The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 20, 1941, Page 7, Image 7

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    December 20, 1041
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Cascade Crest
Installation Held
Mf$. Virginia Brown and Staff of Officers Assume
Duties at Formal Ceremony Wednesday
Mri. Dl Bond, accompanied by Mm. Jain Blake, sang
"8lr of the Emit" when Mm. Virginia Brown, Incoming worthy
matron of Cascade Crest chapter J0, OES, escorted by Mr.
Haiel StalRar, assumed har atatlon In tha East at tha Installs
tlon ceremonies Wednesday evening In tha Masonic hall at
Tha Installing officers of tha avenlng wera Mri. Ida
Grimm, worthy matron; Mr, E. E. Evans, worthy patron; Mri.
Hazel Stalger, mamhal; Mri, Marian Mudga, chaplain; Mri.
Edna Evani, secretary; Mra. 1 1
Maria Buoll. treasurer, and
Mra. Alma Cofor, organlal.
Other alactlva officer! In
stalled wero Mr. William
Morande, worthy patron; Mra.
Helen Parsley, associate ma
tron; Mrs. Paul Mudga, asso
ciate patron; Mrs. Mnlsla
Morande, secretary; Mrs. Stel
la Ragland, treasurar; Mrs.
lla Albert, conductress; Mrs.
Margaret Hoiley, associate
Appointive officers Installed
wera chaplain, Mrs. Ethel
.Zimmerman; marshal, Mrs.
Orpha O'Donoughue; orgnn
Ist, Mrs. Mary Norvul; Adah,
Mrs. Amy Zumbrum; Ruth,
Miss Audrey Kelllson; Esther.
Mrs. Marian Barker; Martha,
Mrs. Ida Grimes; Electa, Mrs.
Dorothy McConnell; warder,
Mrs. Geneva Oraltaln; sen
tlm'l, Mrs. Lucllo Holbrook.
When the officers were as-.
eortcd to tholr stations, Mas
ter Jerry Barker, small son
of Mr. and Mrs. Loy Barker,
presented each with a corsage
or boutonnlere.
Mrs. Orpha O'Donoughue
was escorted to the cast and
presented with her past Ma
tron's Jewel by Mrs. Edna
Evans who complimented her
on her work during the past
year and extended to her a
cordial wrlcome to the Past
Matron's club.
Mrs. Malsla Morande, Mrs.
Hare) Stalger. Mr. Marian
Mudge and Mrs. Margaret
Hnsley then presented Mrs.
O'Donoughuo with an arm
bouquet of pink roses at tha
close of a beautiful degree.
Mr. Paul Mudge was than
escorted to the east where
Mr. William Morande pres
ented him with a leather
case, honoring him for his
work as worthy patron dur
ing tha past year.
Mr. Walter Brown, husband
of the Incoming matron, pres
ented Mrs. Brown with a
bouquet of roses and an especi
ally made gavel, constructed
of white pine and Iron from
Minnesota, yellow pin and
copper from Montana, Juni
per and myrtlewood from
Oregon, representing the
states where Mrs. Brown has
been a member of Eastern
Htar. He also presented Mrs.
Brown with a gift from their
aon, Mr. Richard Brown, and
other gifts from friends.
Mrs. O'Donoughua, with
Mrs. Amy Zumbrum, Mrs.
Audrey Kelllson, Mrs. Mnrlan
Bnrker, Mrs. Geneva Brat
tain and 'Mrs. Dorothy Mc
Connell approached the east
carrying red carnations which
they presented to Mrs. Brown
with their special wishes for
successful year.
The worthy matron ex
pressed her appreciation and
thanked tha members of Cas
cade Crest chapter for tha
honor conferred upon her and
for the beautiful installation
ceremony that they had ar
ranged. Midnight supper was served
at tables placed In V-forma-tion.
The Christmas motif
was used with red and green
ribbon garlands decorated
with mlstlctoo marking tha
center of the long tables.
Christmas ornaments and
glided pine cones glittered
under the glow of lighted tap
er. The evening closed with
tha singing of Christmas car
Tha annual Christmas party,
tha largest and most enjoy
able social affair of tha year
given by Court Klamath, Cath
olic. Daughters of America, is
set for Monday evening, De
cember tho twenty-second, in
tho Lyceum hall.
Not only members of tha
court, but all women of tha
parish are Invited to this party
which starts at eight o'clock.
A gift exchange will be
feature of the evening, and
the program Is in charge of
Mrs. Charles Flola, assisted by
Mra. Russell Petersen, Mrs.
Charles Fairall, Mrs. Elmer
Hosklng, Mrs. Roy Pickett,
Mra. Gin Miller and Mri. Jul
ian Abbott.
Dr. and Mra. Goorgo H.
Merryman Jr. are spending
the' holidays in Los Angeles
visiting Mrs. Merryman'i par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Phil
lips. They are spending one
week in Palm Spring!. '
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Smith
left Friday avenlng for Col
villa, Washington, where they
will ipand tha Christmas holi
days with relatives. i
Holiday Party Given
By Teacher of Piano
A Christmas recital was
given Monday evening, De
cember tha fifteenth, by Jose
phine Tyson at her studio, 019
Donald street. Tha following
program was presented:
Duet." "March of the Wee
rolk" Beth Lee Bunch
Ruth Soder.
"Walts of the Toys". Bnrmont
"Prlscllla on Saturday" Bllbro
Anna Vanderpool.
"Troops on Parade" Krenttlin
Jessie Robblns.
vFalrles Harp" Thompson
'"Tha Elf and the Fairy"
Ruth Sodar.
Violin solo, "Andante" from
tha "Fifth Symphony" ....
... Tschaikowsky
Ella Frymlre.
"Woods at Dawn" Kerr
"Dance of the Dwarfs".. Aaron
Beth Lee Bunch.
"Trouble 1'sa Seen' planta
tion spiritual
Rachel Robblns.
Duet, "Air" Haydn
Shirley Damon
Anna Vanderpool.
"Sunrise" Pattison
Mazurka Caprice
Haul Frymlre.
"Carry Ma Back to Old
Vlrglnny" Bland
"Gently Dreaming" .. Anthony
Shirley Damon.
"La Princlssa" Men
"Swaying Daffodils" Overlake
Betty Adams.
"Bells of St. Mary's" .. Adams
Jessie Robblns.
"Prelude Op. 28 No. 20 Chopin
Rachel Robblns.
"Trinity Chimes" Decker
Hazel Frymlre.
One of tha loveliest of pre
holiday parties waa enjoyed
at the home of Mrs. 11. O.
Meyers, S00 North Ninth
street, by tha Townsend aux
iliary Wednesday, December
the seventeenth, at half past
twelve o'clock. Twenty-three
members and friends were
seated about long tables that
wera cantered with bowls of
pine, greens and cones.
The two large rooms were
beautifully decorated with
Christmas garlands. A light
ed tree by the fireplace waa
laden with gifts which wera
later distributed by little Miss
At a short business meet
ing it wss decided to contrib
ute ten dollars to the Red
Cross. The next meeting will
be December tha thirty-first
at the home of Mrs. Alice
Gray. 2435 Union street, with
Clara Price as co-hostess. All
members are urged to attend
as It will be nomination of
Those enjoying tha after
noon were Clara Price, Alice
Gray, Myrtle McWlthey, Ma
bel McWIthey, Vera Thexton,
Delia Arnold, Nettle Schlm
Inesky, Gladys Lofdahl, Mar
tha Townsend, Mary Martin,
Elfie Brining, Bertha Hogua,
Phoebe Lunsford, Helen Elt
Ing, Eva Myers, Lora Brazee,
Bern Ice McCracken, Eva Leb
Ingood, Mri. George Gardner,
Mra. John Totten, Mrs. Lin
villa and Twyla Brining.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bram
hall of 6U7 Cottage avenue,
entertained at their home Sat
urday evening with pinochle
party followed by supper.
Guests Included Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Rayner, Mri. Jessie
Paul, Mr. Ted MarblerMr. and
Mrs. Ray Keller, Mr. and Mrs.
. Earl Edsall, Mr, and Mrs. Rob
ert Wakeman, Mlsa Beverley
Wakeman and Mister Harold
Members of Raamei Golf
and Country club auxiliary
will not meet for Red Crosa
sowing until after the first of
the year, it waa announced by
the president, Mrs. Wilfred E.
. Lamm. All members, however,
are urged to continue their
sewing and knitting to turn In
for the credit of the club. 1
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Married at a quiet wedding
ceremony at the home of the
officiating minister, Rev. Ar
thur Bates, 338 Lincoln street
on Friday evening at eight
o'clock were Miss Anna May
Wood and Mr. Bernord Thcril
The minister read the ring
ceremony before a glowing
fire in the living room of the
Bates' home. Guests 'present
were Mr. Donald Schultz, who
was best man, and Miss Marie
Wood, sister of the bride and
her attendant, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Wood, Mrs. Pearl
Anderson and Mrs. Clarence
Wood, the bride's mother. The
couple will mnko their home
In Klamath Falls.
The Thimble club of Neigh
bors of Woodcraft has an
nounced a change of plans for
their Christmas party. It will
be held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. O. Drydcn, 610
North Eleventh street, Sunday,
December the thirty-first,
when a Christmas dinner will
be served at two o'clock, fol
lowed by a gift exchange.
All members and their hus
bands are Invited but reserva
tions must be made by calling
either Mrs. Dryden or Mrs.
Ellen Ely.
James, ion of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ervln of 4415 Cottage
street, observed his four
teenth birthday December the
twentieth, Just five dayi bo
for Christmas!
. Konnell-Ellis.
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Mrs. Walter Brown of Klam
ath Falls was installed as
worthy matron of Chiloquin's
Cascade Crest chapter, OES,
at an Impressive ceremony
on Wednesday evening at the
Chlloquln Masonic temple.
Installed with Mrs. Brown
were, left column, Mrs. Hel
en Parsley, associate matron;
Mrs. Maisie Morande, secre
tary; Mr. Willlom Morande,
worthy patron, and. In col
umn at right, Mrs. Stella Rag
land, treasurer; Mrs. Ila Al
bert, conductress, and Mr.
Paul Mudge, associate patron.
Many fine compliments
were given the teachers and
pupils of Fairvicw school,
and the principal, Mrs. Flor
ence Ollmonn, for the. splen
did program presented Friday
afternoon In the auditorium.
A delighted audience enjoyed
tile entire program, beginning
with the flog salute, American
creed and the song, "God Bless
America," to the concluding
visit from Santo Claus bring
ing treats for all the children.
Dclores Johansen announced
the entertainers, including
"Broken Toys," by the first
and second grade youngsters
in costume; accordion selec
tions by Loyal Heath of the
sixth grade; a Russian peasant
dance by Beverly Young;
twirling, by Margaret Davis;
"Christmas Pictures," by the
third and fourth grades, and a
play by the fifth, sixth, sev
enth and eighth grades from
"Dickens' Christmas Carols,"
especially written for the oc
casion by Stephen Mosher,
teacher in the school. Be
tween acts of the play, the
girls' triple trio, accompanied
by their director, Mrs. Delia
Webber, sang several selec
tions. During tho afternoon, the
teachers and principal were
honored with lovely Christmas
corsages by the Girls' Athletic
On behalf of the Parent
Teachers' organization, Mrs.
L. E. Juniper presented the
principal, Mrs. Florence OH
mann, with a beautiful holly
wreath in appreciation of her
fine cooperation in planning
this successful Christmas par
ty for the children.
The annual IOOF Christmas
party will be held Tuesday
evening, December the twenty-third,
at eight o'clock in
the IOOF hall. All Odd Fel
lows, Rebekahs and their fam
ilies are invited.
A short program and mov
ing pictures will be presented
with Santa arriving during the
evening to distribute the
treats for young and old alike.
Rebekahs who have not as
yet brought their contribution
of canned food for the holiday
box to the IOOF home in Port
land are requested to bring it
to the Christmas party.
Jerry O'Collaghan, Bill Ga
nong, Dick Igl and Clark Wea
ver returned home Friday af
ternoon from the University of
Oregon to spend the holidays
with their parents, O'Cal
laghan will be with his moth
er, Mrs. Leo Sagchorn, Ga
nong will visit Mr. and Mrs.
William Ganong at their home
on Summers lane, Igl with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Igl of North Third street, and
Weaver is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Franklin L. Weaver of
t Auburn street. . ,
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Miss Alice Olson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William Ol
son of Augusta, Kansas, be
came the bride of Mr. Arthur
Carl Solberg, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ole Solberg of Spooner.
Minnesota, in a ceremony read
December the thirteenth at
four o'clock In the First Luth
eran church of Reno, Nevada.
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Solberg
of this city attended the young
The bride wore a soldier
blue costume suit with brown
accessories and a corsage of
red rosebuds. Her attendant
wore aqua blue with black
accessories and gardenias.
Immediately after the cere
mony Mr. and Mrs. Solberg
left for a visit in Augusta with
the bride's parents. They will
return here to reside after the
first of the year. Mrs. Solberg
Is employed at the Klamath
Medical clinic, and Mr. Sol
berg is with Weyerhaeuser.
Haydens to
Visit In South
Mr. and Mrs. Beaulord E.
Hayden will spend Christmas
with their son-in-law and
daughter,' Dr. and Mrs. Max
Forsythe of Menlo Park, Cali
fornia. The Haydens have left
Washington, D. C, where they
combined business with pleas
ure when they also visited an
other daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Otis Milliken. En route home
this week they will stop in
Dallas, Texas, to visit Mrs.
Hayden's family, and also in
Yuma, Arizona, where Mr.
Hayden will transact business
for the reclamation bureau.
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Christmas Party
Given On Monday
Toastmistress Club Enjoys Annual Occasion With
Dinner at Pelican
Forty members and guests of tha Toastmistress club gath
ered about a beautifully decorated banquet table at the an
nual Christmas party Monday evening, December the fifteenth,
In the party room of the Pelican cafe.
Mrs. Hiram F. Murdoch presided over the dinner discus
sion on "Christmas Customs Around the World," introducing
each speaker with appropriate remarks. Mri. Emlle Buzald
described the Russian children's custom of taking little birch
s rods earned through mlsde-
Monday, December 32
Christmas party to be given
at Lyceum hall at 8 o'clock by
Court Klamath, Catholic
Daughters of America, to
which all women of parish in
vited. Tuesday, December 23
Installation of Aloha chap-'
ter, OES, Masonic temple.
Wednesday, Sacember 31
New Year's eve Jamboree
for Elks and their ladles, Elks
Catholic Daughters and
Knights of Columbus Red
Cross benefit and New Year's
dancing party, KC hall, 9:30
p. m.
Annual New Year"! eve
dance at Reamei Golf and
Country club, 10 p. m.
Tuasday, January S
St. -Paul'i Guild hostess
group to women of parish and
St. Barnabas mission with
Epiphany Day program.
Wednesday, January 7
Installation party at Wil
lard hotel by members of Ki
wanis club.
Thursday, January 8
AAUW arts and crafts group
with Mrs. C. V. Rugh, Wash
ington street, 2 p. m. ,
Saturday. January 17
Mid-winter carnival dance
slated by Winter Dancing club,
Willard hotel.
Saturday, January 31
Doernbecher annual bene
fit bridge tea. Willard hotel.
Mrs. Robert Thompson, chair
man of cards; Mrs. Ralph W.
Steams, tea chairman.
Annual president's birth
day ball in armory to raise
funds to fight infantile pa
ralysis. Samuel P. Miller,
Monday, February 2
Klamath council of Parents
and Teachers to observe
Founders' day at Fairview
school. P o 1 1 u c k luncheon,
12:30 p. m.
Tuesdajr, February 10
Klamath Community Con
cert association presents Jose
Iturbi, Spanish pianist, Peli
can theatre, 8 p. m.
Friday, March
Klamath Community Con
cert association presents Mar
' acci dance troupe, Pelican
theatre, 8 p. m.
Monday, March 16
Klamath Community Con
cert association presents "Mar
riage of Figaro," Pelican the
atre, 8 p. m.
A group of neighborhood
children were entertained by
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McPher
ren at a Christmas party given
at their home, 4661 Thompson
street, St Francis park, on
Monday evening.
A Colorado blue spruce on
the front lawn that is lighted
each year, added a colorful
note to the occasion, as also
did Santa Claus (Mr. Carl
Schubert) who paid a short
visit to present candy canes
to the kiddies. In addition, a
gift was presented to each one
from the hostess.
Youngsters enjoying the
party were Mary Annette
Rentz, Phyllis Ann and Jan
ice Rae Whytal, Lloyd and
Kathleen Scholten, Leonard
Garrett, Neal Karl Kujac,
Dennis Chriss and Richard
meanors to church during the
year so Saint Nicholas would
would not punish them. Mrs.
Keith Rice spoke of the Eng
lish custom of bringing In tho
Yule log on Christmas eve
and burning it until Christ
mas when a portion Is saved
to start the New Year' Yule
Speaking of Christmas In
the Scandinavian countries,
Mrs. W. D. Miller told of the
ancient custom of drinking
away all grudges accumulated
during the past year. The col
orful Mexican religious fetes
which they start several
weeks before Christmas when
families come incredible dis
tances to worship in the
churches, was described by
Mrs. Frank Peyton.
Christmas from the snow
bound New England states to
the firecracker celebrations
in the south, from the Joshua
and sagebrush trees of the
deserts to the scarlet poiniet
tias of California, and finally
the typical American Christ
mas as celebrated in Klamath
Falls, was described by Mrs.
John Cashin.
Members responded to roll
call with Christmas sentiments
which were greatly enjoyed,
followed . by the singing of
Christmas carols led by Mrs.
.A. J. Voye, accompanied by
Mrs. Emile Buzald.
After the dinner there was
a short Intermission during
which gifts were exchanged.
Mrs. A. J. Voye presented
Mrs. Rollin Cantrall who sang
"Oh Holy Night" by Adolphe
Adams, accompanied by Miss
Marie Obenchain. -
In her talk, "Bethlehem,
Then and Now," Mrs. W. H.
Hibbard described Christmas
in the church of the Nativity
in Bethlehem and compared
the old Biblical scenes with
those of modern times. . .....
-Henry Van Dyke's The
Other Wise Man" was pres
ented by Mrs. W. R. Boyd,
Mrs. Emmet Chidester, Mrs.
Carl Schubert and Mrs.
Archie Beckwith.
Mrs. Emile Buzald enter
tained with a piano number.
Concluding the program was
the Christmas carol, "Silent
Night," led by Mrs. Voye,
. with Mrs. Buzald at the
The president, Mrs. Paul
Buck, presided as toastmis
tress for the evening. -All ar
rangements for the dinner
were planned by the dinner
chairman, Mrs. Hiram F. Mur
doch. Guests of the club for the
evening were Mrs. Jack Nix
on, Miss Enola Hawkins,
Miss Mabel Hanson, Miss
Karlene Schubert, Mrs. J. H.
Keenan, Mrs. Harry Landram,
Mrs. Earl Brandeberry, Mrs.
Coral Sabo, Mrs. H. M. Ack
ley, Mrs. J. M. Baker, Mrs.
F. R. Hamblet, Mrs. Fred
Schallock, Mrs. Minnie Henry,
Mrs. Wilmer Hobson, Mrs.
Ethel Harmon, Mrs. John
Carothers, Mrs. Douglas Cat
er, Mrs. Elaine Smith and
Miss Etta Mathers. -
SAVE 20 1
Vo Mt Rilntao
To All Our Friends
Phone 8200
And Ask
About Our
Beauty Shop
4077 Shasta Way Phona 8200
Members of the Gaiety olub
enjoyed their annual Christ i
mas dinner party and (1ft ax- '
change at a gathering held 1
Monday evening in the Pell '
Covers were laid for Un
around prettily arranged
can terplece -of Christinas
greens and candles.
laflf aSfaMaaalfllaaTMf BOaaMaMAaUMalaBBf afli
1 wwnvwwiRiii iniinnni n
for Lovely
Ladies Ly
For the Duchess la yon .
Incite Lsloog's oewesta
rudest ptrfuni "Jsbot".
e "Tie Tas To" is a dmr
katbir kit enntiining 3 bp,
iticki by Laden Leloof torn
to v tod mifbty hndy. II
e "Moo Iman" Perfums, set
in a box ci exiling mimn,
MyB charming things trtry
time aba man it. Diatin-
l.U.J l.l!Mnl fra.
' it
lailspin Permaie
Exciting naw fragrance by '
Loeien Ldong that will send Bar
into a tailipin orer you. All the
girls aay it t dizzying as falttnf
fas lore. , ti.1
Le Castel
Je Lucien Lelong
eaatla, but its four towers eoa
tain hMakas perforata that any
"lady (air" will adore. . ft
If she likes the out-'
of-doors, she'll love
woodsy "Carefree" Co
logne ... and you.
The handclasp flacon
is a joy.
, - mo
urnns -
For Drugs
Klamath's Cosmetic Canter
;"; Ith and Main