.JiJsLJ3bi 1 5 Picture Afewd. the Week WINGED DESTRUCTION HITS HICKAM FIELD A major object of the Japanese bombing raid on Honolulu. Hickant field was littered with wreckage. Thit is one of the first pictures of the destruction released by the army and shows one of the damaged hangars. . .......... ...t ..." . .' . ... .... . . :, I . ' . . ... I ' i i ssvV. S v 111.1 'ilA m rf&w . n ..... I i GIHL SCOUTS HAVE PARTY Girl Scouts and their guests at Altamont school were thus pictured at IheU Christmaa party this week. NEW COMMANDER Rear Admiral Chester W. Nimitx. above, has been ordered to the command of the U. S. Pacific fleet, replacin band Kimmel. 4 " "'5 fleet, replacing Admiral Hus. " i , C t , N - ' rf f JAPS SET PLANES ABLAZE Biasing from Japanese bombing attack on the army'i Riekam field near Honolulu are B-17 bombers seen behind two motors of one of the bombers which escaped damage. ' J&s -'J. i 2 v . r I '-.IF i I.O ... i.M' iii'jws ijn ewiwgswMMJiisiMi BBaJw" w.it i jiiJi,W ON WAY General C. L. Tinker, above, of the air corps, is en route to Hawaii to take command of the air forces. HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR Picture shows the a cappella choir of Klamath union high school. In the setting of a Christmaa play presented this week. The choir, under direction of Charles Stanfield. also sang at the Rotary club meeting Friday and re ceived an ovation from the service club men. CHINESE BOYS DO THEIR PART Four Chinese boys are shown at the Klamath Bull ness college mailing out letters in connection with the Klamath United China Relief campaign. The boys are Feelo and Feelee Wong, brothers; Billie and Johnny Wong, also brothers but mem bers of another family. In the picture with them are Rev. Victor Phillips, head of the United China drive, and Mrs. Irene Kroenert of the business college. Vr:T" ' ; v . . t a . $ a 5 ' v , 7 xf Jhm ' CHRISTMAS PLAY A scene In the "Story of the Christ Child" given at Summers school Friday. This scene shows the angels, and wise men with their gifts. From left to right. ) AUTO SMA8HUP Crashes like this were unpleasantly common on slick streets ' and HITLER AGAIN. DECLARING WAR AGAIN Here is the kneeling) Aletha McCool, Rodney Tucker, George Parker, Dick Glidden, Esther Peterson; Stand- Berlin scene as Adolf Hitler declared war against the United roads hereabouts In the last week. In this smasbup, Mrs. McAllister of Modoo Point was hurt ing. Helen Jackson, Billy Roberts. Marylin Olson. Taking the part of the Virgin Mary is Jean States. The declaration ended radio picture transmission from when the McAllister car collided with a pickup driven by Harold Sturgeon at Eleventh and ...... '' " I it " new io. inn picture came ny way or ouenos Aires, iineoin streets. CD