December 22, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THRE1 EPIC DEFENSE OF WAR SEEN AT HONGKONG it Accents For a Smart You. By PETER ED80N WASHINGTON, Doc. 22 United Status Interest in Ilia JnpuiK'Hu icrup naturally canton on what happens to Americans In the Pacific, but from tho itandpolnt of military history, drumutlc Interest and tlio story of dt'spernto fltlht with sill the heroic qualities of tho Chartfo of the Lliiht Brigade, Custor's last stand or the rotrcat from Dun kirk, keep in eye on Hong Kong, Britain's last and only strong hold In China. Hong Kong got one of the first Jap blows, right ulong with Pearl ilurbor, Manila and Mala ya, but the story of the siege of Hong Kong and Its defonss is yet to come and it has all the mok ings of ono of tho epic bottles of this or any other war. Hawaii, the Philippines. Slngupore all have a chance. They have their own air defonsvs, their fleots, their strong gurrlsons. To get at them, tho Jups have to cross hundreds or thousands of miles of sea. . At Hong Kong, tho Japs were less than HO mile away in Canton'. Hong Kong, because of its mountainous terrain, has only one airfield. 1U fleet is negligible and vastly inferior to whotevcr the Japs may care to bring against It. The Hong Kong gar rison Is necessarily limited in size. There is no place for that garrison to retreat. Closest friendly territory Is the Philip pines. 700 miles away. And tho orders of the British garrison at Hong Kong were to defend it to the last man. HALF MILE FROM CHINA To get the real mental picture of what goes on at Hong Kong you must recall your geography. Hong Kong Is an island 10 miles long, three miles wide. It Is solid rock, rising sharply from the water Una to Victoria peak, 1700 feet high, crowned with the British government house. On the slopes is the city of Victoria. Half a mile to the north across channel straits is the mainland of China. But hero the British hold under lease from the Chi nese govcnt'iont the famous Kowloon peninsula, which with Cheung Chau and a few smaller Islands to the west of Victoria, make up the Hong Kong crown colony. Open on all (Ides to attttrk and Invasion by land, by sea and by air. Hong Kong held up but did not twiddle lis thumbs and await Its fate for these three years that tiia Jups have been in Canton. Life on this powder keg has gone on. though its destiny seemed sealed and tho question was not what, but when. The populace of two million, perhaps nine-tenths Orientals, was not silting wiy Dy waiting for this Inevitable strug gle. Hona Kong harbor, one of the busiest in the east and one of the most picturesque in the world, was heavily mined. The hills bristla with coast defense guns, anti-aircraft batteries, machine guns. Barbed wire entangle ments lined every possible land' Ing point. Civilian defense was organized as nowhere elso In the world. The rocks wcro honey combed with air raid shelters. AMERICAN LINK In all this period of defense nroDurcdncss. Hong Kong was the most direct link for cominun- Icatlons between the Chinese and tho United States. Pan American dinners and trans-Pacific steam- ships from the rest of the world touched at Hong Kong and drop ped their cargoes of passengers, mall and express, My sea, iu neso smugglers ran tho Japanese blockado up tho China coasts to obscure ports whero contact is kept with tho Chiang Kai-shek forces In unoccupied territory. By nlr, daredevil pilots, flying only at night, only in oaa weain er and entirely without tho usual aids to navigation, hopped over the Japancso armies and made Chungking with unbelievable regularity and with only two planes shot down by Jap aviators during four years or mo fjmncso war. Even ono of thoso was saved, repaired, and flown out under iU own power. That, briefly, Is tho setting for tho battlo of Hong Kong. And Hong Kong's defenders the handful of British regulars, tho Brigl ;f ' lloiisrholj Arts by Alice .Brooks BREAD HID VALUABLES Lnuvcs of bread packed with precious stones were found floating in the English Channel by English and French fisher men after tho defcut of the Spanish Armada In 1588. The Spaniards put their valuable Jewels in little cork balls in serted Into loaves of bread, and tossed thorn Into the waters, hoping they would be picked up by other Spaniards and thus saved from the enemy. COWHAND CHAMP SALINAS, Calif., Dec. 22 (VP) Homer Pettlgrcw of Grady, N. M, is the national cowboy cham pion. Pettlgrcw, a calf roper and steer wrestler, compiled 8027 points during the 1041 season to replace Fritz Truan of Salinas, the Rodeio Association of Am erica announced. . Dolf Aber of Nowhall, CalU, was second and Truan third. Looking tor BargalhiT to the Classified pag Tur Just the thing for winter sports, this cap and mitten sell Made In two contrasting colors of afghan yarn, you can crochet It yourself and' add a gay note to your wardrobe. Pattern 7156 contains directions for making set; materials required; color schemes; Illustrations of set and stitches. To obtain this pnttern send 10 ,Two-CoIot Contrast it ti. i iieigniena I Olio of Smart Cap Mitten ; mowMitinw PATTERN 7156 cents in coin to i ne Hcraia ana News, Household Arts Dept. Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep it and the nunv ber for reference. Ba sura to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the en vclope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No to lollowed by your name and ad' dress. HERE'S THE HAPPIEST MAN IN KLAMATH FALLS .... H peoked or those Gifts his wife hid away and saw a book of Eiqulro Tower Theatre Scrip! KeV Etqul 'r Tower r Thoatre Scrip A W O.n lnoy ... dj y." s Ollt tv.ryhody J nt BUY NOW I Ji ! IA.VI MONBY Wi Selective Exercises Should Forge Your Muscles to Form By ALICIA HART NEA Service Staff Writer A long distance runner jogs along for great distances, stretching out for long periods in dcpetitlous exercise which burns up fat without develop ing muscles, and this athlete is very likely to be thin. On the other hand, a sprinter puts ev erything into a short dash, drawing a lot of blood to his arm and leg muscles and then relaxing and giving them plen ty of time to rest before the next dash, and this runner gen erally has large, well developed limbs. On the same principle, says a good trainer, women can use exercise to build up or trim down. Take arms, for Instance. A thin arm can be made round and smooth and graceful by vigorous, concentrated exer cises. Try lifting a bar bell or some other heavy object soy, your heaviest skillets. Lift up and down over tho hcod ten times, quickly, twice a day for two weeks. Then increase the number of lifts to eighteen. The idea is to exhaust the muscles as fast as you can, rclp. and rest. "FREE" EXERCISES WILL BURN UP FAT But If you wish rather to re duce fat arms, use free arm ex ercises no weights and keep at It and at it, repetltiously over an extended period of time. Swing your arms in cir cles, move them back and forth, In and out, briskly, but not too swiftly. Continue this for fif teen minutes daily for a few weeks, then extend the exer cise period till you can con tlnue the routine for half an hour at a stretch. Remember, of course, that beautiful arms are symmetrical. rounded, full, but not overde veloped. If you plan your exorcise carefully, you can quite easily Improve scrawny or too-fat mus cles. contingents of Anises, the native troops from India, tho Chinese militia, the home guards, the faw combat pilots, the crews of the small flotillas of gunboats and submarines these men will go down in history as heroes among tho heroic. By last reports, there were a couple of hundred Americans hanging around there, too. Arm Bands Available For Local Air Raid Zone Wardens Identification arm bands are avoilnblo at the air headquarters for all zone and sector wardens and their assistants. All wardens are requested to call at head quarters and secure a sufficient number of these bands for them selves and their assistants. All wardens are requested to take first aid training classes, which are being held at the high school on Monday and Thursday, and Tuesday and Fri day evenings at 7:30 o'clock. All wardens are again remind ed to go to the county Jail and have their pictures taken for identification cards. OLD PLOW HAMES A pair of dogwood plow hames, carved by hand In 184S, was ex hibited among tho relics at a re cent semi-centennial celebration in Russton, La. Scottish, maidens once placed snails on slates in the thought that their twisting, crooked tails might spell out the names of future husbands. Tho sign language they In vented enabled American plains Indians to convcrso fluently without understanding a word of the other's language. TO ENGINE FAILURE JACKSON, Miss., Dec. 22 VP) An army official today blamed apparent engine failure for the crash of a B-28 bomber which killed the crew of five men. i-oi. j, h. Houghton, com mandcr of the Jackson air base, said the plane had taken off yes terday from the air base, made a turn and apparently was at tempting to got back to the air port when it crashed, exploded and burned. Tho dead were listed as: First Lieut. John E. Doer, for merly of Orchard Place, Pough Kccpslc, N. Y. Second Lieut. C la u d e A, Knight, Ocola, Fla. Second Lieut. Robert A. Sa ner, Fremont, O. Second Lieut. Leslie M. Shime- all, Chicago, 111. Staff Sgt. Harold A. Wissinger, Indiana, fa. CROCODILE TONGUES Crocodiles do have tongues. contrary to popular belief. The organ is fleshy and flat and is attached to tho floor of the mouth except at the extreme edges. Germany's World war gun, ' Big Bertha," attained a muzzl velocity of 3400 miles an hour. FOR HIS CHRISTMAS LINED GLOVES - $1.25 DREW'S MANST0RE III Min FOR DOUBLE-RICH" HOLIDAY PLEASURE IT'S "D0UBIE-RIIH" NOW QUART '2.25 ;PINT M.20 Htmmtmmmmm includes power rectifier tub U and tuning ve. U Notes on Musical Christmas Gifts 1942 Console Model 10 -TUBE SILVERTONE Automatic Volume Control Push Button Tuning 12-Inch Dynamic Speaker Variable Tone Control Sliced Walnut Veneered Cabinet 10 Powerful Tubes Male it a Christmas full of happiness . . . and music. One the whole family will remember through the years . . . because you've given them many hours of unforget able beauty when you give them a SUvertonc Use Sears Easy Payment Plan on purchases Totaling $10 or More (AIm Bold on Eftiy Payment Plan) TableModel COMBINATION 7-Tube Radio and Phonograph Sears A 95 Price 2r """"" Pay Only $4 Down TJmiaf CmrrvlDic Charsa) . Plays 10 or 12-Inch Records With Lid Closed Volum Control Encased In a cabinet of mod ern design, in walnut veneer. Include Rectifier GIFT SPECIALS REDUCED TO CLEAR BEFORE XMAS 17 ONLY DRESSER SETS 3 pieces BO comb, brush and mirror. Worth 1.50 .V OOC 31 ONLY DRESSER SETS 3 to 5 pieces, MM in attractive gift boxes, values to 2.98 ITT 16 ONLY DRESSER SETS Many with MM new lucito handles, values to 3.98 A'tw 24 HASSOCKS Several sizes and styles. Blues, tans, reds and greys. ff M mm l& Table m U W V rfsftA -10 s v-18Cs n t Wore 1.39 to 5.49 Stainless Bronze and Steel Smokers. Uni Circulator Typo. Room for QIimo. A regular 11.91 ValiM. Onlr. Now 188 14 ONLY CEDAR CHEST STATIONERY ff SETS. Sell regularly for 1.29 13 ONLY MEN'S TRAVELLING KITS C OO Many complete with fittings. Vol. to 7.95 S ONLY MEN'S BRUSH SETS. . An Regular 1.00 . OOC 27 ONLY PEN AND PENCIL SETS In AA, attractive box. Worth 1.25 OOC 9 ONLY SEWING CABINETS. (( Regular 1.19 11 ONLY DRESSER SETS 3. 5 and 7-pc. i sets In attractive, boxes. Worth 5.00 O EXTRA SPECIAL!! 5-Lb. Fruit Cakes QQr Whlla 360 last Wera 1.19 .... MEN'S WOOL DRESSING ROBES At- AAA tractive colors and patterns. Worth 5.65...."" 3 ONLY BEACON ROBES for men. Worth 5.95 4.99 WOMEN'S FULL FASHIONED SILK OA. HOSIERY. Sizes 8V4-10. all shades. Reg. 1.00 OOC 3 for $2.50 600 PAIRS CHILDREN'S WOOL MITTENS. Regular 59c 39c 19c WOMEN'S ALL-LINEN-HANDKERCHIEFS (boxed). Reg. 25c .... 10 ONLY BATH ASSORTMENTS Includes bath mat, 2 bnth towels, 2 face towels, O MA 2 wash cloths. Regular 3.98 , wott Toys and Plenty at Sears Reduced to Clear Before Christmas fj. 111 ' n J tS mfiM i J actual (can marah- K San Dies oB . (I A Pol 7""",SiaJ- t amflM ... tomplMaly ; B Jr. 2 221 (rtl tb-'r' m r ' rullP to gtatkWl a K " n. ' I--- 'J ,j-J., " "fc J" lltllo slrit hoart. All Jj w " I wwsrffV i FSM froaptrlt Jr. "" : otcotrical . Prt aro I mmSis iol E 2.22 K- ,-vH"""" f Dolls and Accessories Reduced . $ I 88 "Msi' """" ,jb $1.88 $1.88 $1.88 Don with ml braids and Wanfroba Dlapw Doll alUi la Traveling Caaa tt-lndi Mamnta Doll n-htdi tinny Doll toft Cuddly Dolla . Uttl. Mhmm Dranor tel. oon DnoaM $2.98 51.69 $2.98 29c ifr-fnoh Plylns Srrovf Sled w-lnek tnoM aird led n-lnch Uttl. Pal Wagon TiUlMh Plying Kaglt Wagon Slashed! Trikes, Wagons, Sleds $1.98 $3.69 $1.49 .$3.29 StMnch RMi ttrtak Wfon Elgin Raotr Trleyel , " , Clflrt Junior Tricyel 8' V-inch Whitl Pedal Trim It $4.i9 as $10.49 ffl $6.79 ' ira $1.79 L31Jl Miscellaneous Toys and Games ST 66c , 59c Doctor and Nurvt 88C m,rlMn ' ' 98C Uttla (amlly Dootor Q9C IKh'" ht ' . 69C Oamt r 29C BQr Nmtr Tir" 59C 1500 BOOKS - GAMES 3 7t 10 Mora than 1IM raally tntipanalvt atlf t booka 11711 lamea. to aludaa such lamea aa Tha Wlrard of Oi. PlohStlt. ate,, and hooka Ilka Charlie McCarthy, Hobbyoralt, Animal 8 tor lea, Oolorini no uuinn doom, vaiuaa 10 ISO. Ea. Ea. 31 WMOOf.THIiWHI5KYI$3yEAMOl0.eOrlt.l94l,SCHtNlSYDI8TjllBIISCOM.,N.Y.&