0 Dccemlmr 24, 1941 Si WORKER CHARGED WITH GUTTING WIRE BOSTON, Doc. 24 OP) Fed, erl authorities today hold Wll Urn Patrick Collin, 42, an American-born shipyard worker, on a ubotaga charga In con- Onrction with the cutting of a power cable In the Boston navy yard Deo.-8 the day the Unit ed Statei declared War against Japan. U. S. Attorney Edmund J. Brandon aald the motive for the cable slashing had not been de termined. Colllni pleaded guilty when arraigned yeiterday befora U. 8. Commluloner Edward Don ovan, but Donovan ordered him to change hi plea to Innocent pending a hearing Jan. 0. Ball wu set at 110,000. The clt-feiulanl wm charged with "Injuring, Interfering with and obstructing the national de feline by cutting a cable used In connection with the opera tion of an acetylene cutting muchlno being used In the navy yard." Drundnn aald, however, he would atu-inpt to how that Q Collin hud punctured holes in mine on emu and hncl loft oil plgou open, wauling "thou. aanda of gallon" of fuel, that ho loosened bolt on machinery w geara wouia ny off and that he had burned Identification number off key piirtu uard In naval conalructloii. The U. 8. attorney auorted thnt Collin had committed acta effective enough to delay work for at taunt a week on aomo naval vcwela now Jn the At lantic acrvlce. Collin aald ho had worked In the Cleveland post offlca for three year bofore coming here. In axklng maximum ball for Collins, who wa arretted whllt at work, Brandon aald: "While wo do not want to create a wave of hyileria, wa ro ooiermined to make an OX' ampio of thl cane, which la tno rim or it kind In thla aectiori. O British Bomb Locks, Trop Nazi Warships In Brest Harbor LONDON. Dec. 2 ila. vance) A direct bomb hit on the gaiea or the drydock at Brest, France, in an RAF daylight raid December 18 la rwlmv.H in k.. trapped tho 26,000-ton Gorman c-atueanipa Scharnborat and Gne taenau in the docki ami rUmeaa them anew, tho air mlnlatry " aervico reported Monday night. It aald aerial nhnlnop.nh. taken during tho raid alio gave reason to oeuevo, "although tho confualon of amoka preclude a certainty, that a heavy bomb haa fallen amldshlp and penetrated me nee or mo Schamhorat. In addition, the n,i ... nounced, It la "quite certain that a neavy armor-piercing bomb" fell between tho atern of tho OneUenau and the aide of the O drydock and another similarly between tho Schamhorat and her dock. The new lervlce ald neither battleship probably could be moved until thj damaged gate are repaired. Moreover, it added, "a great number of bomb" have fallen cloao to them although "how much damage theao have dono can only be conjectured at tho moment." "Important submarine pena at Brest also woro heavily bombed during tho attack and received one certain and two probable hita," It reported. "Building, poaalbly work ahop. bohlnd the submarine pen have been demolished." Although tho attack waa made from "great height In order to enable tho bombs to penetrate tho ship's armor," tho ministry anld photographs showed such oxtromo accuracy that "not a single bomb foil Into tho civil . town or in tho commercial port of Brest." Multi-cellular constructions, as applied to tho wing of ships, mean that tho pnnels are made up in many boxes. In other words, there are o many rlbi and spars that the frame of the wing appears to be a aeries of small boxllko structures. Hotel Elk Coffee Shop Open AW Day Christmas one! Now Years Air Raid Precautions KLAHATVW JOHNS U. S. Forces Will Triumph Says Roosevelt WASHINGTON, Dec. 24 (UP) President Roosevelt, In a Christ mas message to men of the army and navy, expressed confidence tonight that American armed forces during the coming year "will triumph on all fronts against the forces of evil which are arrayed against us." He told the fighting men that the public has full faith In their "high devotion to duty," and that they continue to set "an In spiring example for all of the people, as you have done so often In the past.". "In (ending my personal Christmas greetings to you I fcol that I should add a special message of gratitude to the ad miration and affection which I have always felt, and have ex pressed In other years," Mr. Roosevelt said. "I am confident that during the year which lies before us you will triumph on all fronts against the forces of .11 '''!.' Dial 5119 PAUL FH16PA ? "ItW I 46 IT If I r in shavt WAV l ', .,KAvr WAY immm mmmJl 4 1 t is o Q j JUimaa . X T t I Is7"' i fir v Z onyx 0 w t I o aaaaaaaaaasssBaaaaaaaoaai saaai a sssapwaaayass ssaaiiiBiaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaWJ S BRISTOL 1 OmTOt. aaaaaaaa. J J i I, J Hora.AU saa aasaaaaaaaai aajaaaaaaaaaa. ".e XaJ J " rVIPCR.ONX I 1 X MUNICIPAL AIR. Poor evil which are arrayed against us." He signed tho message as Franklin D. Roosevelt, Com mander in Chief. Christmas Tree Seeds Sent Out SiATTLE, Dec. 24 W) The West Coast Lumbermen's associ ation Christmas card: A packet ol 25 Christmas tree (Douglas fir) seeds. Attached are two pages of In struction on how you, too, can grow Christmas and other trees. Read tho Classified page EAT CHRISTMAS DINNER AT LAKESHORE I Till KEY CiilCKEX STEAK DINNER SERVICE FROM 2 f. M. MUSIC FROM 6 Beit IVilUel May longs of Good Cheer bo in your hearts tills Christmas. Our Sincere Hop for a Joy oui Yuletlde Seaion for you. Wa thank you for tho privil ege of serving you In 1941. SUPERIOR TROY LAUNDRY . AND ZORIC DRY CLEANING 700 SO. th 7P0 SO. 6th THE EVENING HERALD, Sectors for Suburbs ' i I J 717 I New Tires Just Won't Exist PORTLAND, Dec. 24 W) Until January 9 and perhaps longer new tires Just don't ex ist for motorists, J. Fred Bergsch, priorities field service district manager, said here Monday. He told tire dealers and oil company representatives ell sales of new tires were stopped and delivery, even though on order and paid for, halted. Used cars may not be sold with new tires on them; cars coming from the factory with only four Urea may not be delivered to purchasers KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Suburban ARP map: Heavy lines Indicate boundaries, light lines are streets other than boundary (treats. To simplify the map, only atxeats necessary to lo cate boundary lines are shown. (Corrections An derson avenue Is the boundary line between district 62 and 84. The heavy line waa omitted by mlitake). See war den llit on opposite page. with five tires; dealers may not move new tires, even for storage purposes, from the building in which they now are located. Lending, leasing or trading of new tires likewise is banned. Bergsch said the freeze order expires January 9 but that some rationing system la expected to be in effect by that time. Loo. Lot f To Sur The Ideal Gift j THEATRE SCRIP 9 SAVE 20 I I THEATRE SCRIP I BOOKS Iht Pnn, Pirn Trtt, J I Vm and Rlnow J" . ThMtrw afaavc j FORT LEWIS, Dee. 24 m Military official! at Fort Lewis designated the eight western states and Alaska as "theatre of operations" and especially asked the press and radio of Ore gon and Washington to join In a strict program for safeguard ing military information. Maj. Gen. Kenyon A. Joyce, commander of tho 6th army corps, directed that all "military news, photograph, and other media of Information in this sec tor (Oregon and Washington) be approved by military Intelli gence at Fort Lewis." Tho army fully realizes that the press, radio and new (reels have a mission of Importance," said Lieut. Malcolm C. Bauer, public relations officer, "that is to keep tho public Informed. In war It la often more Important to keep the enemy uninformed." 'The enemy docs not obtain hla information of our forces through big or obvious things. He pieces it together from small bit of seemingly unimportant material." The following regulation of the censorship were set down: "No photographs shall bo pub lished which in any manner, di rectly or indirectly, reveal the Identity of military units, tho lo cation of unit, tho strength or armament of unit. The names of soldiers should not be used without specific approval of proper authorities. "No news (hall be disseminat ed which directly or indirectly reveal the movement of troops to, from or within the theatre, or which discloses such informa tion as is referred to the para graph immediately below. "Nothing shall be published, or broadcast, concerning the troops who are in defensive po sitions along the Pacific coast defending either against possible attacks or sabotage. This In cludes location of bivouacs, ref erence to numbers of troops, or disclosure of work of areas be ing protected." Officer Receives Greetings From Offending Driver SEATTLE, Dec 24 W) Traffic Patrolman G. E. Murray arrested a motorist the other night' and handed him a ticket for driving 40 miles an hour and traveling on the wrong side of the street. . With the ticket, ho gave the man a severe "bawling out" Yesterday Murray received a beautifully engraved Christmas card, with the postscript "Remember the guy you caught doing 40 miles an hour1 on the wrong side of the street. Well, here' wishing you a Mer ry Christmas and a Happy New Year." Murray gasped and said: "It must be the Christmas season." A Merry Christmas To All One men tl YuJttkf rodt irawiS B with mirth an ley and ntMtlno, S Tharafare. to auatamara and hi and, Wa attand the Seaaen'a Oreatlnaa. X Wa ton tide baautMoa land f ewe, ! Wa love our way of Ilia, R Per emteh, and terrible K eeama, fj We're leaked M mortal otrtla. m lot help to Ine our LBMrty, 1 Baeh woman, ehlM and man, Awake the Spirit of the Peat, E We're ellll AMSRIOXNSI W So, while today we laugh and play, m Lai a think ol UnoM Sam, S Me immIb th Money a buy Mt fcttitfiv, K And buy amJ buy mi In I a Harris Lunch 119 3. Fourth St. Klamath Falls, Ore. a jfoffWEjpWWsfflMM MERRY CHRISTMAS With a genuine appreciation or the people whom we serve, wa pause on this glorious. occasion to wish each of you o Yuletide that will be the happiest you have ever spent. May the New Year hold an abundance of good things for you ond those whom you hold so dear. Fred H. HEILBRONNER Fuels That Satisfy Plus Service ."SINCE 1919" 821 Sprint Phono 4151 F.D. R. Asked To Award 75 Flying Crosses WASHINGTON. D.e la mr Tho war department tonight ask- ca rresiaeni ttoosevelt to award distinguished flying cro to 79 army filer, including the late Capt. Colin P. Kelly Jr, for suc cessfully completing a secret mass flight of hugo four-engined bombers from Honolulu, Hawaii, to the Philippine island last September. Detail of tho trans-Paclfie flight, which occurred between Sept. 5-12, were revealed by the department In recommending the award for "hrnlam mnA extraordinary achievement." The yumci, ine aeparunent said, linco "have heavily engaged In the deferue of the lai.nHa" against the Japanese. The pilot of one of the big bombers wa Kelly, the 28-year-old hero-flier of Marii asm. Fla who bombed and sunk the 29,- uuu-ton Japanese battleship Ha. runa at the coit of hi own life. The fllffht vine A U M.l Emmett O'Donnell Jr, Brooklyn, n. z. wniie tho United State and Japan were then at peace, the planes nevertheless took an "uncharted and circuitous route" deep into the south Paclfie to avoid Japanese patrol, the de partment said. It was believed the formation covered more than 7000 mile, although the exact route and number of olana wr not disclosed. "Moat of the long route had never boon flown before by either commercial nr mildew aircraft," the department said. jnose recommended for the The WAFFLE HOUSE . WAFFLEITIS Some, mondn pomp) you're ooff af low And feefln paella awfuL duet etop In at Tho "Warn name And order up a waffle. And ae re wan te ham tt pane, If fun to art an ohattar, , An watoh hew dahttie the seek Manlsutatot her ketter. he peura It en tho waffle Iran, Than elampe down on the oukelee, Than oeoke tin oho la ealar, aura To hare no Mlekln trontjlao. She handa It te yoe on a plate, Veur heart Define to flutter, And with peur knife you linear M e'er With eheleeat seldan Butter. Than with t emeek of eJeetkM Oreo, An with Urd MM ahkrrup. Van let the tuner molt a art The fid tho heloa with aiiup The waffle out wily dtoapp aeio To M hat root In peur tummr, And yew so forth to raeo the day AH arujM ami lad and ahununy. -U 0. OA PR FORMERLY HAMBURGER ORCHARD NO. 1 315 So. 6th NOW UNDER MANAGEMENT OF ' ,, LOUISE BARR BERT BARR ONCE n May it bring you Peace and Happinesi Throughout the New Year Pleaae accept our thank for tlx Mndnessee yon have eo tended o in the past We trut we may eentrnne te Merit year eeaaidoration to the future. We Will Be Closed All Day Christmas and AH Day New Year'il Balsiger Motor PAGE SEVEN cross the highest air award for service outside of actual combat Included three majors, throe 1 captain, 21 lieutenant, 32 ter geanU and 14 other enlisted men. Air oorpe offielaU said they be lieved that thl would be the largtat maa award of the flying erost on rooord. "Duo to the efficient ettorta of the crew, the flight from Honolulu to Fort Stotsenburg (Philippines) w a completed without accident or Injury to any of the crew or passenger," each citation said. "The flight began on Sept. 8, 1041, and was completed on Sept, 12, 1B41. "This difficult trip wa torn ploted In excellent time and without mlihap . . . The ipeed with which each phase of thl flight waa flown demonatrated superior leadership and ability on the part of It commander. Further, it brought credit to the United State and Its air force," Read the Classified page. 99e PER COUPLE 20-30 Club Milk fund DANCE XMAS NITE (Dec. 25) e Armory AGAIN . .