SERIAL STORY LADY BY REQUEST BY HELEN R. WOODWARD irffiRMSL Tlf n BTOliri ! allaiaz at mrnmr taanlfa alaiad al IHana Part 9r ktr alalar-ln-laiY, Aaala. mmh araaa tli vlrlitii. atHral, alrl Itimm n ataallna; halnaaa lllaaa aae aar forairr amplajar, Blrla tlaaa Hlraard 'J'aorpa. lllaaa, baawlaa Taortia aaa Adala mrm aavlaa h affair, ga la ala fcaal tmm loa ariia.itta; Adaia laara. ataefcaa flfiA laam tnaalhar, la earl and havrlldar-d a.aa laaaaa Mia aaarrlaaa fi IMaaa la laaiva aarr ana nan of rottvrttlritft, ua-trar-laa la aanira Ilia e'a.lMNMMMI In aarllaara whlra ha would aal r aalva nnlaaa aa mnriivd hafora laa mmm af BA. Olnara la laa alurr ara rail Hroaa, Btaiihan'a liaal frlaad mmm la alrunalr allrnalad lalllaaai Kralra Tkoripa, haailllftil blind Wlfa of Hlraarri, wham lllaaa ha llavaa eiapaaa ln.aa. "Ilraa anata ttaara lllaaat" Irlnmvaaal Adata' alia waaa krr plul l dlaaradlt kla ?lfa arlla Ntayaaa aaa ttnraad. I lata aim," lllaaa, aad l'at kola to Baat for alrnl'' etaaaae, allll faala lllaaa la In ,aeaal, laaYaa lalaaa Ik Bar karva arkaa ka araaa la Nonlk Aaaarlaa. Ilia Blaaa dlaaaaaara kal IMana raluara In aalla.a ka la tfaad. MaluralnK from a rlda wlla Fall tlraaa, lllaaa la attatrealad mr a damand froat Adala aad Bllaaard 1'anrpa lhal aha laava lha haaaa. aearria aha ttlll ala7 aalll Blaaaaa ralaraa. a a a DIANA UNBALANCKDT CHAPTEHXX1I TJIANA did not resUL What did , It matter now whtrt lha was, In bed or out of It? Acrost the etretchea of tlrna and space Ste. have a feellnf I'm going to nad you." Almont prayerfully Diana waa irnti-rul fur a filendnhlp Hint could mora thnn receive a confi dence with trust, but could under stand the meaning of that confi dence. No one but Evalyn, whoia Inward beauty waa even greater thnn tho loveliness everyone saw In her, could come ao cloe to un derstanding Diana's conviction that Stephen her Stephen had spoken. An hour later Gvalyn'a chauf feur delivered her to the houie and the two glrla went together to the library where Diana told Evalyn the atrange thlnga that had happened. I "Do you think I might have heard hla voice really, Evalyn7" Diana asked, her hand clutching illie blind glrl'a Blender flngera. "I don't know, darling, lt'a very beautiful to think you did. But lt'a been ao long and we've heard nothing" "Do you think I act like an In sane person, Evnlyn?" Kvalyn turned in surprise. "But my dear, of course noli No one In the world la more aane. These lllnilnna vou have about Stephen surely there's nothing unusual about them. Any womun In love morning, sfie brought person psychiatrist, J suppose 10 mj bedroom. . "Nol What did ne 0.07" Diana's lip curled. "Admired me m my niiinuc, uvnnj, i ,.n iham bom out. 1 snan i iim surprised to hear from him again, though." ... "You poor chlim 1 eouia anon. Adeln. I'll tnlk to her." I'm afraid It wouiani oo an 00d" ...... (TO D6 Xvnunmui EMPHATICALLY ANTI ARKANSAS CITY, Kan. W) Dr. 11. M, Dummlt come down atnlrs after presiding over a meeting Df the Antl-Thlcf aso clntlon chapter. Ho looked up the street. Then down. Mia enr had been stolon. phen Curt had called to hrr-and might think she heard the voice .u. i..a ...-.i ..... of her loved one. ana imu ictiih m hiwhiBw. Nothing could shake her belief In that It was atrange, Diana reflected. aa the drowlneM of emotional ex haustlon stole through her slim body like the action of some sooth ing drug, that splriluiilly he could fal that she and Stephen shared ao much when actually their mo menta of tenderness could be counted In the ticking of few momenta In time. She remem bered with gentleness In a balf emlle the nltfht she had gone to Thorpe's lodijo to "reacue" Adela and stepped Into the trap that had been laid for her an evening she end Stephen, growing closer to each other, should by all right have had together . . . Adela'a hand on her arm, Ade la's kindly "You mut rest, my dear," disturbed the reverie. She lay down quietly and Adcla drew the covers up over her and went quietly out of the room. But outside the door Atlclft paused, her eyes hard and cruel and tri umphant Diana must hava slept, for when ahe awakened It was to find Adela and t (trengo man suindlng beside her bed. Sho- sat up (hastily. "What Is the meaning of (this?" ah demanded indignantly, . Adela waa decidedly nervous. PI I was afraid you were 111, 'Diana, and I've asked Dr. Stutgart ito come to see you. "Nonsense! I'm quite all right" Her glance swept over the man. noted his shifting, restless eyes; knew he could not be a reputable physician. Her soft mouth became a grim line. "Could It be that you called Dr. Stutgart because vat my what you chose to call my dream, Adela? Adela'a smile was fixed, full of triumph. "What you choose to call your reactions may have bearing on the case," ahe sneered. "However, we'll let Dr. Stutgart Idecldel" i Fury suddenly swept over Dl :ana. She felt very much as she had that day so long ago In Rich ard Thorpe's office when she had told everybody concerned to go to the devill Forces long dammed up; Indignities long sulTered; pas sions long leashed possessed her swiftly. She swept back the covers and stood before them. It did not lessen her anger to sea the look Dr. Stutgart swept over her figure In its transparent night gown. . Her eyes flashed and her face was white with rage. ; "Now look here, Adela!" she Tjegin, trying to keep her voice Ifrom icreamlng the. words. "I've stood all I Intend to stand from iyoul Your Insults, your insinua Itlona but this Is the Inst atrnwl lOet out of her? Do you hear? Get out tills minute! And take Jthls Idiotic, simpering quack with 'Iyoul" SHE stood there shaking with fury, while Adela, simulating extreme fear, backed out of the room followed by the entranced Dr, Stutgart who DlHna was aura murmured the word "Beautiful" several times beneath his breath. When the door closed behind them, Diana stood for a moment longer, then sank to the bed, con vulsed with helpless laughter In which was mingled atrange, heart shaking tears. Suddenly ahe con trolled herself, slopped abruptly, a thought widening her eyes. ' Could It be that she wna renny going Insane? Hnd nil the atrange thlnga that hnd hnppencd really unbalanced her mind? Cnlmly, almost analytically, ahe exnmlncd her reactions. No-Hhe had never been saner In her llfo. It was Just that the tension under which ahe had been living hnd shattered her nerves until one dnv perhaps con trol might easily become impos sible. And when thnt dny came would Adcla finally convince the world that Diana was unbal anced? . Diana's arms encircled the bed ipost for a moment and aha lay Iher head down wearily. "Oh, Ste iphen, my denrost," she whispered, '"come loon-a-como goonl" , , I . e e A LITTLE Inter she called Eva-' lyn Thorpe on the itolephone. l"Come over and spend the dny with me. darling," she begged. "1 . "Do you renlly think so?' "Of course, darling Diana alghed. "Then perhaps you'll think It strange that Adela has convinced everyone In thla house that I'm unbalanced. The servants etart from me whenever I annroarh. Aunt Christie takei on an exaggerated look of fear. And as for Adela well, alter s told her of my my drcom thla OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla 'V rt TVTKIfT WnPPV THCKt N, AIW'T MOME Of THE CHRISTMAS -r PCESENTS )OU HAD HID ) THEM'S JU?T FAKE BUNDLES J I I MADE UP AW HID AROUND C I THE HOUSE AW THEY AIWT ei, BOTHERED ME ALL AFTER- .1 .-vfT. ' NOOM THACT'S THE WAV TO (i : HANDLE KIDS "I WAS A Ml .i KIP OWCE MV5ELE AW J i"t "' ,4i a. w ... & W ALAS, BOli! EVERY UST GOBBLER. SOU CM X Ztf ESCAPED, AND NO MORE BIRDS ARB TO HAN&MINE 1 A 8H OBTAINED IN TOWM FOR LOVE OR. J( 1EEP MV TOO' BUY ' X MONEYSO I AM REFUMDIM& TO ANTE, ty THE TlMY I d ALL WHO PURCHASED RATFLE -( MAJOR TIMS A i TICKETS-.T'LL BUY THE jfwV "X'D V( NBvCHIn5 ) ( ORPHAMEO NCHJNSSTERS A ONLVCRAW) GUM OR A BATCH OF SIFTS OUT OF- IT DOVNNt 11 30NETrtrlG. . 1. AY OM FUNDS ( 60WE BOOK-K-g W-Ur-t HAR-RUMPH: J MAKER'S T'Vfy gV RED RYDER By Fred Harmon THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson M !T(7.'i-t'i4.lflaaaaaaaaai l A SOUTH AMERICAN PLEBce-PWOCHjcHsJO ANJlMAi-a BORN OP Ak ' AND A.NI ft Ofa INDIA, MAS THRBBI LAPUBr- FORMING EACH LM AF- AND TWO OF THI&8 KBrf UP V CONSTANf WV7C - lAAS Grf& A87 THOLKSM TMBV vSVOVUsS ?r J I ' COM. 1MI IV hf A BfRVICf Vl.K RIC. V. . M. oft. OO Wl SPSAK OP THE. VIOTHBR TONOUE ANU TH6 FATHERLAND." " SAVS W. R. QWILLIM, i KEXTi Doe a tree contain water In winter HORIZONTAL 1, 9 Pictured English actor. 1 1 Sheep's fleece. 12 Prescribed regimen. 14 Evasiveness. 16 2000 pounds. 15 Township fabbr.). 19 Doctor (abbr.). 20 Vegetable. 22 Above. 24 Deierves. 25 Tolled. 26 Tone D (muslck ' 27 Sick. 20 Father. ' 30 French article. 31 Northeast (abbr.). 32 Rhode Island (abbr.). 33 Compass point. 34 African animal. 36 Bone. FAMOUS ACTOR Answer to Prevleus Punle sifroNBnAjnnAc i eJnL IjiR Pfrrpii Elflia CEPMD INEBpE f R tlx " IR O o ter's Afiftis NYE IahNt b'p uis!siCiKi'Aft6Rr J7 Symbol for samarium. 39 Blouses. 41 Solid foods. 43 Dined. 44 Whirlwind. 45 Greek letter. 46 Sun god. 48 Raid. 32 Near. 63 Part of speech. . 85 Thin. w 57 Minor thing. 58 Flight. VERTICAL 2 Night bird. 3 Repulse. ,4 Guiding principle. 8 Yale. 6 American' humorist. T External coverings. 8 Malicious, glance. 9 Belonging te It. to He Is a famous 13 Acting platform. 14 Point of the compass. 13 Health resort 17 Overindulge. 21 Enrolls. 23 Circles. 25 Lilt 28 Slowly (music)., 29 College dances. 33 Row of cut grass. 35 BeneflclaL' 38 Asiatic. 40 Suffix. V 42 Fit I 47 Bird of tuekooJ family. 49 Individual. 50 Beverage. 51 Affirmative. 82 Collection of facts. 84 Concerning. 56 Alternating current (abbr.). .-I i r r r Is irrrpTi TPL EE IT "h"l-i4 I I I. nFT 25" "" TT 28 I " 29 30" 39" 10 T I vl V "41 r " 44a.r47 4b 4 3 T" 5Q !l Tbl H k- rrr1 BANJO &,LL GE15 K K',cSr vve. ZV AMO m HSPi' vJrtT jSo&D OUR.t TRlAU f WL 5 VI-K.N (ta SAID OJT tHH ' nULE , AMD N5RTfD HNG OLT." Oaf: 5UT SriS I FAMCf TX aSiCl" Li ( Val 4 -J r: :: TX;GJS iTXSSS'T C PtrtAfS WHAT TOUTHISK-UI' CSa LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By Harold Grai oh. boy! oh. boy! THrS A SWELL MUFFLE?.! NBJJE--WARM. TOO I COULDNT H(JB PICKED OUT A BETTER ONE MYSELF-QU1CK-Hlt3e (T FORE HE COMES- I KNOW DOCTOR WILL BE AJ FULLY PLEASED - I L 'r-v in'aa WELL HAVE TO. HflYE SOME FANCY PAPER AM RED RIBBON AN" SEALS to wrap rr so ITU- LOOK ALL CHRtSTMPSY! YES, ANMlE" fU. GO TO THE STORE tN THE sh-h-h! OU1CK- Htoe rr- doctorts BACK" I HEARD TH" FRONT DOOR-AND ITS GOT TO BE A & PRISE- T DOMT WORRY. ANNIE- ru. hide rr WHERE HE'LL. NEVER LOOK BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martini TKt. B0f..l DOCTOR I WfvS .TOE SOCXtW OL ? TW. " M-OVSt fi "Hi P04feJ5. '."VE. "as.T OE.VW OV . OONl GET tAO SWV T. TO fours. ttTTorf. COPW-IWI BY WCA gtHVIce, INC. WASH TUBBS By Cranfl WO X 1 THOJ6HTY0UD BE COLD AND HukiaRY V- OBOyJ Vi ctii L I A.PTCO vonn uiajjtr iu ti baim. CEAOKT. I MOTTA OPf SO X MADE VOU SOME SANDWICHES AND 6 HOT CHOCOLATE Si W-;,S7 LL GET THE NOSE ff i BatSSI TROPS AND FIS. f ,UOO fc'vA yOU A MUSTARD tf-Wr-A :Wim&. PLASTER VOU POOR DARLIW6I YOU MISSED ALL THE SAS0TA6E EXCITEMENT ANDNOW VOUUE CAUSHT A COUP ; - ' THATS ALL RI6HT. I BON"n CARE WOT HAPPEIH CAROL, AS LONG AS I HAVE A WIPE LiK&ycU FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS "TfctS 19 OUR BlSAeST PROJECT SO FR.,OUNO ! TUB BLUB ROOM IS De finitely first CABIN I I I WONT EVE 1 1 I OeOINNIKia I 7 r Diaur Tufa arl I r, t LARD AND I HILDA ARC )a arT soar op f orrito TMEYbr I AWAY TOO .' PROBABLY I I HAVENT TOO . HEARD A EXCITED , I PEEP OUT Tb TALK ; BajIffRT Ler's see NOW -DINNSS FOR TWO. S PLUS TVN PER CENT OP TUB CHECK FOR THE tMAlTRD g ; bucks Pujs fifty -J mjL CENTS EQUALS S.ffO I K LEAVINS MS SEVEN CENTS K IN CASE OP eMSRGENCY M fcifeTOI t:w rco. u a. p.t. orr mMvM By Blossef GABBEWACKyi' D D WVJPoT OU1V 'BHS DVUAMo"BWRaiBMO fnaJMB PJM'a SoWLINa by CKVKK ftAWIOMO MKW-B. ILLINOIS. koUISKIN MAIS.iflWCAlK TMUO M A SHMLt". HASH ON TOACT li tuvios.Buaiw saoNX.Niw win. "SH9E HETLS'a BRIBI'9 First Biscurra . iv HARM9M IB30M IMIUB.UXNtt.IC. ... , CbWSWTRATIOa'CAMa PUBLIC LIBRARY fry tviltv eiTltAaa VIAUWATMAWIS. Lii. ALLEY OOP By V. T. Hamlin aaaaaaaaa-a II" -V t"t i'JjvfUill 'JTW i'11 ra.T;"V-n aT .V '-. a li aa v atF IU j.f ' j.'aT -17 a -VWA (, - .1 I . a' i- jn.'JSm .''.--.. . . r&& m mm mMm mA''kwy ill i&i fr6b MEW.HUKcies ft P7 rXr W 'i V,.-V!v - At r L S B 1 - fi-y fi' BACK TO THE HEAD-' t XjTV 'SSMSl:S ! T WfWa Uli'l iT 1 J SVWfTSr.lXia35 y airJ