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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1941)
i o SERIAL STORY HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL BY ADELAIDE HAZCLTIME THW rrnilVl Whaa Anrtran ffaerbom 4U ill drat aftnrk. hlw aaaralery I'arnl rfuaa , ailmll aaaflfupilleua Mr. Ilvrrlrk. - Slalaal maMaaar of Itoarltorn'a 4ae, afcal aha Imaira lh leritia I tilt will. llaalNM try'd II, how a, aha Itrntwi Ibaf aaa and na kaff amulnraa In JtKlaa avaaikar r not viarlmr ana Anir art0'. rnrklllia "III, ilxlt ,l4a jMllan. rtfna tha atnra ar- aartflital lo kla fatatr'a iMillnr of "farYlae lo fha nauti." r hi falU ka alave la la ka aol4 fqr rbarlli. 'trot's vela la tka nori difficult taaaaae aaatkar faltnrul amplar, III ttaaaa, la In lava nlih kr, oklla aka kaa Inraa Aadr alrlhaea, ramamharlne a tint avkaa kla aaaarnaia to aoma lain ka amta aa aul oir br kla Ikat, aaa "tVVt BIS SECRETARY' CHAPTER III rVfCt other five on the Jury in Jude young Any were not dually named. The will simply epeelfied that they would bt U flv who on th day of his dtialh tid lowfeat served ihr lnr. Theee five and Carol ralrflrM, whom I trwt vtry much." 8h had gone to pload with him, "Nama eorooone else, Mr. Dearborn. I'm not capable or helping male a daclslon Ilka that." Ka smiled acrota hi desk at har. "You're perhaps tlia moat ca psble of them all, Carol. Tor you, mora than anyone else, g the (tort through my eyai. I would feel taf with you alone to rie elde It. I expect your Inllutiwe o be felL Naturally." ha hesl Uted and aha noticed a Hampnc.w la hli eyes, "I hope with all my hear! that Andy will carry on. Run the business aa I have built It, Where the customer I alwaya right and the employe alwaya happy. If ho doesn't" he Iwiwd away "Dearborn's shan't exist. I nusl made aure of that. I'rom- lae me you'll stand by the spirit of the will, Carol, between the people and my son." Site aald, In a amall voice, "I will." She couldn't my, "I love your aon, Mr. Dearborn. Hope lastly, yea. But love Juit the same. Don't leave me to pan Judgment on him." She couldn't nay anything to rhang his mind. The more ahe axled to ay the .Hrmr he became. "You'll do thli one Wit thing for ene, Carol. You'll do It well." Ha (poke the words he had written In the will. "I trust you very ajiuch." Quickly h tan over the llt at the five who were with her In IL Bessie In notlona, Melhllde In dresses, John In the atock room. Mr, Majora In Ui merchandllng office, MtM Fanny In hosiery, They had been I'ingcil In the Mme. fcuddenly aha tensed, glnn ed at calendar. December IB. She drew a atartlad breath. Annual Inventory began the Monday after New Year".' Seventeen dayi way. Toe ahort time. Far too ehoi tl Yet there It was. Mr. Dearborn had thought inventory the right rlaU to close the store, If close they musL Ho suroly hadn't ex pected to die within 1m than three weeka of It' Evtry day, every minute wo precious. t wea too much for her young houlders. She dropped down at tier dejik, flung her head on the typewriter and through shear baf flement let the teari come. That'a why the masculine feel bad Hopped beside her before ahe became aware of them. They Urred Impatiently. A pair of women's shoes with ridiculously high hetla Joined them. Carol took quick dab at her yea, smoothed her hair and looked up. aaa TJAZEDLY, ahe rote and said, "Oh, you've come!" Andy Dearborn and Linda Julian atood before her. Andy's voice sounded strained "I'm sorry your cable didn't reach Us sooner, Carol. With the funeral and all you muat have had e lot n your hands." "Wo managed. If we'd known you could eomo no aoon " 1 left within an hour after I fat your cable." "They couldn't And you for two days." Her tone waa an accusa tion. H noticed It and atiffenad. "We were cruising. We didn't hit a port for week. I had no Idea my father waa 111." A shadow of pain crowed hla face. Her eympnthy went out lo him. Che knew he had loved his father. "You must have known he ex pected an attack any time." He looked steadily at her. No, X didn't know. He never mentioned it" -After a moment he added, ."You probably knew mot about him than I did." "H, loved the atore. Ho kept hoping you'd be here moro." "Yea. I know." "A one-stdad mile embellished the meaning of hla worda. "Well, you know how we got along, Carol. The time I wag her he waa alwaya pushing me to settle down to keep my ose to the desk" He stopped, "Of course, you're not Interested ta that" A cool voice out In. "Why should he be, darling? After all she waa only his stenographer." Carol drew back, Linda waa tall with en amatlngly clear alt In under her cruise tnn. Hor eyea' were a contemplative yellow green. Her mouth now wore a derisive smile. "Let'a go In the office) and get out ot this unholy noise," Linda Urged. For the first time Carol realized the; footntnni of hundreds ot cus tomers might he called tiolso. She hid thought ot them ns music. It meant business was good at Dear born's. Andy1 eyes continued to hold sterol's as ha said absently to Lin COPYHI8HT. IS4t, Hlk HVir.. INC. da, "Yes, of course." Ha turned and touched the knob of his Inllior's otitis, pniiied. Then, quickly, he turned It, opened the door and went In. a TT was Linda who closed the door behind them. Carol, busy at her desk, tried not to llilon to the rise and fall of tlielr volets or to speculate about the el!n:ta betwean. She must not let Andy's pres ence erouse all her old unhnp plness. Now, before he had to carry out the terms of the will, she murt harden her heart against him. 8lie must stifle her love. When Linda came out aha aald to Andy, "You won't be long, will you, darling? You paomlsed me e drive you know. I love to ride In the snow." .Sim nwept pant Cnrol's desk and throutjh the doorway to the bal cony. Then she pulled up abrupt ly. She had collided with Nicky. Tho Impact scattered his papers over the snow-wot floor beneath Die fetit of the crowd. I "You careless boy," Linda snoldod. "Why don't you wstdi where you're going?" "I'm sorry, mam," he said re belllomly. He ducked between tho shoppers to retrieve his wet popers. Clutching them In his small brown hands he came to Carol's desk. "Jlrnlny-goe, Miss Carol! That riuma comln' nut of your office hit me Ilka a truck. Then says," his boyish voice mocked hers. " You cuioIcm boy.' " Carol slanted a glanco at tha Inner office and saw Andy stsnd- THIS CURIOUS WORLD (F THttOB POTS AMD A DASH 6TAN0 FWV" IN TWO MOWSB COtBJf WHAT OOCS THB KOUjOW- asaian ANSWER: SOS, the call of distress. NEXT: Psradox'of the Grand Canyon. POPULAR HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured motion picture shir, 10 Belief. 11 Giant. 13 Coffer. MBuMle. 18 Salient feature, IS Successful plsys. IS Pillar of atone (arch.). 21 Minute arachnid. 22 Cyprinoid fish. 23 She is a popular . 25 Mineral rock. 28 Plagues. 28 Revolved. Answer to Previous Puttie waiter mm IHp'a i iNHctnpiAii Li b!feffimE-BStifeH 42 Sitting place. 44 Sandy tract by the sea. 43 Small vessels for heating liquids. 47 Mongrel. 40 Painful unnlv 30 Old Testament 30 Preparation (abbr.). 31 Note In Guldo's scale. 32 Storehouse. 35 Part of tho arm (pi.). 39 Alder tree. 40 Mine. 41 Deep hole. or fruits or vegetables. 52 Porticoes. 53 She la a well known (pi.). VERTICAL 1 Rugged io ran tr 13 F? lr 'IJ 11 ts " ri-1 n Qft yp2- 1 ' ' y . 1 1 li 3S 134 " I& 13 j3& is rr $ & jfj w jr -rf Kaiy Larajjja. a- -mm- 1- XlB siaaa IMUI mm ia-ii an m 11 f 1 r1 I I r , Ing In the doorway. Ha waa bound to hear Nicky's words. She shook her head to silence tha boy, ".Shea a friend of Mr. Dearborn's, Nic ky," she said desperately. "She came from his office." Nicky grabbed oft hla hat "Jlmlny-geel" he exclaimed. Hla mouth gaped. His face turned in embarrassed pink. "Better be more careful, boy," Andy'a voice wee annoyed. "What are you doing up here anyway? Can't you sell your peperi on tha street?" Nicky twisted his cap. "I you sea" he stammered. "It waj Jls' wall, Mr. Dearborn al'ays bought a pspar from me end he wanted It In e hurry. He'd be atandln' there Jls' like you, waltin' for ma. Now well I Jls' keep eomln'. In a hurry. I like to think" Carol couldn't look at Andy. The boy began to back away. Andy stopped him. "Here, sen,' he ssld gently, "how many paper did you spoil?" "Oh, that's all right I can lose 'em." Andy's mouth wea firm but his eyes were warm. "How many?" he persisted. Nicky surveyed his armful " 'Uout twelve, maybe. But It'a all right. I guess I ought to have come slower" Andy fished tome coins from his pocket and pushed them Into Nicky's hand. "You can eunt ma a regular customer, too, Nicky. Every dsy." The boy grinned his thanks. "Jlmlny-gee!" "And Nicky," Andy added quiet ly a the boy turned to go, I II want my paper In a hurry." (To Be Continued) Looking tor Bargains? Turn to the Classified page By William Ferguton IMMCHtTAl. QERAAAM PHIL.OSOPHU who water Of THB fARTH ako rwat MSAVeNhS. UlVttO TO THB ISSI Acs a cm si vAe AMD NIBVBH JQUSOMEV90 VOatm THAN IMl MjjCR c?ar H BIRTH. H3PI (INDIANS SAY OAUOSIUSS CAM BB CUBED BV WASMIN THB MEAD WITH VCCO. QOOT, AMD TWSNI RUBftlNci IT WITH M il CKSCj OJBJFAS. ACTRESS 14 Attorney (abbr.). 15 Palm leaf. 17 Grate. 19 South Caroline (abbr.). 20 Reveres. 23 Flower. 24 Defile. 27 Spinning toy. 20 Beater used in mixing mortar. 32 Comfort 33 Weisht mounts in crests. 3 Promontory. 3 Snare. 4 South Dakota (abbr.). t Senior, g Pronoun. 1 Faint. 6 Particle. 8 People ' connected by ties ot blood. 10 Rebuke. 12 Potassium , nitrate. 13 Small piece. allowance) (Pi.). 34 Pineapple. 38 Musical dramas. 37. Beverage fermented from grapes. 33 Female saint (abbr.). 43 Soft mineral. 44 Entranceway. 48 Sardinia, (abbr.). 43 Footed vesv 49 Station (abbr.) T31 From. 52 Street (ebbr. ' it. OUT OUR WAY U I YOG WMOW 5HE OWLY- ASKED ME V YAH, BUT VOL! ' II J WHAT MV MOTHER THOUGHT Of S. pvo< TOO music ca. aitt lcsscms kmrcts toKjci om wmut AMP I APDfcD WHAT MV PAD 7HOUSHT, YOUR. MA SAIP -fk THAT rTWAft BUWUllJUes YOU Wfepg MAYfiE AHE TAVkl I ,1 TALEK1TF.D--BIJT THWT MY MOTHEti MOR&K) HIM, BUT i THOUOHT IT VOS eEMEPICIAU P- J YOU'LL HAVE ME taAEDUES.THAr IT WAS ELEVAT- S IMTO IT VET.' IWO AMD" WELL, I HgLPEO ( SWELL FALf YOU BY TBLLIMCi WHAT MY V. u' S dao said "X RED RYDER LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE aaaaaa..aa a laM. BOMBER HPS BEEN FOUND AN ITS BIGHT OCCUPANTS MUST TO GIVEN UPAS LOST- BRftVH CXO OLIVER VJARBUCVfSGONEj PUNJAB, TOO, AND THE ASP ret?'.' .." " ll .':.-V..A:J..J,t' BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES I tAMB iBVF e" 2J NOT VCT, STVV.V CNN'T t-PSV t4 WASH TUBBS f3r WEIL, WSU, WELL ! X BEEM W6IN4 VOUR PBAtSBi 1 fvuSU, 6BMTLEMEM. V,. m, 1 MOW DO 1 WEVS BEBI 60m INTO IT TJOvJa), MOWZA BOY, SA4Yf XP TO OME FELLOWS N T MET HERE HE 16... THE. V ? ( VOL) to, YOUR PERSONAL WSTDRy If YOU SO Ht.VICKl! NICE WOKKON tt ,3 ROOM, RJSV. COMB ON IW. WANT BSST, BSAVEST, AKU K'-' V fAAW ? 1 Pt-EA'M , lil THE KAeKEE JOB. ALWAYS l ' ? YOU TO MEET 'EM. SEE O0 t COOLEST MAN I'VE I ite- VC I ' ffin-- ' A4 KWOW 1 CAM DEPEND OM f, . t LATER.VICKl r- 40T. EASY, THIS IS I J ' T k?-S FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS , BvBlosstJl nMS'T- "uS5 "-SfSTi T! f JLB TWO COUPLES . r TW8Y SAlO TWlY F'5 f DOMT START IM NOT GONNA FIGHT I'M . Kid roue SwSbV". TA6Ltr J 5IrWS!iV IfST1 4 wen n tub I BvW A PWMT, URO ) JUST gettino To AND rouDINNBRS AT H40 ON9 MINUTES AGO A. M6S0O9Y P4BTY, If PLEASE V WASH TUB OlSWES '" i THATONsT TA8LS J SAID TUBY W AMD If YOUK TWV rtCC Vflv f , , ,. r , wbr in donT nam 8 J WERE "-iVkJrN 1rLr---s. rlTrTTVtt 1 'S jtf. V , ' .PHtT I"fSV VOU PARTY. I avm MtaoOSC, raj Qua Qfi 7 V fi - ? fe. feJM lg :j ALLEY OOP V .. By V. T. Hom'iw f OO.piMW TAY HE tag OUTA raY WHBgB EL6S BUT V I II " P N Ul rtM. feP 1 ' ' P' S iSHY..xcrrTA PiMO out WHBtte,, i?- Tin hi CAg,TLE.MX-Ae I fvw .lTllI ftf-WJI I F-i J II I'M CSOtMiXW TH 15HT OP VOU AW, V POUT.' WBLL.oWr ff. I , I VkyVf J f I I -V WTC 1 , t By J. R. Williams few SOMEWHERE OUT THERE mi THE COLD ATLANTIC -WELL, WE ALL MAVfe TO MccT SOMETIME WHEREVER IT t KWOW TMCT MtT IT BRVE(X CASUAUX WTTH 4 SMILE LIKE THE MEN THEY WoKE I Li feo&vv- t!'b vEvtWL. ck oo W!si W EtcAD, BUSTER.' I OVER.- eORHV, MAJOR, W PARDON X Vi oTePPED MV f3U04ET A BIT IN BUT I COULOMlT M. ME ITU ) i AM OUT8URST OP VULE FELLOW- ES VOU AMV RESEM ( 3MIP HaK -KAf Ff ' BOT.TO ) FARTHER THAN I f Bi-E THB J f Borrow a phab from thb m can chase an J firs A POET, RABINOftANATM TASOR& IRON DEEf ti DEPARrf-1 LIFE'S BONNIEST BLE6SIM3 IS Jf CHRISTMAS PUT p MBNT J A PRUDENT FRIENO MV BANKBOOK Jf GSTTlrJ V V HAR-RuMPHj''t wonder. It unoer an out op j ih IF VQO COULD SPARE A T ( CDCYSEM TENT J S MERE I 31 FNER TO (EE ME ACROSS ) v , - Jf THS THRESHH.OLD ' ' Jij&Q . 3N WMilS REAL MEN NOT AFRAtO TO LIVE , OR OF ANYTHING IN LIFE AND NOT AFRAID to cnnenrn n 1 tcm a IT WAI, A ORRV FOR THEM? TMOoS FT WTiD f0 OTTHATVrrv- Mi S I II OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with K'JM I UMS THFt?P H 11 SOMETHtNlf mmh I bad in rr? fl NO-IT WHO ANNIE"" Kt" f T ( L Major HoopU TO BORROW A PHR-5 TliNKl ft. awrKj. By Fred Harmon By Harold Gray UAl UAl lilUW so 1 was -Birr ro READ IT-VERY UTTUB THE FIRE 6EEMEDTO BIT LOW By Martin eRvoHTV FttiST STtvci I've seut TONVftViXV I YJViW - -J By Crane -asaaaeajcj