' r F ii j ,1 t SERIAL STORY . . .. LADY BY REQUEST BY HELEN R. WOODWARD COFYRIOHT. 14t, DM SSKVICK. INC TUB ITOIlTl Tha climax at Mar laaalta alned at Dlaaa Owt her Blaler-ln-law, Adala, eom wbck th virions, spiteful, lrl frames a m rating Iwtimi Illima 4 her former employer, fllrtn ttoos Richard Thorpe. Diana, fcaovftaa; Tliorpa and Adela ara fcavlaa- aa affair, goes to his hunt Ina; lode bells'Inn- Adela la there. Stephen flndji tarns together, la Burt and bewildered area though ' lila marrlaaa to Diana la tempo Tmrj and ona of ennTenlenre, roaa tracted lo eecure hla 92,000.000 ln herttanee Vfhleh aa would not re ceive anleaa he married before the ' are of 85. Others la the atorr are . Phil flrnee, Stephen's beat friend vrfco la stronn-lr attracted toDlanai ErnlTa Thorpe, beaotlftil blind wife of Richard, whom Diana be llerea Stephen lorea. neen some where. Ulaoaf triumphant Adela aha when her plot to discredit hla wife wrlth Stephen has worked -MI Ioto him. nnshee Diana, "aad I'm rains; to fiaht for bint! Stephen atlll feela Diana la la scent, learee her In charges when the Is called to South America. Ills plana disappears but Ulann re fuses to believe blm dead. Iimoreo aa order from Adela and lllchard , Thorpe to leave the house. Adcla - then ealls In a psychiatrist, de ciding" to bare Diana Jodjrrd In esne. Diana asks Rvalra to coma apend the day with her. ADELA'S TRUMP CARD CHAPTER XXin TOOT." BRUCE dropped In - and bad lunch with them and Eva lyn lost no time In telling him what had happened. Phil was ablaze with anger. strength grew with his indigna tion. II all the forces of evil in the world were arrayed against her, she believed that the support and understanding of two such people as Phil and Evalyn would see her through whatever trials lay ahead. "How Adela jeould be Steve's sister, I cant imagine. I still think they found her under a stone somewhere! Where is she? I'll give that little devil a piece of ray mind!" But Adela was cot in the house and, according . to the servants, had not been since early morning. Diana did cot know whether this was a good or bad sign. That Adela's trump cards were: still ucplayed she knew. The girl! would stop at nothing, had already: indicated that she would risk! everything, give anything to seel Diana deposed, humbled, crushed! completely. Yet somehow there was only pity In the older girl's: heart for the vicious selfishness' Chat had led her sister-in-law to so completely forfeit all honor and decency to her own unreasoning vfadictlveness. Alter lunch Evalyn went up sttlrs to rest, and FhQ followed Diana into the library. He came . straight to the point. "There's one way out of all this, Diana,'' he said. "Marry me now at once!" She ' turned in utter surprise. "But, Phil you're Joking or just trying to help me out, to be kind!" "Do I look like a man who's trying to be kind?" he demanded, and she saw the trembling of his hands, the excited Intensity of his gaze. And suddenly he had her in his arms, holding her close to his heart Ee kissed her pas sionately, and she lay like a mar ble statue in his arms, unresisting yet unyielding. Ee drew back at last, held her off and looked at her. Her dark eyes were misty j with tears, her soft lips trembling. UHow could she be angry with j m? Ee was so kind. Ee was (Una and good and his love for her. ja thing to cherish and be proud of, jeven though there was no hope of lever returning It ' She managed jto convey these things without speaking them, her eyes telling ihim, as he studied her sweetly sad iface, that it was Stephen's image Ithat glowed within her heart Ee shook his head, smiling i ruefully. "It's no use, is 11, Diana? II Just don't awaken even a spark. jdo I?" I Eer hands were in his, pleading. ;Tm sorry, please believe me, IPhil. I wish I might love you,: (truly I do. But don't you see" her voice sank to a soft whisper "anything I have to give must be given to Stephen, or kept with in myself forever!" ! "I see," Phil said, and gripped ther hands hard. I rT that moment Adela, Richard Thorpe, and a strange, offlclal- ' looking man walked into the room. Adela's eyes, hawklike, swept ifrora one to the other. There was no denying her pleasure in what ' iwat going to be done. Thorpe had Ithe grace to look sullenly uncom Ifortable. The other man stepped (forward. "Sorry to Interrupt" he said, ""but are you Mrs. Stephen Curt?" i "Yes," Diana answered, waiting. "I have here an urgency order committing you to an institution for mental disorders signed by a Dr. Emil Stutgart, who says that he attended you," he said. "You Imay, of course, consult a lawyer I and Institute court proceedings to havo the order set aside. Until that time, you will be detained by law in a private institution." Diana swallowed hard and her tface went very white. She heard (Phil make an unintelligible sound lof fury and strike out at the man, tout she held out restraining Band. OTy Whjr do they think . -" : ""'' '. ." 'T. I am insane?" The man's eyes flickered over the paper he held In his hand. "Something about a set delusion concerning your dead . husband. And about your flying Into fre quent rages. It states that this morning you flew into such an ungovernable rage. That you also have strange hallucinations '""THAT'S enough!" Diana said clearly. She turned to Adela and smiled bitterly. "Well, you've won so far, havent you? You've gotten me out of the house as you said you would. Are you satis fied?" Adela's triumph made her lose caution. "Almost!" she retorted insolently. "I'll be completely satisfied when Richard Thorpe gets his divorce and we can be married! Then I'll have had my way in everything. Isn't that right Richard?" Diana thought that the roof must tumble about them in the long moment that followed. Self ish as Ade.a was, unscrupulous as she knew Richard Thorpe to be, was it possible that these two could be so brazen? Thorpe's eyes shifted, but he answered, "Right Adela." There was a soft heart-broken sound behind them and they Diana's Inner ! turned to see Evalyn groping her way towara in em. -lucnara, - sne whispered through white lips. "Did you say Richard ?" Phil sprang to her side, Diana's arms encircled her. "Darling," she whispered, as Evalyn went a divorce marry her. Is Is B true, Richard?" Richard Thorpe stood speech less before his wife, but some thing deep within him acknowl edged a queer sort of loyalty to the girl in whose nature he found qualities strangely like his own. And after a moment he said hoarsely, "Yes, Evalyn It's true. Adela and I love each otherl" I (To Be Concluded) DRINKING STRAWS Hot tea is drunk through straw or bombilla in Paraguay. The bombilla is a metal tube, much decorated, flattened and perforated at the bottom end. North Dakota's population de clined from 680,845 in 1930 to 639,690 in 1940. A quail can travel about 85 feet per second. OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla "She said he was going to get Headquarters for Bicycles Tricycles Wagons Lionel Trains A Small Deposit Holds Anything Until Christmas POOLE'S BIKE ' SHOP 222 S. 7th. Phone 5520 THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson ihi feil XVI 1 . 3MrAINS ABOUT f if IhImMI -"vC- al W (wA iBSjI fHJT IM WINTER. y-..;ral the moisture is aer"""" I eeft. imi v nu srtvier. we. V . . I T.U. RIG. U.S. TAT. Off. I l STRON&efi-. THAN Ctt AvTMZ. WSecs OR THE SAAB m t-v-.-rsrf r I (F you HEARD A AA4 1 Mention evaTsVAor, JVWCW AAjVOS. and a. BB TAJ-lOfsia ABOOT y j ANSWER: An eclipse bt the sun. Each of these terms describes a phenomenon that occurs at such a time. .KEXTl The vanity cf man. FAMOUS VIOLINIST HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured' musician, lORipT' 11 Electrified . particle. 12 Eject 14 Array, 15 Any. 16 Perform. IV Greases. 18 Work unit 20 Combustible fluid. 23 Meadow. 24 Like. . 25 Perched. 27 Supplied with food. 29 Doctor (abbr.). 30 Low sand hill. SI Light rap. 33 Farm buildings. 34 Greek god of war. Answer to Previous Paiile Jb;EiORGE IaIkIUi Is'.I asl&kuis i Mene sisUt UEiRjLR!NlsnRUlNfl WA)7feg1RJa iMifflTS n-HRn lFiLlFl leblciAiplET-1 44 He was for several months. 46 Street . (abbr.). 47 City in Holland, 48 Bucket. oo tai sparingly. 50 Each. ;37 Hostelry. 84 English ,39 Lone Scout school, (abbr.). 85 Portico. 41 Brother. 86 Compass 42 Nova Scotia point, (abbr.). 57 Entice. 43 Electrical cur- 58 Last rent (abbr.). 9 He will re sume his concerts soon. VERTICAL 1 Apprehen sions. 2 Pealed. 3 Irritate. 4 Ruler of a kingdom. 5 Universal language. 6 Finales. 1 Northern constellation. 8 Man's name. 9 Vexed. 10 Act the part of host 13 Former Rus sian rulers. 19 Flags. 21 Near. 22 Keeps. 25 Fine lines of a letter. 26 Left a will (law). 28 Mends. 30 Father. 32 Writing implement 35 Slides. ' 38 View. 40 Dense, fine grained rock, 43 Embellish. 45 Jungle beast 47 Toiletry case, 49 Young boy, 51 Letter V. 52 Electrical term. 83 Reverend (abbr.). 84 Cloth measurl is- LTm i P iS" j fiTY'lO 21 1 j pi 2i 48 150 f31'" 1" " 55""" p-" - ' W -H.V "HELLO KIM NOT VERY GOOD.' TOU HtAK 1 HAT V LOUUtK" I I y WITH TH' WINDER TOO FAIMT RlFi ALMOST CLOSED? HCLLOWOOH.' ' I UALLOOOOOH' HAWLOO A ' H In. wsw II I I'' 11 III "Trrrrrrnr1 BORN THIRTV VEAgS TOO -SOOM 'C'T JU6TONJ6 YMlV&f NOAH'S BEARO-"-VNB HAVJE . MORS talML 6PEr4T THE 200 COLLECTED TOR )0y; PRE.SEMT, v'jlBlrMv.) TME ORPHANS AND M06T OF MV Vii UMCLB J&faHA OWSi PUMDS AS WELL.'-vHAR-RUMPH! AV0S I HAVE JUST IO LBFT-' nf ( HOW ABOUT )M( SEAW,Y" THE CET IS l.qS ?0M, VOELL, v THAT GUS riSl TELL THE CLERK TO WRAP IT Mf ORAWlMS VMAMT6 J UP,' EGAD, EMPTY POCKETS, i A 5ET TOR A TO SB j ;- FULL. HEARTS, EH , LADS L , gus f am "it nv-n HEH MEM RED RYDER MJ t-i'-sK-UfA l 1 roT 6EUE.VE SHERIFF TA.1.X. 1 HS.'S EM& HE KFiS'jR,l!3 O I SA.V ,T3UCHESS rjtr But J By Fred Harmon LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE ' -lOU CAST TELL." 1t3u" "SJ OH. DOCTOR? V0U WONT EVER LET ON VtXJ KNOW ABOUT ANNIE'S OFT. WILL YOU? IT WOULD HURT HER TERRIBLY- V I - Vf5al YES-AND IT WOULD UNMASK VOUR VILLAINY IN GIVING AWAY HER SECRET. TOO, MY GOOD WOMAN - -ar- IMI- r " iisStM, O. an, By Harold Graj YOU KNOW rr was all AN ACCIDENT THAT YOU FOUND OUT I NEVER MEANT TO Ho! SO NOW YOU CCMTOUNO YOUR CKlMfc WITH ALIBIS. cH Y NELLIE, YOU RE A DOUBLE-DEALING WfcNCH mmmmmm L'oiw i-.s: - ' HW'aW BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES 'Y.'r' doctor! he he KWtO ME WHY. HE HA5NT KISSED ME SINCE HE WAS A LITTLE BOY HE HAS CHANGED, Gl.feSS MIS HEART- J i.x By Martin I'll!! ct.tyv i: MOyOftRVlW- MOT VOtt J,.'. t.v. OUST "STICK AROOMO M Ctv 6HOUV.D KlEtD WASH TUBBS SlOTC0v'.VJi.W N.; XT? VJOT& W lfATt rTTiiin.t.i.r n """ sraisi,n.l.n.. HEV, BOOTS A TOltS V0OT f.Wc. TW-iV poH' H-c.d T r HI. HO! X 1 ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT WASH. WITH JUST AM0THH5 I A Flwe WIFB AM0 A HOME. ENVIES THE iwfi. trv N I I wire we ucw T ALL.Ut.4UT . J u HAM. ncRs to I. Jsakv iiina Saai sin I NAH! HE5 JUST A LITTLE SLOW IM LEABKIIMia THAT . A MARRI6P MAM-- SCHOOLBOY. ra CELEBRATE 1 j CHRISTMAS V I i VOUR By Crana FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS CHRISTMAS! I'D AlWOST MftiOTTEWI I HAVE TMEW WE'LL 60 TO MEW VORK! WE.L BLAZES! WHAT A BREAK.,. WE'VE A I6TB EAT TUBK&y we'll TAKE IM BWAO JUST FINISHED OUR CASE ..OR J ClVIW& IM WAV WE IL HAVE oWjElUES ATlMt! oti.CpJif. cam NJ0V TWg nhw I ill call the chief rksht novm By Blossty sIts Tub BQ6EST nk3ht in thb Social lives OF THB leit3. HERB, AT LAST. 13 TH9 EXCLUSIVE RIVIERA Blub room ALLEY OOP NOW LETS ACT LIKE WEVe BteN coming W JjZyt TO PLACES LIKB TMIS -M FlMh, ALL OUR LIVEis JMj VrA 11m -aaar m. Tam . r'mmKi MR.M4G009SY? Ah, YES, WB HAVB A TABLE RESERVED FOR. MDU, SIR. J FOLLOW MB Table 27. Sir I I THINK you VAiil Ci.ir. IT PLEASANT I LIKE being a 6ks shot Too WHY 0OE3NT HB SPEAK TO ME? rv I I H' t a-i OnB Of VOUR. RBO ) '. I 1 GARTERS 18 DRAGSIN&, 7 j T J Al. P'f,.. By V. T. Hamfin OOOLA, ' RETURNED FROM HER, TASK. OF MOBILIllMO THE COUWTRVSIDE, KhLATES SOME OF HER EXPERIENCES AMD THCM.CQMIk.VTWDI I inc. WUCAJi, OM DINJMT, BLACK COMPLEXIOKfeDVWOP , l-HA,, ivv STAK.S, without A Pouerr.. AND IF THAT BLIGHTER GETS BACK, TO KIMO JOHW, THEY'LL MAKE IT HOT FORDS. MEANWHILF.: AT KIKlG JOHM'S HEADOUARTERS BUT I TELL" VOU I'VE GOT el I pi Kiworrs UROENT.' m txjri&Dr-rr Ace Mt? IMFOSSIBLE.'HES YES, TOUR ATTH( HC&ross HIOHWFi!. CHASIMG THOSE I MAW ISUYIWa KEBE.LS.' maSS haS "-kiri j hWUHl suaw ujmitc r- WB'a. a.i ,TaaVf.nrKir' Ml 1-u nrsi -tUrV. ' m I mm awi mi JP''- ,0 jaa