PAGE TWO YULE LIGHTING HOME DISPLAYS . MANY IN CITY ' Christmas lights gleamed from windows and porches of more than 139 homes in the city according to the Junior , chamber of commerce lighting committee which was to com , plete the work of Judging at " 10 o'clock Tueday night. The contest was considered t highly successful regardless of ' war conditions and threatened '.' blackouts. Aided by the var ; lous Parent-Teacher associations in the city, entries were avail able ' early in the contest. Awards will be made before Christmas day. vThe Junior chamber heads announced Tuesday that Klam ath Falls had more entries than Portland where 102 individual entrants were registered last year. Those taking part in the contest were asked to keep their lights on between 6 p. m. and 10 p. m. In case of black out, judging was to be done at a later date. ; Seveu PTA districts were fudged by the PTA association members, final judging to be , done by the Junior, chamber of commerce,' according to Estle Affleck, chairman. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED TO BUY Set of car penter tools and tool chest. Box 379, Herald-News. 12-24 BEAUTIFUL lady's one carat 'diamond, platinum mounting. Will trade for late used car and assume. Evenings. 5531 So. 6th St ; ' 169tf When In Modioxd V Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modarn Jo and Aon Earley Proprietors ! Mil MS i I CHRISTMAS TIME Poinsettias of brightest red and a big choice of pretty potted plants. Cut Flowers in a wide variety from Roses to Violets WE GROW MOST OF OUR OWN FLOWERS SHOP WILL IN KLAMTHFLOWGR 1211 Main FLOWERS BY TELEGRAPH We or bonded members ' . Telegraph Delivery Association Editorials on News (Continued from Page One) have sadly dimmed, declines too much. CPECIAL note to the Japs in today's dispatches: Voroshilov, top-ranking Rusk commander, has been assigned to SIBERIA. Siberia stands at Japan's back door. Don't think the little yellow men aren't watching that situation. ET Mrs. Laura Goudie Bunnell, 71, affectionately known to her neighbors as "Grandma" Bun nell, died at Klamath Valley hos pital shortly after 1 o'clock Tues day afternoon following a lengthy Illness. Mrs. Bunnell had made her home in the Spring Lake district of Klamath county for the past 39 years. Her husband, Albert C. Bunnell, died in 1937. He was a well known rancher of that district. Born in Shetland Isles, Scot land, August 29, 1871, Mrs. Bun nell came to this country as a young woman. She was married in the Lone Pine district Thanks giving day, November 29, 1906. Survivors include one son, James A. Bunnell, and ono daughter. Mrs. Lois Schiesel, both of this city, two sisters, Mrs. M. W. Malcomson of Whittier, Calif., and Celia Goudie of Shetland Isles, Scotland; two brothers, James A. Goudie of Huntington Park, Calif., and William Goudie of Shetland Isles. Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Earl Whitlock Funeral home. Malin Visitors Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dalton and children, Bet ty Lou and Billy, were shopping in Klamath Falls Tuesday from their ranch home near Malin. Betty Lou is home for the holi days from Dominican college near San Francisco. BE OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY EE'S hi BRITISH E TO U. 5, (Continued from Pago One) erations; Admiral Ernest J. King, new commander of t h e United States fleet, and Harry L. Hopkins, special assistant on lend-lease affairs. War Aides With Britain's prime minister, who arrived here last night, were to be Lord Beaverbrook, supply minister: Admiral of the Fleet Sir Dudley Pound; Air Marshal Sir Charles Portal, and General Sir John Dill, who re tires as chief of the imperial general staff Christmas day. This was to be tho first con ference between the president and the entire British mission. Even before the capital re covered from its surprise at Churchill's dramatic arrival, the conversations were under way j and the White House had be i come, for the present, the GHQ j for the worldwide battle against ! totalitarian arms. I Long Conference I From early last evening until I I o'clock this morning, the president and the British prime minister conferred in the oval study in the White House once used by another war president Abraham Lincoln for his of fice. Mr. Roosevelt and Churchill have arranged to attend inter denominational church services here on Christmas day, but other details of their program were withheld. No Ceremony The White House said a staff of approximately 80 persons ac companied the British prime minister from England and the names of these were to be re leased later by Sir Gerald Camp bell, director general of the British information service in the United States. W. Averill Harriman, United States lend-lease coordinator in London, came along with the many other SHOP Phone 4159 1 of the Florist's PAYS SURPHIS THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Churchill party and will partici pate in the conferences hare. Presidential Secretary Ste phen Early said Churchill's ar rival Into yesterday by plane was without ceremonies or hon ors, that Mr. Roosevelt was at the airport when the Prime Min ister's plane landed on a flood lighted field, and 20 minutes Inter the two were in the White House, (Continued from Page One) disputes shall be settled by peaceful means." He said further that he would proceed at once to net on the third point of the agreement, calling for establish ment of a war lnbor board The conference hat been deadlocked over a demand oi tnu management group that any board which might be set up should not take jurisdiction over any dispute involving a closed shop. Davis told reporters that tle industry representatives had stuck to this position throughout the discussions but had said that they would be willing to abide by any decision of the president. (Continued fron Page One) Chung, respectively 40 to 27 miles away. British Malayan troops were reported to have inflicted heavy casualties on the Japanese In a sharp jungle fight about 330 miles above Singapore, while nine of the invaders' planes were smashed by the RAF yesterday. Further air victories were an nounced. RANGOON, Burma, Dee. 23 (JP) Nine Japanese bomoeis t.iU one fighter were destroyed and several others seriously damaged in an air battle this morning over Rangoon, communique said. Poinsettias Pepper Plants Primroses Cyclamen Begonias African Violets Ferns Foliages Ivys Cactuses Cut Flowers Roses Orchids Gardenias Violets Chrysanthemums Carnations Snapdragons Narcissus Heather Lilies Euphorbias Pompon Chrysanthemums Holly Holly Wreaths Cedar Wreaths 0 CASUALTIES LISTED; SHOTS (Continued from Page One) windows and doors of houses, felt around 4 a. m. Yesterday SO survivors of the torpedoed tanker Emldlo were landed at Eureka. The raiding submarine may have been dam aged. Captain Clark A. Farrow of the Emidlo said He related that two Amcrlcnn planes roared swiftly to tho at tack after the submarine shot at tho tanker and then sent a tor pedo into Its stern. Each plane dropped depth charges, Captain Farrow said. "There was a big blast and plenty of smoke when the second was dropped," ho said in an in terview. "That may have hit her, we figure, for we didn't see her again." "To us In the lifeboats that was a mighty welcome sight," he declared. "The sub submerg ed. One of the two planes, circ ling where the sub had gone down, dropped a duplh churgc. "But later, as the planes were still circling, the periscope of the sub came slowly up to the surface 200 yards away and while still partially submerged fired a torpedo. We saw tho j torpedo's trail as It headed for the tanker. There was a loud explosion as It struck." FOR WAR PAULEY (Continued from Page One) through force or treachery; 3. Acting Jointly in any axis attempt to choke oft the Med iterranean by drivel through Turkey and Spain; 4. Maintaining a strong anti axis front in Africa to draw TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY SPEAKING of Super Values I We Invite your attention to this lineup of current models '. that you cannot match In value or price In Portland or San Francisco markets Here are a few for your Inspection '41 Bulck Sedanette, radio and heater; '41 Buick Sedanette Business Coupe; '40 La Salle Fleetwood Sedan; '40 Chev rolet Special DeLuxe Sedan; '40 Buick Super S Psss Coupe; '39 Buick Sport Coupe (S-pass): '39 Chrysler Imperial Sedan; '40 Buick Super Sedan. Most all with radio and heaters. Don't wait act now at H. E. HAUGEFt, Buick Dealer, 18 Years, 1330 Main Street, or phone 3151. 12-23 OIL TO BURN For Union j heating oils, phone 8404. Klam- j ath Oil Co., 619 Klamath. , 12-3 lmtf FOR SALE Entire shop includ ing business, 400 books, stock, AB Dick Mimeograph, new typewriter, Mlmeoscope, sta tionery, cards, fixtures, etc., $600. CLAR INK'S LETTER SHOP 9th at Main 12-24 F RED AT CREW ! Omis Osm tl iiU . M. limn it H ind till i TODAY TOMORROW ONLY! -!; ' j IftdMbHrisw !' f 1 of a lilttiasl.. 'I - MIMTIMti ' I fc-SV ffllltlf.rM 7 i,1 U-NSHH '' , .. AND!J I VtjM Theatre rkln iMfall r.-iJW , ; RICHARD AUNV1 j sUWtoto Asm tailg ; , "u k f-- sV4rfy (si'. pressure from the Husslan front; 8. Consolidating Ilrltlsh Lib yan gains as a threat to the Itnliun mainland; and, (1. Helping Russia pro pure against u renewed German drive toward Moscow unci thu Cau casus oil fields next spring in cuse Hitlers forces recover quickly from (lie present east em debacle. I'ossime rstuullshmpiit of a supremo command for the fight InH forces of all anil axis conn tries and a joint ministry o( supply for all the armies were among details which the two heads of government were CX' peeled to consider. y E (Continued from Pane One) Spain, Gibraltar, French Africa and the Uritish l.sles appeared the likeliest targets of attack. On the north African front, Cairo headquarters said British mobile troops, hud reached the coustul plan of the Cult of Sirte, south of llenguzi, in what ap peared to be a maneuver to cut off the main axis armies fleeing southward rani Ucruu and westward from Meklll toward Bengasi. British reinforcements were reported steadily Increasing the pressure on Bengasi itself. Recovering F.dgar Williams of Addison street Is recovering from major surgery at the Good bamantan hospital In Portland Father Unchanged Mrs. Glen Hout. who has been In Uchllng, Nebraska, at the bedside of her father. Edward I'ehling. for the past two weeks, has written that his condition remains unchanged. Read the Classified pace GERMAN Al Ives toward sis The ideal Xntax V Gift I THEATRE SCRIP Make Someone Happy With a Book of Scrip for the ESOUIR and TOWER Theatres Buy your Theatre Tickets in the form of scrip and save money! SCRIPT IS SOMETHING THI WHOLE FAMILY CAN ENJOY . . . PUT IT DOWN AS A 'MUST' PURCHASE ON YOUR XMAS GIFT LIST GIVE THEATRE SCRIP! THE IDEAL HAPPY xT.. The Picture That Thousands Will See as Part of Their Happy Holiday Celebration CONTINUOUS SHOWS START AT 12 NOON The) King and IDay Bob Hope VeraZorina ViCtr M0re d THOSE aS,oSrt5il.,,ANA LOVEfe0 Wfl'bUm LOUISIANA PURCHASE T E (Continued from Paso One vaslon of Mindanao Island, a Netherlands Eust Indies commun ique announced. One Japanese tanker of about 10,000 tons was hit squarely with a 400-pound bomb and hurst In' stantly Into flamo, the commun ique said, and other enemy (runs ports als owero attacked. MANILA. Dec. 23 (l" U. S army headquarters announced today that sharp fighting wus continuing In northern Luzon but said there had been no change In positions since yester day, when the Japanese landed strong forces at Santo Tenuis, approximately 125 miles from Manila. Observers here Interpreted tlir WHAT ft NIPPON ROOPS LANDING ON IKE ISLAND M.,m - Mtt - SillMni j tsWSBIsajyWfrWffiTsW'rW wiiim - Nuinum IjTrMiVI yr 1 v,nv0Nl tm ui ...M .4i i i ft ll 1 1 1 'J ;H Wednesday I I " " X-.l J I 11 TO j Complst Shows iiOO 7i00(:00 ' , Here's to her I j ffi) 7 glorious beauty I I llnfTikW in itu go to k yi ill yourheartl I', the Screen's Funniest Hit ... A Xmas ' he t!L for the Whole Family! Queen of the Mardi Grai December 28, announcement as Indicating th(Q . American and Filipino IroapjrV reported earlier la bo holding a line north of Piimnrll, four miles below Santo Tomas. had checked Japanese efforts to ad vanco southward. Headquarter said report up to II p. in. (4 a. m I'ST) were not sufficient to warrant spec ml communique. In tho ab sence of further official word, It was believed here that heavy fighting would continue through the night on the flat plain bor dering Hi" gnlf of Mngaycn. Tickets NOW ON SALE Snf Our Now Year's Eva 'ROUND ROBIN' Midnight Frolicl CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOW! IT'S NIW , , , j UHUIUALI I . . . DirrSHINTI I e a m I I K 1 V 7 ! I Glorii iioitp' j ! I -l.AMrrmTis I D 1 BINNIE BARNES ! ALBERT BASSERMAH Twin I j BiUq Gilbrt TJ in, mi tm mm Hum gmm Comedy Sports Parade J News