Sports v Briefs UlJ rulUrtoo, Jr. N'i NEW YORK, Dec. 22 tWide World) At long range it looks as if the New York pro loot ball giants had no more chance against the Bears than the Dodgers had in the world scries ... That Chicago "crowd" makes it look bad tor the dough bowl game here Jan. 4 still. New York fans have been hol lering all season because they weren't able to see the Bears ... War regulations are tough on the football broadcasters. They can't fill in the dull spots with poems about the weather . . Instead of having a fling at the light-heavyweight title, Billy Soose goes into the navy tomorrow . . . He'll have the rank of chief boatswain's mate ... Tickets for the American Hockey, league's all-star game at Cleveland Feb. 3 will carry a "tax" of a pack of cigarettes, a can of tobacco or cigars, which will be sent to army camps . . . New tennis rule to come up at the USLTA meet ing would allow players to be connected with firms selling tennis goods but only if they're over 35 years old and have been with the firm 10 years. TODAY'S GUEST STAR Ed Danforth, Atlanta Journal: "They changed the wording on the publicity release to read Termination of services' instead of 'Dismissal,' but the fact re mains that Jimmy Phelan. will not be head football coach at the University of Washington next season. Washington is like the gentleman who always re moves his hat before striking a lady." MONDAY MATINEE Stanley Frank, N. Y Post sports columnist, is conducting a drive for memorial plaque to Colin Kelly, to be placed at West Point. Contributions are limited to $1 . . . Dot Kirby, the Atlanta Star, and Georgia Tainter of Fargo, N. D., are first under the wire with en tries for the women's open golf tourney which Mrs. Jess Carver Is running at Hollywood Beach, Fla, in January . . . Ray Eaton of Irvington, N. J., one-time na tional sprint bike racing champ, Isn't i too old to bowl in three different leagues these days al though he has one son in the army and another in the navy . . . Irving Jaffee, former Olym pic skating champ, will head the. winter sports staff at the GrosSinger Country club in the Catskills besides handling a job in the civilian defense training program. UNITED EUROPE The Due de Sully, then sec retary to King Henry TV of France, outlined a plan to weld . the nations of Europe into one federation more than 300 years ago. , CLOSEST STARS The two stars nearest the earth are the sun and Alpha Centaurus. Their distances are 93 million miles and 25 tril lion miles respectively. Great Britain abolished the pillory a hundred years ago. THE TOP OF THE lb Quaker Distilled from Wl - For holiday cheer, or for gifts that win cheers, put OLD QUAKER at the top of your list! Because, OLD QUAKER is distilled from prize grain, THE-TOP-OF-THE-CROPl Coast Fives Plaster Mid-West Washington, Washington State Whip Missouri, Kansas Stat in Jamboree SEATTLE, Dec. 22 () Un able to gloat over their inter- sectional prowess in football. the state of Washington's two largest schools nevertheless to day grinned broadly over their conquest of Big Six conference basketball invaders from the middle west. Washington State college, 1941 western champions and na tional runnersup. showed contin ued championship form in sound ly -whipping both Missouri and Kansas State in a "Little Madi son Square Garden" perform ance at the University of Wash ington pavilion Friday and Sat urday nights. To a lesser degree, the Uni versity of Washington Huskies did the same thing to the same clubs in the other half of the twin double bills. The WSC Cougars trounced Missouri, 62-23 and Kansas State, 47-22. Washington beat Kansas State 45-32 and Missouri, 52-31. Tonight Missoliri was sched uled to play the University of California at Berkeley. Kansas State was to clash against Mon tana at Missoula. Tomorrow night Kansas State plays Mon tana State at Bozeman, then re turns home. Ducks Lose Another Cage Game, 27-23 CHICAGO, Dec. 22 (UP) Staging a late rally the De Paul university quintet defeat ed a touring University of Ore gon basketball team Saturday night, 27 to 23. Bob Wozny s two one-handed baskets and a last-minute goal by Bernie Weksler turned back an Oregon challenge and cinch ed the DePaul victory. Ore gon's Paul Jackson led the scor ing with nine points. Bowling for Beginners J&L Qoe Falcaio- You Maintain Average With Spares,' So Angle Shots to Obtain Alley Width By JOE FALCARO V Greatest Match Game Bowler :'. Any bowler can get a strike either by skill or good fortune. To maintain an average, you must bring in your spares. This is a part of the game BILTMORE GOLF CORAL GABLES, Fla., Dec 22 JP) Gene Sarazen of Brook field, Conn, and Ben Hogan of Hershey, Pa., 1941 winners, and runnersup Sam Snead of Hot Springs, Va., and Ralph Guldahl of Madison, N. J, head the invi tation list for this year's renewal of the $5000 Miami Biltmore Country club golf meet here March 8-11. 4 The tuberculosis death rate of Illinois was 45.2 per 100,000 of the population during 1939. SEASON WITH TOP - Of - THl - CROP! PAGE TEN Chi Bears Trample N. Y. Giants, 37-9 1940 Pro Champions Score Repeat Victory on Sid Luckman's Passing By DAVE HOFF CHICAGO. Dec. 22 (if) Quarterbacks? The Bears had 'em. If it wasn't Sid Luckman passing, it was Bob Snyder kicking field goals. That's the success story of the two-ycar-champlon Chicago Bears that plus a couple of backs named George Mc Afee and Norm Standlee. The New York Giants thought the key to victory in the National Football league title game was stopping Luckman. But they didn't stop him. Sid laid his passes on the line to set up the touchdowns that counted, weather the storm. Golfer Bud Ward Joins U. S. Army SPOKANE. Wash., Dec. 22 (UP) Marvin (Bud) Ward, na tional amateur golf champion, on Monday may become Private Marvin Ward, U. S. arm. While photographers flash bulbs popped, the slender, blond veteran of the nation's golfing wars Saturday volunteered for service with the army air corps. "I just thought it was the thing to do " Ward said. He took physical and mental examinations today, passing the latter with "flying colors," army men said. If he passes the physic al examination he will be in ducted Monday. Army officers said he probably will be assigned to second air force headquarters here. ANNAPOLIS. Md., Dec. 22 (JP) Commander John E. Whel cheL USN, of Washington, D. C was named head football coach of the US Naval academy today, succeeding Major Emery E. (Swede) Larson, US marine corps. where skill plays. a more prom inent part than luck. You may get a strike on a Brooklyn, or left hit. You can cash In on a lucky cross or full nose hit. Angle s p a re shots to obtain as much alley width as possj-.v ble. In shooting 'sr at the 10 pin ? assuming you are right-handed Joe Falcaro , shoot directly across alley from left to right. Use -the same angle in rolling at the three, six or nine pin, or any combination of three. This affords a wiaer span of alley inches. The reverse is true In shooting for the seven pirn Roll from right to left, across alley. Use this same angle in bowling at the four, eight or two pin, or any combination of them. Line yourself up in the middle of the alley for the five pin or combinations of five-nine or five-eight. If the head pin is standing, shoot from the side of the alley opposite to which the greatest number of pins is standing. NEXT; Spot bowling. Sawmill and Planer FOR SALE The J. E. Flurry Lumber Company plant and equip ment, located about three miles south of Ashland, Oregon, and consisting of sawmill of about 30,000 feet daily capacity, log pond, edger, greenchaini, track cars, planer, loading docks, water tower and tank well and electric pump. About 17-aere sit. This plant and 450 acres of good timber It being of fered on any one of the following terms: 1. CASH SALE. 2. PART CASH Balance en basis of per thousand feet of lumber cut. 3. ON CONTRACT OF PURCHASE, with small cash payment, balance on basis of per thousand feet of lumber cut and sold, with guaranteed prices on en tire output of mill until 12,000,000 feet have been cut. These prices are covered by contract already signed by responsible parties. A copy of this' con tract may be had by interested parties by writing P. R. Hardy, Trustee, Ashland, Ore., or F. P. Far rell, Attorney, Medford. For further information tee or write P. R. HARDY, Trustee, J. E. FLURRY LUMBER CO., Bankrupt. December 22, 1941 arm the uiants simply coumn i While the 37 to 9 final score indicates the 1940 champions had an easy time repeating in Sunday's titular tilt, it wasn't quite a breeze. There was, for instance, the time when the clock read 7Vi minutes gone in the third period, and the score was tied at nine apiece. Giants Lead at Half The main reason the Bears were in the running at that stage was Snyder, Luckman's replacement. Bob. booted three field goals a feat no player has performed in title play since Jack Menders of the Bears did it in 1933. Two of Snyder's field goals balanced George Franck's first period touchdown run for New York, after Tuffy Leeraans had passed to him from the 31-yard line. Snyder's third three-point er gave the Bears a 9-6 half time lead, an edge that didn't last long. For Ward Cuff, acclaimed for many years as a field-goal boot ing champion, laid one between the uprights early in the third period to tie the score, and the 13,341 spectators no one re ferred to them as a crowd weren't very sure the Bears had the stuff that won 10 of 11 games and the western division playoff over the Green Bay Packers. But where Snyder had been doing the work, Luckman step ped in for his share. He knifed a 23-yard aerial to Dick Plas- man and a 26-yarder to Johnny Siegal, who wound up on the Giants' eight. Standlee barged over from the three for the touchdown that sent the Bears merrily on their way. Klamath Pointer Places Second in California Meet FRESNO, Calif., Dec. 22 JP) Humboldt Star Girl, a pointer owned by Porter L. Hackney of Fresno and handled by Ronald Masters of Yakima, Wash., won first place yesterday in the open all-age stake of the Central Cal ifornia Field Trial association's seventh annual competition. Second was Caldawna, a pointer owned by John Kauff man, Klamath Falls, Ore., and handled by E. Allen Sharpe, Willows. Bearers Trounce Multnomah, 47-31 PORTLAND, Dec. 21 UP) Oregon "State's Beavers started a transcontinental tour Satur day night with a '47 to 31 vic tory over the Multnomah Ath letic club basketball team. The Beavers moved to Baker for a game tonight with Utah State. SUCCESSFUL FAILURE Although a well near Braw ley, Calif., failed to bring in oil, its drillers were not dis couraged since the well has "gushed" 1,000,000 cubic feet of carbon dioxide daily. This is used in making "dry Ice." Pete Reiser Cops Senior Bat Crown Brooklyn! First Rookie In History lo Pace National Loop Hitters By GEORGE KIRKSEY NEW YORK. Dec. 22 (UP) Baseball veterans and castoffs little and big men, bespectacled players and almost every other verlcty have led the National league hitting, but it remained for Pete Reiser to round out the picture by becoming the first rookie in history to win the batting crown. The 21-year-old Brooklyn cen ter fielder, who was picked up for a song by the Dodgers, cap tured the batting title with an averago of .343 for 137 gnmes. according to the official averages released Saturday. Considering only players who participated in 100 or more games. Reiser won the crown by a margin of 24 points as the runner-up, aging Johnny Coonoy of the Boston Braves, batted .319 in 123 games. Another veteran Estel Crabtree of tho Cardinals, finished in between them, but he compiled his average of .341 in only 77 games. Not only did the youthful Reiser lead the circuit in batting but he carried off the lion's share of the other hitting laurels. The Dodger speedster scored the most runs. 117; hit for the most total bases, 299; made the most triples, 17; and tied with Johnny Mize of the Cardinals for the most two-base hits, each with 39. The other individual leaders last season follow: Home runs Dolf C a m 1 1 1 1, Dodgers, 34. Most hits Stanley Hack, Cubs, 186. Most singles Stanley Hack, Cubs, 141. Most stolen bases Dan Mur tugh, Phillies. 18. Most sacrifices Marty Marion, Cards, 28. Most times at bat Johnny Rucker, Giants, 622. Mel Ott, new Giants manager, hit 27 home runs lost season, bringing his life-time total to 419, more than any other Na tional leaguer ever hit. Frank McCormick, Reds' first baseman. by puaying in all his team s 154 games, extended his consecutive games streak to 616. Benny Hogan, Picard Fight For Golf Title HARLINGEN, Tex., Dec. 22 VP) Stretch-runner Benny Ho gan, the little man who's always there at the finish, was back in the thick of the battle for the $5000 valley open title today, The Hershey, Pa., mighty mite takes the hard way but it only makes him the most talked about guy in a tournament whether he wins it or not. Lean Henry Picard held to the leadership as the field swung into the stretch but Hogan's blazing 65 six under par in yesterday's 18 holes warned the Oklahoma City professional he had a fight on his hands to the last putt. It pushed Hogan Into a tie for third place with four others, all five strokes back of Picard who had a 64-67131. Mecham Winner of Hoffman Award EUGENE, Dec. 21 (P) Half back Curt Mecham, selected by teammates as the outstanding University of Oregon football player this year, was announced Saturday as winner of the Hoff man award. Guard Ray Segale and End Bill Regner also Were high In the voting. , VOU NEVER HAVE MUCH" taouete (HN0IN6- Some body TO KNOCK. TUB. , CHIV Off YOUR. ' You never have trouble being satisfied If you are Lombard customer, for we have no substitutes for excellence, honesty .and ' courtesy. is i . a Band tajMrsMRlPP,1i V- t: ' ' . ' -' ...... .....Jfc.. bpinncrs will not be confined to Georgia and Toxai Christian football team In Orange Bowl, January 1. Muriel band. UCLA Field Goal Nips Florida, 30-27 Snelling's Three-pointer in Last Period Winds Up Regular Grid Play JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. Dec , 22 (UP) Ken Snclllng. field goal specialist, booted a 23-yard place kick from a touch angle in the last period Saturday to give University of California at Los Angeles a 30 to 27 victory over University of Florida In a thrill-laden intcrsectlonat foot ball game. Tho aerial combinations of the two teams which hove stressed the passing game all season left the result in doubt until tho fi nal whistle, but It was SnclllnR's field goal that provided the margin. Only 5000 fans saw tho wind up of the season for both elevens, although the weather was fair and warm. Bearcats Down Albion, 54-38 BURLEY, Idaho, Dec. 22 (IP) The Willamette university bas ketball team won its second game of an intcrmountaln re gion invasion Saturday night by drubbing Albion normal, 34 to 38. Jim Robertson and Sumner Gallahcr led the smooth-working Bearcats to the victory, Rob ertson scoring 14 points and Gallahcr 13. HIOH SCHOOl Untvirally CSuiirti) II, Orantt PlM IT Hood nitr It, PiMlilon II TlllanKO II, NioMrs II oMllma) Atlorli II, Abordn, Wash., M Sakar II, Mllton-rrMwatar H Read the Classified page. (km Kentucky contributes rich ness, Maryland adds bou quet; Indiana makes it smooth, and Pennsylvania .gives it body. The finest from all four whiskey states in one wonderful whiskey with light-bodied milrinone, tool Blended with specially Distilled Neutral Grain Spirits. ..Schenley Blends Give You Perfect MUDNm. SohtnhyRtd Label, 7V, drain Neutral Spirits, 86 Proof, BLENDED WHISKEY, Cowridht 19dL. Schenley DMIIhn Corporation, New York City Has Spinner. Too ...... 'W-' Smith, acrobatic drum meorette, leads University ot Florida's passing attack gave the Gators a first half lend of 20 to 13 but then the visitors' ovrrheod game began to ctlca Just a little better. With the score tied 20 lo 20 as the fourth quorter started UCLA left hnlf. Leo Cantor, put the Briilnn ahead with a 23-ynrd run to the . one-foot line where Plerson went across. Canto, nftor a Florida fumble, again figured in line plays that put the ball on the Florida IS where SncllinK dropped back for his field goal. Florida enmo back with a touch- j down and had tho boll on the; Bruin's 30-yard line as tho game' ended. I Km & 1B38& KJ5 ssB - Z-jm fl - $" 25 K A PINT s V-Vv-' - "we. ; . ... Miami J Miami , The Jnpnnese alphabet hue two srts nf character katanaka for tho line of men, and hlrnniihe ' for the line of wompn. HERE'S THE HAPPIEST MAN IN KLAMATH FALLS He peeked ot those Gifts hit wife hid away and sow a book of Esquire- Towor Theatre Scrip! IBs r Tower r Theatre Scrip 4 B ii nut itf)rioe j L- Can Inter J "a ,ur HOW I f. ifc J iAVI MOHir II . en 'lit ,:: 7