t ' I, f V, i t mmmm & J f t " it ' t s -m 7 . r f J 1 ' ' ' ' i i ' v ' 4 ' ' I v ' " , - A Ox; M 7 '":. x, ; L' SI n ' rj' : 'XN; ,'.-!r Jj?fc" i' , - f VZ '": , f ''I-' - ' V - f , . if 1f , -.-..-'a-iy m VfAfti J ft PI!,!, X W THE GLITTER OF TINSEL will dazzle the eyes of the wee folks on this page as they face their first Christmas, their very first Santa Claus, and their very, very first Christmas tree! Left, Mrs. John Tillotson and her young daughter, 'Terry," who are sending greetings to Daddy in Guatemala. They will spend the holidays here with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Tillotson ond Mr. and Mrs. Fred L Houston. Above, Mrs. T. Frederick Farley holds Corole Lynne os the wide-eyed young lady takes in the workings of the camera. Carole Lynne and "Terry" are second cousins. Kennell-Ellis pictures. r5 i wx ' " J St lWW,VsiiSi, K v v v y y , - m, n ' : ' ,j WHERE'S THAT MAN SANTA CLAUS? This Is the question of the. hour, war or no war, as far as these infants are concerned. Left, Mrs. Charles Mack and "Becky" pictured just before' Mrs. Mack shopped for her small daughter's first doll. (Kennell-Ellis.) Above, Mrs. Frank P. Drew and the only young man on the page, David Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Moore of Portland will be , here to help young Mister Drew take the wrappings off his first presents. (Picture by Wesley Cuderion of The News and Herald). If III r . . . I , . .V! . . v. ': , ; i