December 2d, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN ALGATHA m i GO SOFT SA1 FEDEHAL IN WASHINGTON. Dec. 2fl fAP) Alcnlrai prison "llio Rock" In Son Francisco bay resnrvcri for the ton u heat of the 15.000 fed eral convict, may go soft be cause of tlin wnr. I Federal official! disclosed to day that they were seriously considering chance In policy for Alcatras In view of the pos sibilities of token air raids In the Bin Francisco bay area. Her ara aome of thn problem which official! aald had been raided: Alcntraz Inland li a 1 2 acre rock, a mile and a half off shore and fully expoaed to air attack. Fortifying It or building hrlteri would Involve comtructlon work which the prison bureau wishes to avoid. The prltoncra could not bo left xpoaed during a raid, blackout! on the Inland are re gerded aa extremely dangerous, and tho present type of prisoners could not easily be removed from the Island during an attack. If a bomb hit reunited In freeing the prisoners, It would loose on San Francisco the group of men held to be most dangerous In Am- erlra. Justice department officials are working on a detailed plan of action. Among the courses of action being considered are: Abandonment of the prison alt for thn duration. Replacement of the present type of prisoner with a milder class, ao that the dangers of blackouts or quick evacuations would be materially decreased. Reduction of the Alcatraz population (which has been be tween 250 and 300) to a group small enough to be easily handl ed, even though It would com prise, "the toughest nf the tough." Removal of only the "tough est" prisoners to lessen the diffi culty expected during raids. Happiest Man in Hollywood Is Little Stooge, Costello Son Finds Ring Lost in Cakes LONDON, Dee. 28 (P Month! ago Mrs. A. A. Vial of Creytown, Natnl, wan helping to mix cakea for the troops abroad when ahe missed her wedding ring. A note was enclosed with each of 150 cakes which had gone out, asking the finder to return the ring. This week she received a let ter from her ion, Sgt. Ronnie Vial, saying he had found It. Several families, ai a rule, share a communal kitchen In large Russian cities. Motor vehicle replacement! In the United States during 1040 totaled 2,800,000. HOLLYWOOD, Dee. 28 (UP) The all-tlma happiest man In Hollywood at any Christmas sea son li Lou Costello. Now earn ing (4000 a week at Metro-Ooldwyn-Mayer the studl o which fired him In 1P2B because It had too many laborers al ready. "They'd been paying paying me 15 a day on those doyi I got work," Costello reported. "Moatly I didn't get work. I Just starved, slowly. Sometimes I'd get a Job as an extra. Sometimes I'd Jump off of something, doubl ing for some famous actor. And sometimes I'd Just be a laborer. "In 1020 tho talkies came and the studios all cut down on their help. I was a grip then. Hauling the scenery around, and I got bounced. I'll never forget walk ing out through the laborers' gate and laying to a pal of mine: 'I'll be back some diy. Louie Mayer, himself, will Invite me.' ' Tab Show Costello found himself on Washington boulevard, broke except for the $5 bill he got for his last day's work. Ha started hitch-hiking east and got as far as St. Joseph, Mo. There he found work at the Lyceum the atre. "It was a tab show," he said. "And I was from Hollywood and they muit have thought I was an actor. Anyhow, they signed me up as a comedian." The rest, of course, la history. Costello teamed up with Bud Abbott, and they went Into bur lesque, vaudeville, and radio. A year ago Universal studios brought them to Hollywood and with their first picture, "Buck Prlvatea," they leaped to fame. fortune, and private swimming pools. In quick succession they Join ed the movie navy, and than the air corps and turned out pictures which ranked with the top money-making comedies of all lime. Metro borrowed them from Universal to appear In "Rio Rita." Costello still hes Mayer's telegram. The boys gat their regular pay. plui one half of the fee Universal collect, and that adds up to about $4000 per week, per each. Not bad for an ex-grip and a one-time treasurer of a bur lesque theatre. Marooned In Car Messrs. Abbott and Costello the other day on stage eight woke up from nap they were apposed to have been taking In an automobile In which they'd hitched a ride, and found them selves marooned In the car atop one of those hydraulic lift that filling station! uia for greasing Jobs. The floor beneath wai spread plentifully with thick mat tresses, In case they tumbled off, and they wrestled on the rear deck, and teetered on the hood, while the car started to spin atop Ita steel pillar. As the car went foster and like n mcrry-Ko-mu-Costello wai supposed to fall off. New Tales of Hero Deeds Filter in From Airdromes MANILA. Dee. 28 (AP) The story behind a terse official an I nouncement crediting MoJ. Em mett O'Donnell Jr., with the de atructlon of four Japanese air plane! waa disclosed Wednesday a new tales of heroic deeds by American aviators filtered In from outlying airdromes. O'Donnell, whose home Is In New York city, was piloting a big bomber on a flight against Japanese naval unit! off Legaspl, It was learned, when he was at tacked suddenly by a swarm of fighter planes. In the face of heavy odds, O'Donnell kept on his course, maneuvering his plane so skill fully that four of the speedy Japanese fighters racing In for the kill were picked off by his crew an unusual feat for a bomber. O'Donnell then pressed home his attack on the Japanese sea forces despite heavy anti aircraft fire and scored bomb hits on two transports before turning his bullet-riddled plane for home, with one of his crew dead and seven wounded. i Although both tires on his ' landing wheels were fat, O'Don nell succeeded In landing safely at his baao. Two more tales of devotion to duty were disclosed In details of the first stunning attack on Iba Dec. 8. First Lieut. Frederick C. Rob erts Jr., of Easton, Fa., was sent aloft to Intercept a fleet of Jap anese bombers in this attack and downed two of tho planes. He was forced down when his plane ran out nf gasoline. Mak ing his way back to his nirdrome, which was still under heavy at tack, he reorgnnlzed stunned sur vivors of the bombing, com mandeered transportation and superintended the removal of the wounded to Manila. Second Lieut. James E. Also brook of Magnolia, Ark., assisted Roberts In the rescue work under constnnt bombing and ma Chlnegun fire. When the makeshift ambul ances had departed, Alsobrook organized the remaining able bodied men Into a unit and marched them 25 miles to an other post where they formally reported for duty. First Lieut. Walter L. Coos of New Brighton, Pa., was aloft on reconnaissance when he encoun tered 17 Japanese pursuit planes which riddled his ship with bul lets. Coss was forced to ball out and landed In unfamiliar terri tory, where he spent consider able time gathering military In formation which ha telephoned to headquarters before returning afoot to his air base. He waa ready to do It, but Di rector 8. Sylvan Simon said not on hi life would he do any fall ing. A double would fill In for him. "A fine thing," moaned Cos tello. "A little drop of maybe eight feet end you won't let me do It. Why not many years ago I fell off the top of the adminis tration building and nobody cared whether I broke my neck or not." Simon explained that Metro's Interest In Costello remained strictly business. Let him break an ankle, the picture suspends, and the loss mounts to thousands of dollars. So okay, said Costello. The double took the fall. Shortly before "Rio Rita" Is released, you'll be seeing Abbott and Costello In a Universal num ber finished last summer end titled "Ride 'Em Cowboy." "And when we finish work here," Costello said, "Universal his us scheduled to start another one Immediately. They don't know It yet out at Universal City, but we're going to start nothing for a while. I'm going to Florida and spend about three months there, resting. Then I'm coming back and make movies again. But not before. Bud and I have been working hard ever since we got here, with hardly day off between pictures, and we need some rest. We're going to get It. No matter what Uni versal thinks." RESCUED FROM ICE FAIRBANKS. Alaska, Dec. 28 W) Dr. David Hoehn, Fair banks physician, was rescued yesterday from an Ice-covered j lake inside the Arctic Circle by Pilot John Cross, leaving only Norman Anthony of the trio forced down eight days ago when Ice formed on the wings of their plane. Previously, Archie Ferguson, pilot of the plane, was flown into Hog river for treatment of a broken arm received when he brought his ship down on the narrow surface of the frozen lake. The rescue was affected from another lake to which the trio hiked when it was found impossible to bring a plane In to the smaller lake. Anthony will probably be brought In. today, rescuers said. What's Poetery in This Year of '41? DENVER. Dec. 28 (UP) The Denver Post Tuesday publish ed several verses of "poetry up to date." Number one poem read: "Tho boy stood on the (censored) deck Whence all but he (deleted) (The message gives out shipping news And cannot be completed.)" The boiling point Is so low in the rarefied air of high altitudes that water does not get suf ficiently hot to cook potatoes. Some giant cypress trees of Mexico are estimated to be 6000 years old, much older than the California redwoods. Heel Repairing a Specialty Highest Quality-. Fast Service CONNERS SHOE SHOP 121 N. Ith St. Ring around the dish pan? Suds that disappear? Guest, you've never tried Far Soap; You'll find dealer near. PAR SOAP contain "Pyro" which prevents scummy water and rings around the dish pan and washer. Par pro vide extra protection for your hands a well. And suds? Oh, boy) . At Your Grocer' r yJirir AVAWV WE mean your old time food faiends. The simple, delialou bods that are so welcome after holiday Uastfng. We're put them all on display to help remind you of your fair erites that you'll want (or a midnight snick end New Yeer's dinner. Come in TODAY. --iTT or 'ood ,on iu IV. . AomnsfO raczs micnvi today, dic. aer an mondat. vie 29 ChiiRUB MILK T.i, em 4 , 33c Carnation, fiarrimt At pins, ttrwlal Mtminf, ! CANNED MILK , ,. tlm 25c DOG FOOD n ufwy Dawn TOMATO JUICE TOMATO JUICE .,,. M roHBrrPTtTT rmrr SLICED BEETS TTZmS Ha. 4-or. u DTIMDVTN Hit.r, H. ', Gina SHOESTRING POTATOES Mintu MARASCHINO CHERRIES 5. 10c CHOC. C0V. CHERRIES .n 25c Oiwtn Alrt Fancy GRAPEFRUIT , w 2 ,., 25c Dromedary PltKd or Unpllttd DATES 17c 11c ,29c 1 am hiii, 1-oi. bottu . CATSUP CHB CATSUP 14-i. Dottle I CANADA DRY GINGER ALE SPARKLING WATER 3 , 25c mm sottio opMii SARDINES 5c OYSTERS Z'".: RED SALMON Tce j$ BUY V , imfi DEFENSE J Vwa" (ft I Itiuiurt (Titlark J&ttLAt Tow ftrtghborhoed If 3,25C TfJ JrSTTMI II MHvnwwnTcr n mm, if. II in- iUAtuiuinigbiM,.!!, 101, h BROWN DERBY BEER ... 3 25c X mm Soft DtpMlt Ml Kritt Vrlmli, Amoriovi, or BrM II CHEESE 1 , 1... 65c II CORNED BEEF Ubar'a, 11-or. HI) 23c V DEVILED HAM "nrV-2 , 25c i 10c titj prrr 11 IV vwv. am 17c 2,0,15c 14 9c If 69c y 1' KRVrrn. " S2?WJiOM "S,.!?. TUB AKD KMn..AU. Or 7,2 " WITH J5 TURKEYS Taney No. 1 Hens Lb. 31c Fancy Ne. t Toms Lb. 27c Safeway Guaranteed Give your family the proper nutrition with beet. All cut guaranteed at your Safeway Market. Make your selection from these choice cuts. Beef Roasts Blade Cuts Lb. 23c 21c fw25c 3 , 25c TttfC PPfT rXUd tub 1 Manmi'i, n-w. . Undur, Lirsa fllpd riT Tvrcj U1.1 1 U1 hi. 1 tin . nrVTMJ linr ftinj count Sits - JELL WELL PudcHno, MS- PSfc - ft MUSTARD TTLL CHOCOLATES t Pound OaOn Gr'dBeef 2 Pounds Steak Sirloin .35c u. 33c Steak Swiss Lb. 35c Pork cut selected et your Safeway Market will be Juicy end tender. Pork Steak m Pound ..C Pork Chops Pound Roasts Lota Pork ........ Lb. C Pork Sausage Country 30 Tr Style 2 lbs. owothr Dunoan, lb. can - PDItPirVPCi Saltad Soda, NM Uutor, 1 Pound BUMS . ,nn tttt T nnrpcr i.01. AIRWAY COFFEE K00L CIGARETTES 17c 7UV ' 18C; 52c 2 , 25c Sliced Bacon Auctapc Grade A. delicious for stews or Wyicra for turkey dressing wWlUI CM I Dry pickad Colored Fryers Drr Pickf4 Lb. 33c -p.2?c . Lb. ib.29c RITZ CRACKERS 21c 1 47c Royal Satin Shot-tasting 3 57c Keen-Par Shortening lb. On. ll Holiday Chocolates 2 , 25c Pork & Beans wo- 2 29c J fr Spry Shortening 66c i I JWL55AP rtira CrystoWfiHeSoapciantBc W T ' Regular for 7e H ' I JM Lb. AO I. I eirDn i niur I box 5' rflPA ClPlin ri,,. I Mo. i e 35C I - r I MAZOLA OIL, quart can 49c h SOAPT S'IT) 97c MAY DAY SALAD OIL, quart can 43e j wmmmmmmmmLmm I Produce Prices for Saturday- Dee. 27 W . . ' fi 't.Vo-Hf. .5 : m-itrtci. lv Jj!r?(Wwws-o 1 1 Beans to Mt imim Hw ittwt l WaB V$i t a6 l i "8' 309 Tins ib. ii iiv sn i i " - Xb X? Pt I I 6 for 49 M. M , ... V H I W tor 97 m Sink t brmyl I LwiirMa lux toilet white J Extra fancy Romas .r.,rMY-l,ow 4, 25c Grapefruit Coachella. large sisee Small slses. packed uranges ln hndy in shopping bag 1 w lbs. nJW .LL..A Local. wUUUUC .olid, crisp beads lb. Celery 9t,,n i. 5c . - , Gams, U.S. 70 type Ib. Klamath Netted Potatoes No. 2 50 lb. bag Sweet Spanish, Ne. 1 UniOnS quality. A") mesh bag 10 lbs. Squash Pound KING TOILET SOAP 314 CAMAY SOAP Tomatoes yjJk. th soap of Oardenside Cl j bau,M No. 2H Tina W VkoAl women S0 3 for 33c Hubbard tops off . by the piece 13 Ih even 3U..NJC rMMtr Smooth even WUI I w flld DID Y00 ever take a good look at a carrot? Cwnts Mir mn la aal fcuarJm at ami mm urn US. aora hort...amM ttmit...aoaM aermwrv. Yi bm to Uka skat's la Um bunck rood and had. And carrot bandits fa ana star an Ms la aiMthar Mar not aa bis. How ma TW tell whai'a rood rah that wart So Saraav dossal btmdt carraU. IruUad, rou dwoaa from a blnful of rrlrp, clua nrrote with tha kaar, laafr topa cat off. Voa pick oat tha alaa and ahana sad arnbar of carrota roa want And ran par for Just what jroa st, y Uu aomd. That's tha war roe now bur banuaa.and tomatoo and sranaa. Wouldnl U ba alu (a buj srapas by tha huackf AO th adrantatoa mt prlclnt hr wlsM art available to rou at row 8awar'a produce department . . , vrr Burchaaa, Baby Food Heine or Qerbers 3-20C Peanut Butter Real Roast 2 - 29c Beans Small Whites 5 -37c SALT Morton's plain er Iodised, 26-os. pkgs., t for lSe SYRUP. Sleepy Hollow, 28-os. can 9e XELLOGO ALL BRAN, large package ......19c CORN MEAL, Alber's, white or yellow, 9-lb. bag 33e MATCHES, Favorite, .etn of 6 19e DOO TOOD. Play Fair, No. 1 can 8 for 2Se PUSS'N BOOTS CAT FOOD, can Se OERBER'S DRY CEREALS. 8-os. pkg 15e PABLUM, 18-os. pkg 39e SUPURB GRANULATED SOAP, id-os. pkg .....! 9c BORAXO. 10-os. can ....12c 20 MULE TEAM BORAX, 10-ot. pkg ....10c 20 MULE TEAM BORAX SOAP CHIPS, 22-os. pkg. 23c It's All So Simple- This business of saving money on food buying I so easy when you understand. First off, you know, or you should know, ALL prices ara con sistently LOW at SAFEWAY because Safeway believes In selling a lot of groceries at a very tiny profit per sale rather than large profits on e few sales. Next, we have assured you that although Safeway will not cut price below cost, we will meet such prices if competitor make them.- item by item and price by price. Yes, you're sure to save at Safeway regardless of which day you shop. NEW CLOSING HOURS Effective Monday. December 20th, ell Safeway Store will close at six o'clock week deys. and eight o'clock Saturday nights. 1