l)eember 24, 1941 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGS1TVI City fctiefji Expected Hr Mr. and Mn. Thomas Kadullffo (Dornlce Steel, hammer) who woro married In Portland thin pint week, art ex peeled In Klaniatli Fulls Into Wednesday to spend Chrlstmus with RadnllnVs parents, Mr. and Mn. H. lienor Hadcllffo of Pa cific Terrace. Mo Injuries City police were advised of frequent traffic accl dnnta aa the rcatilt of slippery pavement, but no pergonal In juries wera reported, officer! aald. Motorists were cautioned to drive alowly In the city atreeta, especially on hills where chil dren are using sleds. DUlrlbuted City firemen re ported early Wednesday the dis tribution of all Christmas toys for needy children of Klomath Falls and the suburban area. Trucks were filled with the toys starting Monday morning and no mora are available, firemen stated. Visitor Mrs. II. O. Allyn of Ooldendale, Wash., Is spending the Christmas holidays with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dayton C. Van Vactor of Pine street. Mrs. Allyn has many friends her where she has vis ited frequently. Over Holidays Little Ceclle Vandenberg will remain In Klamath Valley hospital over the Christmas holidays. She Is recovering from pneumonia. Ce cil Is the daughter of Circuit Judge David R. Vandenberg. Prom Florence Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Tonseth of Florence ar her for the holiday season, vis iting their son-in-law and daugh ter, Dr. and Mrs. F. Cecil Adams and family of Del Moro street. From Eugene Mrs. Charles K. Hansen of Eugene Is here for the holidays visiting her daugh ter and family, Dr. and Mrs. Nell Black and son, Bruce. Mrs. Hansen will remain until after the first of the year. Deports to Family A letter written December 10 from Pearl Harbor informed his family that Harvey John Ovgard was "In fin shape." He Is a radioman third class in the navy, er, employed In the Loreni com pany office, left Monday night by train for Vallejo, Berkeley, and other bay points to spend th holidays with friends and relatives. Cleee4 Th Marina recruit ing station In th Stewart-Drew building, will be closed Christ mas day, and those in charge war asked not to transfer ap plicants to arrive in Portland on Christmas day. From South Alice Mae Corn forth Is expected here Wednes day night from her horn In San Francisco to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cornforth of Wlard street. Gilbert- Buzaid Orchestra Armory XMAS NITE (Dee. 25) 20-20 Club Milk Club DANCE ' e 99c PER COUPLI I To Portland Mrs. H. W. Lcltzke of Falrhaven Heights has left to spend the holidays with relatives in th north. She hopes to meet her son Leonard, now with th U. 8. Air Corps In Washington, In Portland, and will return to this city In about two weeks. Improving John Penny of linger, who suffered head In juries In an accident early Sun day morning, was reported rest ing comfortably at Klamath Val ley hospital. fteturn Horn Mrs. Walter McQua Iters and Infant son left Klamath Valley hospital Tues day for their home, 1317 Adams street. Oo North Mr' and Mrs. Martin Jenkins of 200 Mortimer street left Tuesday morning by train to spend Christmas holi days with relatives In Walla Walla, Wash. To EvrH Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Stock and daughter, Nancy Joe, will spend Christmas holi days with friends and relatives In Everett, Wash. From Lewtston Mr. and Mrs. W. A. King of Lewlston, Ida., arrived by motor Tuesday evening to spend th holidays with their daughter, Mrs. John Coppage and family. From Dunsmulr Mrs. Tim othy Murphy is spending the Christmas holidays in Klamath Falls with friends and relatives. She resides In Dunsmulr, To Omaha Mr. and Mrs. T. Howard Burkman and son John Alan left Wednesday to spend two weeks In Omaha, Neb, VITAL STATISTICS DALES Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Or., December 23, 1841, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dales. 044 Shasta way, a boy. Weight: 8 pounds S ounces. SHORT Born at Hillside hospital. Klamath Falls. Or., December 23, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Short, rout 2 box 534, city, girl. Weight: 6 pounds 4 ounces. LANDEN Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Or., December 23, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Erie Landen. 1013 Cali fornia avenue, a boy. Weight: 7 pounds 6 ounces. THOMASON Born at Klam ath VaUey hospital, Klamath Falls, Or., December 23, 1841, to Mr. and Mrs. Jam J. Thomason, rout 3 box 482, city, a girl. Weight: 6 pounds 12i ounces. STUDY IN JUSTICE CHICAGO VP) Robert He lop, arrested on a charge of "reckless homicide" when his automobile killed a man In East Chicago, Ind., about 14 months ago, was released on 12000 ball. Also taken Into custody as a material witness was Miss Yvonne Schumlay, of Neenah, Wis., who was riding with Heslop. She could not give ball, so ah remained in Jail. Heslop was convicted and sentenced to 60 days in Jail. Yvonne is free now but she spent 110 day in Jail; BUILDING FOR DEFENSE SULLIVAN, Ind. (Trus tees of th First Baptist church of Sullivan voted to turn the $1083.85 building' and organ fund into defense bonds. "If w win th war, eventual ly w can buy an organ and build a new building," ex plained the Rev. C. B. Atkinson, pastor. "But If th American form of government cannot survive this ' crisis, we won't need churches or organs." HOTEL ELK SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DINNER $, Salted Nuts ' Mixed Relish Cocktail: Fruit Supreme Soup: Consomme Chlffonade Salad: Waldorf ENTREE Roast Oregon Turkey, Apple Dressing, Cranberry Sauce Baked Suger Cured Ham, Orange Sauce, Spiced Crapes . Roast Prime Ribs of Steer Beef au jus, Extra Cut Grilled' Mountoln Brook Trout, Rasher of Bacon Broiled New York Cut Steak, Mushroom Sauce Half Fried Spring Chicken, a la Maryland Peach o la Conde , Hot Bread New Peas In Butter Southern Sweet Potatoes (or) (or) 1 .Green Asparagus Snow Flake Potatoes DESSERT English Plum Pudding Hard and Brandy Sauce . Hot Mice Pie Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream Sherbet ' . DRINK : Coffee Tea, Milk After Dinner Mints COFFE SHOP OPEN ALL DAY SIDE LANCES HOLIDAY RIS E FAILS TO HIT "Mom says lha expression "Reno Bound' over her picture) just means the and Daddy have had another little spat cut we re noi i worry. its,- U . Contributors To Red Cross Contributions previously ac knowledged, $3269.38. Mr. and Mrs. Brady Narey t 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wil liams 8.00 J. H. Lieblng 2.00 George R. Llndley 2.00 Lillian Furch Eskridga .. 5.00 Homer W. McGe 10.00 Alvln Tavirn 2.00 Constance Loralne Ger- rul 1.00 Mrs. Constans Anderson.. 1.00 F. E. McGe 8.00 Ernest Ritter 1.00 R. G. Ferguson 1.00 Gus Anderson 1.00 Mrs. Emma Coburn - 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Reynolds S.OO H. B. Ashley 2.00 Mrs. T. R. Skillington 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Biden 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Shock 1.00 G. A. Krause 25.00 Hemick A. Wheeler 8.00 Mrs. J. T. Billingsley 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Costel 1.00 A Friend 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Goaller 4.00 Idella Harnden 1.00 Lavanlk and Hilton 8.00 Margaret L. Maguire 2.50 Mrs. J. B. Rice 8.00 Shaw Stationery Co 10.00 John Twito . 1.00 L. C. Wishard 1.00 Jack Estes 1.00 W. W. Baughn 3.00 Lyman William 2.50 Earl Whltlock 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gear hart 2.50 S. D. Doremus 1.00 Pearl Jean Wilson . 8.00 Hershberger's Cafe ... 25.00 Hart Hotel 2.50 J. Cabello 8.00 Total $3440.38 BOSTOH WOOL BOSTON. Dec. 24 (AP-USDA) The demand for domestic wools In Boston today was limited most ly to wools needed for immediate consumption. Original bag fine territory wools brought around $1.10-12, scoured basis, for wools of average to good French comb ing length, and around $1.07 $1.10, scoured basis, for aver age to short French combing length. By nailing a piece of old gar den hose to the door frames of th garage, chipped paint or a bent handle on the door of the ear may be prevented. OBITUARY ANDREW r. JOPLIK Andrew F. Joplin, a resident of this city for the last eight years, passed away on Tuesday afternoon following a brief ill ness. The deceased was a na tive of Warsaw, Mo., and was aged 63 years, 1 month and 11 days when called. Besides his wife, Myrtle, he Is survived by two sons, A. C. Joplin of Port land. Ore., and A. W. Joplin of Klamath Falls; two sisters, Mrs. Goldie Chapin and Mrs. Jane Hudson, both of Idaho Falls, Idaho; four brothers, Walter and David of Klamath Falls and William and Carl of Los Angeles, Calif. The remains will be forwarded via Southern Pacific on Thursday mornlne. December 28, to Boise, Idaho, where funeral services will take place on Saturday afternoon. December 27. Commitment services and interment will take place In the family plot dt the Morrie Hill cemetery of that city. Wards Klamath Funeral Home in charge of the arrange ments. SO. S. F. LIVESTOCK SO. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 24 (AP-USDA) HOGS: Salable SO; around 10c higher; package good 231 lb. barrows and gilts SI 1.95; package good 440 lb. sows $9.60. CATTLE: Salable none; past three daya supply light; under tone strong; week's bulk me dium to good steers $10.50-11.00, odd head top good $11.50, choice quoted higher; good range cows salable $8.50-78, medium mostly $8.00-50; canners and cutters $8.50-8.50, few common $7.00; medium sausage bulls $8.00-75, odd head $9.00. Calves none. Loadlots good 250-350 lb. calves quotable $11.00-12.00; choice vealers to $13.00. SHEEP: Salable none; nom inal; good to choice wooled lambs quoted $11.50-12.00; me dium to choice ewes $4.50-5.50. STOCK MARKET NEW YORK, Dec. 24 Ph The stock market today failed Its followers who had counted on a prc-cnristms rise as per Wall Street tradition, but its performance was better than In the previous session. Initial heaviness was attribut ed to selling on the reports of new Japanese gains in the Philippine invasion movement, plus a precautionary lighten ing of commitments over the holiday recess. Early losses running from fractions to a point were In many cases replaced by ad vances of as much. Closing prices were . slightly mixed, a sizeable number of stocks re maining in arrears. Despite the customary after noon tapering of activities on the stock exchange floor on the day before Christmas, transfers totaled around 1,400,000 shares. Tax loss selling continued lively in certain issues. Closing quotations: Air Reduction Alaska Juneau Al Chem Sc Dye Allis-Chalmers American Can Am Car Sc Fdy Am Rad Sta San Am Roll Mills Am Smelt Sc Ref Am Tel Sc Tel Am Tob "B" Am Water Works Am Zinc L & S Anaconda Armour 111 Atchison Aviation Corp Bald Loco Bcndix Avla Beth Steel Boeing Airp Borden Borge-Warner . Calif Packing . Callahan Z L Calumet Hec Canada Dry . 36! - H .1361 . 271 60 .. 30 .. 4 . 9i .. 38) .1201 .. 44 i 21 . 31 - 261 - 3 .. 261 - 31 13! - 38) - 60) .. 181 188 20) 17) XMAS DINNER 1 PaSie TM H0M TH THAI! "Dt DINING , . . Auni r Turiny OANOINS All KM ORINKINQ .... Ymi artnt It NSW MUSI ruH OourM Blnmr .... SI.I It Mm 'Till I A. M. Canadian Pacific Cat Tractor Celanese Ches Sc Ohio Chrysler Col Gas Sc El Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'lth 4c Sou Consol Aircraft Consol Edison Consol Oil Cont'l Can Corn Products Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Doug Aircraft Dupont De N Eastman Kodak El Pow Sc Lt General Electric General Foods General Motors Goodrich L. Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry pfd Greyhound Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap & P pfd Int Tel Sc Tel Johns Manville Kennecott Lib O Ford Lockheed Loew's Long-Bell "A" 5! 121 3) 361 19) 32) 43 45) 8 832 201 121 51 24) 50 101 8) 65) 138) 132 1118 25) 361 30) 14! 11 19) 10) 51 10) 45) 241 541 1) 51 341 20) 21) 34! 2) Montgomery Ward . NashKelv .... Nat'l Biscuit Nati Dairy Prod Nat'l Dlst National Lead N Y Central No Am Aviation .. North Amer Co ... Northern Pacific-... Ohio Oil Otis Steel Pac Gas Sc El Pac Tel Sc Tel Packard Motor Pan Amer Airways Paramount Pic Penney (J C) ; Penna R R . Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet Proctor Sc Gamble Pub Svc N J Pullman .. Radio Rayonier .. Rayonier pfd Republic Steel .. Richfield, Oil Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Shell Union Socony Vacuum Sou Cat Edison Southern Pacific S perry Corp Standard Brands Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J Stone Sc Webster Studebaker Sunshine Mining Texas Corp . Trans-America Union Carbide Union Oil Calif Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United . Drug : United Fruit U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd . U S Steel Vanadium Warner Pictures Western Union Westinghouse Woolworth . 251 . 31 . 13! . 13 . 24) . 121 . 71 . 11! . 9i ,. 4 . 8) . 5 , 181 . 97 . II . 131 .. 14 .. 7611 .. 171 .. 29) .. 44 .. 511 - 12 ..122! 2) 91 231 161 9 42) 51 15 7! 18 10) 29 31 20 301 411 41 3! 3! 40 4 69) 13 601 . 91 - 341 .316 .. 4i 66 161 70! 50) 171 5 231 751 23! CHICAGO, Dec. 24 OP) Wheat prices were up almost a cent a bushel and soybeans as much as 2 cents at one time in today's' short pre-hollday grain market session but the gains were reduced before the close. Belief that price ceilings on faU and oils will be raised led to buying of soybeans Inasmuch as this would affect soybean oil Some mill buying appeared in the wheat pit, with short cover ing also in evidence. Corn and oats were strengthened by the official estimate showing hog production Is expanding even faster than expected. Receipts of all grain at most terminals were below those of a week ago, which imparted some strength to the market. Wheat closed 1-ic higher than yesterday. May $1,261-1.26, July $1.26!; corn i-lc up. May 831c, July 4!c; oats 1-cc up; rye 1-lc higher; soybeans H-lic higher. Motor trucks on American highways today have a potential haulage capacity of at least 40 times as great as those of 1917 when the United States entered the world war. . , . It has been discovered that eye-strain while driving is in creased If you drive hatless. POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO. Dee. 14 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 8 Callfor. nia, 8 Idaho, 21 Oregon arrived; 19 unbroken, 43 broken ear en track; Klamath Russets No. 1, $2.23-2.90. , CHICAGO, Dec. 24 (AP-USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 101; on track 358; total US shipment 578; sup plies liberal, demand light; mar ket steady; Idaho Russet Bur banks US No. 1, $2.80-721; Min nesota and North Dakota Red River valley section Bliss Tri umphs US No. 1, $1.85-2.15; Cob blers US No. 1, $1.45-65; Wis-' consln Katahdins US No. 1, $1.82; Rurals US No. 1, $1.25 1.40; Florida Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, $2.38-40 per bushel crat. A Leather Girdle, That's Practical DENVER, Dec. 24 (UP) Curvesome Loretta Doner. 32- year-old government stenograph- . er, today felt the pinch of th rubber shortage. She wore a leather girdle to determine if it would be practicable as a sub-', stltute for the elastic garments. iS ! J fflShSi Season' . l&XjSp Greetings ; PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 24 (JP HOGS: Salable ISO; total 450; market steady, to 10c lower thanj late Tuesday; good-choice 175 215 lb. drive-ins $11.75; 235 lb. butchers $11.00; packing sows; from 300 to 400 lbs. $8.50-9.00;; medium grades down to $8.00; good-choice 110 lb. feeder pigs: $10.50. CATTLE: Salable and total 50; calves, salable 10, total 25; market on a cleanup basis, most ly steady; few common-medium steers $8.50-10.00; good-choice fed steers salable around $11.50 13.00; cutter to common heifers $6:25-8.75; canner and cutter cows $4.25-5.50; off heavy beef cows $7.00; medium-good bulls $8.80-75; medium vealers $9.00; hoice quoted to $13.00. SHEEP: Salable and total 50; few medium lambs steady at $10.00; good-choice truck-ins sal able around $10.75;- carloads quoted to $11.15; fat ewes sal able $5.25-90. THE FAMILY REUNION AT CHRISTMAS TIME 18x10 Photograph ..... I g III MAIN PHONS MIS ? SI s if in, And ugh, v" or fi. JXf 'njfc er. Wo, Your PEYTON & CO. "WOOD TO BURN" 018 Market , . Phone 8140 cAL.OREPENTS THIS BIG 5 ACT SPECAL FLOOR SHOW STARTING CHRISTMAS NIGHT kiiKlC BY .T-nll AM I stRVICEFROJJl- ' .sT. . MOW Phon. 3331 or 9187 CflkPI U. S. MARINE CORPS Recruiting Station I mummmmm SICKNESS Demands Care in Choosing Drugs! That's why peopis are turning to the store of FIRST RATE DRUGS . . . icaxp ate tnu la GREETINGS of the Season fVoi m M ARGOT Q And Staff J We hove found that friendship In business counts for much and we are grateful for yours. . ; , . Let us wish you a very Happy Christmas ana : a Prosperous New .' v Year! - . 0H Of I HE PLffiSURS C H R I S T fll fl s S THE J o y ui r s h in G Hflppincss TO ffilfllDS LIKE y 0 U ; East Side Electric ' Electrical Motors Industrial Wiring Frigidaire Commercial Refrigeration :