine company, Lakcvicw. representing the difference be tween wages and overtime pay received and what they were entitled to under the fair labor standards act, it was announced Saturday by Charles H. Elrey, branch manager of the wage and hour division, U. S. depart ment of labor, at tho Portland office of the division in Room 208 U. S. Courthouse, Old. In announcing tho payment Elrey pointed out tliat the Buz-1 ard-Burkhart Pine company' made restitution without the necessity of court action. This ; policy has been approved by the j administrator of the wage and hour division in cases where In vestigation discloses that em ployer did not intentionally or wilfully violate the law and where no aggravated circum stances of any kind are present. Complaints of underpayments, a well a other violations of the wage-hour law, may be filed In person, or in writing, or by tele phoning the Portland office of the wage and hour division, Elrey said. The telephone num ber of the office is Broadway 3083. Looking for Bargains? Turn to the Classified page $50 REWARD trill b paid by Or. Parltar IJDOra lorlM, Spohana, Waah., for any caffn or sallua that lannof ha ramovad with OR. PARKCR'S CORN REMOVE! CASTLEBERR Y'S THI SUPfR CUT-RAT! ORUO 33c u Maw 33e The human body rearhoi It physical peak at about 39 year, according to scientist. mirniiia"iwiiina-iaiia "---'-f-c-- - 5T W j. . mmmumr co., imo. VALUES Regrouped Recuced.' YEAR-END LIcansM Dog license will go on sale In the county clerk' office Friday, January 2. 1042 license must bo purchased by March 1, It wa announced. In Hospital Floyd Parzoo, li year old son of Mrs. Cassle Para zoo, of Chlloquln, Is receiving treotment for pneumonia at Klamath Valley hospital. Go East Mr. and Mr. Nelson Reed and ion, Scott, left Sunday nigui Dy train to visii wun .friend and relative on the east (coast. They will be In Pitts burgh, Pa., for several week. Return Dr. George H. Alder returned to hi office Monday morning following a week' Ill ness when he suffered a severe cold and Infected eyo. In Dallas Mrs. Bcautord E. I lay den I remaining In Dallos, Tex., for a short time to be with her mother, Mr. C. P. Jones, who I not well. Hayden returned her Sunday. Return Horn Mr. M. A. BatUn, 804 North NinUi street, ubmltted to major (urgery at Klamath Valley hospital and was able to return to her homo Sunday, Return Charles Lockwnod ha returned from Los Angele to make hi homo at 1034 High street. Ha Operation Mr. Arthur Frazier of Manteca, Calif., for merly of Merrill, ubmltted to a major operation at Oakland, Calif., according to word receiv ed hero by friends. Visit Mother Private James A. Halo, ion of Mr. M. E, Hale, 1031 Washington atroct, I on a 72-hour leave from United State marine corps base. fa II 1 vut7iimtL0ivn New Ysar't Wish Br EARL WHITLOCK i 1 1 'a May It bo truly a happy Now Year to you not just the day, but tha whole year to com. May your disappointment be few and your triumphs many. May your spirit grow enor mously as you learn to find Joy In sacrificing your own Immedi ate benefits for the common good. May you think clearly, reason soundly, conclude logically. May you recognize tho good with which your lifo Is blessed and be uplifted by it and may you scq the evil and be guarded from It. May you experience the full Joy of life not tho mere mon otony of living. May your appetite be great, your digestion sound, your mind cheerful, your slumber deep. This Is the wish of mo and mine to you and yours. Next Monday Mr. Whltlock of the Earl Whltlock Funeral Home will comment on Red Cross again. Sorority Moating Kappa chapter of Beta Sigma Phi soror ity meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock In the Wlllard hotel. VITAL STATISTICS FOLTZ Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls. Ore., December 20, 1041, to Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Foltz. 3120 Lodi street, a girl. Weight: 6 pounds 4 ounces. CUMMINS Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., December 20. 1041, to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Cummins. Keno. Ore., a girl. Weight: 5 pounds 7 ounce. BAKER Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., December 28. 1041. to Mr. and Mr. Ray Baker. 2438 Pershing way, a girl. Weight: 6 pound 13 ounce. HOUSTON Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., December 28, 1041, to Mr. and Mr. C. M. Houston, Dorrls, Colif., a boy. Weight: 8 pounds 9 ounces, ItOMANCI 9 An Tm fttioff p. m. pock. ..or ptMtooatt packer? Art your Up praMur tad your blood pmmtr on tb down -frad. Dot otcula tioa lemv you cold.. .or cooler? If you'r longing (or (tut good, old, wooplng, fluttering Mntatloa... 1 lOi 'A i For Your Information MAIL CLOSING TIME (Eflactlv September 28. 1941) Train 17 Southbound: 6 a. m. Train 20 Northbound! 10:00 a. m. Train 19 Southbound) 8:45 p. m. Train 18 Northbsundi 8:00 p. m. Auxiliary Th Townsnd auxiliary will meet Wednesday, December 31, at 1 p. m. at the homo of Mrs. Alice Gray, 2435 Union street, for a business meet ing. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Price. All members arc urged to attend a there will be nomination of officer. BAUGH CAN KICK WASHINGTON Sammy Baugh of Washington Redskins I famed for hi pausing but he led 1041 professional kickers with average of 48.7 yards in 30 punts. Complete Feminine Hygiene demands: M m ! Feminine hygienTntuTTREAL sense of th Mrtr A A.m. ,1m . I i .. 1 .... mi,..HU ungcrirm CIMMinm nd swrrtnrns. You cannot he attractive with armpits moiu, stained and smtWv. Use Arrid. the nrw sram J.. . 1 r.r.'iY0 c"1 " . In.unrlr chnlca prriplratlnn I tn 3 dara. ..'mpa," "m "'. "P. tut. o Uuodrnn a. bannlcia to fabric. Woman usa mora Arrid than any other deodorant Try a ju todayl ARRID 394 a la 'lltat.li..la ' (ali In 10( u3 iVflm) (Dn rUMOUS POWELL STREET OFT tmiON tQVMMM IN THE BEAST OF BOWMTOWM UN IVAIICIMO I Mill JVsrvar AT- Tof I I I I UorWa SAN FRANCISCO'S finest family hotel. Quiet, refined, and friendly atmosphere, in the very heart of the theatrical, restaurant, and hopping district RATH MOM Gcrrag Service AT DOOR loM Clanla ! A aaaaa.ta V Capitol ot CafemB am$15o Holal laa Cauloa tf lh Bio Baf $20 Bklnbow End On th OhmamuM a tier Rivtr We'd Much Bather Sell This Merchandise Than Count It! We're Determined Not to Carry It Into the New Year! So Out They Go at a Great Savings to You! Shop and Save at Penney's! S WOOL SINGLE BLANKETS Dosptr nap warmth and Siza 72x84. for graatar longar waarl Sateon bound. DOWNSTAIRS I19 Reduced! Ra 9 ro up e d and repricad Dresses :tu0L:four VALUES! VALUES! GIRLS' WARM SNOW SUITS 98 Watar repallant! Fully lined for warmthl Full cut. Siiai 7-12. SECOND FLOOR VALUES! VALUES! GROUP 1 SMART, WARM GIRLS' COATS Styled right for tha young MOQ Missl Tweed and smooth ' finishasl Siza 8-16. 3' SECOND FLOOR MEN'S HEAVY COTTON UNIONS For graator warmth and comfort! Long sleevas, ankla length. Full cut. Size 36-46. MAIN FLOOR 98' Lac trims I Plaatad ilclrt! Long waistllnesl Spun ray onsl Crapes. Sizes 9-52. GROUP II 347 Crush - retUtant Talretil Draped frontal Color wine, black, blue and greenl GROUP III 397 Wool jersey! Short waist in pa tel thadeil Pleated kirtl Metal trim) GROUP IV with military - 4.97 Two-piece dresses braid and buttons, or lac trim! SECOND FLOOR "T'-TT tJT'-V ''l' '"-i" Ty-1 jV j 'tfe 4 ARCTIC WHITE OUTING FLANNEL Yd- Extremely low priced for such toft warm flannel! Makes wonderful pajama and other nightwear for the whole family! 27-in. wide. BALCONY LADIES' NEW PURSES Simulated leathers! Plaid trim! Pouched Over-the-houlder style! All at a price you can afford! MAIN FLOOR DOWNSTAIRS STORE SHOE VALUES REDUCED ! ! LADIES' FALL SUEDE DRESS SHOES -S77 8 B77 A 4 Clever pumps! Novelty 1 1 e s I All reduced to clear! Broken size! mm mrr THEY'VE GOT A PURPOSE IN LIFE COMFORT! NURSE OXFORDS 298 Smartly atyled of oft black kidl Peni-Flex cork cushion insole and. Sanitized lin ings for added wear and com fort. Leather soles and heels CLOSEOUTI MEN'S BETTER COATS tOO 10 Menl Take advantage of this bargain and savel Highest quality values in the latest styles. Reduced to clear) Full size range. MEN'S REPELLENT REVERSIBLE JACKETS '98 3' Just received! New style reversible sport jacket. Tan and green, or tan and brown. Size: Small, medium, large. MAIN FLOOR m rf- e. Mir in SIZE 20x28 PILLOWS A soft mixture of down and AQ feathers in a featherproof M ticking! astta DOWNSTAIRS ,-r: "liiiaf rn lianliaii am. VALUES! VALUES! SIZE 72x84 BLANKETS 79c Downy nap in rich plaid col ors. Excellent for sheet blankets! DOWNSTAIRS "WW VALUES! VALUES! 5 WOOL DOUBLE BLANKETS Striking plaid p a tt a r n s 1 Bound in 2-in. sateen. More warmth for your money. 72x84. DOWNSTAIRS VALUES! VALUES! LADIES' NEWEST FABRIC GLOVES Well tailored styles that look SfC so expensive! Latest popular . ZAn colors and styles! W w MAIN FLOOR VALUES! VALUES! FACTORY CLOSE-OUTl BLANKET ENDS 19c Shrewd buyers will grab these money-saving values! Heavy deep-nap ends! Color ful reversible patternsl BALCONY VALUES! VALUES! SPECIAL PURCHASE BLANKET ENDS 29c Heavyweight, warm, deep fluffy napl Bright rich col ors in reversible patternsl A bargain at this pricel BALCONY VALUES! VALUES! BIG! GENEROUS! BLANKET ENDS 69: Some pieces will nearly cov er a size bed! Rich, (olid colors! Warm, fluffy nap! Hurry, the won't last. BALCONY OTrr9,ip . nip , i..'ai i aiajaaeaaif "laaiwaaM" iiaiiBaaaaaHaaa LADIES' SHEER SILK HOSIERY 79' Beautiful 3. thread hosiery. Latest winter colors. Slses 8HxlOW. MAIN FLOOR