PAGE TWELVE THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Doeombnr 24, 1041 FARM REPAIRS get F ;' A committee to mobilize the efforts of the Oregon State, col lege agricultural staff behind the current national campaign to In sure adequate machinery for producing and harvesting next year's crops has been appointed by William A. Schoenfcld, dean and director of agriculture. The committee will help carry on the program inaugurated in this state by the United States agri cultural defense board aimed at bringing about early repair of all present machinery on farms, and immediate ordering of essen tial new equipment . Named on the special commit tee are F. . Price, agricultural engineer in the experiment sta tion, chairman; W. L. Teutsch, assistant director of extension, and . R. Jackman, extension farm crops specialist. All county agents will be enlisted in the State-wide program. The most acute farm ma chinery problem in Oregon is to obtain adequate equipment to handle the SO per cent expansion in acreage of winter legume seed, according to Dean Schoenfeld. - Early repair of all machinery now on farms will be urged throughout the state to make 'sure, that necessary parts can be ordered in plenty of time. Ex tension men believe that Oregon farmers generally have had such long experience with handling and repairing machinery that they are more skilled than the average throughout the country, hence will not need actual train ing schools on this work. The principal task, it is believed, will be to bring about an immediate inventory of repair needs, with orders placed at once. -Closely allied to this is the current drive to have farmers gather and sell all scrap iron available. Usable parts and iron suitable for future repair work are to be held on farms, how ever. Local Boy Writes That He's O. K. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stough of South Sixth street have re ceived word from their son, Wes ley, stationed in the Pacific with the U, S. navy. This is the first tetter they have had since war was declared. !- The boy advised his aprents he was "alright" but did not give his location. Wesley is a former carrier for The News and Herald. Disaster Averted, Believes Child As far as Allen Ward Is con cerned disaster has been averted te a big way. The six-year-old Keno resi dent is reported to have heard a radio report that the Japs had bombed Toyland. It took quite a bit of persuasion on the part of his mother to assure Allen that the bombing took place in Thailand and that Toyland was still in the hands of Santa Claus. The army air corps has in itituted its own direct Washing-ton-to-London air ferry service, designed to carry American of ficials to England, bring back pilots on ferry duty and provide American military airmen with long-range over-water flight training. ROM COLLEGE 1 fff Klamath Falls Branch of the UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK ot Portland 50,083 Gallons of Milk Used Here In November Klamath Falls consumers used up 50,083 gallons of milk during the month of November, and 1139 gallons of cream, according to the month-end report present ed to the council Monday night by Dr. J. C. Hunt, city meat and milk inspector. . Examined during the month, beef, 410; hogs, 689; sheep, 94; veal,, 13 9; condemned, beef, 5; hogs, 1; livers, SI. . Malin Couple Wed In Reno Ceremony RENO Marriage licenses is sued here Included: George Wil liams, 33, and Delia Novak, 30, both Malin. - Reno divorce suits filed: ' Hilda M. Ewlng vs. Whitley W. Ewing of Prairie City, Ore.; married. June 24,- 1922; non support and three years separa tion. , Eighty-one million American- made motor vehicles have been produced in the last 41 years. a Reason $ WE ARE GRATEFUL AT CHRISTMASTIME In th excitement pno" hurry of the Christmos Season, it is difficult to see all one's friends even for a moment, to extend Yuletide Greetings. We do not wish to pverlook ony of "our many friends at this glad time of the year so we are taking this means of wishing eoch of you a Merry Christmos; to acknowledge your mony kindnesses and favors and to thank you for all you have done for us. ' May good fortune follow you throughout the coming twelve months. SHAW STATIONERY COMPANY GQQGG) SANTA TO STAFF WASHINGTON, Dec. 24 (AP) President Roosevelt interrupted his talks with Prime Minister Churchill Tuesday long enough to play Santa Claus to 208 mem bers of the White House office staff. With Mrs. Roosevelt, he re ceived secretaries, clerks, steno graphers and secret service em ployes in his oval office, shook hands, and presented each with an informal photograph of him self and his wife sitting on the south porch of their home at Hyde Park, N. Y. The photograph, eight by ten inches and autographed "Eleanor Roosevelt" and "Franklin D. Roosevelt," was taken last July 4, by George Skadding, staff photographer of the Associated Press. It shows the chief execu tive in shirt sleeves and the First Lady sitting beside him knit ting. "Christmas 194V appeared at the bottom of the picture, framed in a white border. Nine-Year-Old Tells Santa Right Idea MOLALLA, Ore., Dec. 24 (AP) A farm father displayed this let ter from his 9-yenr-old son to Santa Claus Tuesday; "Dear Santa: How are you? I am fine. I am nine years old. Did you know that my brother and sister and I don't want any thing for Christmas but defense stampsT It's up to us to lick hell out of the Japs." A new steel frame, canvas covered hangar has recently been announced which appears to be 'a satisfactory solution to the storage problem for private planes. m 1st, 'im CATALOG ORDER SERVICE BRINGS YOU THOUSANDS OF ITEMS NOT IN E The first Boy Scout waste paper drive will close Saturday, December 27, Area Executive Dwlght Gilchrist announced Tuesday. A second campuign will begin immediately. Gilchrist said that nearly two carloads of paper has been col lected since the drive begun early last fall. Results of the campaign will be shipped to Portland Saturday. He urged all householders and business houses which hnvc waste paper on hand to contact saw wry Cotton Dresses 7 SendertyWorvo . him In the Scout offices In the Loomli building, telephone 8918. Out of the $284,000,000 worth of aeronautical shipments for HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) HERNIA-FISSURE-FISTULA No d to enHor ey loaaf Fot 31 v4u wo eu hilly tiait4 Jtoafa Hmrniaimd CoiMi4lMnlra without notpUtl nnlulra rfttloa. Bd today lot mil Booklet containing vhitb Information nd ipltlataf eat method. Urf CrWt Tm AvfllUH Dr. C.J. DEAN CLINIC phyltlm uut lirin N. I. Cot. I. .Id. ..4 Qiocl At TUphoa. IAiI 3U1S tolLsd, Orfm W m MlHUM- ock of Regular ' Entire Stock 1 And houi twe Britain, the plane, engine and propeller deliveries accounted (or more than $240,000,000. Looking tor Bargains? Turn to the Classified page Loo Lot The Ideal Gift I THEATRE SCRIP J SAVI 20 I I THEATRI SCRIP B V BOOKS V TIM Mln. Pin. TrM, I . V.l RlnDw sf CflV SJ ' ill) ofGUlA M-59 WW opo,oona 0U STOCK I Tho number of Instrument p)t prouchos at U ulrporls reporting to llio ulrwiiy control service of CAA more than tripled between iu:il) and 11)41. . m it hJ? H i t