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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1941)
rVfomher. 24, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Classified Advortliing Ratoi: One day per word 3o 2 day run pur word Oo 3 day run per word Bo 4 rtiiy run per word lOo A duy run pnr word llo Wnck run ..... per word 12e Month run per word 32o Glalbijjied AcL&Ati&iMXf SecUan 20 OISCOUNT for Payment In Advance. Tnli dis count given to do away with book work and billing ... on actual paid in adi only. 3 DISCOUNT for Payment by the 10th. Thia dis count given to inture prompt payment of adi charged on ft monthly basis. ; CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartments For Kent 24 Automotive ..34 Dullness Opportunities 411 Educational 12 financial ,. 40 Tor Sale or Trade 3H General Notices 4 Health 13 Help Wanted, Female. ....H Help Wanted. Male . 10 Houies For Rent 20 Livestock and Poultry 44 Lost and found 2 Miscellaneous for Rent 2H Miscellaneous for Hale .... 3(1 Miscellaneous Wnnled 42 Rtal Estate for Hole 30 Real Esuito Wanted 33 Room and Board 20 General Notices Youn fuller nnusii men wish you a Merry Cliristnm. R. V. Morgan, 334B. Cl-m Joyer. 7B08. 12 24 CONTINUOUS enrollmrnt for complete courses New tuition rates There's no substitute for quullty. Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 SILVER GLEAM The silver polish that makes your stiver ware gleam like new Ito moves tnrnlsh without scratch ing. Use on chrome, wind shields, mirrors, windows, etc. 23c at drug stores. 12-20 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Will not be responsible for any bills except thoso con tracted by Marlon David Pom roy In person. 12-24 I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills contracted by any one other than myself after December 22, 1041. Signed Albert Polndexter. 12-20 Personals FREE MARCELS every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 Transportation LEAVING for Eastern Texas Sat urday or Sunday. Room for two for company. Call 8723 12-20 10 Service HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations on new and old clutlilng. Mrs. H. M. Allender. 731 Main. Room 218. Phone 7283. 1-lCmU PICTURE FRAMING Goellers, 230 Main. 214mtf PAPERHANGING. PAINTING, kalsomlnlng. Dial 8848. Mel vln E. Frost. l-13mtf ELECTRO! UX CLEANERS Sales Service. P. O. Box B14. Phone 8018 Your dealer. Tarkel Tweet 1-12 SAWS REPAIRED The right way Bodenhamer's, 353 E. Main. 1-10 BATTERIES CHARGED in 30 minutes. Reymers Associated Service, Fourth and Main l-3mtf CARPETS, rugs and furniture cleaned. Doremus Rug Clean ers Phone 8879. 2012 Or chard. 1-3 Remodeling and repairs Wm. B. Powell, Builder. Phone 3730 1 1 WRINGER ROLLS Wnshlng machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing M a c h I n s Service, Oil South Sixth. 12-31mtf REROOF Right over your old roof. Quickly, sofely nnd eco nomically. For an estimate phone 3730. Wm. B Powell 1-1 FLOOR SANDING and rcfinmh Ing Clifford Golden Phone 3022 12-30mtf SPECIAL $2.05 oil permanent wave $1.80. Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene diet, 6048. L6 I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you. Chns. Hathaway, 120 N 10th St., Klamath Falls, Ore 12-30 RAY HALL Your Electrolux dealer sales and service. 813 Roseway Drive. Phone 7107 1-8 PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, 810 Main. 12-24mtf PAINTING, paperhnnglnK, knl sbmlnlng, 75c hour or contract. Phone 8088. 1-8 FLOOR SANDING, FINISHING Wo genernto our own pow er. C. DuFour. Phono 301)0. 12-31mtf FLOOR SANDING Old floors reflnUhed. Norman Frnlcy Phono 4001. 12-24mtf PAINTING, Knlsomlnlng H. L. Brown. Phone 4220 MOmtf 12 Educational MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL- LEGE. BIS Klnmnlh Ave Phone 3883. lOOraU Educational WI1KN YOU THINK OF SUC CESS think or Northwestern lli-mily College, one of Amer ica's exceptional training schools. 1-2 QUICK METHOD In ballroom liim-lng. Modern, old style. S(iiaro dancing. Form your own group. 1401 Esplanade 1-4 13 Health DOCTOR M. C CAB8EL, chlro iirucllc clinic Sumo location, .132 Main. Dlnl 721 S l-7mtf 14 Holp Wanted. Female WANTED Unencumbered housekeeper and cook between 2.1 nnd 40. News-Herald Box 4027. 4827tf WANTED High school girl to work for room, board and nlnry. Modern home, close In. Write box 1, News-Herald. lit WANTED Housekeeper to stay nights. Must have references Phone 37 IS 12-24 18 Help Wantsd. Male KOIt JOBS In airplane (actorios. Apply Mr I.lstat, Room 201 Wllllt llldg. 1-1 IS Situation! Wanted SHIPMAN'S BOARDING HOME for children. 3B02 Blilu-e South Altnmont. Phone 7305 1-4 BABYLAND Care of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Phone B341. l-12mtf 20 Room end Board BOARD, ROOM $38 month Also sleeping rooms. 1018 Washington. 12-24 BOARD AND ROOM 407 No Dth Phone D010. 4888tf HOARD AND ROOM. Private shower. Steam heat. 723 Klam oth. 17 ROOM. BOARD Close in. Ex cellent table. Phone 4785 1028 Jefferson. 1-18 HOARD, ROOM Lady or gen tleman. 1321 Johnson. Phone .1.148, 1-10 Rooms For Rent MARS HOTEL 1411 Main. Steam healed. Weekly rates $3 up. 80c to $1 per night. 1-13 ROOMS 1034 High. l-5mU NICE ROOMS for gentlemen. Phone 8244 1-4 COMFORTABLE furnace heated room adjoining bath. 1020 Jef ferson or phone 8834. 1-14 CLAREMONT, 228 No. 4th. All outside newly decorated, mo dern rooms. All with new In nersprlng mattresses. Free parking. l-13mtf FOR RENT Nice room. 134 N. 3rd. 4800U TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS 710 Main. 12-24 24 Apartments For Hent VACANCY One and two-room apartments. Everything fur nished. 133 N. 10th. 12-27 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room, $4. 410 So. 8th. 12-27 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gas. 410 No. 10th. l-24mtf FURNISHED 2-room apartment. 433 N. 10th. 12-24 VACANCY Two rooms, bath. Electric range. Adults. No dogs. 325 Commercial. 155tf FURNISHED 3-room modern du plex apartment. Call Van Dukcrs, phono 6857, V mile north on Bend highway. 12-28 2 AND 3-ROOM modern furnish ed apartments. Also furnished cabins. Specinl rates for win ter. Altnmont Auto Cnmp. 12-27 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 820 Lincoln. 4587tf COMFORTABLE two-room apt., ground floor. 248 Broad. 4548U FURNISHED APT. 801 Mar ket. . 12-30 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day, week or month. l-0mtf TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment 1805 Mnln, 3004U FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nlshcd apartment. 2300 Blohn. Phono 7286 or 4527. 413Rtf VACANCY Esplnnndo Courts. Furnished. 12-31mtf PARTLY FURNISHED 3-room npnrtmcnt. 1110 Mon Clnlr. ' 12-24 NICELY furnished 4-room mod ern Apt. 2 bedrooms. Inquire 2110 Applcgato. 474011 R1VERVIEW APTS. 4 rooms nicely furnished, two bed rooms, very desirable. Phone 0017. 4740U 12 34 Automotive 34 Our Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes for the. -New Year 1941 has been a very satisfactory year, and we sin cerely thank you for your patronage. We all are faced with new problems in 1942. Those of us in the automotive business have' probably realized some of these problems first. Transportation is of vital importance . . . not only for defense, but for our civil life needs as well. It will require caution from all of us to keep our trans portation needs up to the minute, without over buying. Let's all get behind the task of financing our armed forces in this fight . . . and come out ahead in 19421 Dick Miller Dick B.Miller Co. ' Oldsmobile 36 Miscellaneous For Sale Odd Bed Suite Pieces Priced for, Quick. Clearance One only, maple vanity and bench. Regular $26.95. now $19.95. Two only, knotty pine poster beds 3-3. Regular $17.95, now $12.95. Three only, walnut finish dressers. Regular . $18.95, now $16.95. - - One only, walnut night stand. Regular $8.95, now $6.95. One only, bleached walnut night stand. Regu lar $ 1 5.95. now $9.95. One only, maple vanity and stool. Regular $29.95, now $22.95. One only, maple night stand. Regular $8.95, now $5.95. Montgomery Ward 26 Houses For Rent THREE-ROOM partly furnished house, across street from Pell can school. Mrs. Congo. 12-27 FIVE-ROOM house In Altnmont, $27.90. Stoves furnished. Ph. 8478. 4-27 SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE for couple, No dogs. Phone 3306. 12-27 SMALL modern furnished cot tage. Everything furnished. 2128 Blehn. 12-24 THREE-ROOM furnished house, garage. Inquire 1443 Oregon. 12-24 MODERN CABIN 2247 Home dale. 12-30 BACHELORS' CABINS 428 Willow. 1-3 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save Stiles Beacon Service. 1201 East Main. Phono 8304. l-7mtf FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Large living room, full basement, hot water well. 1648 Esplan ade. Phone 6028. 4711tf FOUR-ROOM furnished house. Adults. S703 Altamont Drive. Phone 6731. 12-26 TWO-ROOM cottages. Wood, lights, gas furnished. $30 month. Link River Auto Camp. 1-18 FOR RENT Furnished cottages, $8.00 week. Pelican Auto Court, highway 97 north. Phone 7202. 12-27 UNFURNISHED duplex. Range, refrigerator, oil furnace. Call after 8:30 p. m. 80S No. Oth. 4551tf TWO-ROOM partly furnished . house. , Steady renter. Near Stata Line Tavern, Tulolnko. , 18-30 34 Safety Tested Used Cars 36 Miscellaneous For Sale 26 Houses For Rent MODERN furnished house. One bedroom. Inquire 308 Lin coln. 3S4tf 28 Miscellaneous For elemt DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what have you? Call at all hours. Phone 5118 l-9mtf 30 Real Estate For Sale 60 ACRES under irrigation, be tween Merrill and Malin. Un improved. $10,000. M. A. Bowman, Merrill. 12-27 FOR SALE Two houses for price of one. A real bargain. Inquire 1227 Main St. 13Stf ATTRACTIVE 4 bedroom home on paving in Homedale dis trict with 3 acres garden soil. Full price $6750 on easy terms. Bnrnhlsol Agency, 112 So. 8th. Phone 4198. 12-27 1 WILL help you plan, finance and build your new home. Lloyd W. Rusk, 1608 Austin, off Shasta way. 12-28 34 Automotive KARL KU-JAC'S BODY SER VICE now located at 2006 Ore gon Ave. Better body, fender work and painting for less Give us a trial. Past five years at Cascade -Garage. 1-3 1937 FORD DELUXE Radio, henter, sport light, 1942 11 cense, good rubber, clean, me chanlcally good. Cheap for quick sale. Phono 5371. 12-24 AUTO GLASS Roplace that broken glass In your car at Rewey's Glass Shop, corner Elm and Broad. Phone 8718. 1 6mtf "TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK. See Mr. Yoes. factory trained service manager. 4934tf Automotive Automotive Cadillac 36 Miscellaneous For Sale 100 Broadloom Carpets-Drop Patterns, Axminsters, Wil tons, Frieze - re duced 50 per cent for Friday and Sat urday only. MONTGOMERY . WARD 12-24 36 Miscellaneous For Sale MEDFORD ACREAGE Ideal sub-division adjacent newly developed site, near pavement. Owner, Apt 208, 660 W. Jef ferson, Los Angeles. 12-27 NO CHRISTMAS COMPLETE without roast goose. Cheaper than turkey. Lewis Poultry Farm, Washburn and Garden Sts. Phone 4580. 12-24 FOR SALE One crochet table cloth. 60 by 80 inches, made of size 40 crochet thread. 10211 Washington. 12-24 RECONDITIONED wood range. California Oregon Power Co. 488Stf COCKER PUPS Eligible for registration. Phone 63, Chilo quin, or call A. F. Blocklinger. 12-26 FOR SALE New 1941 Zenith radio, phonograph floor model. Also equity in Gibson auto matlc electric range and Gib son refrigerator. 1417 Wall St. 4603tf DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. ft, $2.50 at mill. Phone 8383. Conifer Lumber Co., on Weed highway. l-17mtf FOR SALE Christmas trees, wfeaths, holly, mistletoe, hand made toys, all kinds of greens, . pine cones. Let us help you with your Christmas contest decorations. 1023 Main next to The Meat Center. 281 RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 3204tf CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute. Including suburban sections Block numbers indicated, in dex keyed to map. Prtce,(20c. For sale at Carmichael's news stand, chamber of commerce Ernie Piluso's Drive-in, Ever body's Drug, Lee Hendrick'a Drug, Louie Polin's, Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food store, Shaw Stationery, The News Herald, Vic's Signal Service 3205 FOR SALE Christmas puppies. Two to five months. $18, S25, or trade for used high-grade shotguns, rifles, revolvers of equal resale value. Beldlu Springer Breeding Kennels, Westslde, Tulelake, Calif. 4973 FIX THAT RADIO Our busl ness is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. l-8mtf Automotive 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE New Underwood typewriter, used only six times. Will sell for $20 less than cost Phone 8230. 325 N. 10th. 5tf USED WATCHES, reconditioned and guaranteed. Men's 12 and 16 size Elgins and Walthams $11.00 up. Rickys Credit Jew elers. 1-11 COLORED FRYERS and roast ers, corn fed. We deliver. Phone 5934. 1-11 GOOD fir body wood. Phone 7832. 1-7 HAMILTON AND ELGIN 21 jewel railroad watches. Full stock 992 Hamiltons for the railroad man's Christmas. Use your credit. Rickys Jewelers. 12-26 METAL EDGE hickory skis with binders and poles. Excellent condition. $18. 632 N. 10th 4730 FIR SLAB WOOD Highley-s Market, Summers lane. Phone 8075. 4486U STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 12-3lmtf EQUITY of $82.00 In Kelvinator Ironer for sale for $35.00. Bal ance of $14.52 payable in 3 monthly payments. Phone 3985. 12-28 GLASS DUPLATE safety glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resil vering. Kimball's Glass Shop. 527 Walnut Phone 7378. l-6mtf USED electric range, good condi tion. Write Mrs. Ada E. Dick son, Gen. Del., Klamath Falls. Ore. 4932 SEASONED FIR BODY WOOD Phone 3787. 1-19 DRY PINE FACTORY MHJ, BLOCKS 128 cubic foot load, $4.25 delivered. Metier Bros. Dial 5852. l-19mtf FAT COLORED hens for Christ mas. W. H. Morgan, 5620 Le land. 12-24 For Sale or Trade BEAUTIFUL lady's one carat diamond, platinum mounting. Will trade for late used car and assume. Evenings. 8831 So. 6th St. 169tf FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR BEEF New lumber, 2x6s, 2x8s, 2x12s. Inquire Al's Ser vice Station, Dorris, Calif. 12-24 FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity .in house and H acre. Trailer house considered. Phone 4580 or Box 257, Klamath Falls. 12-26 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO BUY Set of car penter tools and tool chest Box 379, Herald-News. 12-24 WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 5713, our ex pense. 1-llmtf WANTED TO BUY Small back bar and showcase. Phone 5231. 12-26 WANTED Four-room unfur nished house in Mills addition. Inquire Rex Cafe, 209 East Main. 12-26 WANTED TO RENT Farm. Shares or cash. 4315 Sum mers lane. 12-30 44 Livestock and Poultry FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing, Co. Phone 5361 Midland, road. lJ-SJmtf 34 34 Automotive Wishing All a Good Old Fashioned Merry Christmas & DEFEND OUR FLAG KEEP THEM FLYING BUY DEFENSE BONDS t ond When you want a Car, sea the BUICK FOLKS at H. E. HAUGER Eighteen Years The House of Bulck 1330 Main Closed Christmas and New Yean WANTED Good Late Model USED CARS for SPOT CASH First Class Prices For First Class Cars No Delay for Your Money See Jack Morris, mgr., at Douglas Motor Co.- USED CAR LOT 1131 Wishing You A Very Merry - r Christmas : Lombard Motors Dodge - Plymouth - Dodge1 "Job-Rated" Truck . 424 So. 6th Telephone 3134 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Feeder pigs and sows. Haley Bros., Bonanza, Ore.. Box 145. 11-28 46 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT aXDOKSERS S WATS TO OCT A C0N8CM8RS CASH LOAN moid . wam . com, ix Ton Bead bo co-aimer or eadoreen to tct a ooniumcra loan whether job art married or eagle. THREE LOAN PLANS NO. J T!COMI IOAXS On your aou only. Ko vara Mlso meat. Ko co-eltaers. NO. t-rcRNITUBS LOANS Too? character la mora Important than the furniture ItMM. KO. S AUTO LOANS IM to M0 caah loaaa and refin ancing. CONSUMERS CREDIT al-tSS S-t39) 720 Pine St. Phone 7711 li-llmti LOANS ON TOUR AUTOMOBILB Cash At Once! Tow Car NeM Not Be mil; PaM For . . . See Us Today Commercial Finance CORPORATION -116 South 6tn 8t.. Klamath falls Phone SMI M-ttS IMImtl See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS t REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor Investment "COMPANY III X. Ml tie. U tfi hone tru It-lla 34 Automotive Main Next to Elk Hotel 48 Business Opportnaltiaa FOR SALE Lunch room doing $50 to $60 day business (cash daily). Low overhead, stead1 business, best class trade. Equipment first-class condi tion. (This place make money). Owner mvst - quit work. Call at 135 N. 4th St. 12-24 LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE . OF FILING OF FINAL . ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. JN THE MATTER OF TH ESTATE OF B. W. LEE, De ceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my Final Account and report as Administratrix of the Estate of B. W. Lee, Deceased, and the above-entitled Court hae fixed 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Thursday, the 29th day of January, 1942, as the time, end the Circuit Court Room in the Court House of Klamath County, Oregon, In the City of Klamath Falls, in said County, as the place, when and where any per son may present any objection or exception to anything contain ed therein, or to anything done by said Administratrix, and thai at such time and place the above entitled Court will finally paM upon and settle said Account. HAZEL M. LEE,, -Administratrix, D 24-31; J 7-14-21. NO. 19 CALDWELL, Idaho, Dec; 34 (P) Willamette university' Bearcats trounced the College of Idaho basketball team, 41 to 27, last night, closing tour of the intermountain region with three victories and three losses. Sumner Gallaher, Willamette forward, scored 14 points to-lead the Bearcats. All the games wenj non-conference. .