December 24, 1941 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NIN MS FOB PEACE OUTLINED Bf POPE VATICAN CITY, Dec. 24 (Off Iclul Broiiricnnt nncordod by AP) Popo Plus XII, In his en nuu Christmas eve mnimnu to world, lnld down flvo point, plun for future world pi'tca, predicated upon "an ade quate and proiiressive" limita tion of armament. The pontiff, brondcmtlnK over tliaV VliUcuri rndlo, mild Unit In tha world of Dm future thero Qnunt bo no pliR-o for: 1 l Any kind of nugresslmi. 2 Ouprcwilou of minorities J DealtftiliiK niitlonn sevklnif monopoly on oconomlo wraith 4--Tolnl wnr or annuinents racea.l 5V--PurMCUtlon directed against religious sects or churches bo- rnuM fullli in one of tha rights of jmmklnd." '"J'hero nitint bo a progressiva llinitnllon of armaments," ho niUI. "True respect for trcnlloa muat bo observed." Rich Cloth Is Worth-While Crochet Household Art by Alice Brook COM. w. MOUMHOl Mfl MQ, PATTERN 7052 T Two "key" squares In fllot crochet unlock the door to a bountiful home. Crochet and Join these Into spread or cloth you'll have accessories thnt will be an heirloom. Pattern 7052 contalna direction! and chart! for making iquarea; lllus tratloni of them and of stitches; miitcrluls needed. To obtain this piitlern aend 1U cents In coin to The Herald and Newi, Household Art! Dept , Klamath Fall! Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num bar for reference. Be lure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the en' velope. Requests for patterns should read. "Send pattern No to jollowed by your name and ad drcis MAROONED FLIERS Transportation Hews IN FREIGHT SERVICE i FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Dec. 24, (&) An Alaskan pilot and his two passengers who have spent six days and nights on the shores of a frozen lake awaiting rescue stnrted a hike through bitter cold country todoy to a lake 10 miles distant where they hope to meet the men who were un able to reach them at their pre vious location. The trio, Pltot Archie Fergu son, Dr. David llochn and Nor ma n Anthony, were forced down last Thursday when ice formed on the wings of their plane. Lundlng on a tiny lake Just in side the Arctic circle, they estab lished communication with the outer world long enough to give their location before their radio went riftarl. Subsequent attempt, to rescue! n "TT'lJr. them have failed as it ha. been transported one mile however ' was approximately yc j less than in 1021, there having been a progressiva decline I through the "20's," with further i decline during depression years. While the railroads will not; this year establish new highs in the amount of passenger service spect to freight service per performed, as is true with re formed, the passenger record this year will more closely ap proach the 1929 level than in any other subsequent year, ac cording to the western railways committee. Passenger service performed J SEATTLK, Dec. 24 uV A strict holiday vigil hus been ordered for Interceptor units op orating In the Pacific northwest in view of the fact "Christmas and New Year's evo ure deeply nlgnlf Irunt holidays not observ ed by some of our enemies." . The order. Issued by the sec ond Interceptor command, ad vised: "All commanders will Insure that there is not the slightest relaxation In their preparation for combat and vlgilnnrv to pre vent suhotugo on these days. All COmmnnclorn will endeavor to provide superior meals and allot itcccsuiry rest periods for their men on these days, while keep Ipe them under their Immediate control." . The first thing to do whon you Hotlco the order of burning In solation Is to disconnect one of Hie battery terminals. The short w-lreolt can be hunted later. Q When tn Msdford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joe and Anne Earley Proprietors Boy Scouts Atkd To Register for Winter Camping Klamath area Boy Souts In terested In attending winter camp at Cump Makuulla at Cres cent lake were urged Tuesday to register lit the scout office in the Loomls building. Modoc Area Executive Dwlght Gilchrist suid that holding of the annual camp will hinge upon the number of registrants who re port Wednesday. Response thus fur, he said, has been discourau Ing and unless more scouts apply there will be no camp. The camp la scheduled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Startle Welders Oppose Walkout SEATTLE. Dec. 24 OP) A small group of Seattle welders voted last night against walking out In support of those who have left their Jobs In San Francisco in an attempt to force recognl Hon by the AFL of their inde pendent union. The group decided to remain at work rather than Jeopardize appeals now before the national labor relations board but said they would support the Calif or- f Si! mey CHRISTMAS and the NEW YEAR MOk MUCH MAMINtt IN STOM roN TOU. Please accept our sincere thanh for your patronage we hope we may continue to have the opportunity of eerving you. i ii i i ii 3 Willard Hotel and rin I Grill Open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. mmm Healthful warmth ea the chSBest days sprtadlng to every part of the room clean, nalfom and lmipentir. Call ea as for am comfort thai winter nla men In any other way possible. Full support will be given any welder who refuses to pay dues to an AFL union, they decided. but opposed ensuring welders who maintain AFL status. Lad Asks Santa for Mother in Letter LOS ANGELES. Dec. 24 (AP) Bobby McClanahan of suburban Inglcwood Is putting Santa Claus to the supreme test. For Christ mas he wants: His mother. Bobby, who lives with an aunt and uncle, wrote: "Dear Santa Claus: "Will you find my mother for a Christmas present? I have not seen her for four years. She was In Santa Ana, Calif. I have been In the hospital and I am sick to see you, mother dear. I pray every night for you to coma to me. I go to church and I want to be good so the Lord will send her here to me. That Is all I want. "Please, Santa, If you see her, her name Is Catherine McClana han. Send her to me. I would be so happy." Bobby's letter went to the social service commission, which la helping Santa in the search. The commission did not know Bobby's age. found impossible to land rescue planes on the small lake so they were directed by Pilots John Cross and Don Emmons to head for a larger lake ten miles dis tant. There the rescue planes will await the trio and bring them to Fairbanks. Wind Comes to Aid Of New Garage CUMBERLAND. Ky., Dec. 24 (AP) Late yesterday Joe 'Ro mono's new garage on Main street lacked only a roof of being opened for business. A heavy wind finished the Job Monday night. Freight service performed in 1928, however, was much greater than In 1921. Experience thus far this year indicates that the passenger total for 1941 will be at least SO per cent as great as In 1929. though, and that It will be more than 35 per cent greater than the low In 1933. Railways Operating 75,000 Miles Per miles In 1940, and from 93,000 miles In 1939. Thirty-four new, lightweight, streamlined trains have been put In service in the last year, bring ing the total of such trains In service to 121. Twenty-six addi tional trains of tha streamlined. lightweight type now are being built. Completion of these trains may be somewhat delayed, how ever, due to priority policies regulating distribution and de livery of materials during the de tense emergency. GP Woman Gets Happy News Her Son Not Killed GRANTS PASS, Dec. 24 JP) Happy Christmas news for Mrs. Lulu J. Wright of Grants Pass took the form of word from Salem that her son, Sgt. John a. wrlght, marine corps re' cruiter, was there and alive. She had received a telegram from the navy Sunday night: "Deeply regret to inform you that your son, Sergeant John A. Wright, U. S. marine corps. was killed in action in the per formance of his duty In the service of his country." The Associated Press report ed Tuesday that Wright was still at his post in Salem, and very much alive. BADLY WANTED " PORTLAND, Dec. 24 (P) Whoever stole the 10 goldfish from William Bissett's pond last night wanted them badly enough to spoon out SO gallons of water with the top of a garbage can. It Isn't old-fashioned for a fel low to propose to a girl on his knees if that's where she's sitting. " FIRST QUOTA PRINEYILLE,. Dec, 24 W Mrs. a. P. McClanahan, chair man, has been notified by A. L, Schafer, Pacific ' area manager, that Crook Is the first Oregon county to reach Its Red Croaf quota. ." . ,-' It take approximately -12 hours to produce a heat of steel In an open hearth furnace. American railways now arc operating 75,000 miles of mile a-minute, or better, passenger The roof of the Hughes Motor service daily, according to the was blown fro.j that wesiern rwjr tu,M. and settled 100 feet There has been an increase in sucn aany service xrom oj.uuu company building away on Romono's garage. GRANTS PASS, Dec. 24 WV "I'm happy that my son is alive, but someone else is dead," said Mrs. Lulu Griffith today as ahe wiped away tears that persisted even after correction of the false report that her son had been killed in military action. According to latest figures re leased by the civil aeronautics administration, there are twice as many pilots and 58 per cent more planes now than in Oc tober. 1940. R IS if- ZZ&T X OUR SINCERE GRATITUDE AT "T5: pROMrrs us to wish for you ft X II ft X ft fi e ft prompts us to wish for you a full measure of joy and prosperity in the new year V 7061 Q$ Many good wishes for gladness ond cheer, o bright Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with all the good things you so richly deserve. With these thoughts we desire to olso add our appreciation for the thoughfulness of our friends and. customers, who, by their friendships and patronoge, have made possible our success in the past year. 1 r i ESI Reed Tractor and Equipment Co. Stop! Looking for a Good Time? Come to Keno Dance EVERY SAT. NIGHT Music By OREGON HILLBILLIES Air Conditioned for Your Comfort WE WAITED AX EXTRA FOUR YEARS TO BRING YOU I fy , "W PIXTS -.X I J QCAHTS Bonded Stock WHISKEY For more than a century CAW hss been distilling great whiskey. We could have offered you this sa pnior Bonded Stock years ago. ..but we waited until jour matnred taste de manded a 6ner whiskey ...and then. ..we offered you our FLVEST! 100 Proof, Straight Bourbon 'Whiskey Bottled in Bond Aged 4 Full Years G&W Bonded 00DEMUM & WORTS, UNITED orntorr, Michigan a 1 I To Our Multitude of Friends " , : And Patrons We Send 4 A Multitude Of J EREET1WE5 i . . ... 1 M i I mi m I v y T B otm wish that new Joys not known before may come to you and abide with you all through the coming year. It b because of your fine loyalty that we send this word of Christmas cheer. We thank you sincerely for your friendships and patronage and we seek the opportunity of continuing in this association in lhe future. . May the Holiday Season, with Its fine sentiment' remain with you throughout the days of the New Year. and t&lflf Turner Chevrolet Company A' '" S ; . J!5 ,; AGENTSi PEYTON & CO. BIS Market Phone BUS