THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH. FALLS, OREGON Drembe.r 22, 1941 -o ManJzeti etui Quuuuual m ,.MINClPA INDUSTRIAL COUNTIES IN THE UNITED STATES TAX SELLING, PAGE EIGHT WAR REPORTS WEIGH STOCKS KEW YORK, Dec. 22 (IP) Confusing war bulletins, com bined with another burst of tax selling, helped take the starch out of an early rally In today's stock market. Motors led the list on a morning advance that put an assortment of leaders up frac .. tions to more than a point. Prices began to stumble after mid-day and, at the close, in itial advances were replaced by declines in numerous instances. Most setbacks were moderate but a few ran to 3 points or so. ' Dealings were speedy at in tervals and transfers for the , full proceedings w e r in the neighborhood of l,4uO,uou shares. American Can broke to a new 1141 bottom as the serious shortage of tin threatened this company's normal output and talk was heard of the tighten ing of restrictions on the staple by the OPM. Others retreating to the "new low" range were American Tel ephone, Chrysler, Goodyear and U. S. Rubber common and pre ferred. Lessening of crude rub ber supplies because of the Far Eastern conflict continued to handicap shares in this group. Backward were Westlnghouse, Standard Oil (NJ), Texas Co, Kennecott, U. S. Steel, Mont gomery Ward, Glenn Martin, Philip Morris, U. S. Gypsum, Great Northern and Pennsyl vania. ' , Santa Fe was resistant as di rectors voted a final 1941 divi dend of $1 on the common, - Mora hopeful performers were General Motors, J. C Penney, Sears Roebuck, International Nickel and Western Union. ' Bonds and commodities were .Irregular. Closing quotations: Air Reduction 38 ' Alaska Juneau ..... II . Al Chem It Dye 137 Allis-Chalmers American Can . Am Car It Fdy - Am Rad Sta San . Am RoU Mills .. Am Smelt It Ref Am Tel It Tel Am Tob "B" . ., Am Water Works Am Zinc L & S Anaconda Armour HI Atchison Aviation Corp Bald Loco - 261 - 50 - 29 . 31 . 10 - 381 123 - 451 21 31 - 261 - 31 25i 31 131 QJud-hmLlom Carload Potato Shipments Day of N Month Season 1941-42 Season K140-41 aBBnBBmi mm mm RmoHBrnmrnmn ai Dec. to Season Dec. to Season Dec. Daily Data to Date Daily Date to Date 1 21 21 2668 3 3 2979 2 9 30 2675 28 31 3007 3 23 S3 2698 24 55 3031 4 31 64 2729 31 88 3062 5 21 105 2750 32 lli 3094 6 24 129 2774 28 148 3122 7 0 129 2774 41 187 3163 8 23 154 2799 4 193 3167 9 24 178 2823 40 233 3207 10 33 211 2856 35 268 3242 U a 36 247 2892 I 23 291 3263 12 S3 280 2923 B 36 325 3301 13 22 302 2947 2! 353 3329 14 1 303 2946 34 387 3363 15 47 350 2995 I 395 3371 16 27 377 3022 35 430 3406 17 34 411 3056 32 462 3438 18 57 468 3113 35 497 3473 19 42 810 3135 4 545 3521 20 54 564 3218 3i 583 3559 21 0 564 3218 52 635 3611 22 ' ' 23 J ' . 24 I 26 . . , 28 29 30 31 ; Month Shipments by Truck (1940) Grand Total Bendix A via . Beth Steel Boeing Airp . Borden Borge-Warner Calif Packing Callahan Z L Calumet Hec . Canada Dry Canadian Pacific . Cat Tractor Celanese .... Ches It Ohio Chrysler Col Gas It 1 , Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'lth It Sou . Consol Aircraft ; Consol Edison Consol Oil Cont'l Can Christmas 1941 By EARL WHITLOCK : The keynote of the Christ mas religion is Faith. Faith in the power of right over wrong Faith in the all-embracing j Goodness which rules creation 1 1 F a 1 1 h in an Faith , after-lifi ' to the great in- J mercy, beauty, i I peace. p- . -I 1 A 3 11- I K; '. - jfr i mia uus year, I 1 "&- A as we celebrate S I again the birth I I ' I of the Prince of 1 1 -! Peace, we need. as never before, a renewal and a re-dedication of our Faith. In other lands we see mil iiom m. simple, uoa-ieanng folk like ourselves living under tne rule of wrong over right, with evil overcoming good, hate conquering love, mercy over-ridden by bestial fury. beauty destroyed In the name of military efficiency, peace only a dim hope while war Is a horrid reality. We must have Faith that these conditions represent only a back-surge of a wave of human progress. There have been others very many of them. Man goes forward, not steadily but in rythmic waves. A period of great growth is inevltablv fnl. lowed by a time of retrogres sion which, in turn, gives way to another great crest that car ries human progress further than ever before. All history proves this. . And so, from history, we may renew our Faith in the ulti mate power of goodness and mercy and love those uncon querable virtues which found their highest expression in the Christ. Next week Mr. Whltlock of the Earl Whltlock Funeral Home wilt comment on New Year fish. Corn Products Corwn Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Doug Aircraft Dupont De N Eastman Kodak El Pow It Lt General Electric General Foods General Motors Goodrich Goodyear Tire .. Gt Nor Ry pfd Greyhound Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester Int Pap & P pfd . Int Tel It Tel Johns Manville Kennecott Lib O Ford '. Lockheed Loew's 38 59 181 19 191 17i I 0 in . 3 . 371 . 19 ..32 . 411 . 45i . 71 1 . 221 . 12 . 51 . 231 . 501 . 101 . 81 . 641 ...1371 -131 Long Bell "A" Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit . Nat'l Dairy Prod .. Nat'l Dist ... Nat'l Lead N Y Central No Amer Aviation North Amer Co Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otis Steel Pac Amer Fish Pac Gas It El .... Pac Tel & Tel .... 251 371 . 30 . 131 . Ill . 191 . 101 . 51 . 101 . 45 . 551 . li 511 341 . 201 211 . 341 2 251 31 131 131 231 121 71 111 9i 4 Packard Motor Pan Amer Airways Paramount Pic . .. Penney (J C) Penna R R 131 10 181 98 Z'ZZ 141 131 751 181 Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet Proctor Se Gamble . Pub Svc N J . Pullman Radio ... Rayonier Rayonier pfd Republic Steel Richfield Oil .... Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Shell Union Socony Vacuum . Sou Cal Edison ... Southern Pacific S perry Corp Stand Brands Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind . Stand Oil N J Stone & Webster Studebaker : Sunshine Mining Texas Corp Trans-America Union Carbide Union Oil Calif Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Sorporation United Drug United Fruit .. U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd U S Steel Vanadium Warner Pictures Western Union Westinghouse Woolworth 29 451 501 12 221 21 91 241 161 91 421 51 151 8 171 101 291 4 21 301 411 . 41 . 31 . 3i . 421 . 4 . 68 131 60 91 341 1 5 661 151 67 501 18 4i 241 741 24 S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 22 UP) (Federal-State Mar- ket News) HOGS: Salable 500; around 15 cents lower; most good 185-225 lb. barrows and gilts $11.75; good sows steady at $9.50. CATTLE: Salable 350: about 25 cents higher; steers limited, loadlots medium to good quoted $10.50-11.00; young cows absent- salable $8.25-75, load top me- aium 1080 lb. range cows $8.00 25; bulls absent, medium srade. $8.00-75. Calves salable none; nominal; good to choice vealers quoted $12.00-13.00; slaughter "l ntm m . . Klamath takes its place in the sun In this map, counties In Oregon rating as "principal Industrial released by the census bureau and showing Klamath and Multnomah the only counties ol the United Statu." See story on page 1. calves $9.00-11.00. SHEEP: Salable 850; nominal; wooled lambs scarce, quoted $11.50-12.00; 4 decks shorn 80 lb. Washington lambs $11.00; ewes firm, two decks common and medium, 113 lb. $4.50. TO SMALL SCALE CHICAGO, Dec. 22 () Ex cept for sale of substantial quan tities of grain for shipment from Chicago at steady prices in most cases, trade in grains was on a small scale today. Usual Christmas week inertia gripped the futures market and was accentuated by unwilling ness of many dealers to venture far due to price control and war uncertainties. Some selling of December contracts on the last day for trading in these deliver' ies weakened prices, particularly in the corn market, where De cember corn was off about cent. Soybeans were up about a cent at times. Sales for shipment from Chi cago included wheat to outside mills and oats to eastern feed manufacturers but the bulk of business was in corn, with 150, 000 bushels sold up to noon. Wheat closed 1 cents lower to 1 cents higher compared with Saturday, December $1,231-1.23 May $1,251-1; corn 1-11 cents lower, December 761c, May 821 1c; oats 1-Hc down; rye l-lc lower; soybeans 4c lower to 1c higher. POTATOES CHICAGO, Dec. 22 (AP USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 200; on track 364; total US shipments Saturday 690, Sunday 30; supply liberal, demand for best quality Bliss Triumphs all section fair, market steady; for Northern White stock demand light, limit ed best quality, market about GQH2G til nj tjfif ' i it i HERE'S THE HAPPIEST MAN IN KLAMATH FALLS .... He peeked at those Gift his wife hid owov and taw a book of Esquire Tower Theatre Script Esquire lower Theatre Scrip li a am ivwrixmy Bin Inlaw 'A. SAVI MONIV A CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR ALL CAR BUYERS! 7942 LICENSE FREE With the Purchase of any New or Used Car Between Now and Christmas! A COMPLETE STOCK OF RECONDITIONED USED CARS! NEW DODGES and PLYMOUTHS IN STOCK Immediate Delivery! All Colon All Body Styles MOTORS 424 So. 8th n DODGE . PLYMOUTH DODGE TRUCKS Dial 31118 steady for best stock, for Idaho Russets demand light, market slightly weaker; Idaho Russet Burbanks, US No. 1, $2.55-80; Nebraska Bliss Triumphs, US No. 1, $2.60; Colorado Red Mc Clures, US No. 1, $2.30; Maine Katahdins, US No, 1, $2.25; Min nesota and North Dakota Bliss Triumphs, US No. 1, $1.50-2.20; Cobblers, US No. 1, $1.50; early Ohios, US No. 1, $1,371; Wiscon sin Katahdins, US No. 1, $1.60; Rurals, US No. 1, $1.40; new stock; supplies light, demand light, market about steady; Flor ida bushel crate Bliss Triumphs, US Commercials, $2.10 per crate. BOSTON, Dec. 32 (AP-USDA) There were a number of Inquir ies for domestic wools In Boston today. Moderate quantities of graded bright three eighths and one quarter blood fleece wools were sold at 81-32 cents. In the grease. Fine territory wools of average to good French combing length brought mostly $1.10 to $1.13 scoured basis. Portland Produce NiRTLANh, Dee. (AP Itl'TTKK -frliiU, A grade, av. In pa red mm I rap pers. 39c In carton; h grade. J7e In (.urch in t t n-ra, Id. Ill TTfcKKAT Ural it'inlltjr. minimum nf .4 iif I wr rent -MU), iMIfl In I'ortlnrul, alvtf lli.; 'unnhuii qtinllty, mmUmim of .M of I pur nl m-Mlty. MS' S9e Hi,; valley rttttlr anl t nlry hIiiI. in Ins tliAti tr ii aprttml quality t Tort lnl. if tim'pr flral. OirKNK - Srlllni trtf Ia IWtUnrl r Tillamook tripUU. t lt.: loaf ft I lh. TrlpUle U wholeiaUft, tt lb.) lf ! JTfl f.u.b, TllUiniHik. ( KJ(1H I'rtrve to rwtimf : A laffr, !LV; t larf. Stc; A milium, lie; II nvd , Httn, Me) A large. t , II ttnall. (If l.'i. II ! lo rrlalWi. I liliir fr I carton $4 lilghr. I MVH nil l.THV !tulni frkra; N. I grade l-glmrn lirullerf, utnW i., lie; itrr H Ilia, I; fr)tM, I II'.. iw, matters, ocp i It-. I9r : nilorfj h'na. la's: lgliorna under S- lt.. USi nr SS lb.. iTr: nt.strie. . llltrSHKtl TI'MKRV-t fUlllttg prlfa! hens rv.llf; torns, : 1 To lb. Hujlng prirwt: loriti. i.ifj nris, v;t itt, (iNlnsn Vaklm., (l ift 1.10; Ofrtn. Kulll. i-IU lb. nnmlial. IIX iHf N Ik. tukt Tittau IO'i. Ul Orr Wt, 40. fur Allien WML lonlt, It.W tntcll ),vlilr llrmi. ft.U-t.AO Mfllftll Ytkln I 11, mi. It.UI.W Mlali SltaKK, l!M)!H rnfftl. IIAV Hrlllng prtrv oa Irtikt: ltlf. N. I. trOM UB1 o.Tlh. 114 4nft. Vallry prk-,! WlllauiMI dom. 111.04 IM, vii-v iHilnla: llmoUir. 4tni Orr, 111 St. nil NTIir MKATH - lUlllil lirUM rrUiWa: lunlrjr klUM hog,, b4t fcutrH r. trU4 It... I14 II, lb.; 4l,r. l4Rr", t,1, ltv: Il4lit. Ihln, It-I4rt hr. I4-I4l latitl.,, ItS lb. I ifH, 4 0 lb. I fnt lOllfl food vutlf COVI. 11-11 Hl FOR CHHISTMASI FREE AT Carlisle's Jewelry Store $5 Grocery Order with each cash purchase amounting to $27.50 or over (tax Included.) All fair-trade items excluded. 1008 Main St. Top Quality NYLONS ALL NYLON $25 Main PLENTY OF THEM TOOI FOULGER'S Beautiful Shoes alMMWtSMimMWHWiaMMWin r v; ."ihw irk . v ''a.' : , -jm s "j ::.r I i iv w i. . . ) . SO CHRISTMAS MAY COME AGAIN ...TO CHILDREN EVERYWHERE DEFENSE SAVINGS BONDS and STAMPS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND i . '! . : I i. f