Tiemtir 27, 1941 PAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON r-N .1 I k i I Klamath Families Mort and Maid is Bride in Church Bornica Steelhammer and Thomas H. G atheron Christmas Many Homes Enjoy Visits From Friends and Rela tives Over the Holidays Klamath folks spent a quiet Christmas day and Christmas eve, and with the rest of the nation enjoyed the holiday with members of their families, out-of-town guests and people who dropped in during the day. Open houses were not so frequent as In other years, and it was principally a day for home folks and the children. Gathered around the H. P. '. Bosworth Christmas tree were several visitors from the valley including Mrs. Bos worth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Myers, and her sister"s family, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Peirce and young son, Max well. Also there was Miss Jo sephine Koppas of Medford. The group returned to their homes in the valley city Christmas afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Berkeley De Vaul of Portland are here for ' the Christmas holidays with Mrs. DeVaul's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson and family of near Olene. Mrs. Stevenson entertained with a breakfast on Christmas morning. The DeVauls, formerly of this city, will return north some time Sunday. At the Franklin L. Weavers for the holidays is their son, Clark, home from the Univer sity of Oregon, and Mr. Weav er's sister, Miss Florence Weaver of Los Angeles who spends Christmas here each year. She will return south after the first of the year. Mr. Henry Haas of San Francisco, formerly of Klam ath Falls, is here for the holi days with his sisters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Igl of North Third street and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hous ton of Pacific Terrace. Mrs. Charles E. Hansen of Eugene Is here until after New Year's with her daughter's family, Dr. and Mrs. Neil Black and son, Bruce. The Blacks, accompanied by Mrs. George Clark, left this week end for San Francisco to spend several days. They are expect ed home Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Black will visit with his father, Mr. George F. Black of the bay city, Mrs. M. H. Dudley of - Oak land is here until mid-January visiting with her daugh ter's family, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Epley. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Tonseth of , Florence, Oregon, are spending the holidays with their daughter's family, Dr. and Mrs. F. Cecil Adams of Del Moro street. Christmas dinner was en Joyed by members of the fam ily at the home of Mrs. M. Giacomini of Merrill on Thursday afternoon. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Lester Offield and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garcelon and daughter, Jane, of Klamath Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. John Giacomini and son, Anthony, and Mrs. M. Giacomini. Miss Betty Crawford re turned to Portland Christmas afternoon after having spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crawford, and her sister and brother, Mrs. Lloyd Prock and Mr. Jack Crawford and their families. Mrs. H. O. Allyn of Golden dale, Washington, enjoyed Christmas with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Dayton E. Van Vactor and son, Robert, of Pine street. Mrs. Van Vactor Is Mrs. Allyn's daughter. Guests at the Wilbur A. Jones home on High street over the holidays included their son, Wilbur W. Jones of . Pittsburg, California, and his fiancee, Miss Evelyn Haworth, also of Pittsburg. The two left Saturday for the south where they are affiliated with the Columbia Steel company, young James as industrial en gineer, and Miss Haworth in the office. Mrs. George J. Walton and daughter, Katherine, left Wed nesday by motor for Stockton, California, to spend Christmas with Mrs. Walton's daughter, Mrs. J. Russell Bodley and family. En route home the Waltons will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sinnot of San Francisco. They are ex pected here Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Rad cliffe, (Bernice Steelhammer), married recently in Portland at St Michael and All Angels, spent Christmas with Mr. Rad cliffe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Heber Radcliffe. They will return to Corvallls to make their home and where the young people will continue their studies. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Cal houn of Los Angeles are here for the holidays with Mrs. Cal houn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. King of Alameda street. Mrs. Ralph Waggoner was among those who left for the holidays. She Is visiting in Vallejo, and Berkeley, Call fornia, with her sister and friends. - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bathl any spent Christmas' here with Mr. Bathiany's mother, Mrs. Harry W. Bathiany, and his sister, Mrs. Jack Craw ford. Mrs. J, Truman Runyan and Betrothal Made Known Marie Collier to Wed Ross Ragland Is Holi day News At a family Christmas gath ering at the Andrew Collier country home, "Anabaglish," the betrothal of their eldest daughter, Marie Genevieve, to Mr. Ross Ragland, son of Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Ragland of Mo doc Point was made known. The engagement was told to twenty guests and members of the Collier families as they gathered around a festive table Christmas day. The table was centered with red roses and holiday greens. Miss Collier is a graduate of the University of Oregon where she' was affiliated with Gamma Phi Beta sorority. She is now affiliated with the Car negie library staff here. Mr. Ragland is now attending Stanford university. No date has been set for the wedding. Covers at dinner were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Col lier and two daughters, Elea nor and Dorothy, Miss Doro they Collier of Eugene, Mrs. George T. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter and two children, Karen and LeRoy, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Heiken and two sons, Max and Danny, Mrs. Helen Hendricks of Lake Chelan, Washington, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Collier and their three daughters, Marie, Carolyn and Phyllis. FAMILY GATHERS AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Kuyken dall entertained' with a fam ily dinner party on Christmas eve, the occasion also marking their wedding anniversary. Gathering at their home on California avenue were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kuykendall and two sons, Roger and Rob ert, Mr. and Mrs. William Kuy kendall and two children, Allsa and John, and the D. V. Kuykendalls. CHRISTMAS DINNER AT BELL HOME Two long-time friends, Mr. J. M. Bell and Mr Frank Evans, enjoyed their Christ mas dinner together for the twenty-fifth consecutive year when members of both fami lies met at the Bell home, 1334 Johnson avenue, at half past four o'clock Thursday. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Schmidt and young son, Kurt, and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wilson and son, Billy. her mother, Mrs. A. J. Lyle, spent Christmas with Lieuten ant Runyan in Roseburg. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Runyan of that city. GARRIOTT Averlll Love and Billy Love Garrlott, are children of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Garrlott of Laguna street. Their grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Marion Barnes of Olene, pioneer residents of this district, . Keroiell-EllU. YOUNGER SET ENJOY SKIING PARTY AT LAKE A group of the younger set, home from various schools for the holidays, left early Satur day morning for Crater Lake park to spend the weekend skiing. They were accompan ied by Miss Lillian Redkey. Those who made up the party included Miss Janice Bubb, Miss Phyllis Collier, Miss Barbara Bell, Miss Patty Fleet, Miss Svea Swansen, Miss Marlyce Erlandson, Miss Redkey and Mr. Dick Igl, Mr. Rex Hiatt, Mr. Lee Metz, Mr. Dick Blohm, Mr. Fred Eyerly, Mr. Bob Jester, Mr. Eldridge Anderson, Mr. Harold Eit treim and Mr. Ben Hastings. MACARTNEY HOME SCENE OF GATHERING Miss Rose Macartney Is home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Macartney of Washington street, and will return after the first of the year to resume her studies at the Katharine Branson school at Ross, California. A family dinner at the Macartney home on Christmas day found the following gath ered about the festive table, Mrs. Edmund S. Durment of Berkeley, Mrs. Macartney's mother, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Macartney and young son, Da vid, Miss Rose Macartney and the hosts. During the day other mem bers of the family sent greet ings by telephone and mes sage. Smiths Entertain At Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Wesley O. Smith entertained with a fam ily dinner on Christmas day and their guests included Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Durment, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimball and Miss Marie McMillan. Dr. Buford Hargus, son of the Smiths, spent Christmas at Belmont, California, and sent greetings to his family on the holiday. CHILDREN- 'lost " i - 4 :te'. A jj Biff1 Vf FINAL PLANS MADE FOR NE WYEAR'S EVE Mrs. Ted Shoop, left, talking over plans for the annunl New Year's eve ball at Reames Golf and Country club with members of her committee sub mits a breakfast menu which they all seem to approve. Left to right, Mrs. Shoop, Mrs. Don Drury. Mrs. R. E. Hooker, Mrs. Frank Tarr, and Mrs. God frey C. Blohm. Members of the committee not present include Mrs. Oscar Shive, Mrs. James Busch, and Mrs. Ted Reeves. Picture by Wesley Guderian of The Herald and News. Snowball Dancing Party Friday Event Miss Deanne Hamilton Crowned "Sweetheart" at Annual DeMolay Affair One of the gayest affairs planned for the holiday season by members of the younger set was the annunl snowball dance given by the Order of DeMolay In the Willnrd hotel ballroom Friday evening of this week. At eight o'clock the guests gath ered in the decorated ballroom to dance to Emile Buzald's or chestra. During Intermission the DeMolay "Sweetheart" and her court of princesses, were presented. The "Sweetheart," Miss Deanne Hamilton, escorted by Bill Burness, was crowned by Master Councillor Glenn Ken nedy. Princesses were four attractive maids, Miss Marian Campbell, Miss Roberta Tuck er, Miss Joanne Hamilton and Miss Wanda Shaw. Miss Camp bell's escort was Mr. James Shaw, Miss Tucker's escort was Mr. Dick Howard, Mr. James Noel escorted Miss Joanne Hamilton, and Miss Shaw's companion was Mr. William King. The patriotic theme was In keeping with the times, flags and red, white and blue streamers used effectively throughout the ballroom. HOLIDAY GUESTS AT BLOHM HOME Mr. and Mrs. G.. C. Blohm have had as their Christmas houseguests their nephews, Charles and Paul Manlove of Portland. The boys returned to their home in the north on Saturday. Dick Blohm, home from Reed college for the holidays, was accompanied here by Jack Beatty of Portland who spent the early part of the week at the Blohm home. EAST COAST VISITORS IN KLAMATH FALLS Mr. and Mrs. Carleton W. Hornibrook have as their Christmas houseguests, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kraemer of Philadelphia. On Sunday the Hornibrooks and Kraemers will motor to San Francisco to spend New Year's. Guests at Christmas dinner at the Hornibrook home in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Kraemer, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Starkey and young son, Jimmy, and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Oakes. Visitors Hera From Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ha worth of Palmer, Idaho, ac companied by their daughter, Eleanor, student at Oregon State college, arrived In Klam ath Falls Friday evening to spend the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jones, and also to join their daughter, Evelyn, here at the Jones' home from Pittsburgh, California. Mrs. Wilbur Jones will leave this weekend for Walnut Creek, California, to visit her son's family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newbury, and to stay with the three children, Mary Pat, Roxy and Nancy Elizabeth, while the Newburys enjoy a motor trip south for one week. Mrs. Helen Hendricks of Lake Chelan, Washington, Is visiting here over the holi days with her brother, Mr. E. H. Heiken of North Second street. Annual Open House Friends Bidden to Shaw Home on Thurs day For the tenth consecutive year friends will gather nt tho Shaw home, 2515 Homcdale avenue, and enjoy an open house which has become quite traditional in this town. Mrs. Clara Shaw and Mrs. Ruth Turner, her daughter, will be the hostesses, and they have Invited old friends as well as new to gather around their festive fireplace on the first day of the New Year. Thursday, January the first. Is the day, and hours are from two o'clock until six o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ray will assist during the after noon. FAMILY OBSERVES CHRISTMAS IN TRADITIONAL WAY Christmas was traditionally observed by the Hannon family when members of the family gathered on Christmas eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hannon on North Eighth street. On Christmas day Mrs. Ellen Hannon, Miss Bernadine Hannon and Mr. E. J. Murray greeted members of the family and a few old friends at an Informel recep tion at their homo on North Eighth street. CORVALLIS VISITORS AT ROBERTS' Mr. and Mrs. Innls Roberts have had as their holiday guests, Mrs. Roberts' parents, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Brown of Corvallis, and Miss Gladys Raddas, also of the valley city. On Friday afternoon, Mrs. Charles I. Roberts asked a few in for an informal tea and to greet Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Paul W. Sharp left Saturday morning for Fort Lewis, Washington, where she and Dr. Sharp have been for tho past year. Mrs. Sharp spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Mueller of North Third street. KISSES COOLING T Hive you found Uttle-tale grey on I he glow of your honeymoon? An Wjsm on park bench losing their punch? Whtt you need it romance refresher! I CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR WEDNESDAY CLUB On December seventeenth the annual Christmas party was given for the members of St. Paul's Wednesday club at the parish house. The eve ning's program began with singing of favorite Christmas carols, and Santa himself dis tributed gifts. An appropriate "Chrlstmasy'' dessert of plum pudding was served. Tho room was gaily decor ated with the Christmas tree, pine cones, spruce, fir and pine boughs. Ten tables of bridge were In piny during tho eve ning with prizes going to Mrs. E. B. Goeckncr and Mrs. Percy Webb. Awards were defenso stamps. MRS. SPROAT INVITES GROUP FOR EVENING Mrs. Robert O. Sproat has Invited a few friends in for bridge Monday evening nt her home on Hillside avenue. Guests of Mrs. Sproat will be Miss Phyllis Foster, Miss Patricia Gallagher, Miss Caro lyn Collier, Miss Peggy Con stans, Miss Mnry Jano Eyerly, Miss Betty Lou Drake and Miss Margaret DcBolt. Most of the young women are home from school for the holidays. MOTHERS CLUB PLANS MEET IN JANUARY Mrs. Franklin L. Weaver will entertain at her homo at half past one o'clock for mem bers of the University of Ore gon Mothers club. Assisting hostess will be Mrs. William Anderson. This is the first meeting of tho year for the group which has met for a number of years. Mothers of students are In vited to affiliate with the Mothers club. OPEN HOUSE CHRISTMAS DAY IS EVENT One of the most delightful parties of tho week was that presided over by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Britt of 038 Pacific Ter race when they Invited friends In for Tom n Jerry on Christ mas afternoon. Hours were from two o'clock until half past five o'clock. The rooms were festive with Christmas greens and decora tions. Fifty called during the hours. Miss Virginia Bubb, who has been home for the holidays visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Bubb, her parents, plans to leave Tuesday for Prlncvllle to spend the remainder of the holidays visiting Mr. and Mrs. Junior Daggett and their daughter, Llsbcth. Miss Bubb will return to the University of Oregon from Prlnevllle, Y hurry! FORMAL! We Give S&H Green Stamps NEW 1453 Esplanade Married in Episcopal Ceremony A wedding of Interest In Klamath Falls took place Sntut day evening, December the twentieth, at St. Michael and All Angeles church In Portlnnd when Miss lJornlco Stenllinminer of Portlnnd and Mr. Thomas H. Radcliffe of this rlty were married at eight o'clock. The young couplo upeiit Chrliitmns in the city. Following Is the story from tho Oregon Journnl: "An all-Ivory wedding was that of Miss Dornlco Steel hammer, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Wllllnm Steelhammer, whose marriage to Mr. Thomas x-n r r Coffee is Holiday Event Corporal Donald West Honored at Watters' Home An Interesting holiday af fair was the coffee given Sun day evening, December the twenty-first, between the hours of four and seven o'clock by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Benton Watters com plimenting Corporal Donald West, home from Fort Knox, Kentucky. This is the first visit Cor poral West has made since going Into tho United States army. Ho Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. West of the Mt. Lakl district, and well known among members of the younger sot. Mrs. Charles L. Moore pre sided at the prettily appointed coffee table which was cen tered with miniature snow man holding forth in an ar rangement of Christ mas greens. Over his head fell a cascade of silver bells. A beau tifully decorated Christmas tree, and holiday greens on tho fireplace mantle made a gay background for the party. Mrs. Roy Whltlatch and Mr. Thomas Watters, daughter and son of the hosts, assisted dur ing the afternoon. Greeting Corporal West were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Macartney, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Pnrcher Elllngson Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Post, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dehllnger, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moyers, Mr. and Mrs. Lane Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whltlatch, Miss Dorothy Teed, Miss Helen Moore, Miss Jeau Hauger, Miss Margaret West, Miss Jollene Woodruff, Miss Pa tricia Woodruff, Mr. Paul Rob erts, Mr. Donald Elllngson, Mr. Dick Nash Mr. Don Hunt, Mr. Fred Peterson Jr., Mr. I.loyd Froom and ?Ar. Thomas Watters. QUIZ CONTEST FEATURES LUNCHEON Members of tho college group, home from school for the holidays, were entertained at Rotary club's annual luncheon on Friday at twelve o'clock noon In the Wlllard hotel ballroom. Moro than one hundred boys and girls were guests of the club. A quiz contest with the stu dents asking questions and the Rotarlans answering, was a feature of the party. TARRS PLAN NEW YEAR'S PARTY SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tarr are having an Informal Tom and Jerry party at their home In Weyerhaeuser on Sunday afternoon. Hours are from five o'clock until nlnn o'clock. Twenty-five guests have been Invited to call during the holiday party hours. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Proebs tel and young son will move shortly after the first of the year Into Dr. Paul Sharp's home on Second and Washing ton streets. They formerly re sided In tho Sharp home but for the past few months have lived In the Kenoffel apart ments. Little Ccclle Vandenberg, five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David R. Vanden berg, will probably return to her homo on Washington street this weekend after hav ing spent Christmas In Klam ath Valley hospital. Should Be Cleaned for New Year's Eve! METHOD CLEANERS Phone 4471 Radcliffa Heber Rndcllffo of Corvnllls, V son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hrher lUcicllffo of Klamath fulls, took place Inst evening nt the Church of St. Michael and All Angels. Bishop Wllllnm Proc tor Remington of Pendleton rend the service before mi at tar decorated with white chrysanthemums. The bride wns given In mnr rlnge by her father. She wore a dress of Ivory fnllle taffeta with fitted bodice, full skirt, wrist length sloevri and long train. Her train length veil fell from a simple Juliet cap and she carried white freeslai and sweet peas. Bridal attendants were the Misses Shirley Uowen, Char lene Welsh, Mury Awdry Rad cliffe, sister of tho bridegroom, and Nola Marjorle Ames, cousin of the bride. All wore j frocks of Ivory color similar to the bride's and carried strik ing enscado bouquets of red carnations. Miss Patsy Perley, the young flower girl, was dressed like tho others. Mr. Fred Eyerley was best man and Mr. Ellis Blshoff, Mr. William Steelhammer, Mr. Calvin Hunt and Mr. Richard Steelhammer were ushers. A reception followed at the Steelhommer home. Pouring were Mrs. Lloyd Riches, Mrs. Gilbert Peterson, Mrs. Martin W. Jones and Mrs. George Steelhammer. Assisting were Miss Joan Wright, Miss I -oil Pholen, Miss Marjorle Shirley. Miss Nnncy Chase, Miss Helen Radcliffe. Miss Janet Seggal and Miss Reglna DeArmond. When the couple left the re ception later In the evening, tho brldo wax wearing a three piece suit of English tweed with chartrouse and brown ac cessories and a corsage of k orchids. After January the " first Mr. and Mrs. Radcliffe will be at home In Corvallis." CLUB HAS RED CROSS PROJECT Members of Wednesday rlub are greutly interested In Red Cross work this year and un der the direction of Mrs. Helen Mueller nre turning out some nlco sewing and knitting pro jects. Any member of Wednesday club, which Is affiliated with St. Paul's Episcopal church, may obtain material with which to work from Mrs. Mueller. It wns announced. The work Is being done In tho homes and not as a project at the meetings. NO-HOSTESS ft DINNER PLANS J MADE BY CLUB Members of the Minerva book club of tho Business and Professional Women's club will enjoy a no-hostess dinner at seven o'clock Monday eve ning, December the twenty ninth, at the home of Mrs. H. D. Park, 327 Main street. There will be a Christmas tree and gift exchange. Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Evans and sons, Byron and Brock, are spending tho year-end holi days In Skykomlsh, Washing- ' ton as guests of Mrs. Evans' mother and grandmother. CANTILEVER she re'" 7. ..i.rtNo. 1 ideal com'DU" Fuu'nd,Mr00,,m Straight Innet n Whlta Ilk sii iik Iliad Oruah M Irawn Ilk "Thara mint ba t raaaon why Daalara raaammand Iha Oanlllavar aaauk" Stewart & Smith (27 Main St. 0)