The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 20, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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T)cmhr 20, 1D4T
Prepare for Year
Mrs. Sabo Heads New Officers Taking Over
Reins for Service Club
In beautifully decorated room, carrying out the Christ
mas theme, Mrt. Coral J. Sabo wai Installed ai president of the
Soroptimlst club at the Thursday noon luncheon at the Willard
hotel. Serving with Mrs. Sabo will be, during the coming year,
Mrs. Rose Poole, Mrs. Catherine Brumbaugh, Mrs. Sophia Ke
noffel, Mrs. Alice Howard, Mrs. Eileen Hicks, Mrs. Kathleen
Thompson and Mrs. Ruby Lyle. Installation ceremonies were
under the supervision of Mrs. Yetta Margulis as chairman of
the day.
Under the Christmas tree
were found toys for each
member of the club, truck
and ladder, dolls which crept
coyly along the table, knives
and forks and dishes, every
thing imaginable. As each
name was called, original
verses describing the per
sonality of the recipient were
read aloud and the gift hand
ed to the member. '
Mrs. Eileen Hicks finally
commandeered the toys and
placed them In safe keeping
for the firemen to distribute
with the others at Christmas
Adding to the brightness of
the table with its Christmas
ornaments and candles were
jars of peach conserve at each
place, a gift to each club
member from Mrs. Rose Poole
who had made the delicacy '
- from peaches grown at her
home on Conger avenue. At
each plate was also an at
tractive package from Mrs.
Rita Whisenant, containing
articles dear to a feminine
Mrs. Gardner made an an
nouncement to the club of a
Home Nursing course to be
started Friday evening at the
armory as part of the defense
work, and it is believed that
a number of the members
will join this course.
Mrs. Sylvia McClelland an
nounced that the work being
done by the club in furnish
ing coffee and doughnuts
every night to the volunteer
civil guards had been assumed
by the various restaurants in
the city and the members
would be released for other
duties. A canteen fund was
started in preparation for
whatever nay be needed.
It was announced that no
further meetings will be held
until Thursday noon, Janu
ary the eighth, on account of
the year-end holidays.
Aloha chapter No. 81, Or
der of the Eastern Star, is put-
ting its shoulder to the wheel
in a big way in the present
World war, as is shown by the
November report of Mrs. Rob
ert E. Wattenburg, chapter
supervisor of Red Cross work,
filed with the worthy grand
matron, Mrs. Fay Ambrose of
Portland, when 1692 hours of
work by local members was
reported, 60 knitted garments
turned in, 189 other completed
garments. Twenty-five mem
bers assisted in the annual
Roll Call of the American
Red Cross. Mrs. Oliver W.
Spiker, worthy matron is
proud of her chapter report.
The Installation of officers
for the ensuing chapter year
will be held Tuesday evening,
December the twenty-second,
at eight o'clock, in the Masonic
Temple on Klamath avenue.
Mrs. Spiker and Mr. Arlet Eds
all, worthy patron, extend a
cordial invitation to all mem
bers and visiting members to
attend these installation cere
monies. ' . "
One of the enjoyable pre
holiday affairs of the week
was that of Friday afternoon
when members of the Past
Matrons club were entertained
at the Masonic temple at the
annual Christmas party.
Following the luncheon and
business meeting, the Past
Matrons gathered about the
Christmas tree for a gift ex
change. Later, games were
played. Mrs. O. R. HoIIoway
received the special priie for
the afternoon.
Those In charge of the party
were Mrs. F. H. Cofer, Mrs.
Ellrabeth Norrls, Mrs. Charles
Gilbert, Mrs. Ida Grimes, Mrs.
Amelia Hanks, Mrs. George T.
Casper, Mrs. Glenn Kent and
Mrs. C. G. Reymers.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. King of
Lewiston, Idaho, are expected
here Tuesday to spend the
holidays at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Coppage of
Lowell street. The Kings will
leave Lewiston on Sunday.
driving here by way of Port
land and the coast highway.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Epper
son have returned to their
home in Klamath Falls after a
month's visit in Illinois with'
Mrs. Epperson's father, '
Plans Made
Elks and Ladies to En
joy Gay New Year's
Eve Party
One of the gayest of the
New Year's eve parties is that
planned for Elks and their
wives Wednesday evening, De
cember the thirty-first, in the
Elks temple.
A breakfast, which is an an
nual affair, is scheduled for
three o'clock New Year's
morning and Elks and their
ladies are asked to drop in
even If they have attended .
other parties.
The Mai in group will be In
charge of the breakfast, Includ
ing Mr. John Reber, Mr. Wil
liam Rajnus, Mr. Jerry Raj
nus, Mr. Laddie Rajnus, Mr.
Ben Pickett, Mr. Edwin Petra
sek, Mr. James Ottoman, Mr.
Robert S. Thompson, Mr. Emll
Tofell, Mr. Mervin Wilde, Ms.
Stanley Johnson, Mr. Clayton
Reber, Mr. Louis Kalina, Mr.
J. C. Halousek, Mr. Joseph
Drazil, Mr. James Drazil, and
Mr. Irvin Capek.
Mrs. K. M. Moty and Mrs.
Tony Molatore were hostesses
at the home of the latter on
Eldorado street when they en
tertained the Tuesday Con
tract club at a delightful
Christmas party. Holiday dec
orations were used throughout
the living rooms and a dessert
course was served to the
guests followed by contract
bridge. There was an exchange
of Christmas gifts following
Defense stamps were given
high score holders including
Mrs. Manning, Mrs. Ballantyne
and Mrs. Lundy.
Guests were Mrs. Lloyd L.
Low, Mrs- W. P. McCauley,
Mrs. J. M. Guerrettaz, Mrs. J. '
Clarke, Mrs. Earl E. Smith,
Mrs. Jerry Ricker, Mrs. Stan
ley Ramage, Mrs. J. J. Cole,
Mrs. Ray J. Casey, Mrs. K. C
Forcum, Mrs. Francis Manning
Mrs. Al Fourmet, Mrs. Eldwin
Stone, Mrs. Guy Wilson, Mrs.
Wt C. Milkey, Mrs. F. Soffonia
son, Mrs. Joseph A. Mahoney,
.Mrs. Frank Sexton, Mrs. C
Lundy, Mrs. Elmer Kinder
dick, Mrs. R. E. Gearhart, Mrs,
S. P. Miller, Mrs. Frank Vic
tory and Mrs. R. A. Ballan
Guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. C. Cummings of
1934 Auburn street at holiday
time will be Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert Dennis (Beth Cummings)
of Prineville. Mrs Dennis is
attending the University of
Oregon this year where she is
student of music. They are
expected Christmas eve.
Melvin Cummings, first lieu
tenant in the field artillery
and senior student at Oregon
State college, returned home
Friday afternoon from school.
O 4v" r ' ' "it j
Jerry, who is three, and Billy,
just one, hope to find many
toys under their Christmas
tree this year. They are sons
of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kay
lor of near Klamath Falls. ,
Kennell-Ellls. '
f- a.
tMeo- . . til
- vt Vs.
Frances Krueger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Krueger, 720 North Ninth street, was elected '
secretary of the freshman class at Marylhurst
college at the annual December balloting just
completed. Miss Krueger is a resident of St.
Rose hall and is prominent in class and club cir
cles. She is a graduate of Sacred Heart, acad
emy, and will return home for Christmas. Pre
holiday activities at Marylhurst include the tra
ditional senior assembly, an at home, fireside
Christmas tree parties in the halls, a formal-dinner,
a musicale, and an evening of outdoor carol
ling. Vacation will begin December nineteenth.
"Bill of Rights"
Theme of.Play
League of Women Voters Entertain New Mem
bers at Holiday Tea After Program .
An Interested and attentive audience witnessed the play
which the Klamath League of Women Voters gave at the city
library to commemorate the 130th anniversary of the adop
tion of the Bill of Rights.
The play, "Our Heritage,"
written by a league member,
Mrs. Leo Sagehorn, was pre
sented in costumes of the pe
riod. Interesting and amus
ing were the scenes which de
picted men on the street, and
women over their tea cups,
discussing the rights of the
people. More serious scenes
portrayed meetings of con
gress, the presentation of the
ten amendments, and finally,
the reading of the American
Bill of Rights. Mrs. Sagehorn,
as narrator, bound the story
together by developing the
historical sequence.
Following the program a
tea was held to honor, the
new members of the league.
Under the able direction of
Mrs. Ralph W. Stearns, the
tea committee caught the pa
triotic theme in planning the
tea table. Mrs. Fred Heil
bronner, league president, and
Mrs. E. R. Dennis, vice presi
dent, poured.
This . was the -regulation
meeting of the League of
Women' Voters, a non-partisan
organization, which in
vites all women to share in
their study of governmental
activities. Any woman who
wishes to become a member
may call the president, vice
president, or Mrs. Robert
Ross, who is chairman of the
membership committee.
The annual Christmas party
for girl employes of the Cali
fornia Oregon Power company
was held at the attractive new
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt
Padgett on Monday evening of
this week.
There was a Christmas tree,
gift exchange, games and en
tertainment enjoyed by Ruth
Newsom, Mona English, Gen
eva Jendrzejewski, Esther
Noel, Claxie Jester, Jeanne
Watts, Grace Wells, Hazel Her
riod, Elizabeth Shannon, Kath
rlne Keep, Jerry Manning,
Margaret West, Florence
Shirk, Margaret Mahoney,
Yvonne Petersteiner, Betty
Lou Drake, Evelyn Campbell,
and Ruth Padgett.
Mrs. Ruth S. Addison of Eu
gene arrived Saturday to
spend the Christmas holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Addi
son. On Thursday Mrs. Helen
Everett and daughter, Betty,
arrived from Areata, Call
fornia, to be with the Addl
sons over the holidays.
Home from Reed college for
the holidays are Ben Hastings,
son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Has
tings, and Dick Blohm, son of
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Blohm.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Arcns vis
ited here this weekend, guests
of Mrs. Arens' sister, Mrs. G.
Logan Black of Grant street.
The' Arens family now reside
In Salem.
A family reunion is planned
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Arens in Chico, Cali
fornia. Mrs. Mary J. Arens,
mother of Lou and Herbert
Arens and Mrs. E. L. Bentley
of Tulelake, will be there from
Jacksonville, Florida. The
Bentleys and daughter, Bar
bara, also plan to attend.
Jim Arens is now with Boe
ing Aircraft in Seattle and
may possibly fly south for the
reunion, his parents stated.
A New Year's party Is being
planned by Catholic Daught
ers and Knights of Columbus
to be given New Year's eve
in the KC hall. The affair is
to be a benefit for the Amer
ican Red Cross and the.publlc
is cordially invited to take
part in the evening's festivi
ties. There will be dancing at
half past nine o'clock with
supper at midnight.
Mrs. Samuel P. Miller, reg
ent of Catholic Daughters, and
Mrs. Charles Flala, are making
plans for the affair assisted by
Knight of Columbus, Mr. Tom
O'Brien and Mr. Russell Pet
erson. Mrs. Bathiany
Hostess to Club
Mrs. Harry W. Bathiany en
tertained for members of her
bridge club Friday evening
with a dessert followed by
cards and the annual exchange
of Christmas gift.
Guests of the club were Mrs.
Ted Shoop and Mrs. Martha
Mrs. Denton J, Rees will
spend the Christmas holidays
in Albany with her mother,
according to word received
here by friends. Dr. Rees is
now on duty with the United
States medical corps In The
Philippines. Mrs. Rees has
been in Oregon City the past
few months and is serving
there with the public health
unit. Her young son, Jon, is
with her.
Mrs. Karl Urquhart enter
tained members of her- book
club at her home on Roseway
drive Tuesday evening. There
was a gift exchange and supper.
Annual Christmas Par
ty for Principals Giv
en Here
ath county high school princi
pals and their wives were en
tertalned at a Christmas din
ner and party at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson of
Summer's Lano Wednesday
night. Hosts for the occasion
were Mr. and Mrs. Carol Howe
of Henley, Mr. and Mrs. Ro
land Parks of Sprnguo River.
Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott of
Bly and Superintendent and
Mrt. Fred Peterson o( Klam
ath Falls.
Following a dinner at half
past six o'clock an exchange of
gifts followed. The evening
concluded with the singing of
Christmas carols.
The guests of the evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Grs
lapp of Klamath Falls, Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Chase of Keno, Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Hale of Gil
christ, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Evans of Chlloquln, Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick of Mer
rill, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Street
of Malin arid Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Coy ner of Bonanza.
Literary club held their rogu
lar bi-monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. Harvey Muskrat
of Klamath Agency last Thurs
day afternoon. Mrs. Walter
Zimmerman led the panel dis
cussion on "A Philosophy for
You In the Present Crisis."
Mrs. Arthur Blockllnger, Mrs.
Charles Warren, Mrs. E. E.
Evans and Mrs. Irving Wiley
were other members of the
Guests of the afternoon were
Mrs. Boughter and Mrs. A. E.
Windcll. Members present
were Mrs. E. E. Evans, Mrs.
Walter Zimmerman, Mrs.
Charles Warren, Mrs. Leroy
Giengcr, Mrs. Donald Brook
man, Mrs. Edouard Prlaulx,
Mrs. Irving Wiley, Mrs.
Arthur Blockllnger and the
hostess, Mrs. Harvey Muskrat
CHILOQUIN Mrs. Burnell
Holbrook entertained the Auc
tion Bridge club at her home
Thursday afternoon. Prizes
were won by Mrs. Loy Barker,
Mrs. Donald Brookman and
Mrs. Al Prescott. Delightful
refreshments were served by
the hostess at the close of the
Members of the club present
were Mrs. Claude Collins, Mrs.
Sverre Munson, Mrs. Edouard
Prlaulx. Mrs. Donald Brook
man, Airs. Al Prescott, Mrs.
Lou Kellison and the hostess,
Mrs. Burnell Holbrook. The
guest of the afternoon was
Mrs. Loy Barker.
Mrs. Robert A. Thompson
entertained members of. her
bridge club at the annual
Christmas party enjoyed by
the group, on Wednesday eve
ning of this week at her home
on Pacific Terrace.
A Christmas tree was placed
In the recreation room where
Santa Claus, Mrs. Paul W.
Sharp, distributed gifts to the
guests. The rooms were dec
orated with holly, and mistle
toe and in the living room a
creche was placed on the large
Honors In cards went to
Mrs. Lloyd Goble, high, Mrs.
Lawrence Slater, second high,
and Mrs. Louis Serruys, third.
Others present were Mrt.
Franklin L. Weaver, Mrs.
John H. Houston, Mrs. Joseph
Peake, Mrs. George A. Myers,
Mrs. Claude Davis, Mrs. J. J.
Stelger, Mrs. H. P. Bosworth,
Mrs. F. Cecil Adams, Mrs.
Paul W. Sharp, and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ramage
and daughter, Betty, left Fri
day for Berkeley, California,
where they will spend the
holidays with Mrs. Ramage't
mother, Mrt. W. I. Stuart.
They will remain south until
after the first of the year..
Betty arrived home Thursday
night from .the University of
, Oregon where the is a first
year student.
EtiwtaLs,-;' '' ,"?.tL I
Nollie Marie and Donald
Steers, children of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Steers of 3328
Crest street, are anticipating
the visit from Santa next
Nurses Meet
Annual Christmas Par
ty Given Thursday
The Graduate Nurses en
Joyed their annual Christmas
party which was an event of
Thursday evening at the home
of Mrs. B. L. Herrington in
Shipplngton. Guests arrived In
kid costumes, bringing with
them their lunch In a paper
bag. The bags were placed un
der the beautifully decorated
Christmas tree and later dis
tributed among the guests.
Whist was played during the
evening and later coffee
served to Mrs. Jack Campbell,
Mrs. Joe Whistler, Mrs. Hugh
Davis, Mrs. Howard Strode,
Miss Margaret Colahan, Mrt.
Tom O'Brien, Mrs. Wally Hec
tor, Mrs. A. T. Penzel, Mrs.
Vincent Held, Mrs. Mork T.
Howard, Mrs. Lewis Williams,
Mrs. Ivy Boyd, Mrs. Helen
Ford, Miss June Dixon, Mrs.
Ray Rugcr and Mrs. Herring
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Robert
son returned to their home
here Monday evening follow
ing a delightful trip which
took them to 'the east coast
and on to Havana, Cuba. The
Robertsons were in Havana on
December the seventh, day
hostilities occurred, and were
seated in the dining room of
their hotel as wore many
others from the west coast.
The announcement was made
in both Spanish and English,
Mrs. Robertson said and put
a "damper" on the gaiety of
the Americans in Havana that
While in Miami, the Robert
sons enjoyed a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Byron L. Shollcn
bcrger and their children,
David and Janet. Mrs. Shol
lenberger visited here this
summer with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. D. Doremus.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Thompson were to entertain
Saturday evening at their
home on Pacific Terrace for
members of their firm. This
was to be the annual Christ
mas party for the group. A
"Tom and Jerry" bowl was
to be followed by cards.
Guests of the Thompsons'
were to be Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Nancarrow, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Shlnn, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Shinn, Mr. and Mrt.
J. C. Lemlre, Mr. Clarence
Nelson and Mr. Jack Dempsey.
SonM WHMn Brat,
SOX . 55c
Hand Bags
w Accetsoriei
Breakfast Planned
At NewYear'sDanc'e
Gala Affair Slated by Reames Golf and Country
Club Members December the Thirty-first
A college band, confetti,
morning will be on the menu
Country club New Year's eve
this coming Wednrsday night,
and Mrs. Ted Shoop.
Have Party
Sacred Heart Club
Hears-Christmas Pro
gram Thursday
A delightful Christmas party
was given by the Mothers club
of Sacred Heart academy
Thursday afternoon at half
past one o'clook in the school
A holiday program was pre
sented, the first and second
grade appearing In a play,
"Waiting for Santa." "Persian
Market," by Ketelberg, was
given by the string ensemble;
two numbers by the glee club,
"When Blossoms Flower Amid
the Snow" and "The Birthday
of a King"; Christmas broad
cast by the music pupils.
A brief business meeting
was held followed by tea
served from a prettily appoint
ed Christmas table. A decor
ated tree, placed on the stage,
was piled high with gifts
which were presented by the
mothers at the annual shower
of treats for the Sisters of the
Hostesses for the afternoon
were Mrs. R. I. Pickett, Mrs.
T. J. Towoy, Mrs. L. L. Rentz,
Mrs. William Newman, Mrs.
L. X. Nldorf, Mrt. Ray Casey
and Mrs. Mullen.
In splto of the all-day snow
storm, members, of the Art
Needle Work club gathered
for their regular bi-monthly
meeting, Wednesday after
noon, at the home of Mrs. Wil
bur A. Jones, on High street.
This club, the oldest social
club In Klamath Falls, has on
its membership roll many who
have lived for years and years
in this section, facing pioneer
conditions during good times
and bad. They are not eas
ily frightened or disheartened.
On Wednesday they Ulked of
blackouts, air raids, the job
that lies ahead of America.
' Talked with calmness, deter
mination, and a sense of being
ready to meet whatever comes
with chin up and eyes to the
front. America can look to
such women with confidence
In their ability to face the
future with courage.
Mrs. Charles Joseph Martin
will be hostess to the club
Wednesday afternoon, Janu
ary the seventh.
Mrs. Paul W. Sharp, who
has spent the past year at Fort
Lewis, Washington, where Dr.
Sharp is stationed with tha
United States medical corps.
Is spending the Christmas holl.
days here with her parents,
Mr. and Mrt. C. H. Mueller, of
North Third ttreet.
The eiff the'd .elect for herself...
refreshing Flower Mist In
lingering Blue Grass one '
cf the world's great fragrances.
Exquisitely' glfi wrapped, 1.50
and breakfast early New Year's
for the annual Rrames Golf and
dancing party at the clubhouse
Chairmen of the affair are Mr.
A collego hand directed by
Hob MacFadden of the Uni
versity of Oregon, hat been
engaged to play during the
evanlng. Tha band has play
ed In Portland and hut hnd
many campus engagements,
according to commlttoo mem
bers. A featured soloist will
be with the orchestra.
Mr. and Mrs. Shoop have
asked the following to serve
on their committee; Mr. and
Mrs. James Dutch, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Tarr, Mr. and
Mrt. Gene Hooker, Mr. and
Mrt. Ted Reeves, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Drury, Dr. and
Mrs. T. F. Farley, and Dr. and
Mrt. F. W. Peak.
In the receiving line their
will be Mr. and Mrs. William
Hagelsteln. Dorrls, Mr. and
Mrs. G. C. Blohm, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Lamm, and Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Shiva.
Breakfast will be served
after midnight, according to
Mrs. Shoop, and an Interest
ing table will be set.
Harry Richard Hlbbs. son
of Mr. and Mrt. William R.
Hlbbs of Lakethore drive, ob
served hit second birthday an
niversary Friday afternoon
when hit mother Invited a
group of playmates In for
birthday cake and Ice cream
at half past three o'clock.
Christmas favors were used
during the party hours. Chil
dren and grown-ups present
included Patricia Magulre,
Wendell Smith, Dee Smith,
Jimmy Slsemore, David Peeb
ler David Schneebeck, Jimmy
and Beverly Swansen. Mrt.
Dick Magulre, Mrt. Wendell
Smith, Mrs. Dale Smith, Mrt.
Marshall Farmer, Mrs. Jack
Peebler. Mrs. Edwin Schnee
beck, Mrs. George Crumback
er of Colorado Springs. Colo,
rado. Mrs. J. A. Klncald, Mrs.
Coleman O'Laughlln, Mrs.
Merle Swansen and Mrt.
Henry Bowen.
Finish Your
Shopping at
Atk for 1942 Calendar j