1HV. Pncembar 26, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON a PAGE FIVE , rkr o O 0) McrtJzeti and fyinanxricil WEAK STOCKS PUT BRAKE ON OTHER ISSUES Scattered weak ipoU, Including American telephone which topped oft more than five point at the wornt, put brakes on rally' Inf tendencies In other aectloni of today a market. ' Volume approximated 1,300, 000 share. The tilde In telephone, which put thla bellwether not fnr from Ue bottom or 1H3B, waa at' trlbuted to peraiitent thought! that a cut In the company a long- paid $9 annual dividend waa a dlatlnct potiiblllty In view of ollmblng coats of operation, taxes and the inability to lift ratea sufficiently to bridge the an. Ailde from telephone laggard aharea wore Weitern Union, Cen eral Motor), Johns-Manvlll and Douglas Aircraft. 4J Clnaina auatationa: Air Reduction 38t Alaska Juneau U Al Cham Dye . 1381 Allls-Chalmers 261 American Can 00 Am Car U rdy 20 Am Rad Sta Ban 31 Am Roll Mllla - 91 Am Smelt It Ref 28! Am Tel It Tel Am Tob "B" Am Water Works Am Zlno L It S .... .1161 .. 441 21 31 Anaconda - - 261 Armour III - 3 Atchison 29 Aviation Corp . ........... 31 Bald Loco 131 Bendlx Avla 391 Beth Steel 62 Boeing Atrp 181 Borden 181 Borge-Warner ..... 201 Calif Packing Callahan Z L Calumet Hee Canada Dry IM Canadian Pacific 17 i 61 12 31 Cat Tractor .. 36( Celanese 1 Ches It Ohio 31) 431 Chrysler Col Gas At El 46 Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'lth It Sou Consol Aircraft 20 1 Gonsol Edison .. Ill Consol Oil 8 Confl Can 231 Corn Products 80 Crown Zellcrbach ........ 10) CurtJss Wright 8 Doug Aircraft 631 Dupont De N 1381 Eastman Kodak 434 XI Pow It Lt I General Electric 251 General Foods ..... 36 General Motors ...... 30 Goodrich 141 Goodyear Tire 101 Gt Nor Ry pfd 101 Greyhound .... 101 Illinois Central , 5 Inap Copper ............ 101 (4 Int Harvester . . . 45 9 Int Nick Can 26 Int Pap It P pfd 55) Int Tel It Tel II John Mnnvllle 801 Kennecott .............. 35 Lib O Ford 201 Lockheed . .. 21 i Loew's 381 Long-Bell "A" . 21 Montgomery Ward 2A Nesh-Kelv 31 NatT Biscuit 131 Nat'l Dairy Prod 131 Nat'l Dlst 241 National Lead 121 N Y Central 71 No Am Aviation 111 North Amer Co ... 9i Northern Pacific 3i Ohio Oil 81 Otis Steel 41 Psc Gas It El . . 18 Pac Tel St Tel 95 . Packard Motor II Pan Amer Airways .............. 131 Paramount Plo 141 Penney (J O 771 Panne R R IB' Dkaln, IVwIm " Oft ? ig Phillips Pet ............. 431 jtrocior ac uamDi ......... out Pub Svc N J 12 Pullman 23 Radio - 21 Rayonler ................ 91 Rayonier'pfd" ......, 331 Republic Steel .................... 161 Richfield Oil ......... . 9 Safeway Stores 43 Sears Roebuck . 801 Shell' Union . 181 Socony Vacuum .................. 61 Sou Cal Edison ........... 171 Southern Pacific 101 Carload Potato Shipments Day of II I) Month U flranon 1041-42 Scrinon HI40-41 It Dec. to Season Dec. to Season Dec' j Dally' Date to Date Dolly Date to Date T7H 21 5T" 2666 3 3 2079 2 9 30 2675 28 31 300T 3 H 23 83 2608 24 8 3031 4 I 31 84 2729 31 88 3002 8 I 21 108 2750 32 118 3094 6 24 120 2774 28 146 3122 T Q 120 2774 41 187 3103 8 1 , 25 154 2790 4 193 3167 9 I 24 178 2823 40 233 3207 10 D al 21 1 2858 35 288 3242 11 alT 247 2802 M 291 3265 12 33 280 2025 30 325 3301 13 I 22 302 2047 28 353 3329 14 I 1 303 2948 34 387 3383 18 I 47 380 2995 8 3M 3371 16 27 377 3022 35 430 3406 17 34 411 3056 ii 482 3438 18 57 468 3113 35 407 3473 19 42 510 3155 48 545 3521 20 54 564 3218 38 583 3559 21 0 564 3218 52 635 3611 22 39 603 3257 7 842 3618 23 22 625 3279 46 888 3664 24 86 661 3316 29 717 3393 25 " 0 661 3315 0 717 3393 27 28 A 29 A 30 I 31 I ; Month Shipments by Truck Grand Total S perry Corp 271 Standard Brands 4 Stand Oil Calif 20 Stand Oil Ind 291 Stand Oil N J 421 Stone It Webster 41 Studebaker 31 Sunshine Mining .... 31 Texas Corp 40 Trans-America 4 Union Carbide 691 Union Oil Calif 12 Union Pacific . 881 United Airlines 91 United Aircraft 841 United Corporation 6 ......732 United Drug 41 United Fruit , 851 U S Rubber 181 U S Rubber pfd 681 U S Steel 81 Vanadium . 171 Warner Pictures 5 Western Union . 221 Westlnghouse 751 Woolworth 231 BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Dec. 26 (AP USDA) The Boston wool market was generally very quiet today. Only occasional Inquiries were re ceived for small lota of domes tic wools needed to piece out stocks on hand. The demand for spot foreign fine wools was fairly strong. . CHICAGO POTATOES -CHICAGO, Dec. 26 (AP USDA Potatoes: arrivals 121; on track 334; total US ship ments Wednesday 840, Thurs day 21; supplies moderate, de mand . slow, market about steady; Idaho Russet Burbanka US No. 1, $25214-70; Nebraska Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, $2.50; Colorado Red McClures US No. 1, $2.38: Minnesota and North Dakota Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, $1.50-90; Cobblers US No. 1, $1.80; Wisconsin Rurals US No. 1, $1.35; new stock; supplies light, demand ' very; light, no early sales report, COMPLETE FEMININE HYGIENE DBMANDSt MUCH has been written about feminine hrcitrie. But too often women over look Hygiene In the REAL sense of the 'word underarm cleanliness and tveetness. You cannot be attractive with underarm!) moiiti atained and smelly. Use Arrid, the new cream deodorant, t. ArrM dti set (at dranat, Don) not Irrltata aldo.- -. .. 1. No willing to Itf, Caa At aaad right attar ahavloS' I. Inttifltty cbtdes pattplrarloe 1 to S din. fUmovM odoc from panpiratioa. kaapa srmplta dry. . . . 4, Arrid la a trart. whlta, ttaasilaaa, stale lata YanUhint cmm. 1. Awarded Approval Seal of Amarlean Inwi run o( Laundarios ai barmlatt to fabric. Women use more Arrid than any other deodorant. Try a 104, S94 or 59 Jar to day at any store which sells toilet goods. (1940) REMUS STEADY CHICAGO, Dec. 26 VP) Post holiday trade in grain futures to day was conducted at steady prices practically all the session. Volume of transactions was email, with milling and flour trade In tho usual holiday dol drums, and investment and speculative interests awaiting de velopments In connection with price control legislation and the government's wheat selling pro gram. The recent Commodity Credit Corporation offer to sell old wheat at prices several cents above prevailing market quota tions is subject to change Janu ary 1. Wheat closed i-lc lower than Wednesday, May $1,251, July $1,261-1; corn, i-lc higher, May 831c, July 85c; oat i-lc off; rye i-lq down; soybeans unchanged to ic lower. S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN l tin.ii CISCO, Dec. 28 VP) (Federal-State Market News): HOGS: Salable 6; nominally steady; odd head 216-lb. barrows and gilts 11.85; medium to good sows quoted 8.50-9.80. CATTLE: Salable 150; fed steers and heifers scarce, nomin ally unchanged; receipts mostly medium range cows, good sal able 8.25-75, medium 7.75-8.25; bulla 8.00-75. Calves: salable none; nominal; good to choice vealers quoted 12.50-13.50. SHEEP: Salable 250; fully steady; two decks good 77-lb. shorn lambs 11.00, choice wooled quoted 12.00, absent; medium to choice ewes quoted 4.80-5.50 . New Year's Eve DECEMBER 31ST K V V V ' BROADWAY HALL MALIN . . . . DANcma Adm.t Cents, $1.10 Youth Paroled by Circuit Judge Circuit Judge David R. Van- denberg Friday morning pa roled Alfred Marion Richardson, 19, to the district attorney's of fice for a three-year period. Richardson was judged guilty of statutory rape by a circuit court Jury Tuesday. The Jury recommended leniency. 4-DAY SUPPLY OF SEATTLE, Dec. 28 (if) -Richard Neustadt, regional di rector of defense, health and welfare, here today emphasized that food hoarding is unneces sary, and that a four-day supply is ample for any family to keep on hand during war time. The "iron ration list pre pared by federal nutrition ex pert for a family of four for four days consists of: Evaporated milk, 16 cans; cheese, 5 ounces; dried beans or peas, one-half pound; beans, peas, corn, sauerkraut, 2 cans of each; tomatoes, 4 cans (or 6 cans of Juice); fruit, 4 cans; grapefruit Juice, 4 cans; dried fruit, 1 pound; raisins, one-half pound. Meat or fish, 5 pounds; cereal, 2 packages prepared and 1 pound to cook; crackers, 2 pack ages wholewheat and 2 pack ages soda crackers; chocolate. 16 bars; cocoa or chocolate syrup, 8 ounces; sugar, 1 pound; jam, 1 pound; coffee, one-half pound; tea, one-quarter pound. POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 26 VP) (USAD) Potatoes: 17 unbrok en, 45 broken cars on track; 11 California, 11 Idaho, 24 Oregon, 1 Nevada arrived; by boat 2 California arrived; Oregon Klamath district Russets No. 1 2.3550. LOS ANGELES, Dee. 26 VP) (USDA) Potatoes: 28 unbrok en, 66 broken cars on track; 20 California, 36 Idaho, 3 Oregon, 2 Utah arrived; by truck 12 California, 4 Idaho, 1 Nevada, 1 Utah arrived; no Klamath quo tations. ' PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Dec. 26 (AP USDA) Hogs: salable 0; total 2000; one small lot choice 200 lb. truck-ins $11.85; odd 300 525 lb. sows $8.50-9.00. Cattle: salable 125, total 225; calves: salable 25, total 50, scattered sales steady, two loads good fed steers $11.75-12.25; few head $11.25; canner dairy type steers $6.25-7.00; canner heifers $5.00: canner and cutter cows $4.50-5.25: choice vealers lack ing, quotable to $13,00. Sheep: salable and total 0; market nominally steady; good choice truck-in lambs salable up to $10.75: with carloads eligible to $11.15; fat ewes quotable to $5.90. MILK CHAMP BILOXI. Miss., Dec. 26 VP) Ernie Blandin, 250-pound Tulane tackle, has set a milk consuming record among the Eastern all stars in practice here. In a luncheon contest with John Rok isky, tall Duquesne end, Blandin put down 11 half-pints. His op ponent stopped at six. SPECIALS! OIL PERMANENT WAVES $2.50 & $3.50 Opm Ivenlni by AtlMmn. Mary's Beauty Shop PH0NI )T) Sit MAIN UpLlr Ovar laHn Pumltm Star ' 10.00 to 3:00 Ladles, SSei Tax Inc. PASTORS 0 0 E A union Christmas service was held at 8 o'clock Christmas night in the First Christian church and despite slick streets and snow a good attendance was reported. Ministers of the city's churches, as members of the Klamath Min isterial association, arranged the program. The Rev. A. Theodore Smith, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, presented the Christmas sermon. Excerpts follow: "Can It be, then, that this beautiful story of the Christ Child has no message of comfort or cheer in 1941? It is true that over Bethlehem there will be the roar of airplane motors, but no soft rustle of angel wings. There will be the wailing of many babies, but no 'Baby's soft cry.' Many people will be looking up in fear, but will there be no heavenly messengers to sing, 'Fear Not?' Yes, Thank Godl There will be. The 'Fear. Not' message rings down through the ages to us today, for we read, 'Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great Joy, which shall be to ALL people.' The message is, to 'all people,' always, a Saviour Is born. There is one promised to shine upon them that 'sit in darkness and 'to ONION SEOVIC CHRISTMAS COATS Values To Values To Values Te $19.95 $24.95- $29.95 1215 IMTS 350 for Clearance including Knox and Brewster $3.93 $ 1 i, ;- guide our feet In the way of peace " 'Fear not,' is a divine com mand. It was God's messenger that spoke, but he was speaking for Cod Himself. 'And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great Joy, which shall be to all people.' "When the heavens opened, after five hundred years of sil ence, for Cod's messenger to an nounce the birth of a Saviour, these words, 'Fear Not,' were used four times. First to Zach arias, father of John the fore runner of Jesus. 'Fear not, Zach arias, because thy supplication is heard, and thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.' Second, to Mary. 'Fear not, Mary; for thou hast found favor with Cod. And thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call His name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High.' Third, to Joseph, in perplexity, when he found Mary his be trothed wife with child, 'Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which Is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she shall bring forth a son; and thou shalt call His name Jesus; for it is He that shall save His people from their sins.' , And, fourth here to the frightened shepherds on the Judean hill side, 'Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great Joy, which shall be to all peo ple." "In every case the words, 'Fear not,' were an authoritative com mand. God was speaking and demanding obedience. And God SA All Winter Apparel Musi Go Prices Slashed As Never Before! to $14.95 FUC3 COATS '. Our Entire Stock of Beautiful GORDON and DAYLORD Fur Coats at Tremendous Reductions! la speaking today. If men would heed Him, they would be free from fears. If men would live in obedience to Him, fear would vanish from the hearts of men. "These words were intended to reassure and comfort. They were words of assured consola tion. 'I bring you tidings of great Joy, which shall be to all people; for there is born to you this day in the city of David a Sav iour, who Is Christ the Lord.' 'And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace among men In whom He is well pleased'." Marine Families To Get Stickers From Recruiter Klamath families of young men serving with the "United States Marine corps were to re ceive through the mail this week small red, white and blue stick ers with the words, "This is a Marine Corps Family." Staff Sergeant Carl K. Cook stated Friday the stickers were to b used in the following man ner, the large one to be placed in the door or window glass of the home, and the small one could be used as a car sticker. Cook said some 200 stickers would be mailed this week to parents of the youths. ' NEW ZEALAND MINISTER WASHINGTON, Dec. 26 (JP) President Roosevelt today nom inated David J. Winton of Min nesota to be the first American minister to New Zealand. Presses Values To 812.95 Values To '. $11.95 .--r 1 SGHKDIES Life Red . Stride Cross $5.50 Value . $S.t5 i98 m in 98 ICC Upholds Lumber Shipping Rote Increase ; WASHINGTON rW J IvL. The Interstate Commerce Com mission ruled today that an In crease of SO cents a 1000 feet in ratea on lumber shipment by water between ports In Oregon and Washington and ports in California waa "not unreasonable or otherwise unlawful." Theincreased rates became ef fective last June 11 but th ICC continued an investigation, into their reasonableness. The office of price administra tion and civilian supply opposed the higher rates, contending they were unreasonable and would result In inflationary price levels on lumber .and would ad versely affect national defense activities. The commission said, however, that the increased-freight rates represented . only a relatively small part of the delivered price of lumber shipped from porta In Oregon and . Washington and therefore would not result lu an inflationary price.; - ':'' NOTICE OF MASONIC FUNERAL , ; . ; . ,. . Klamath Lodge Mo. 71, . A. F. at A. M. Members meet at Lodge Halt at 1:30 P. K. Saturday. Dee. 27 th. Values Te -'. $24.95 oot . ght Value $9.95 Value D V