Daremriar 28, 1041 TUB KVKNINO HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Classified Advertising Rotos: On day ..... per word 8c 3 day run por word Bo 3 day run por word 8o 4 dny run per word lOo ft day run ..per word lie Week run per word 12o Month run per word 82o Glablijfied A&uesdliiHXf eclian 20 DISCOUNT for Payment In Advance. Thli dis count given to do away with book work and billing . . . on actual paid In advai.ee ads only 3 DISCOUNT (or Payment by the 10th. Thli dis count given to Insure prompt payment of adf charged on monthly bails. 4 CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartment For Kent 24 Automotive a" Buslnta Opportunltlci 4H Educational ....12 rinanclal .... .48 Tor Sale or Trad 3D Qeneral Notice 4 Health 13 Help Wanted, romal 14 Help Wanted. Mala 10 Houui For Rent . 2(1 Livestock and Poultry 44 Loit and round 2 Mlicellaneoua For Rent 2H Miacellaneoua For Sale 30 Miscellaneous Wanted - 42 Real Eitate For Sal ............ 30 Real Estate Wanted 32 Room and Board 20 1 Loit and Found LOST Child's gUe, gold rlma. 218 Mortimer. Phone 84B8. 12" FOUND Affectlonute, ruthcr larga black and white young dog. Soft illky fur. Phono 4200, or Inquire 413 High St. 1223 4 General Notice rONTINUOUS enrollment for complete coure. Now tuition rate. There' no substitute for quality. Northwestern Beautv Collcuc. 1-2 SILVER GLEAM The tlvor Dollih that make your silver ware aleam like new Ho- move tarnlih without scratch ine U on chrome, wind hleldi. mirrors, window, etc. 28c at drug store. 12-26 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Will not be responsible for any bill except tracted by Marlon roy In person. I WILL NOT be resjonslble for any bill contracted by any one other than myself after December 22, 1041. Signed Albert Polndexter. 12-28 Personals FREE MARCELS every Monday. Tueiday and Wednesday. Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 10 Service HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckle covered, Alterotlon on new and old clothing. Mr. H. M. Allender. 731 Main, Room 218. Phone 7263. 110mU PICTURE FRAMING Gocller's, 230 Main. 2-14mlf PAPERHANGING. PAINTING, kalsomlnlng. Dial 6848. Mel vln E. Frost. 113mtf ELECTRO! VK CLEANERS Sale Service. P. O. Box 814. Phone 8918 Your dealer. Tarkel Tweet 1-12 SAWS REPAIRED The right wuy. Bodenhamer', 353 E. Main. MO BATTERIES CHARGED in 30 minute. Roymer Associated Service, Fourth and Moln. l-3mtf CARPETS, rug and furniture cleaned. Doremu Rug Clean er Phone 8875. 2012 Or chard. 1-3 RF.MODELINO and REPAIRS Wm. B. Powell, Builder. Phone 3730. M WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner part for all make. Merit Washing Machine Servlco, 811 South Sixth. 12-31mtf REROOF Right over your old roof. Quickly, aafcly and eco nomically. For an estimate phone 3730. Wm. B. Powell. 1-1 FLOOR SANDING and reflnish Ing Clifford Golden. Phone 3922. 12-30mtf SPECIAL $2.08 oil permanent wave $1.80. Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict, 6848. 1-6 I WILL obtain your dolnyed birth certlficato for you. Chos. Hathaway, 120 N. 10th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 12-30 RAY HALL Your Electrolux dealer sales and service. 813 Roseway Drive. Phona 7167. 1-8 PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, 510 Main. 12-24mtf PAINTING, popcrhanglng, kal somlnlng, 75c hour or contract. Phone 6066. 1-6 FLOOR SANDING, FINISHING We generate our own pow er. C. DuFour. Tliono 3990. 12-31mtf FLOOR SANDING Old floors refinlshcd. Norman Frnley Phone 4001.. 12-24mtf PAINTING, Kalsomlnlng H. L Brown. Phono 4226 MOmtf 11 Educational MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL LEGE. 615 Klamath Ave Phona 8883. lOOmtl 12 Educational jTj-iyliaVarafMV"iafa a,a jam WI1KN YOU THINK OF 8UC CKS3 think of Northwelorn lk-uuly College, one of Amer ica' exceptional training schools. 1-2 QUICK MinilOD In bullrooin riunt-lng. Modern, old ityle. Squnru dancing. Form your own group. 1401 Esplnnade. 14 19 Health DOCTOR M. C CASSEL, chiro practic clinic Same location, 832 Mnln. ninl 7218 l-7mtf 14 Help Wanted. Female WANTED Unencumbered houwkei'por nnd cook between 28 and 40. News-llorald Box 4027. 4027U WANTED High chool girl to work for room, board and alary. Modern homo, cloo in Wrlto box 1, New-Hcrald. ltf WANTED Housekeeper to atay night. Mimt have reference. Phono 3715. 12-24 WANTED Housekeeper. Phone 0417. 12-23 18 Help Wanted. Male WANTED Hoy to earn spend ing money. Beforo and after chool. Call 4S24. 12-23 FOR JOBS In airplane factorle. Apply Mr Llital, Room 201. Wlllitit HldK 1-1 IB Situations Wanted Available mmediately poniihlo for j Experienced poyroll, cost, those con-; SQ odvertising, rough loy Dvid P..mout No chron(. )ob.hunfer. Box 162, Horold -News 12-23 SHIPMAN'S BOARDING HOME for children. 3802 Blsbee, South Altamont. Phono 7305 1-4 BABYLAND Core of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Phone 8341. l-12mtf 20 Room and Board BOARD, ROOM Also sleeping Washington. $35 month. rooms. 1018 1224 BOARD AND ROOM 407 No Bth. Phono 9010. 4888tf BOARD AND ROOM. Private shower. Steam heat. 723 Klam th. 1-7 ROOM. BOARD Close In. Ex cellent table. Phone 4765. 1028 Jefferson. 1-18 BOARD, ROOM Lady or gen tlrmon. 1321 Johnson. Phone 5548. 1-10 22 Rooms For Rent MARS HOTEL 1411 Main Steam heated. Weekly rate $3 up. 80c to $1 per night. 1-15 ROOMS 1034 High. l-3mtf NICE ROOMS Phone 8244. for gentlemen. 1-4 COMFORTABLE furnace heated room adjoining bath. 1026 Jef ferson or phone 6834. 1-14 CLAREMONT, 228 No. 4th. All outsldo newly decorated, mo dern room. All with new in nersprlng mattresses. Free parking. l-13mtf FOR RENT 3rd. -Nice room. 134 N. 4800tf TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS 710 Main. 12-24 ROOM, ton. Close in. 420 Washing 12-23 24 Apartment For Rent FURNISHED 2-room apartment. 433 N. 10th. 12-24 VACANCY Two room, bath Electric range. Adults, No dogs. 823 Commercial. 165U FURNISHED 3-room modern du plcx apartment. Call Van Dukers, phone 0857, H mile north on Bend highway. 12-28 2 AND 3-ROOM modern furnish ed apartments. Also furnished cabins. Special rates for win- tor. Altamont Auto Camp. 12-27 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 920 Lincoln. 4387U APARTMENT $3.00 to $5.00 Evcrylhing furnished. No Malnr. 12-23 COMFORTABLE two-room apt., ground floor. 248 Broad, 4546U LAKE HOTEL Two-room apart ment, $30 month. 12-23 FURNISHED APT., kct. 801 Mar 12-30 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Complctoly furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day, week or month. l-0mtf FURNISHED APT. 303 So. 8th Phono 0047. 12-23 TWO-ROOM furnished tnent 1805 Main, apart- 3B04U 24 Apartment For Rent FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nished apartment. 2300 Ulehn. Phone 720(1 or 4527. 4138tf VACANCY Esplanade Courts. Furnished. 1231intf PARTLY FURNISHED 3-room aportmont. 1110 Mon c.liiir. 12-24 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, light, wotcr, gas 41 n No. 10th 12-24mtf NICELY furnished 4-room mod ern Apt. 2 bedroom. Inquire 2119 Applcgote. 474BU RIVERVIEW APTS. 4 room nicely furnished, two bed room, very desirable. Phone 6817. 4740tf FOR RENT Four-room furnish ed apartment. Hot and cold water furnished. Adult only. No dogs. 1745 Menlowoy. 4815tf 28 House For Rent SMALL modern furnished cot- tuge. Everything furnished 2125 Blehn. 12-24 THREE-ROOM furnished house, garage. Inquire 1443 Oregon. 12-24 THREE-ROOM furnished house. 807 Collfornla. Coll between 6 and 8 p. m. 12-23 MODERN CABIN 2247 llome-12-30 dole. BACHELORS' CABINS 425 1-3 Willow TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save t Stiles Buacon Service. 1201 Eost Main. Phono 8304 1 7mll FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Large living room, full basement, hot water well 1643 Esplan ade. Phone 6023 471 ltf FOUR room duplex, oil circula tor, electric rango and wotcr heater, basement, garage and laundry. Phone 3050. 4875tf FOUR-ROOM furnished house. Adults. 3703 Altamont Drive Phone 6731. 12-26 TWO-ROOM cottage. Wood. lights, gas furnished. $30 month. Link River Auto Camp. 1-18 3-ROOM unfurnished house. Two stoves. Inquire 412 Upham-12-23 FOR RENT Furnished cottages, $3.00 week. Pelican Auto Court, highway 97 north. Phone 7202. 12-27 FIVE ROOM houso in Altamont, $27.50. Stoves furnished. Phone 5475. 4-23 UNFURNISHED duplex. Range, refrigerator, oil furnace. Call after 5:30 p. m. 505 No. 0th. 4551tf FOR RENT 3-room house with bath. Inquire 1510 Wilford. Phone 6587. 12-23 MODERN furnished house. One bedroom. Inquire 305 Lin coln. 354tf TWO-ROOM partly furnished house. Steady renter. Near State Line Tavern, Tulelake. 12-30 28 Miscellaneous For tlent DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what -have youT Call at all hours. Phone 8118. l-0mtf 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Two houses for price of one. A real bargain. Inquire 1227 Main St. 133tf ATTRACTIVE 4 bedroom home on paving in Homcdale dis trict with 3 acres garden soil. Full price $6730 on easy terms. Bamhlsel Agency, 112 So. 8th. Phone 4193. 12-27 I WILL help you plan, finance and build your new home Lloyd W. Rusk, 1608 Austin, off Shasta way. 12-25 34 Automotive KARL KU-JAC'S BODY SER VICE now located at 2006 Ore gon Ave. Better body, fonder work 'and painting for less Give us a trial. Past five years at Cascade Garage. 1-3 1937 FORD DELUXE Radio, heator, sport light, 1042 li cense, good rubber, clean, me chanically good. Cheap for quick sale. Phona 5371. 12-24 AUTO GLASS Replace that broken glass In your car at Rewey's Glass Shop. corner Elm and Broad Phone 8718. 1 8mtf '31 OLDSMOBILE COUPE, good condition, $25. 1404 Klamath Room 9. 12-23 FOR SALE '33 Willys, $80. Good shape. Quarter mile east of Spring Lake sump. Jerry Brandojsky, Rt. 1, Box 670 12-23 "TRY THE NEW DEAL at BUICK. See Mr. Yoes, factory trained service manager. 1 4934tf 38 Miscellaneous For 81 NO CHRISTMAS COMPLETE without roost goose. Cheaper S thon turkey. I Farm, Washburn and Garden Sts. Phono 4!80. 12-24 FOR SALE Ono crochet table cloth, (HI by 80 Inches, made of size 40 crochet thread. 1021 Washington. 12-24 RECONDITIONED wood range California Oregon Power Co. 4885tf COCKER PUPS Eligible for registration. Phone 63, Chllo quln, or coll A. F. Blockllnger. 12-28 FOR SALE New 1941 Zenith radio, phonograph floor model Also equity in Gibson auto matic electric range and Gib son refrigerator. 117 Woll St. 4603U DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. ft., $2.50 at mill. Phone 8383. Conifer Lumber Co., on Weed highway. l-17mtf RED FRYERS 20c lb. live weight. Crystals, Mcrrill- Lokcvicw Junction, 12-23 FOR SALE Christmas trees, wreaths, holly, mistletoe, hand made toys, all kinds of greens, pine cones. Let us help you with your Christmfls contest decorations. 1023 Main next to The Meat Center. 281 RED OR GREY CINDERS for drlvc-woys. Phone 4748 eve Minus or Sunday Howard Graham. 3204tf CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban sections Block numbers indicated. In dex keyed to map. Price. 20c. For sale at Carmichael's news stand chamber of commerce Ernie "P Huso's Drive-In. Ever body's Drug, Lee Hendrick's Drug. Louie Polin's. Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food store. Show Stationery, The News Herald, Vic'c Signal Service 3205 FOR SALE Christmas puppies. Two to five months. $15, $23, or trade for usd high-grade shotguns, rifles, revolvers, of equal resale value. Beldlu Springer Breeding Kennels, Wcstsldc, Tulelake, Calif. 4873 FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness Is sound. Conner Service . Co., .2007 South Sixth.- Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. 1-Omtf FOR SALE New Underwood typewriter, u e d only six times. Will sell for $20 less than cost. Phone 8230. 325 N. 10th. 5tf USED WATCHES, reconditioned and guaranteed. Men's 12 and 16 size Elgins and Walthams $11.00 up.- Rickys Credit Jew elers. 1-11 COLORED FRYERS and roast ers, corn fed. We deliver. Phone 5934. 1-11 GOOD fir body wood. Phone 1-7 7832. HAMILTON AND ELGIN 21 jewel railroad watches. Full stock 002 Hamlltons for the railroad man's Christmas. Use your credit. Rickys Jewelers 12-26 METAL EDGE hickory skis with binders and poles. Excellent condition. $18. 632 N. 10th 4730 FIR SLAB WOOD Highley'l Market, Summers lane. Phone 8075. 4486tf STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 12-31mU Hold Everything! t CPU. 1WI Y NtA SHVICt! INC. T, M. MO. V. 1 Pat! Off. n "Those? Why, I'm Just saving acrap metal for national j defense!" 34 Automotive WANTED Good Late Mode USED CARS for SPOTCASH First Class Prices No Delay for Your Money Douglas Motor Co. USED CAR LOT 1131 38 Miscellaneous For Sal GLASS DUPLATE safety glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resi! vering. Kimball's Glass Shop. 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 1 6mtf USED electric range, good condi tion. Write Mrs. Ada E. Dick son, Gen. Del., Klamath Falls Ore. 4932 SEASONED FIR BODY WOOD Phone 3787. 1-10 FOR SALE Lionel electric train. Like new $25. 2060 Lavey, off Hillside. 12-23 DRY PINE FACTORY MILL BLOCKS 128 cubic foot load, $4.25 delivered. Metier Bros. Dial 5852. l-19mtf FULLER BRUSHES NOW ON SPECIAL! Phone R V. Mor gan, 3348 Clem Joyer, 7806. 12-23 FAT COLORED hens for Christ mas. W. H. Morgan, 5620 Ice land. 12-24 38 For 8ale or Trad FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity in house and V4 acre. Trailer house considered. Phone 4580 or Box 257, Klamath Falls - 12-28 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 5713, our ex pense. - l-llmtf WANTED TO BUY Small back bar and showcase. Phone 5231. .12-26 WANTED Four-room unfur nished house in Mills addition. Inquire Rex Cafe, 209 East Main. ' 12-26 WANTED TO RENT Farm. Shares or cash. 4515 Sum mers lane. 12-30 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Feeder pigs and sows Haley Bros., Bonanza. Ore.. Box 143. 11-28 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 5361 Midland road 12-31tntf 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Lunch room doing $50 to $60 day business (cash daily). Low overhead, steady business, best class trade. Equipment first-class condi tion. (This place makes money). Owner must quit work. Call at 135 N. 4th St 12-24 Automotive For First Class Cars See Jack Morrli, mgr., at Main Next to Elk Hotel 12-31 46 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT EXDOR8ER WATS TO OCT A COKSCMEKS CASH LOAS PHONE . WRIT . COM IX Yoa ntM bo eo-drncra or cndonarl is gat eoaaumara loan vneuier job ara aaamad or aiogja. THREE LOAN PLANS XO. 1 INCOME LOAJIS On your ooU oaif. Ho vaf -uii(B CDCflUa AO eo-ugMTU HO. FURNITTRK MAR8 Your character u met- aunportu( ihu tha runuturt iucit. NO. I AHTO LOAN too to $im cub lout tttj Mil- CONSUMERS CREDIT M-tSS 720 Pine St -tXT) Phone 7711 IS-llmU LOANS OX roc. ACTOMOBILI Cash At Once! Tost Car Xitt Hot Ba rollj Paid For . . . See Us Today Commercial Finance CORPORATIOH 1)6 South 6th Be Klamath Falls ' Fbona sa M-OS IS-llmU See Dinty Moore For " AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor Investment COMPANY Lie. M-Tt Fbooa SSK 44 Livestock end Poultry GUERNSEY COW fresh this month. Rt. 2, Box 408, So. -6th. - 12-23 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the County Court of Klamath County, Oregon, until 10:00 o'clock A. M. on January 7, 1942, and then publicly opened and read at the County Court room at Klamath Falls, Oregon, as follows: Bid for Gasoline for the en suing year. Bid for Diesel Oil for the en suing year. Bid for Hog Fuel for the en suing year. Bid lor Number S Crude Oil for ensuing year. Bid for Laundry requirements for ensuing year. Bid for Service on Typewrit ers for ensuing year. Bid for Adding Machine Serv ice foi- ensuing year. Bid for Boarding Prisoners at the County Jail, the success ful bidder to furnish all provi sions and equipment, prepare all meals in the County Jail and serve same within the Jail mess room; and furnish a good and sufficient bond for faithful per formance of his duties. Bids must be securely sealed and marked and filed with the County Clerk of Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, before the hour of opening. The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Said bid to be in force from Febru ary 1, 1942, to February 1, 1043. Dated this 10th day of De cember, 1041, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. MAE K. SHORT, County Clerk. D 16-23 No. 102. GEN. GRANT'S BRANDT KANSAS CITY A sailor in uniform momentarily left his glass of beer in a downtown grill. When he returned there were eight drinks cocktails and highballs and the beer. The bartender explained that the customers wanted to buy tha sailor a drink. 34 Dispaiches Show Critical Situation in Philippines altara Nam On im baila of lata atena from Manila, tha filiation of lh Ptiillpplnaa varsta on tha arltlaal, with I ha Japanaaa apparanlly anlerlns both air and naval auparlortty. Tha poaltlon la aoalyiad In tha following oStpatoh by a Unllad Prooo aarraapondant long atatlonad thara and In. IHnataly laminar aillh Phlllpplna allalra. By DON DILLON United Pres Philippine Expert Allied defenses In the Far East appear to be facing their gravest peril since outbreak of the war. The Philippines assault by an estimated 80,000 Japanese troops makes the American position nearly as grave as that of the British, who are in Imminent danger of losing Hong Kong and who are withdrawing from an other of the approaches to Singa pore. Strategists familiar with the Philippines defense situation have nothing but highest praise for the foresight and courage of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, who commands United States armed forces in the Far East. But for four years military experts have disagreed with his assertions that subjugation of the Philippines would involve suicidally stagger ing losses for any enemy. Air Superiority The hard-to-take but apparent facts emerge from the latest American dispatches from the Orient. 1. The Japanese apparently have gained superiority in the air. It is noteworthy that Far Eastern dispatches Monday mentioned little activity by Am erican planes. This does not mean the entire Far Eastern air force has been put out of action. It does indicate Japanese land ings in the Philippines can be LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that thr undersigned Executrix of the estate of Edward Blsbee, deceas ed, has filed her final account as such Executrix with the County Clerk of Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, and the time for hearing objections and settle ment of said account has been set for December 29th, 1941, in the Circuit Court room In Klam ath Falls, Oregon, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said date PEARL BISBEE, Executrix of the Estate of Edward Bisbee, Deceased. N 25; D 2-9-16-23. No. 182 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Executor of the estate of Albert L. Durant, deceased, by the Cir cuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Klamath County Pro bate Department. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as by law required to the undersigned at the office of A. W. Schaupp, 6131 Main street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the date of first publication hereof. VERNON LEROY DURANT, Executor of the Estate of Albert L. Durant, Deceased D 16-23-30; J 6-13. No. 103 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HATTEE M KING, deceased. Notice is hereby given that have filed my final account of the administration of the estate of Hattle M. King, deceased; and that the court has appointed January 21, 1042, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. as the time for hearing objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. WILLIAM GANONG, Administrator of said estate. D 23-30; J 6-13. No. 195 STRICTLY BUSINESS Uliln W-a' It-JtS ' "Modern deslgnl BooOOPl BooooOOOOPI effected against little more than land resistance, which may baj Ineffective In contrast to air re sistance. A cluster of 80 enemy transports would hardly have dared venture up to the Luzon coast, a thousand mile front Japan, If they were expoied to, mass American air assault. 2. American defenders on Lu zon have scored a number of vle lories against the invaders, but all of them have been minor. Official communiques Indicate the Japanese have not been forced to retire from any of their four major landing points. The defenders undoubtedly have har assed the invaders seriously, but have not been able to reverse tha trend of consistent successful landings and reinforcements. The Luzon situation, however. contains some bright aspect. The invaders still face difficult terrain in Luzon and Mindanao, and a native opposition that will be all the more determined be cause of reports the invaders have assaulted Filipino women whether or not these reports are confirmed. The invaders must drive) through a narrow, heavily tinv bered valley if they smash to ward the Lingayen gulf area, This may be the scene of tha greatest struggle In the battle for the Philippines. However, Gen. MacArthur may not concentrate too much manpower in this area, because there remains the possibility an equally great force will land on the eastern coast of southern Lu zon, whence drive toward Manila would be easier than from Lingayen. ' . The Japanese may eventually "take over" the islands, but they will find most Filipinos surly subjects with an undying will to restore the democracy taught them by Americans In the past 40 years. There Is every reason to believe a "conquered" Fill pino people would give tha Jap anese as much trouble as Paris has given the Germans, and al most as much as the Yugoslav1 Cbetnika have given tha nazia. Flashes of Life SALESMANSHIP FAIRMONT. W. Va. Russell Edmund Post, a Clarksburg auto salesman, couldn't make a sale but Chief Boatswain's Mat George Dent did. Dent, a naval recruiting of ficer, was interviewing appli cants at the postoffice when Post walked in, intent on inter esting Dent in a new auto. . Dent presumably talked first. When Post left, he had applied for a petty officer's job in tha navy, and Dent will keep his old model. ANY REBATE. DOCt KANSAS CITY Patients tn a downtown physician's waiting room are greeted by a sign: "Knit for the Red Cross Whila you wait." Nearby Is a box with eight sets of needles and yarn. ' Visitors so far have knitted 30 six-inch squares. When 64 are finished they'll be made in to a service man's comforter and a new series will be started. NAG TAGS. TOOt GARDEN CITY, Kas. Mrs. Asepeth Crane heard tha old license plates were wanted for defense metal salvage. The 84-year-old school teach er, who drove one of the. first automobiles in Finney county, turned in 45 old tags when aha bought new ones for 1942. There is one automobile for every eight persons in Canada. , by McFeatters BoooooooOOOOOOOPPI 1 f J