The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 27, 1941, Page 14, Image 14

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December 27, 184!
Citizenship Proof
Required of All
Defense Workers
The Oregon State Employment
lervice Friday revealed that em
ploycs In defense industries as
well as Job applicants must furn
ish proof of United States citizen'
ship. The office also released
Instructions for securing birth
certificates from applicants'
borne states.
The announcement follows:
"The government requires that
employees in defense industries
furnish complete proof of United
States citizenship. War depart
ment regulations have become
increasingly strict, and at the
present time, many previously
accepted evidences of citizen
ship are no longer considered
"Every state has a bureau of
vital statistics where births in
that state are recorded. Read
carefully the instructions herein
for available records in your
home state. Request a certified
copy of your birth certificate,
and ask that they indicate there
on when it was filed. Be sure
to give your full name, date and
place of birth, your father's full
name, and your mother's maiden
name (her name before mar
riage). Also, request forms for
completing or correcting the
record, if it lacks your given
name. Enclose a money order
for the fee shown do not send
stamps, rash, or a personal
check. (Many states charge a fee
for searching even though they
have no record.) If you will
, send your request by air mail
and enclose a stamped, self-addressed
envelope, you should re
ceive a prompt reply.
"Should the Information given
for the state in which you were
born state that there is no record
, available, report to the Oregon
State Employment Service for
further instructions. Also, if it
is indicated that there should be
a birth certificate in your home
state, and in answer to your re
quest you are notified that your
birth is not recorded, you must
bring this notification with you
to the employment service for
further directions.
"If you have been adopted or
have changed your name by legal
procedure, the birth record
should be accompanied by a
certified copy of the court order
changing your name."
How to secure a certified copy
of your birth certificate:
' Write to the State Bureau of
Vital Statistics at Montgomery.
Fee 50c
Write to the State Board of
Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics
at Phoenix. Fee 50c.
If born after February 1, 1914,
write to the State Bureau of
Vital Statistics at Little Rock. If
born in the City of Little Rock
between 1831-1892 or 1898-1902,
write to the City Clerk's office.
No other birth records are avail
able. Fee 50c.
If born in the City of Los An
geles, write to the City Health
Department, 116 W. Temple
street, Los Angeles. If born else
where in Los Angeles County,
write to the County Health De
partment, Hall of Justice, Los
If born elsewhere in the state,
write to the County Recorder at
the County Seat of the county in
which you were born, or to the
State Bureau of Vital Statistics
at Sacramento. (State office has
records since July 1, 1905 only.)
Fee $1.00.
If born In the City of Denver
in 1892 or after, write to the
City Board of Health. - If born
elsewhere in Denver County,
write to the County Clerk at
Denver. Fee 50c.
If born elsewhere in Colorado
in 1900 or after, write to the
State Division of Vital Statistics,
State Office Building, Denver,
If born before 1900, write to the
County Clerk at the County Seat
of the county in which you were
born, or to the City Clerk of the
city in which you were born,
Fees vary: send $1.00.
If born after July 1, 1897,
write to the State Department
of Health, Bureau of Vital Sta
tistics at Hartford. If state has
no record, write to the Local
Registrar of Vital Statistics of
the town in which you were
born. Fee 50c.
If born in 1881 or after, write
to the State Bureau of Vital Sta
tistics at Dover. Fee 50c. (Certi
fied copies from Local Registrars
are also acceptable.)
Write to the State Bureau of
Vital Statistics at Jacksonville.
State has complete records since
1917 and some records since
1865. Fee 50c.
If born in Tampa or Jackson
ville before 1917, write to the
City Health Department; if born
in Key West before 1917, write
to the Local Registrar. Fees un
known; send 50c.
If born in 1919 or after, write
to the State Bureau of Vital Sta
tistics at Atlanta. Fee 50c. (Certi
fied copies from County Clerks
are also acceptable.)
If born in Atlanta between
1896-1919, write to the City
Board of Health. If born in Sa
vannah between 1890-1919, write
to the City Board of Health. Fees
unknown; send 50c. No other
birth records are available.
If born in 1911 or after, write
to the State Bureau of Vital Sta
tistics at Boise. If born between
1907-1911, write the County Re
corder at the County Seat of
the county in which you were
bom. Fee 50c. No other birth
records are available.
If born after July 1, 1915,
write to the State Division of
Vital Statistics at Springfield;
make fee payable to the Director
of Public Health. If born be
tween 1877-1915, write to the
County Clerk at the County Seat
of the county in which you were
bom, or if bom in a large city
to the City Health Department.
Fee 50c.
If bom after October 1, 1907,
write to the State Registrar of
Vital Statistics at Indianapolis.
No fee.
Jolly Old Sr. Nick!
New Bicycles
5 y ,
1 v -
ft t 3 "V
'I 1
If i
. ,j if v
,4 u
Norma Baker, 338 Cypress street. Riverside school, and Don
ald Montgomery, 471 Laguna street, Roosevelt student, won
bicycles as the result of, their efforts in obtaining entries in the
recently conducted Junior Chamber of Commerce lighting contest.
This realistic Santa Claus scene, complete from reindeer to St. Nick himself, won tor Mr. and
Mrs. E. B. Hamm of 614 Conger avonue, the second prise in the unlimited class of the Junior
Chamber of Commerce Christmas lighting contest.
If born before October 1, 1907,
write to the City Board of Health
in the city in which you were
born, or to the County Health
Officer of the county in which
you were born. Fees unknown;
send $1.00.
II born in 1880 or after, write
to the State Department of
Health at Des Moines. Fee 50c.
Other records are usually unsatisfactory-Kansas
If born after July 1. 1911,
write to the State Division of
Vital Statistics at Topeka. Fee
If born before July 1, 1911,
write to the City Board of Health
or to the County Clerk at the
County Seat of the county in
which you were born. Fees un
known; send 50c.
If born in 1911 or after, write
to the State Bureau of Vital Sta
tistics at Louisville. Fee 50c.
If born in Covington or Louis
ville between 1898-1911, write
to the City Health Department.
Fees unknown; send 50c. No
other birth records are available.
If bom in the City of New
Orleans, write to the City Board
of Health, City Hall, New Or
leans. If born elsewhere in the
state, write to the State Bureau
of Vital Statistics at New Or
leans. Fee $1.00.
If bom in 1892 or after, write
to the State Department of
Health and Welfare, Division of
Vital Statistics, Augusta. If state
has no record, write to the Town
Clerk of the town in which you
were born. Fee 50c.
If bom in Baltimore in 1875
or after, write to the City Health
Department, Municipal Building,
Baltimore. If born elsewhere in
Maryland, write to the State
Bureau of Vital Statistics at
Baltimore. Fee 50c.
Write to the State Bureau of
Vital Statistics at Boston. Fee
Write to the Michigan Depart
ment of Health, Bureau of
Records and Statistics at Lan
sing. If bom before 1919 and state
has no record, also write to the
County Clerk at the County Seat
of the county in which yo were
bom. Fees vary; send $1.00.
If bom in 1900 or after, write
to the State Division of Vital
Statistics at St. Paul; make fee
payable to the State Treasurer.
If state has no record, write
to the Clerk of the District Court
at the County Seat of the county
in which you were bom, and
to the Town Clerk or City Health
Officer of the city in which you
were born. Fees vary; send 50c.
If bom after November 1,
1912, write to the State Bureau
of Vital Statistics at Jackson.
Fee 50c. No records of birth be
fore this date are available.
If born in 1910 or after, write
to the State Division of Vital
Statistics at Jefferson City. Fee
If born before 1910 in a large
city, write to the City Health
Department, Bureau of Vital Sta
tistics. If born in a rural district
between 1863-1882, write to the
County Recorder of Deeds; or if
born between 1883-1909, write
to the County Clerk at the Coun
ty Seat of the county in which
you were born. Fees vary; send
If born after June 1, 1907,
write to the State Board of
Health at Helena. Fee $1.00.
If born before June, 1907,
write to the County Clerk at the
County Seat of the county in
which you were born. Fee un
known; send 50c.
If born in 1905 or after, write
to the State Division of Vital
Statistics at Lincoln. If state has
no record, write to the Local
Registrar of the city or county
in which you were born. Fee
Nevada '
If born after July 1, 1911,
write to the State Division of
Vital Statistics at Carson City.
Fee 50c; payable to the State
If born before July 1, 1911,
write to the County Recorder at
the County Seat of the county In
which you were born. Fees vary;
send $1.00.
New Hampshire
Write to the State Department
of Vital Statistics at Concord.
No fee.
If state has no record, write to
the Town Clerk of the town in
which you were born. Fees vary;
send $1.00.
New Jersey
Write to the State Bureau of
Vital Statistics at Trenton. Fee
$1.00. (Certified copies by some
Local Registrars are also accept
able). New Mexico
If born in 1907 or after, write
to the State Health Department,
Division of Vital Statistics at
Santa Fe. Resident fee 50c.
NON RESIDENT fee $1.00. No
other birth records are avail
able. New York
The request for a certified
copy of a birth record of a
minor must be signed by one
parent. If born in New York
City, write to the borough in
which you were born (Bronx,
Brooklyn, Kings, Manhattan,
Queens, and Richmond. If un
certain which is correct bor
ough, request search of records
of all boroughs from City Health
Department). If born before
1914 in Albany, Buffalo or
Yonkers, write to the City Health
Department. If born elsewhere
in the State of New York in
1880 or after, write to the State
Division of Vital Statistics at
Albany. Fee $1.00. (Other rec
ords are not satisfactory).
North Carolina
If born after October 1, 1913.
write to the State Bureau of
Vital Statistics at Raleigh. If
born before that date, write to
the City Board Of Health of the
city in which you were born.
Fees vary; send 50c. Early rural
records are not available.
North Dakota
If born in 1893 or after, write
to the State Department of
Health at Bismarck. Fee 50c.
No other birth records arc avail
able. Ohio
If born after December 20,
1908. write to the State Depart
ment of Health. Audits and Sta
tistics Division. Columbus. If
born before December 20, 1908.
write to the Probate Court at
the County Seat of the county
in which you were born. If the
office indicated above has no I
record of your birth and you:
were born in n hircc city, ALSO!
write to the City Hoard of Health I
in the city in which you were!
born. Fee 50c.
If born after December 20,1
1908, write to the State Health!
Department, Bureau of Vital
Statistics at Oklahoma City. Fee
50c. No other birth records are
If born in 1903 or after, write
the State Division of Vital Sta
tistics at Portland. (Certified
copies by County Clerks and a
few Local Registrars are also ac
ceptable). If born in the City of
Portland between 1890-1920,
write to the City Health Depart
ment. Fee 50c. No other birth
records available. I
Pennsylvania '
If born in 1906 or after, write;
to the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, Department of Health,!
Bureau of Vital Statistics, Har
risburg. If born between May,
1893-January, 1906, write to thej
Clerk of the Orphan's Court at'
the County Scat of the county;
in which you were born. If born
before 1906 in a larr.c city and
the Clerk of the Orphan's Court
has no record, ALSO write to
the City Board of Health of the
city in which you were born.
Usual fee $1.00.
Rhode Island
Write to the State Division of
Vital Statistics at Providence.
Fee 50c. (Certified copies by
Local Registrars arc also accept
able). South Carolina
If born in 1915 or after, write
to the State Bureau of Vital Sta
tistics at Columbia. Fee 50c.
If born before 1915, write to
the County Clerk at the County'
Scat of the county In which you
were born; or, if born In a large
city, write to the City Board
of Health. Fees vary; send $1.00.
South Dakota
If born after July 1, 1005,
write, to the State Division of
Vital Statistics at Pierre. Feo
$1.00. (Certified copies by Clerks
of County Courts aro also ac
ceptable). If born before 1900, wrlto to
the State Historian at Pierre for
Information on how to secure a
record from State Census re
ports. Tennessee
If born In 1914 or after, or
between 1900-1912, write to the
State Division of Vital Statistics
at Nashville. It born before 1914
In Chattanooga, Knoxvllle. Mem
phis or Nashville, write to' the
City Board of Health. Fee .50c.
No other birth records aro avail
able. Texas
If born in 1003 or after, write
lo the State Bureau of Vital Sta
tistics at Austin. If born before
1903, wrlto to the County Clerk
at tho County Seat of the county
In which you were born, or to
the City Board of Health of the
city In which you were born.
Fees vary; send 50c.
If born In 1905 or after, write
to the State Division of Vital
Statistics at Salt Lake City. If
born in Salt Lake City In 1890
1905. wrlto to the City Board
of Health, Public Safety Build
ing. If born before 1905 In Lo
gan, Ogdcn or Provo, write to
the City Board of Health. If
born elsewhere between 1808
1905, write to the County Clerk
at the County Scat of the county
in which you were born. Fees
vary; send $1.00.
Write to tho City or Town
Clerk of tho town In which you
were born. If they havo no rec
ord, also wrtto to the Secretary
of Stato at Montpcller. Fee 50c.
If born after June 14, 1912,
write to the Commonwealth of
Virginia, Bureau of Vital Sta
tistics at Richmond. Fee 50c.
(The samo office has some rec
ords of births between 1853-1696.
Fee 1.00).
If born before June 14, 1912,
in a large city, write to the City
Board of Health. Fee 50c. No
other birth records are avail
able. Washington
If born after July 1, 1907,
write to tnc State Division of
Vital Statistics, Smith Tower,
Seattle. If born before July 1,
1907, In Tacoma, Seattle or Spo
kane, write to the City Board
of Health. Fee 50c.
If born elsewhere before July
1.1907, write to the County Au
ditor at the County Scat of the
county in which you were born.
Fees vary; send 75c.
West Virginia
If born in 1917 or after, write
to the State Division of Vital
Statistics at Charleston. Fee 50c.
If born before 1917, write to
the County Clerk at the County
Seat of the county In which you
were born. Fees vary; send
Write to the Registrar of
Deeds at the County Seat of the
County in which you were born.
Joins Up
Tommy Busttn, News and
Herald printer, has volunteered
In the U. S. army. Bustln
grinned broadly when this pic
ture was taken at a farewell
party given him by fallow
workers. Ha will sarva "soma
whara In tha south" In waathar
forecasting work.
If county has no record, write
to the Stale Bureau of Vital Sta
tistics at Madison. Fee 50c.
Write to tho Statu Bureau of
Vital Statistics, Capitol HuiUltiiK,
Cheyenne. Fee $1.00.
Areas Other Than States
Washington, D, C.
Wrlto to the Health Depart
ment, District iUiildinu, Wush
Ington, D. C. Feo 50c; payable
to the Collector of Tuxes, Wash
ington, D. C.
If born In 1913 or after, write
to the Auditor of Alnsku at Ju
neau. Feo $1.00.
Canal Zona
If born In 1904 or after, write
to tho Chief, Bureau of Vital
Statistics, Panama Canal, Bul
boa Heights, Canal Zone. Fee
unknown; send $1.00.
Write to the Registrar Gen
eral, Bureau of Vital Statistics,
Honolulu, T. H. Fee unknown;
send $1.00.
Puerto Rico
Write to the Commissioner of
Health of Puerto Rico. Foe un
known; send $1.00.
Virgin Islands
Wrlto to tho Registrar of Vital
Statistics at Churlottc Amiille,
St. Thomas. Fee unknown: send
Klamath Autoists
Buy 1482 Stickers
Klamath residents have pur
chased a total of 1482 temporary
automobile license stickers since
December 15. when they went
on sale at the sheriff's office In
the county courthouse basement.
Waiting lines arc lengthening
as the January 1 deadline ap
proaches, with a total of 305
temporary stickers issued on Fri
LONDON, Dec. 27 (AP) Tin
Christmas day surrender n
British Hongkong wns a cniulil
erablo strategic triumph for til
Japanese, Informed sou ret
frankly conceded Friday.
Word that the garrison's rem
nanls, with only meaner wute
supplies left, had finally ylnldei
was received hero almost thank
fully by most Britons, They hai
been expecting the capitulation
but there still were no details oi
Hongkong's lust hours under th
Union Jack.
Informed sources said then
advantages wero gained by th
Jupanese In seizing tho century
old British bastion off the soutl
China coast:
1. An important refurlllnii
supply and repair base linlfwu;
between Japan and the covetei
riches of British Maluyu and th
Netherlands Knit Indies.
2. Elimination of Britain'
foothold on the China cnas
which would have served even
tuully us an allied sprlngbouri
for mi attempt to oust tho Jur.
anrso from the entire Canto
river urea and thus open a nev
supply route to the C'hungklni
3. Absolute iloinlnutlon of th
mouth of the Canton river, am
thus security from the rear I
the Jupanese decide to start i
new thrust northward agalns
tho Chinese.
4. Vitltiuble additional fucll!
ties for dispatching more Japan
esc landing forcet to the Philip
pines. Manila Is r'.ly BOO mile
from Hongkong.
In Canada an anxious nulioi
awulted more details on the fat
of the Canadian troops win
fought beside the British and In
illaus. Casualties were known t
havo been heavy.
Klamath Students
On Honor Roll
Listed as honor students n
Murylhurst college for the ful
term are Frances Loosley, Junto
from Fort Klamath, and France
Krucger, freshman from Klun
ath Fulls. Both aro active I
class and club projects, as wel
as In ncademle work. They ar
spending the holidays with the I
parents, after having purttclpui
cd In a round of prc-Chrtstme
festivities on the campus.
Hvc you found tilll-llt stT
on the slow ol your honymoonr
Are kiMS on perk brncn losing
thrlr punch? Whsi you nd Is
romance rrfrrshrr!
Save 12
to K on gasoline I
i I,. I. .I. .mi., i i 1 i wm1 . ,.. """", ,'-
I'll '. ' . .::-JtiJ ': ,. Leases a
'm&l L I I -f-mSm iWlt''1' I Mwawii'l" tj shove proved 19'12 Clipper 12 to
tliF "HM- . ' -.tU'r'gSd 18 thriftier than '41 Packsrdl
:: &P"'- sVMV'i??'.r'"'?-r-y.'. m jj ,.'y'WlllMlgi ' I JM r.. w'wij '
to-"- -J - ' - ' ' ssiasr r . ,
tromatic Drive is the money-saving
kind of automatic driving. Saves gas.
Illustrated above! 1942 Packard Clipper Custom Club Sedan. Your choice of engines 6 or 8 only $J difjerenci
BEAUTY that PAYS OUTI Now even the low- Clipper design pays dividends that no
est-priced Packards arc Clipper-styled for other car can match. Steps up fuel econ-
1942, vith real Fade-away fenders for omy ... increases roominess and comfort
more room inside. Good news, because to mention only a few.
1 1 A I mm A
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Vim " 1 1
Yci, Clipper styling
extended through
all Packard lines
costs less for 1942!
MORE "JEWEIS" FOR 10N0 tIFEl IllIll to
last! 44 hall and roller hearings
more than any competitive carl
N0,K ..t
Health Officer.