Pecombnr 20. 1011 'TUB EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGtS TONE Masdzeti and financed. STOCK MARKET IKES SLIGHT REGOVERY NEW YORK. Dec. 20 (AP) iK(fort to pump u little re L'livcry Into lha itock markot kvi-ro succeiisful In part today llmt unavalllnu for mnnv Iffiid- Th ho list dipped thruuuh Pllm groove from the start and it the close of the brief pro- rrdlngs, udvmicns and drclints wrre pretty evtmly divided. Tax. selling In low-priced tucks ' continued as the main iirup' for volume ana transfers llur (lit two hours were around ,110.000 inures, about the same is the 'preceding Saturday. In tho resistant division were blcthlehrm Steel, Santa I'm, .Southern Pacific, Anaconda, International Nickel, Phvlpi IDudtfo, Douglas Aircraft. United ILlrcru(t. Knutmnn Kodak and .liintgoinrry Ward. Lacking mucn support were U. S. Rubber common and pre ferred, with the latter diving nevitrul points; Coneral Motors, Chrysler, U. S. Steel, Youngs town Slxwt, American Tele phone and International Harvester. I Bonds were Irregular and commodities generally Improv ed. C'loilng quotations: Air Reduction 37 LManka Juneau ..... Ll them It Dy 'Atlls-Chelmera .... 'American Can .... Am Car it Fdy .. - Am Had Sta Ran , Am Roll Mills . .' Am Smelt it Ref . I Am Tel It Tel ... iAm Tob "B" Am, Water Works Am ZHie LiS Anacofjdn A krmour 111 Qvtrhlnon ; Aviaiion v-orp ................... Itnld Loco . . ' llnndlx Avla 1I1M Steel ; Dorinn Alrp ..4T n--- ' Morflrrl '.: ...... Borge-Wiirner : ' Call! backing '. iCollahan Z L, Calumet ttec 'Canad Dry . Cann'dfan Paclflo .... Cat Tractor ; Celaneso .. iches It Ohio i Chrynler Col Gas St El ... Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'llh Ic Sou : Consol Aircraft Consol Edison . Consol Oil Cont'l Can ... Corn Products .. Crown Zellcrbach .. jCurtlsi Wright 'Domi Aircraft Q)upont Do N . Tisstman Kodak ; Er pow ft Lt General Electric Clemornl Foods General Motors . Goodrich ....... 'Goodyear Tire lot Nor Ry pfd Greyhound , Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester ... Int Nick Can 'Int Pop It P pfd Int Tel ft Tel ;Johns Manvllle 'Kennccott .......... ;Llb O Ford 'Lockheed iLoew's ..... JLong-Bell "A" .. Montgomery Ward , jNash-Kotv , Watfl Biscuit Nnt'l Dairy Prod ... Nafl Dlst National Lead ..... N Y Central , jlfo Am Aviation Olorth Amer Co Northern Paclflo ........... Ohio Oil Otla Steel Pac Amer Fish Pac Gas St El Pne Tel & Tel .. Packard Motor Pan Amer Airways Paramount Plo Penney (J C) Ponna R R Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet 48 1 Proctor St Gamble 601 Pub SVC N J 12 Pullman .................. 211 Radio . 21 Rnyonlcr 01 Republic Steel ... 161 Richfield Oil ... fl Safeway Stores 421 Scars Roebuck 811 Shell Union - 181 Socony Vacuum .................. 81 2 139 27 02i 201 . 4 . 10 8Si 1241 454 21 . 4 261 31 231 81 13a 38 801 ...... 181 lfla IBa 18 4 ..... 81 Ill ..... 34 . 874 . 181 32s 42 1 8 832 221 Hi 81 , 241 ...... 40 ...' 101 81 66 ......1384 1324 ...1316 26 i 37s 201 131 111 204 HI 84 104 484 86 244 II 621 384 214 224 341 21 S8s -..3 131 13 231 124 71 Ill 44 ..... 4 ...; '" 81 41 10 ..... 18 08 II ..... 141 ...... 131 74 181 . 294 ou Cnl Edison nuthorrr Paclflo perry Corn Stgnrinrd Brands Stand Oil Calif .. Stand .Oil Ind Stdrid Oil N iT ..... 17 104 201 31 211 ...304 424 Carload Potato Shipments Day of Jtfonth SeasonlMMJI mmtZmmmmlmimmmmm Dc. to Season Dec. to Season Dec. Dally Date to Date Daily Date to Date 1 21 21 2606 3 3 2070 2 0 30 2676 28 31 3007 I 23 83 2608 24 88 3031 4 31 iT 2720 il 88 3062 6 21 108 2780 32 iT5 3004 ' 24 120 2774 28 146 3122 7 0 120 2774 T 187 3163 8 25 184 270S 4 103 8167 0 24 178 2823 40 233 3207 10 33 21 1 28S6 38 288 3242 Tl 38 247 2802 23 201 3269 12 33 280 2028 38 328 3301 13 22" ' 302 2047 il 383 3320 14 1 303 2048 34 387 3383 15 7 350 2008 8 30S 3371 16 27 377' 3022 35 ' 430 3406 17 34 4ll 3056 32 462 3438 18 37 468 3113 33 407 3473 10 42 810 3135 48 345 3321 21 '. 22 ' 23 ' 24 '. ' ZZ 23 26 27 28 " ' 11 so IZZZ ' 81 Month Shipments by Truck (1840) SEVEN LOCAL MEN TO STUDY GAS WARFARE Seven Klamath county men will leave here Sunday (or Port land to attend a three-day course of instruction In chemical warfare, Earl Reynolds, Klamath county defense coordinator an nounced Saturday: ' The school, conducted under the auspices of, the US army in cooperation with "the Oregon State Defense council, is an out growth of the chemical warfare schools- conducted at 'Edgewood Arsenal, -M, J., last summer and Instructed by men - trained In England. It is especially de signed for fire-fightors, -.police, medical men, representatives of public, works and utilities, har bor and dock expert and air raid wardens. . . Reynolds announced ihat the following men will attend' .from here: Coleman O'Loufihlio, chief air raid warden, representing Klamath County Defense coun cil; Keith Ambrose, ire. chief, representing the city of Klamath Falls; Marion Barnes,, fire war den, and L. Orth Siscmore, dis trict attorney, representing Klamath county; Claude More land, lire chief, representing the city of Merrill; Hal Ogre, fire warden, for the Klamath Forest Protective association; H. R. Kal lendar, forest and fire super-1 visor for the Klamath Indian j service, , , j , The school will last from. 0 i a. m. to 0 p. m, Monday through j Wednesday, and wll prepare i the men to teach classes In their , own districts. " ' Every county defense council In Oregon has been requested to send representatives, Reynolds stated. Oil Company Ask Employ Silence On Military Moves SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 20 The following request Is being made today of all employes of the Standard Oil Company of California by H. D. Collier, pres ident:. "Every member of this com pany, must do his utmost to help win this war. In every possible way we must aid the govern ment and the military forces. One of the most Important ways of contributing to success Is to protect the army and the navy by refraining from discussing their activities. We are in con tact with the armed forces at many points. Our employes of ten observe army and navy ac tivities. These things must not be revealed. Keep such infor mation to yourself. Don't even tell your friends. A casual com ment about' the movement of ships, naval or merchant, or about the movement of troops might be of great value to the enemy and lead to a disaster. Military authorities are pleading that the public refrain frorrj gos sip and the spreading of rumors. "We have here a most serious duty. Therefore, my earnest re quest to all employes Is to 'Serve in silence. Don't reveal military information.' " CONDEMNATION SUIT Trial oi the condemnation suit brought by the city . of Klamath Falls against C. H. Kelly and J. F. Kelly, owners of land wanted lor municipal airport expansion, neared com pletion Saturday with the call ing of final witnesses for the defense. The case is .expected to go to the Jury late Saturday afternoon. The city has offered .the Kelly brothers 82752.50, for 36.7 acres of their land. The Kellys testified Saturday to changes they will have to make In Irri gation ditches, due to the con demnation of the land. They are claiming $14,037.30..'.' Judge Ralph Hamilton -pf Bend is sitting on the case. Hunt the.brlght side! If you're broke, at least you can't lose any money out of the hole you didn't know was in your pocket - IWA Selected in McCloud River Lobor Elections Bargaining rights for logging employes of the McCloud River Lumber company were won by the CIO International Wood workers of America at elections held Thursday and Friday at Pondosa and Whitehorse, It was reported Saturday ' by Ben Garske, IWA representative. There : were 181 eligible voters and the IWA won the election about three to one. On' the ballot Were the IWA and "no union" 6ptions. George Neal of the 20th re gional offices of the national labor relations board conducted the 'elections. . Looking for BargalhsT Turn to the Classified page..1 yji m - 4i ii n Hi ' 1 The Gift of Bedutyl Give her Palace Beauty "CHARM CARD" . -. :. good for all types of beau ty service! For that school Miss or young matron . . Mother would lova one, too. Phone 3311 or drop in. We will be glad to tell you- all a b o u t t h "CHARM CARD." A $7.50 Value For Only ' $5 A none Roberta PALACE eao Main - , Phone 8811 Read the Classified page 40 TOPCOATS ON SALE FOR $15 i DREW'S MANSTORE ' Grand Total POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 20 (AP) Potatoes: 18 cars broken, 30 cars broken on track; 0 Cali fornia, 18 Oregon, 1 Idaho ar rived; market firm; Klamath russets No. 1, no early sales reported; late sales Friday, 1 car 2.80. CHICAGO. Dec. 20 (AP-USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 102; on track 287; total U. S. shipments 800; supplies moderate; demand very light; market unsettled; offer ings light; Idaho Russet Bur banks U. S. No. 1, $2.78-80; Ne braska and Wyoming Bliss Tri umphs $2.35-60; Colorado Red McClures $3.40-45; Minnesota and North Dakota Bliss Tri umphs $1.65-2.20; cobblers $1.60; Wlscon Kstahdlns $1.50-70. E CHICAGO, Dec. 20 m A steep price advance In the soy bean market today Injected some support Into the entire grain trade. Beans were up at one stage almost the 6 cent daily limit fol lowing reports that there may be some revision of the ceilings placed on certain fats and oils re cently. The advance In grains was held to fractions, with invest ment and commercial trade con tinuing on a restricted scale be cause of uncertainty regarding price ceilings. The bright out look for winter wheat production next summer, with a crop al most as large as this year's in prospect despite the unusually small acreage, had a depressing effort In tho wheat pit. . Wheat closed 4-lc higher than yesterday, December $1.23, May $1,281-1; corn 4-4c up, Decem ber 78c, May 82ic; oats un changed to ic lower,; rye l-llc higher; soybeans 8i-4ie higher. SILVER IN QUEBEC The silver output of the prov ince of Quebec for the first half of 1940 . amounted to 608,143 ounces, .compared with 848,878 ounces In the same period of the preceding year. Stone it Webster '.......... 44 Studcbaker ..,................. 31 Sunshine Mining .................. 31 Texas Corp ............ 431 Trans-America 44 Union Carbide .................... 681 Union 0 Calif ..j 131 Union Pacific 60i United Airlines 101 United Aircraft .... 341 United Corporation ............932 United Drug United Fruit U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd ., U S Steel Vanadium Warner Pictures ,. Western Union ., Wcstlngliouso, Woolworth .v.. 41 68' 161 72 i , 81 ""'."r.l!!Z 24 esMstlSkf. .70." 241 BE ABOVE CORVALL1S, Dec. 20,; AP Production of food and feed by Oregon farmers next year will be far above quotas assigned to this state on the basis of present plans, according to a summary of signups obtained from 05 per cent . of Oregon farms. R, B. Taylor, Adams, chair man of the USDA defense board, said reports from all 36 counties have been compiled showing promises of production schedules covering types of food, feed and seed particularly needed under war conditions here and abroad. Production of milk, eggs, and pork promise to be exceptionally high. Percentage increases planned tor 1042 over 1941 follow: Milk, 19 per cent; milk cows. 18 per cent; hogs, 38 per cent; eggs, 36 per cent; sheep, 10 per cent; beef cattle to be mar keted, 12 per cent; sugar beets, 31 per cent; corn, 7 per cent; barley, 61 per cent; rye for grain, 17 per cent; hay, 0 per cent; dry beans, 63 per cent; fiber flax, 8 per cent; flax seed, 10 per cent; rye grass seed, 18 per cent; winter legume seed, 33 per cent; vegetables, 13 per cent, and farm gardens, 11 per cent. Oregon is Increasing the acreage of cover crop seeds to meet demands In the south where the winter legumes will help meet the nitrate shortage. Oregon alone waa asked to meet the cover crop seed goal, said Taylor. Taylor also said fanners will need priorities on crawler type tractors and electrlo motors, but all equipment Is getting so short that speed In repairing machinery and ordering neces sary parti and new equipment Is essential, he added. ' , . 8. F. LIVESTOCK . SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 20 (AP-USDA) Hogs: for five days: 2780 compared Friday week ago: generally higher; clos ing top $11.90; ' week's bulk $11.78-12.80. latter fading -out at mid-week. Medium to goqd sows $9.00-80. Cattle: for five days 7Q0. com pared Friday week ago: " steers 25c higher, bulk $10.80-11.00, one load good 921 lb. .heifers $0.63, steady. Good range cows 15-23c tip, mostly $8.60-75. Med ium grade cows $7.75-8.00. Med ium sausage bulls "mostly $8.00 $8.78, few heavy $9.00. Calves: for five days 80c, steady, good to choice vealers $12.00-13.00. Sheep; for five days: 1270. compared Friday week ago: fully 50c higher, choice wooled lambs quoted $12.00, Untested., Largely shorn lambs, good grades $10.85 $11.00; medium $0.78; medium to good ewes mostly quoted $4.80-8.50. ' . t . ' Private plane pilots Tlew an aRRreHata 229 million ;miles! l(i 18,600 airplanes auving 1941, Virginia Governor . Pardons Woman in ;- Slaying of Father - " RICHMOND, Vr,' Dec.' 20 (ff) Governor James H. Price .has is sued a conditional pardon to Edith Maxwell, former Wise county school teacher, convict ed of killing her father, Trigg Maxwell, and sentenced to -20 years' in prison In one of the most widely publicized cases in the history of Virginia. .. . . 'WIss Maxwell; tier motherarid 12-year-old sister, Mary Kathryn, contended at the trial that the young schoolftiacber struck the 52-ycar-old rri I n e.-blacksmth over the head, with a'hlgh-heeled woman's shoe When he threat ened to whip Edith for staying out jate at night.- They testified that he came ' home "roaring drunk"- and had . threatened to run Mrs. Maxwell off. the place before Edith came In a few min utes later. ,", Maxwell was killed July. 21. 1935. : . : v - -' '- Governor Price' . pardon, was dated yesterday, and Miss .Max well left the state Industrial farm for women, sometime yesterday afternoon., ... . . , .'" Doggie Will Be. Back Home Soon ' VALE; Ore., Doc." 19 '(IP) Pat, Omcr Presley's' AWOL dog, will be .back home soonr leav ing Presley only the1 problem of figuring out how he got to Los Angeles. ' ' .'' ' ' The dog was found by a Los Angeles resident, who' noted hie Malheur- county license 'and wrote to officials here. ' Presley's best guess is ' that a tourist picked up the little white dog while .he was en route to his' favorite restaurant for , .his , daily hamburger. .. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND,-Ore.,: Dec, 20 (AP-USDA) Hogs. for week, salable. . 3450 compared week ago, market 60-75c higher;- early top $11,73, later bulk 170-215 lbs. $12.00 with few selected sales at $12.10-25; packing sows $8.50-9.25; best feeder .pigs $11.25. .).-,-.' -. Cattle 'for week; salable 2625: calves 188; compared "week ago, all steers and best she stock 25c higher, some steers 33-50c ' up, lower grade cows 'and heifers steady, bulls and vealers un changed; medium-good fed steers $10.25-12.00, choice to $12.85 fed heifers to' $10.80, Inferior dairy heifers down' to $6.25 and below; -canner and cutter cows $4.25-3.30, good beet cows $7.75 6.25, mixed cows and heifers to $9.50; good bulls $8.75-9.00; good-choice vealers $12.00-13.00. Sheep for week, salable 2300; fat lambs around 25c higher. Un finished lambs and older classes steady; load wooled lambs $11.00, good-choice truck Ins $10.50, few to $10.79, thin lambs down to $8.00 and Under; shorn lambs up to $9.75; fat ewes $5.00. 0.23, odd head $3.50. COLDS - To Hellene Misery ei 666 ;. uouib . '!. . TAL1TS i . SALVS M0I1 DROPS' ' .0OUOH. OROPS,. . jF. IDEAL GIFT, -THEATRE SCRIP f SAVE 20 , j jhji jafci . - New Schedule Of Ad v e rtis in g Rat e s Effective January I, 1942 ...... l 79e 74c 69c 64c aMifsewwaWeeie6 1 6 ejsiM ntsssMfimaMsm awe e we S C ' i e eee 1 5 3 C ZIiZ!ZIZZ!49e NEW RATES' Open rat, per Inch .....!.......'..;.... 20 Inches per month, per Inch 40 inches per month, per inch 60 Inches per month, per inch'.. 120 inches per month, per inch ' 240 inches per month, per inch ...320 inches per month,' per inch 500 inches per month, 'per Inch . 1000 Inches per month, par inch 1500 Inches per month, per inch 2000 Inches per month,, per Inch Pickup rate, per men . Consecutive InsertionSr per inch Space must be used In, the period of on calendar month. Se discount for payment by ) 6th of followlnf month. : Church advertising,' per Inch 5e Political and transient advertising, per Inch .-7tc (Payable in advance) - . . ... The new rates wifl 'be 4c a column inch higher than those at present. The Herald and News have been, able to hold off a rate raise thus far, in spite of the recent rising costs of operation, but it is now neces . sary. to increase revenue to make ends meet. We believe that advertisers will appreciate the fact: that in the past ten years our. p a id , circulation (the real value of your inch of advertising) has been near ly doubled." Arid an inch of advertising under the new rates still costs less in The Herald and News than it did ten years ago. ;. y L We also believe that advertisers will appreciate the fact than inthe past ten years our number of em-, ptoyes has' been materially increased, and that the basic wage scale for printers has gone up from 85c an hour to $1.20 an hour . . . adding our bit to the pros perity of the community. . Year by year The Herald and News have given more value for the advertiser's dollar. In these days of cur tailed supplies of merchandise it is more necessary; than ever before to concentrate your advertising where it is most productive. Use more Herald and News advertising in 1942. THE EVENING THE KLAMATH HERALD NEWS Live Advertising