December 28, 1941 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ITVB Id a Snowball Dine The annual "Snowball" dance ulven by mom ber of DoMolay will bo an event of the holiday, achcdulrd (or rrldny nliiht In the Wlllard hotel ballroom. "SwMtheart of Do Molay" will be Duutiria Hamil ton, and prlncesse will bo Mar ian Campbell, Roberta Tucker, Joanno Hamilton and Wanda Shaw. The dnnco will stnrt at o'clock. Patron aro Mr, and Mm. Josnph Kennedy, Mr, and Mn. G. C. Blohm, Mr. and Mr. J. Smith, Mr, and Mn. J. Leech, Mr. and Mn. R. Duncan and Mr. Floyd Stanley. Memberi of the college Kroup will be gucut of the ovmlng. From School Dick Naih and Fred Prttprson Jr., aro home for the holiday vlnltlwc their par ent. Iloth are sonlors In enil noerlnK at Orniimi Btnto college. Noun In the son of Mr. and Mr. W. E. Nash of Reclamation avo nue, and young Peterson la the on of County School Superin tendent Fred Pctemon and Mm. Pctrrnon. Visitor H. A. Payne of Ham bone, Calif., near McCloud, la vlaltlng for acvcral daya with hi aon and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. I,. Payne, 02!. North Klghth atroet. lie will leave ' Wedneaday for Mcdford to apend Chrlatmaa day with hl daugh ter, Mra. Ren Stone. Pageant The children of St. Paul'i Eplacopal church school were to preaent their annual pageant of the nativity In the church at 7:30 o'clock Tueaday night. Following the pageant there wai to be a Chrlatmaa party and Santa Claiu In the purlin hall. In Hoipltil John Penny, brother of Mra, George Burger, li recovering In Klamath Valley hospital from facial Injurlei re ceived ihortly after midnight Sunday when hl car wn in volved In an accident, Hi con dition ia satisfactory. Improving Little Cecils Van denberg, daughter Circuit Judge and Mra. D. R. Vandenberg, la reported improved at Klamath Valley hospital where ah has received treatment for pneu monia. Condition Sam Friends of Mra. M. E, Cooper will be In tereated to learn her condition la satisfactory at Hillside hos pital where she submitted to a major operation on Saturday, On Vacation (red D. Peter son, senior at Oregon Stats col lege, la (pending the Chrlatmaa holidayi here with hla parents. Mr. and Mra. Fred Peterson of SI SO Summers lane. Salem Visitor Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fish plan to spend the holidays In Salem with their par ents. They will leavs Wednea day by train. Fish la employed In the office of the Oregon itate highway department. From South Mra. Richard Hovey of San Francisco la spend ing the Christmas holidays with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Charles Hovey of Pa cific Terrace. Mr. Charles Hovey pent Tueaday In Medford with her alster, Mrs. Maurice Spatz. For Holiday Betty Crawford la her for the holiday visiting her parent, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crawford. She la the guest of 0 her sister, Mr. Lloyd Prock, of North Second street. Miss Craw ford ha mad her home In Port land the past year. To McMlnnvllle Mr. and Mr. Frank Huffman plan to leave Christmas day for Mc Mlnnvllle to visit with Mr. Huffman' parent. Huffman la employed In the office of the Oregon state highway depart ment Expected Here Mr. and Mr. Robert Bathlany of San Fran cisco ar expected her over the holiday to visit Bithiany'i mother and sister, Mrs. Harry W. Bathlany and Mr. Jack Crawford. Students Home Patricia Gal lagher, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Francis Robert Olds of River ide, I home for the holidays from Whitman college, Walla Walla, Wash. Woman in Court On Charge of Illegal Shooting Mr. E. M. Mrha, charged with shooting on enclosed land, was given 90 day impended lentence providing obcyance of the law In Justice court Mon day. Mr. Marsha wa fined SI 2.30 and cost on the me charge. Elmer Edwin Simmon wa fined $5.50 for operating with out a license. For Your . Information Contributors To Red Cross Contribution! previously ac knowledged, 12078.38. John A. Lambert V S.00 Martin Brothen 25.00 C. W, Kempter 8.00 S. A, Mushon, Jr 2.80 Lloyd L. Porter . 8.00 B. S. Grlgsby 8.00 Mr. tc Mrs. Harry J. Tlchnar 2.00 0. H. Roger 1.00 Mr. It Mr. John Ivorsln 1.00 Bill It Amy Zumbrum .... 10.00 Mr. St Mr. Paul Otter- beln 2.00 Mr. It Mn. Arthur Wilson 20.00 Lucas Furniture Co S.00 Mr. Pelrson 2.00 Nel Nelson 1.00 Mr. It Mn. R. J. While . Rosa McCornack Inger Fremann ... American Legion Auxiliary ... Mae R. Balslgcr .... E. M. Bubb Wm. W. Campbell Mr. It Mn. M. O. Cor- mlchoel ... Mr. C, O. Covean Daughter of British Empire Mr. It Mr. D. F. Elttrelm Leola Hcllbronnor W. E. Lans T. L. McEncrney Mr. Loul Misovich Fred Peterson Leonard Rlltcr It Family MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effect! September 21. 141) Train 17 Southboundi a. m. Train 20 Northbound! 10:00 0. m. Train It Southboundi SiS p. m. Train II Northbound! liOO p. m. Shasta View Member of the Shasta View grange were to hold a Chrlstma party Tuesday night at the Shasta school. Those attending ar asked to bring a small gift All members were urged to attend. Installation -Mimim of Aloha chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, war to meet In the Masonic temple at 8 o'clock Tuesday night for the annual In stallation of officer. First Covenant Church Th First Covenant church will hold Ita traditional Julotta or Matin service on Chrlstma morning at 8 a. m., featured by special Chrlatmaa music. Both English and Swedish language will be spoken. Th church la at 823 Walnut street. Reiident of the Klamath basin ar Invited. APPRECIATION Member of the Klamath home guard expressed appreciation to various organizations who do nated doughnuts and coffee dur ing last week' drills, and also presented the men with first aid kits. Donora Included the Soroptl mlst club, Fluhrer's bakery, Beck' bakery, Waggoner Drug company, Castleberry ', and Lee Hendricks drug stores. 2.00 8.00 1.00 10.00 1.S0 8.00 8.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 8' .00 5.00 Sean, Roebuck It Co 25.00 Mr. At Mr. Ralph D. Wado 2.00 A. Pctcrstelner 2.80 M. A. Rapalll 10.00 R. Virginia Currln 8.00 Mr. It Mrs. T. M. Bicler Bonanza 5.00 J. E. Hoiking 5.00 Miss All Baba, Chiloquln 18.00 G. J. Drenclo, Molin 8.00 Louis Kalina, Malin 8.00 Corpenlng-Donovan, Malln S.00 Elmont Kenyon, Malin 2.80 John Spolek, Malin 2.80 H. B. Loosely, Malin ... 2.50 A. E. Street, Malln 2.50 Geo. Brothanek, Malln . 2.50 Jack West, Malln 2.00 Mr. A. Warlow, Malin .... 1.00 Mn. E. J. Howell J.00 Total .S3.2S0.38 The paint shop of the new "blackout" plant of an aircraft plant at Bcthpage, Long Island, is operated with air pressure higher than that outside the plant. When the shop doon are opened, the air pressure forms an invisible "wall," preventing th entry of dust. Eighty-five per cent of all the roada on state highway systems have some kind of hard surface and 62 per cent are "dustlcss or better." ftilittri ) litlatit Mis est kin Hilt 1 eill si 4UUI1I if tcciiMisatlsiil Snow blanketed the entire mountain section east of the Cascades and six Inches of new snow brought the total to 32 Inches according to the state highway department Tueaday morning. Motorists starting out over The Dalles-California high way were urged to use chain before attempting the mountain area, officials stated. A light full during the night coupled with a minimum tem perature of 28 degrees, left a coat of white over the city to greet early Tuesday morning risers. Precipitation reached .08 of an inch, tho US bureau of reclamation weatherman stated. Motorists planning a trip over the Green Springs highway were advised the roadway was covered with snow over a slick base and caution was urged. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Dec. 23 (AP USDA) The Boston wool market was mostly quiet today. Occasional sales of (ine combing Ohio de laine were made at 48-47 cents in the grease. Good 12-month Texas wools had some demand at $1.10-18, scoured basis. Grad ed three-eighths bright combing territory wools sold in moderate quantities at 98-98 cents scoured basis, and graded one-quarter blood territory wools at 'mostly 92-03 cents scoured basis. YOUNG PATRIOT ATLANTA Mr. and Mr. L. J. Allen were amazed when their 11-ycar-old son, James, camo home with a defense stamp album and dollar's worth of stamps. Hov bought, them by saving half of his 10 cents a day allow ance for a school lunch. Arizona Picture Released by Navy WASHINGTON, Dec. 23 (P) The navy released today a pho tograph of the ravaged battle ship Arizona, hit by bombs and aerial torpedoes, showing that the dreadnaught sank to the bot tom of Pearl harbor with flag flying and anti-aircraft guns turned aloft. Although Secretary of the Navy Knox listed the 32,800-ton battle wagon as "destroyed" and therefore presumably beyond salvage, the photograph showed the deck was about one foot above the surface and much of the stern superstructure to out ward appearances undamaged. AIRMEN MAY COME HERE MOTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Dec. 23 fP) A subscription was launched today to equip and send SO Uruguay airmen to serve in the United States' air forces. Read the Classified page CHARGE UNDERWAY Trial of Alfred Marlon Rich ardson, 19, began In circuit court Tuesday with the selec tion of a jury. Indicted by the Klamath county grand Jury, Richardson is facing a charge of statutory rape. William F. B. Chase and U. S. Balentine are acting as Rich- FREE AT Carlisle's Jewelry Store $5 Grocery Order with nch cash purchase amounting to $27.50 or over (tax included.) All fair-trad items excluded. 1008 Main St. ardson's attorney, with Clar ence Humblo, deputy district attorney, for th state. ' Circuit Judge David R. Van denberg dismissed th case against Gene Meacham, charged with forgery. Mcacham's trial was begun Monday morning. Swarms of butterflies have clustered about street lights of Benjaluka, Bosnia, thick enough to leave the streets dark. SPECIALS! OIL PERMANENT WAVES $2.50 & $3.50 Mart Beauty Shop . PMOMI M71 ttl MAIN Upturn Oyw Sails Furmtura Stan - eti .- : FREE folder cte acribei th Homekiwper! McliwiVe) 4-way pntteaom Write or LYNN ROYCROFT 118 North 7th St. 'aiirtisixs ua. 1 34 toff 35&i.ers4fc) Read th Classified page. I o j g 11 r !l a lu ' .0.1 irtY 1 . llKI ""lament 01 R f w .. Advisory """" Boa.; I Fra".clK Jdait Minute QooA Qifti. GltAiitmal I Kris Kringle, Jolly Old St. Nicholas, or if you like, Just jl Santa Claus. Anyway, you must stop and realize it's almost Christmas, and we have baked some of the finest Christmas specialties to be found on the Pacific coast. Si So now is the time to choose yours for mailing or gifts. 1 rtere are a few items you should stock up on early: . Old Insjllih Fruit Cek Mad with choice fruits, nuts, bran dy, and rum. Aged u$t right. One pound 60c Two Pound $1.15 -Three pound $1.70 . Ginger Ireod Santa Clout Elaborately decorated. Wrapped In cellophane. Ready for the tree or packing. Two sizes,, 10c end 15c. Honey Cake Heart . .... 10c Chrlstma Tree Cakes ................ 5 Ginger Bread Stars 40c dozen Pfeffernusse, hand dipped and varied in color 20c doien Anita Drops 20e doxen Sprlngerle 25e dozen Spltzkuchen 25c doien Chocolate Wafers, hand dipped in candy chocolate 20c doien Fancy Macaroons 25c dozen Marzipan Fruit 5e each Panatoni A rich Christmas Fruit Bread . 114 lb. loaf 35a Mince and Pumpkin Pie. ...Each 30c , Many flna Layer Cakes to choose from, ranging upward in prlca from 59c ' Any f the above items would be appreciated by the boys In service. We will gladly wrap ready for mailing. i. .... We also specialize in fancy decorated Christmas Table Centers. Any design, you might desire. BE SURE AND GET YOUR ORDERS IN EARLY Cranberry Sauce 13c Ocean Spray 17-os. Can COME MP 6BTT ALL THE THINGSYOU NEED TO MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER To make sura your Christmas dinner is a success, , com to $ofway for oil your nds . . . from th gay delicacies that make tho day fastiva to rha delicious, appetizing food that satisfy heabhy appetites. j " 1 f Wa have th right bird for yrtvr tabM; young, wen watd and Hndtr. Ovar anlfxd to roast datldous, ulcy, and goldn brown. Pumpkin Highway. No. 2H cans... 3 for25c F1XNTT Or FOOD rox ux Wt fl trnldnt Kmmtfi tddtt$$ ml Ttutdiy, Dtttmhrr 1 -a zavirw THIS MOIUf. tXO IXADS MX TO THE coxemsioK that at ritESENT W SHAH. OT HAVE TO CURT All. THX If OR HAL ASTICLZS OF FOOD. THERE IS ENOUGH FOOD FOR ALLpF US AND IMOUOH LEFT OVER TO SEND TO THOSE WHO ARE FlOHTma OW THE SAME SJOE WITH VS."- MINCE MEAT 'ZL MINCEMEAT KM. . .21c 25c iAFSWir MSST FRIOI FOR DIOBMSIS MtM, tM, EM and Mtk . Hen Turkeys : Lb.3lC All No. I Fancy Birds Safaway affara ru your aalaettaa f Klamath Saam-a tlmat Tw kyi rawtc, "aO-maatad and ttndar. Qwarantaad tw raaat da Hatoua, uM and aaWaa brown. - Tom Turkeys L..27C No. 1 ! fancy Birds Shredded Wheat FOR YOUR. DRESSINGS 4 N. B. CRg. Pica. JL TOr JL I C Hams Morrall's Prld.. Sklmud Lb, Powdrd Sugar or Brown Sugar. 1 lb. picas. . j 1 for 19s Chsrub Milk, tall cans .. 4 for 33e Tomato Julct, Sunny Dawn, 46-01. can 19c Grapefruit Julc,.Town Houis, 46-01. can . J9e. Corn. Gardentid. No. 303 tins ...3 for 23e Pas. Sugar Bell. No. 2 can 2 for 25s Tomatoes, Gardenside, No. 2H cans 3 for 33s String Beans, No. 2 cans 3 for 25s Corn. Del Monte Golden Bantam, No. 2 oans 2 for 25e Corn. Country Home Cream Style, fancy golden bantam. No. 2 cans 2 for 23s Fruit Cocktail, Sundown No. 1 can J for 2S8 Peaches, Del Mont glass. No. 2H 25c Peaches, Castle Crest. No. 2M can .19e 31c Sliced Bacon,- Morrall's : Lb.W C 4 ' ' ' Grad "A," for Oysters ,t. or or good turkey OTfa drsslng . Pt.wC- C0L0RED HENS torn Fad, Dry Flcfcad , Lb. 29c - COLORED FRYERS Com Fad, Dry nakad Lb. 29c Prime Rib Roast 29c Cut Short Pound Pork Roasts . Lb.sW W Loin Pork Sausage 39c Country Style 2 Pounds STEAKS 3 tantftr and lufey thay will make your mouth watari Sirloin Lb. ::. T-Bone Lb. Round Lb. 33c 39c 37c riBTFI Oranwdary, ,1, w pltlad, Lin 1 XiO nIU.r uekaia catsup sr-to- SALAD DRESSING TH, MIXED NDTS Mo. taf PEANUTS,.lb. a.. WALNUTi rt? ,r"w""- BRAZIL NUTS OLIVESHrTin1!: 17c 11c 36c .43c 25c 25c .23c 15c POPCORN tSLLT. iidwiv rnrrrp w- lunnni vwiitm EDWARDS COFFEE mrrrr Maimll Hauaa, I-IBk VWi aaaa HIHa Sroa rrnpT tj iirrwrc SlUbiiia " AllAiU ma Ouart . Ohamr. Anaaliea, Muaeatal, Fort, Tokav FIDSLI WIN, dry rariaty, wWla or rod, H-oi. hot." CORNFlJimlS , 19c CORN FLAKES ST.. 11c 1 Qr. Wb- SSr 27c 53c Sir"- Rdr 55c 1m .3 17c Snowdrift, Mb. aan SHORTENING 65c 66c 59c 57c Crtaoo, Mb. aan HbTokS- Royal Satin, Mb. aan Helm 14.-01. bottle Ketchup Canada Dry Beverages , Glnaer Ale. Sparkling Water. I2-os. Bottl 3 Royal Baking Powder Th Special Baking Powder for Cakes, 12-os. Tin. . Snowf lake Soda Crackers 2-Lb. Carton .......... ....... Brown Derby Beer 11 -01. Stubble 17c ,.,25c nua'Satth) Dapoalt 33c 29c rfr25c Fiua Sattla Dapoalt SAFEWAY GUARANTEED PRODUCE Fraduaa Man tor Daa. tlrd. and Hth Bananas ri".'"''. 2 n. 13c A.a.'aAdta.iaaii Fancy Coschella WS WfiCII HIl in h,ndy (hopping bag Celery Utah green typ . sd 10 Lb.T . Lb. 5c ORANGES Small altaa nm Naval In. handy tboptin basa.' 10 w 43e Half aaaa 11.11 IS Iba. nat mlM Oaaa ll.ll 71 Iba. not tllit POTATOES 0. 8. Wo. 1 Klam ath Netted Genii- lOaoundaZSC U. S. No. t Klanf th Nattad Oama. ' ' ftbOBOUUlohl un1f1 ffV ., Ohtrry Kin, Otm artoB f"" CHERRIES 1VWRSHMALL0W CHOCOLATES fiZ'Sn 69c I Pound aan - , It, II CHOCOLATES 65 c BUY v U. S. Defense Stamps On Sale at Safeway l50T9c I ""Tt I mmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmi