PAGE EIGHT Mrs. Martin Takes Over OES Office Mr. LeRoy Erdmann Named Worthy Patron of Aloha Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star Mri. Charlotte Martin, worthy matron, and Mr. LcRoy Erdmann, worthy patron, were duly installed into their respec tive offices Tuesday evening, December the twenty-third, at the regular meeting of Aloha chapter. No. 61, Order of the Eastern Star, in "the Masonic temple on Klamath avenue. Installing officers for the evening, all past matrons of the Eastern Star, were: Mrs. William J. Steinmctz, installing matron; Mrs. Charles Joseph Martin, installing marshal; Mrs. Hiram F. Murdoch, Installing chap lain; Mr. Robert E. Watten burg, installing secretary; Mrs. George Hurn, installing treas urer; Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones, installing pianist. The elected and appointed of ficers for 1942 who will serve with Mrs. Martin and Mr. Erd mann, and who were regularly installed at the Tuesday eve ning meeting are: Mrs. Clar ene A. Humble, assoiate ma ton; Mr. Lawrence K. Phelps, associate patron; Mrs. Ed Markham, secretary; Mrs. Lawrence K. Phelps, treas urer; Mrs. R. Dickson, con ductress; Mrs. John Oldham, associate conductress; Mrs. Oscar Smith, Adah; Miss Mc Arthur, Ruth; Miss Isabella Milne, Esther, Mrs. Will Wood. Martha; Miss Frances Finch, Electa; Mrs. Nina Currier, warder; Mr. John Oldham, sentinel; Mrs. Victor Joseph son, chaplain; Mrs. L. L. Hend ricks, marshal; Mrs. Fred H. Cofer, pianist. The main chapter room and the dining room were beauti fully decorated for the occasion in a color scheme of deep blue and silver. The rostrum in the east had for background a massed arrangement of deep blue and silver, ribboned strips of cellophane, the arch above being outlined with blue electric globes, and on each side stood a silvered fir tree, with blue lights and orna ments. Clusters of silvered pine and fir cones and boughs and blue candles were ar ranged about the chapter room. A new altar, constructed by Mr. Robert E. Wattenburg, decorated by Mrs. Walter ( Brown, and financed by the ' 1941 officers and visitors, was presented to the chapter, Mr. Wattenburg making the pre sentation talk. The altar is finished in driftwood gray and upholstered in deep blue, with floral emblems of the five points of the Star painted on milk glass, around sides, and lighted from within by electric globes. Mrs. Oliver W. Spiker, worthy matron, accepted this lovely piece of furniture, in behalf of the chapter. Mrs. Walter Brown, worthy matron of Cascade Crest chap ter of Chiloquin, was intro duced and escorted to a seat in the east. Mrs. Robert E. Wattenburg, chapter chairman of Red Cross activities, read a letter from Mrs. H. Fay Am brose, worthy grand matron of Oregon, saying that Aloha chapter had done more work than any chapter in the state outside of Portland. Mrs. Spiker addressed the members briefly before turn ing the gavel over to her suc cessor, telling of the loyalty, cooperation and good will which the officers and mem bers have given her during the past year, and which will always be to her a pleasant memory. Mrs. Spiker especial ly expressed appreciation and gratitude for the faithfulness and help of her worthy patron, Mr. Arlet Edsall. At the close of installation ritualistic ceremonies, Mrs. Glenn Kent sang "O Holy Night," with Mrs. Fred Cofer at the piano. Twelve girls, members of Job's Daughters, conferred an impressive floral degree on Mrs. Charlotte Mar tin, presenting a basket of large white chrysanthemums, and also distributing corsages to each newly installed star point. Taking part in this fea ture were: Mary Ellen Long, Merlon Albrecht, Marian Campbell, Mary Jane Drake, Betty Buchanan, Joy Kent, Barbara Moore, Virginia How ard, Lois Hankins, Barbara Shultz, Ann Mueller, Mary Lou Johnson, Betty Yadon, Charlotte Carter. Mrs. Martin gave a brief talk, expressing her earnest desire to serve Aloha chapter to the best of her ability with justice and humility. Mr. Erd mann also told of his pleasure and pride in being asked to serve Aloha chapter in the capacity of worthy patron. The 1941 officers in a lovely little ceremony presented a gift to Mrs. Spiker. Mrs. Charles Joseph Martin, in be half of Aloha Past Matron club, gave to Mrs. Spiker a bouquet of red carnations, and extended her a cordial invita tion to become member of the club. The past matron's jewel, the gift of the chapter, was presented to' Mrs. Spiker by Mrs. Wattenburg, who praised the retiring worthy matron for her many splendid qualities. Mr. Will Wood presented, in behalf of the chapter, the past patron's Jewel to Mr. Ar let Edsall, retiring patron. Gifts from her family were given to Mrs. Martin by her daughter, Mrs. J. Hardin Car ter. Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Wal ter Brown received lovely vases from Mr. Wattenburg. Members of Klamath Lodge No. 77, represented by Mr. Arthur Dickson, Mr. Earl Tem plar and Mr. Victor Josephson, gave to Mrs. Martin a large basket filled with poinsettias, chrysanthemums and greens, and tied with a fluffy tulle bow. Neighbors of Mrs. John Oldham, newly installed assoc iate conductress, sent her a basket of gorgeous red rose buds. The refreshment committee consisted of Mrs. Harold M. Brown and Mrs. Frank Ira White, Joint chairmen, as sisted by Mr. and Mrs. W. I,. Frain, Mrs. J. H. Carnahan, Mrs. G. Logan Black, Dr. and Mrs. J. Hardin Carter and Mrs. R. D. Eller. The dining room was lovely in decorations of deep blue and silver. Job's Daughters, under the direction of Mrs. Howard Listoe, grand guard ian, were responsible for these decorations. Balls of popcorn wrapped in blue cellophane marked each cover. Ice cream shaped like a water lily, dec orated cakes, and coffee were served well after the midnight hour. More than one hundred members were present to en joy the occasion. JOLLY EIGHT MEETS MONDAY AT GROVER'S The Jolly Eight club held a Christmas party Monday afternoon, December the fif teenth, at the home of Mrs. Jennie Grover on North Ninth street when a Christmas dinner was served at one o'clock after which Mrs. Paul Keyes gave reading and the group sang "Silent Night." The dining table was pret tily decorated in Christmas miniatures, the gift exchange was held and the afternoon spent in visiting. Those present besides the hostess were Mrs. Keyes, Mrs. Lee Kennedy, Mrs. W. L. Cro nant. Mrs. K. N. Damon, Mrs. A. Theodore Smith and Miss Marjorie Grover. The next meeting of the club will be held Friday, Jan uary the sixteenth, at the home of Mrs. Damon, 1319 Sargent street. La Fleur Jones On Saturday evening at seven-thirty o'clock, Decem ber the twentieth, in the home of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. Theodore Smith, 435 North Second street, pastor of the Presbyterian church, John Gilbert La Fleur and Miss Mar jorie E. Jones, both of Klam ath Falls, were united in mar riage. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Fett attended the couple. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sheridan and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sud bury. The single ring cere mony was used. The couple will reside at 213 Cedar street f ' f 4 U; RUTH ANN This winsome Miss is Ruth Ann, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Paddock of Midland. She is also the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Phipps of Midland. Kenncll-Ellis. - . . . , I :f ; ',:-- fciiiliiriii,iMiwti . I HAPPY NEW YEAR! William Franklin "Billy" Sparks, three months, and his sister. Bonnie Marie. 5, arc chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Sparks of 908 Walnut avenue. Comart Studio. NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT ENJOY PARTY Neighbors o f Woodcraft held their Christmas party Monday evening, December the fifteenth, in the KC hall, in which the Juveniles took part with a well-planned pro gram. After the singing of "Jingle Bells" and "God Bless Am erica," Lenore Patterson en tertained with a poem, Dicksy Weed, a song; Patsy Ruth Mil ler, recitation; song. Patsy Phyllis and Paul Clark; piano solo, Louise Barnhart; piano solo, Catherine Kruger; reci tation, Darlene Smith; recita tion, Patsy Ruth Miller; a skit, "Candle Light," was put on by the Midland grange girls with Mrs. Mildred Largent giving the recitation. Louise Barnhart entertained with several piano selections. Old Santa appeared to dis tribute candy and popcorn to all, and the Juveniles ex changed gifts. Those on the committee were Sylvia Bran nan, Stella M. Persell, Am elia Jacobson. Effie Redkey, Willan Floetke and Stella Dryden. MERRY MIXERS MAKE PLANS FOR NEW YEAR PARTY The Merry Mixers club met Thursday evening, December the eleventh, at the home of Elinor Curtis on Darrow ave nue. Plans were made to hold a New Year's party on Janu ary the third at the home of Mrs. Jo Paup with husbands as guests. Plans were also made to send Christmas cards to all past members who have moved away. A gift exchange was en Joyed after which lunch was served by the hostess to Mrs. Albert Allen, Mrs. June Col lins, Mrs. Jo Paup, Mrs. Pearl Paup, Mrs. Louise Cramblett and Mrs. Vce Pass. Engagement Is Announced The betrothal of Miss Es telle Bolton, daughter of Mrs. Marie Bolton, to Mr. Stanley Sparlin, Wiard street, was an nounced at a family gathering at the Bolton home Christmas eve. Mr. Sparlin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sparlin of the Henley district. The data of the wedding was not told. Christmas Day Dinner at Zumwalts Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Zumwalt were hosts at their home on Riverside to a dinner on Christmas day. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Albertson, Mrs. Richard Hovey, who is here from San Francisco, and Mr. Charles Hovey, and the Zumwalts. Smith Hardi On Sunday afternoon, De cember the fourteenth, at five o'clock, the Rev. Theodore Smith, of the First Presbyter ian church united in marriage Weston Scott Smith of Klam ath Falls and Miss Donna Hardie of Portland, Oregon, In the presence of a few of their Intimate friends. The singlo ring ceremony was used. Those witnessing the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Pastega, Mr. Fernando Bellottl and Mr, Joseph Belotti. After the honeymoon the happy couple are to reside In this city. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY HELD The Thimble club, Neigh bors of Woodcraft, met for their Christmas party Sunday afternoon, December tthe twenty-first, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Dryden on North Eleventh street. A Christmas dinner was served at two o'clock, after which a gift exchange was held around a prettily deco rated tree. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. William Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Eschlc, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, Mr. and Mrs. , Lee Bean, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Largent. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ezell, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Cora Kennedy, Mrs. Lucetta Cro nant, Mrs. Dicksy Weed, Mrs. Nina Beck, Mr. Oscar Schupp and the host and hostess. MRS. WARREN HOSTESS ON CHRISTMAS DAY Mrs. Mary Warren was host ess at a Christmas dinner on Thursday of this week. Danc ing followed. During the eve ning a cable was received from Mrs. Warren's two sons, Sam and Ed, who are with the Unit ed States navy In foreign waters, stating they were well and wishing their mother a "Merry Christmas." Guests were Helen Warren, Samuel R. Warren, L. V. Wells, Noma Gebert, George Phillips, Donna Mae Gebert, Barbara Gebert, T. C. Carter, Charles Binney. Archie Rut tor, Mamie Rutter, C. S. Ma lice, Marie Young, Betty Will hite, Archie Rutter, Thclma Willhite, Harold E. Willhltc, Edward E. A. Wiley, Frank Colvln, Myrtle Hesser, Emily Davis, Allen Carter, May Rich ardson, Bill Richardson, Billie Stillwell and Joe Coltts. GREETINGS FOR 1942! These attractive three are children of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Greene of 2684 Hope street. Left to right, Mary, Jimmy, and Billy. . Kennell-Elllf. Soci Calendar Monday, Dectmbtr 29 Minerva .book club of BPW no-hostess dinner with Mrs. 11. D. Parks, 327 Main street, 7 p. m. Wednesday, Dtcsmber 31 New Year's eve jnmborce for Elks and their ladies. Elks temple. Catholic Daughters and Knights of. Columbus Red Cross benefit and Now Year's dancing party, KC hall, 9:30 p. m. Annuul Now Year's eve dance at Reames Golf and Country club, 10 p. m. Monday, January S University of Oregon Mothers club with Mrs. F, L. Weaver, Auburn street, .1:30 p. m. Tuday. January 6 St. Paul's Guild hostess group to women of parish and St. Barnabas mission with Epiphany Day program. First meeting of Klamath Falls Nile club for the new year to be held at the Elk hotel, luncheon at 1 p. m. Wednesday. January 7 Installation party at Wll lard hotel by members of Ki wants club. Thursday, January S AAUW arts and crafts group with Mrs. C. V. Rugh, Wash ington street, 2 p. m. Spanish-American War Vet erans dinner at 8 p. m.. Peli can party room, following In stallation of officers. Saturday, January 17 Mid-winter carnival dance slated by Winter Dancing club, Willard hotel. Saturday, January 31 Doernbechcr annual bene fit bridge tea, Willard hotel. Mrs. Robert Thompson, chair man of cards; Mrs. Ralph W. Stearns, tea chairman. Annual president's birth day ball in armory to raise funds to tight infantile pa ralysis. Samuel P. Miller, chairman. Monday, Ftbruary 2 Klamath council of Parents and Teachers t o observe Founders' day at Fairview school. P o 1 1 u c k luncheon, 12:30 p. m. Tuesday. February 10 Klamath Community Con cert association presents Jose Iturbi, Spanish pianist, Peli can theatre, 8 p, m. Friday, March S Klamath Community Con cert association presents Mar acci dance troupe, Pelican theatre, 8 p. m. Monday, March IS Klamath Community Con cert association presents "Mar riage ot Figaro," Pelican the atre, 8 p. m. PINOCHLE CLUB MEMBERS EXCHANGE GIFTS The Lucky Thursday Pi nochle club held its Christmas party December the nine teenth at the home of Mrs. Fannie Goddard on Darrow avenue. A no-hostess dinner was served at one o'clock, fol lowed by the gift exchange and "silent sister" gift ex change. Pinochle awards were re ceived by Mrs. Mary Martin, high; Mrs. Helen Wardle, second high; Mrs. Louise Bor ton, traveling, and Mrs. Kath ryn Billings, low. Others present were Miss Nona Hall, Mrs. Katherine Evans, Mrs. Vera Good, Mrs. Nettie Good, Mrs. Maggie Up ton, Mrs. Florence Young, Mrs. Estella Smith and Mrs. God dard. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Vera Good, 2020 Darrow avenuo. t" ,x, s I .-V-'V I .': mm mil 1 v-,:-i MASTER STORY Gerald, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Story of 823 Dolores street, hail a De cember birthday on the sev enteenth of this month. Kenncll-Ellis. DAISY KNAPP MARRIED IN CEREMONY Marshall M u r I Anderson and Daisy Marie Knapp were married early Wednesday morning in the parsonage of the First Baptist church with the Rev. Cecil C. Brown read ing the ceremony. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Uctte Knapp, and the best man was Mr. Robert Miner. The bride wore a navy blue frock with a rose bud corsage, and her attend ant wore a sheer black wool suit with rosebuds. Following a wedding trip which will take them to Washington for the holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Ander son will reside here. DINNER, PINOCHLE PARTY GIVEN FOR FAMILY GATHERING The Independent Study club held Its Christmas party Thursday, December the elev enth, at the home of Mrs. Katherine Evans in Rivervlew addition. A no-hostess lunch eon was served at half past twelve o'clock with covers laid for eighteen. A gift exchange followed the luncheon hour and the remainder of the after noon was spent in a social manner. On Saturday evening, De cember the thirteenth, the members entertained their husbands and families in the community hall on Garden avenue when a potluck dinner was served at holf past six o'clock. Pinochle followed dinner with awards going to Mrs. Les ter Lowe, Mr. J. D. Upton, Mrs. Kate Crowson and Mr. Lester Lowe. The next meeting Will be held Thursday, January the eighth, at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Little, 2444 Orchard way. A no-hostess luncheon will be served at one o'clock followed by a business meet ing. On Saturday evening, Jan uary the tenth, the club will again hold a family night In the community hall, starting with a six o'clock dinner, fol lowed by a social evening. Holiday visitors In Klamath Falls over Christmas Included Mr. and Mrs. William Haydcn and son, Jerry, who were guests of Mr. Haydcn's mother, Mrs. Tom Smith, at her home on High street. The Haydens are now residing at Prlnevillc. Judith Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mahoney, Is spending the holidays in Oakland, California, with her parents. She Is the grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Mahoney and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kruegcr, all of this city. 4- The Rebckah Social club will meet Wednesday, Decem ber the thirty-first, In the IOOF hall when a no-hostess Christmas dinner will be served at one o'clock. All the members are urged to be pres ent to participate In the gift exchange. Miss Dorothy Collier o( Eu gene is spending the holidays here with hor brothers, Mr. Alfred and Mr. Andrew Col lier. KISSES 9 COOLING S Have you found tattle-tali on the glow of your honey Art klw on park txnch their punch What you ne romance rcfrctherl i grey I noon? I loalng I id is Langel Valley News Holiday Party Hold by Womon's Club at Par ish Hall LANGKl.L VALLEY Mrs. Elliott House and Mrs. Kd Jones entertained the Liuigell Valley Women's club ut the parish hall on December the eighteenth. This was the an nual Christmas parly and gifts were exchanged by the mem bers. Mrs. Katie IVpplu re ceived a special gift. Refreshments carrying out the Christmas nuillf were served by Mrs. Jones and Mrs. House at four o'clock to Mrs. Lucille Keller and sons of Portland, Mrs. Florence Hot kins, Mrs. Lola Murray, Mrs. Chnrlotto Keller, Mrs. Katio Pepplo and sun, Mrs. Hernia Campbell, Mrs. Cora Leuvltt, Mrs. Vlrginm Thomas and children, Mrs. Nome I'cpplo and Miss Jean House. The next meeting will be January the twenty-second when Mrs. Gruco Kevoll and Mrs. Leln Murray will enter tain. Tho women's club voted to give five dollars to tho Red Cross and tn send a gift to Ser geant Lalltto House who is re covering from an nppenilicitis operntiou at Stockton, Califor nia. The Bonanza cubs have been meeting nt the home of Den Mother. Mrs. Owen I'ep ple, on Friday afternoon, working on Christinas gifts for their mothers after the meetings. A Christmas party scheduled for December tho nineteenth was postponed un til a later date. The boys have expressed appreciation to Mrs. l'eppl for dunating her homo a n d time to them. The cubs Include Donald Dixon, Dclbcrt Ilech doldt, Davis Kobison, Gilbert Joyce, Ted I'epple, llrody Hodges, Charles Dearborn, Roger Pepple, Dulo Carothers, Jnek , Yates, Don llorsley and Cm I Lenvill. Bly BLY Mr. and Mrs. John Cromy have started on a motor trip to Michigan and other points cast. They expect to be gone for two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. (loss Shepeurd are spending their vacation in Seattle with their daughter and son-in-law. Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Hoffman drove to Prlnevillc and spent a few duys with Hoffman's par ents and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. James Dixon returned on Sunday from a month's trip through California and other southwestern stales. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallace and children left for a visit at a ranch owned by an uncle of Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. George Elliot and daughter left to spend the holidays In Puyallup with rela tives. Miss Lavin, Miss Bishop and Miss Mcnglccokc accom panied them to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John Gcysbcck arc spending the holidays in San Frnncisco. Mr. and Mrs. Jhoanson ac companied by Mrs. Jhoanson's mother are driving to Longvlew to remain for a while. Mrs. Jhoanson's father passed away about two months ago and her mother has been here since that time. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Houston and daughter. Lois, ore leaving for Princvllle on Wednesday afternoon and will be gone for four duys. Fred Stone Is taking a 10-dny vacation from his work- at tho CCC comp. Oclo Pound Is at home with her parents for the holidays. Mrs, John Bcclcr has returned to Bly after spending three weeks In Portland while her father was confined to a hospi tal there. New Years Eve DECEMBER 313T BROADWAY HALL MALIN DANCING Adm.t Gents, $1,10 December 27, 1041 Knights Templar Hold Christmas Breakfast Meet Members of Calvary com miiiHlcry No. Ill, Knlglitn Templar, observed Cliillnnis day with formal ceremonies ut u meeting In the Gold room of the Wlllnrd hotel. It is one of the outstanding ob servances of the year of the order, and In directed by tho tirnnd Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America. Tho hour of fel lowship In ulinultancniis for ull Indues, being at II a. in , Pacific standard lime, while Knltthlt, In Hawaii assemble i:l!1l a in, and those In Porlo Itiro fraternle nt 12::ill p. m. The program was as follows! Toanlmaster, Sir E. II. Hall. Invocation, Itev, Victor Phil lips. Toast to the Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States, Eminent Sir II. E. ticl. The Grand Master's llesponse, Eminent Sir K. M. C'bllcole. Greetings from Grand Com mander, Grand Commandery of Oregon, Eminent Sir It. K. Jones. Toast to Eminent Commander, Calvary Commandery, No. HI, Sir Clinton l.andhi. ((espouse, Eminent Sir Frank Ira White. Memorial to Eminent Sir George .1. Walton. VE. D Cl.C. 1 Sir K. II Hull. Guest speaker, Major NormuiL Ilowycr. fQ Tulelake TCI.EI.AKE. - Mr and Mrs. William Hooper hud as guests Christmas flay, Miss Virginia Hooper, daughter, home from Oregon State for the holidays; Mr. and Mrs. M. I.. Sutton and daughter, I'hyliss; Mr. and Mrs. Harry llutnn. Fort Klamath, and Jack Llskey. Mr. and Mrs Chester Slonr cypher and three children left this week (or Cniiille, Ore , to spend the holidays with Mrs, Stoiu-eypher's mother, sisters and other relatives. Mrs Jerry Ferrier and huby daughter have gone to Pordand to Join Mr. Kerrier, now employ ed in a brunch of tin' (lank of I America tit the north. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Os borne have with them for the Christinas vacation period their daughter, Luru. student at Chlco mine leaeners college, wnere she is a freshman, and their sotAQ Tllden, who attends Oregon State. ; Mr. and Mrs. E. T. McLaugh lin and daughter, Evelyn, left ! this week for an extended (rip , through the smith, (heir destina tion being West Virginia, where they plan to spend several weeks with relatives. 10:00 to 2:0b Ladlss, SSci Tax Ine. i,e a