.Docombor 20, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREB , Dies In Valley Word hna been received here of the dentil of Bort F. Show, well known Klamnth county tlmlicrmon, who poised away at hi home In .Grunt Vint December 6. I la wn burled In the 1 lllcront ceme tery at Grants Pass. Return Mr. Timothy Mur phy returned to hiir home In Dunsmulr early Friday morning after (pending tha holiday here. She wn accompanied by her grandchildren, Angu and Sara Stewart. .Holiday Vlillor Mr. and Mr. Colon H. Kberheart of La Grande are (pending the Chrlat m holiday with their son-ln-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr. James Binh of thl city. Vlalt Here Mr. and Mr. Al len Htnnablo are visiting In Klam nth Fnll over the holiday from their home In Ashlund and lire stuylng at the Stumble apartment. To Areata Mr. Mary Wilson ha gone to Areata, Calif., to upend the holiday. Confined to Home Mnry Wll llama, 432 Main (treat, I 111 at her home. Visit Here Mr. and Mr, Jame Jnhnton and Infant on, "Jimmy," are (pending the holl day with Mr. Johnson's par ent, Mr. and Mr. A. B. Moore of the Baldwin hotel. Hd Call The city fire depart ment enjoyed a comparatively quiet day Christina and no call were received by the men on duty for that 24-hour period. 0 ' Attend Meeting Jack Al meter, manager of the Klamath ' Fall branch of the Oregon date employment ervlce, I In Port ' land attending a meeting of OSES director. Vacationing Walter Stark of the Oregon state employment ervlce office, 1 vacationing In Tillamook. OBITUARY ARTHUR ROY THRASH Arthur Roy Thrash, a reddent of thl city for the lt 1 1 yean, poed away at hi late residence ; on Thursday afternoon. Decern - ber 25. The deceased was a na . tlve of Kllemburg, Wash., and -was aged 83 year and 27 day 'when called. Ha wa a member t'of Hillah temple, Klamath Shrine ' club and Yacolt, Wash., lodge ' AF&AM, alio ecretary of the .Klamath Sportsmen's association. ) Besides hi wife. Marguerite, he . I (urvlved by two daughter, r Mr. Florence Bauer of Seattle, Waih., and Mr. Harold Rhode of Lo Angeles, Calif. The fu- neral service will take place from the chapel of Ward Klam ' ath Funeral Home, 825 High treat on Saturday afternoon at '2 o'clock with the Klamath lodge No. 77, AF&AM In charge. The Rev. Victor Phillip offi ciating. Commitment services and Interment will take place on Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock In the Glendale, Ore., Masonic cemetery, the Klamath lodge No. 77, AF&AM In charge. Friends are respectfully Invited lo attend the services. LEWIS H. HAWK Lewi H. Hawk, a resident of ; Dorrls, Calif., for the last 20 years, passed away In this city on Thursday afternoon, Decem ber 29. The deceased was a na L tlve of Olympia, Wash., and was 4 aged 71 years 1 month and 0 days when called. The remains rest at Wards Klamath Funeral Home, S25 High street. Funeral arrangements will be announced at a later dote. MINNIE CLAIR DAWSON Minnie Clair Dawson, a resi dent of Bly, Ore., passed away In Burns, Ore., on Thurday, De cember 28. The deceased was native of Alpha, Idaho, and was aged 20 year It month and 2 day when called. She 1 sur vived by her husband, George Rnymond; two daughters, Mar ian and Patricia Dnwson, all of Bly, Ore.: her mother, Mrs. Jes sie Humphreys of Council, Ida.: four brothers, Bill Humphreys or Sacramento, Calif., Fred and George of Council, Idaho, and Glenn of Lakevlew, Ore.;- five sisters, Mrs. Mclvln Marker of Boise, Idaho, Mrs. Fred Bales of Long Creek, Ore., Mrs. Harvey Gumm of Tulclake, Calif.,. Mrs. Jim Palmer of Klamath Falls, a Ore., and Mrs. Oliver Mason of " Council, Idnho. The funeral will take, place from the chapel of Wards Klamath Funeral Home, 928 High street, on Saturday, December 27 at 3:30 p. m;, the Rev. Daniel Anderson of the Klamath Temple officiating. Tho commitment service and Inter ment will follow In tho Link-vlllo- cemetery. Friends are In vited to1 attend..'. : r The Perfect Year-Round Gift! SCRIP Buy Your Scrip Now! Esquire and Tower Theatres For Your Information MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective September 28. 1841) Train 17 Southbound! 8 a. m. Train 20 Northboundi 10:00 a. m, Train 18 Southboundi 8:45 p. m, Train 18 Northboundi 8:00 p. m. Walthar League Tha Wat ther league will hold It Christ mas party on Friday. December 26, at the home of Elayne and Lola broutz, 1104 Crescent street, beginning at 8 p. m. Old Time Dance Tha Eagles auxiliary and drum corps will ponsor an old time dance Sat' urday night In the KC hnll with Estln Kiger's music. The public is Invited. Christmas Party A Christ mas party will be held Saturday at 6:30 p. m. In the IOOF hall for members of tho Sons of Nor way and their families. Dinner will be followed by a program and gift exchange. Each mem ber and child Is asked to bring a gift costing not over 28 cents. Maeonle Funeral A apeclal communication of Klamath lodge No. 77 AF&AM will be held Saturday afternoon to conduct funeral services for the late brother. Art Thrash. . Members will meet at tha lodge hall at 1:30 p. m. Baby Born Here On Christmas Santa Claus .and tha stork collaborated on a Christmas present for the Eurl Legault family, 2300 Union street, when they left a "bundle from heaven" at Hillside hospital Christmas day. A daughter, weighing six pound five ounces, was born to Mrs. Legault and both are doing nicely. Tha Infant, their first child, has been named Patricia Ann. Legault is employed by the Al goma Lumber company. Ship Cook Drowns In Tillamook Bay TILLAMOOK, Ore., Dec. 26 OP) William Purdon, 48. Aber deen, Wash., fell from a logging boom and drowned In Tillamook bay, near Garibaldi, Christmas eve. Ho was walking ashore with Merritt Richardson, also of Aber deen, from the tug Kllhynm. on which Purbon was cook and Richardson a deck hand, when ho slipped Into the water. Surviving are his widow and three children at Aberdeen. Selective Service Notice Hits Him DENVER, Dec. 28 (UP) Wllllo Chlnn, 23, only Chineso employo at tho Denver post office, was hnvlng a hard time getting a pesky postal card into a cancelling machine and finally It flew up, hit him In the fnco and fluttered to the floor. Superintendent T o m Hill picked It up, looked at It and handed it to him with the re mark that "It's nil yours, Willie." H was a selectivo service notice ordering him to report for ex amination previous to Induction.. Snow-covered rouds and slip pery surfaces over Christmas caused several minor traffic col lisions. A three-way crash In volving J. A. Longtry of Ash land, Robert Charles Owen of Dorri ond Henry Mlksch oc-, currccl Wednesday afternoon on Highway 117, but no injuries were reported. Slight Injuries were reported for Wllma, Richard and Robert Schlosser, when the car In which they were riding with Julius C. Schlosser collided with a Grey hound bus on Highway 07, Esther Lillian Dalrem of 2800 Wiard and James O. McKechan of route 2 were both Injured slightly In a head-on collision Wednesday morning. The acci dent occurred near Altamont, where nn Icy surface was re ported. Contributors To Red Cross Contributions previously ac knowledged, $3440.38. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Dollar hide 85.00 Frank Obenchain and son . 8.00 Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Durnll . 2.80 Mrs. R. B. Elliott 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. William Van Duker 1.50 Ed Ward 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schasl 2.50 Dr. and Mrs. Geo. I. Wright 5.00 Mary L. McConib 2.00 Mr. ond Mrs. R. C. Grocsbcck 10.00 Interstate Business College 5.00 Fred Bellinger 2.00 C. K. Bell 2.00 C. A. Dunn 10.00 Mr. ond Mrs. John E. Gates 5.00 O. F. Gloscoc 6.00 E. A. Hnwkins 1.00 Rex Hlatt 8.00 C. G. Hoover 1.00 Mr. ond Mrs. Julius Osf ... 2.00 Mrs. W. A. Rush 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rindal 2.00 Wilbur Anderson 1.00 Mr. ond Mrs. H. A. Wenzcl 2.00 Mr. ond Mrs. Alfred Carlson 2.00 Mr. ond Mrs. J. G. Sherman 2.00 R. Millard 1.00 Clyde and Ruth Boker 2.00 M. V. Slough 3.00 J. Gene Losce 2.00 Koyle E. Morgon, Bly 8.00 John Q. Buell, Chiloquln ... 8.00 Mr. Kerllng 3.00 Totol $3855.88 CAREFUL, LAD SAN DIEGO, Calif. W Superior Judge Gordon Thomp son is beginning to wonder about his appearance. Noticing the discomfort of soldiers on guard duty (the night was cold) the Judge brewed a pot of coffee, heaped a plate with cup cakes and ap proached a sentry, stamping his feet to keep worm. "No, thanks," he told the Judge firmly. "I don't drink coffee or cat coke." $25 REWARD Will be. paid by tha manufac turer for any Corn or Callous GREAT CHRISTOPHER Corn Solve cannot remove. It never fails. 35c and 60c at Everbody's Cut-Rate Drugs. Phone 3625. 108 Main St. Save 20 On Memorials By Calling at Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works 118 So. 11th St and Making Your Own Selection 7 FACE - - - 7Ae 4actl ! Your skin needs First Rate Attention. Here, Lady, you get In dividual attention at to what it Beit for you in Cosmetics. All Nationally Known Cosmetics at Your FIRST RATE DRUGS! m fflftlf p Broken Lines! Floor Samples! Christmas Left overs ! Find What You Want and We Guaran tee You'll Save Tremendously! Clearance of Popular Records Reg. 37c records Reduced To slightly used for demonstrations. Okeh, Decca and Columbia. Just 25 of these! Reduced To w Rductd Prlct on Sheet Blankets , Worth SSc. Sin- Reduced To ele pastel blan kets In convent- XA A A C i . ent size. Price cut to clear, but only 36 of these. - Reduced To 4 FROM THE 1st FLOOR Children's Rayon House Coats Worth 82.80. but these must clear Reduced to before we take our January In- "jj A A ventory. I fT Boys' Wool Aviator Jackets All wool blue Melton cloth with Reduced to popular cross-over sipper. Made to sell for $3.95. Just 14 of these. Men's Wool Lounging Robes . One big clearance of robes, values Reduced to up to $6,981 All sizes. Many popular colors. Your choice for only 2.44 4.44 Men's Rayon Shirts and Shorts Worth 49c! Drastically reduced Reduced to these must clear right nowl Be A arlyl etZC Cello Wrapped Tea Towels Big package of 10, wrapped in Cel- Reduced to. lophanel Bleached whltel Priced to ' QA re sell out in a hurry! tC Reg. 1.19 Sewing Cabinets Several clever styles in light and Reduced to dark colors! About 23 in this group! Reduced to clearl 88c Price Cut on 42 Pairs Women's Slippers FROM THE 2nd FLOOR Oil Silk Curtains Reduced! Reduced to 88c Cretonne and Chintz Material Reduced to 12c tl Curtain Material Reduced These sold as high as $1.98 and now we've cut the price for After Christmas Clearance! Worth 18e yard. Odd bolts that are really priced to sell out nowl Many patterns and colorsl Reg. Colorful cotton Zipper and wrap around styles! Sizes 12-20 and 38 52. Marked down! 1.98 Women's Housecoats . Reduced to 1.44 Women's Rayon Blouses Reduced to 77c Values up to 15c a yard In this group of high grade curtain ma teriall Just one lot so be early for best chance! Reduced to 8Crd- Worth at least IliO Tailored styles in pastel shades. Sizes ar. 32 to 38. Be early! Snowsuits up to 10.95 Worth much' mora, but the price is cut for After Christmas selling! Sizes v 7 to 16 years. Reduced to 5.00 FROM THE APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT- Reg. 59c slippers in soft leather sole styles! Nice warm felts re duced to clear! Reduced To 44' A Huge Group of 500 Water I Glasses Reg. Sold for Sc and 10c! Slashed in price to clear ! before our In- ' ventory. Stock up nowl Reduced To 3' 54.95 Radio Phonograph A floor sample at big reduction! Combination model, plays 12 records automatically. 8 tub. performance! 4-Wheel Laundry Trays Regular $8.95 double gleaming white laundry trays with wheels and cover. Just 4 of these so hurry! Reg. 84.95 Sewing Machine Fully automatic head, rotary style. Reduced to Just 1 floor sample. Marked down to clearl Reduced to 44.00 Reduced to 5.66 57.77 J. V , Worth up to $5.98 Each! 9x12 Lino Rugs Reduced To 88 Overstocked! So we must cut the price and reduce our stock. Many, many patterns. On. Group Priced to Clearl Honeylane Dresses Worth $11 Some Reduced To slightly s o 1 1 ed nnd broken size ranges. 7 to 14 I years. Hurry for ( s I best choice! ..' .... I v; i-V' :-.Y .-wij;4; -fo i Reg. 1.19 Travel Kits 66c Plate Glass Mirrors, Reg. 5.95. 3.95 Card Tables, worth 1.25 88c " .... mnA Oat- RA.YOM SHIRTS . tL.r S0c value. 25C .A-B-c-r,. t ; Htdg. iir . m. aft $7.49 or w $8.45 vAu , m.t. 350 value Twin !. VBlu ,.-.. ,.. TEA TOWELS- flQ 7.W refl. 10 for . lot8?C One Only! 109.95 Console Radio : A red hot buy on floor demon- Reduced to tratorl 11 tube performance. Reg. At tt price $108.95. 12 record player! ' 1 UU Just 1! Used Coldspot '41 model, worth $119.00. Priced to Reduced to clear before Inventory 1 A famous bhj mm ty make and has lots ef service leftl Kenmore Spinner Washer Sold for $129.95 and a grand value Reduced to at this big price reductlonl Washes' mm and dries in one operation. Se. It! 00.00 1 Only-4.49 Sandwich Toaster 3.77 Reg. 1.59 Bun Warmers.r..:.....1.33 Reg. 25c Men's Slack Sox....;..... 19c .w m4, 95 $M9 $9.88 2 VAlsrk. 4-t v-crssji. $4.88 3 PI... ... tnJJt!.- 99c dividual Wooden" 8 Y ' j' " nd decorated S,,,d Bowls. Jt 00 19c k 230 PRINTS- HBU"" 12c Reduced to , . HAND TOWELS-RW; nV.T. and whU. vrlth UC colored border ...... 9C Little Glrla' sin. . .. $2-29. 1!:!; ,$1.79 Free" - c.55c fry0H I MX AM 3 133 So. 8th BUY ANYTHING TOTALING S10 OR MORE ON SEARS EASY PAY PLAN DO YOUR PART NOW. BUY U. S. DEFENSE BONDS AND STAMPS Phone 5188