r i SERIAL STORY LADY BY BY HELEN R. WOODWARD TUB STOItYl Tk. allraai af aiaar laaalla alma at lllaaa Cart hf kaa alatar-ln-law, Aaala, iiwi araaa Ik tlflntia, aiill.fut, Mlrl f ram, a maallnK halwaan lllaaa aaa bar fnrmar amplorart airla Maaa lllrkard Taariia. lllaaa, kaavrlaa; Taorna and Aaala ara havlaf aa alfalr, aroaa In hla haal laar lodii ballavlnal Aaala la Ikara. laakaa niiOa lhm loaalhar, la fcarl aad kawlldortd avaa Ihaugli hla aiarrlaaa In lllaaa la l.mpn tara aad oaa a( aoavaalanaa, rua traolad 10 irHra kla WMWJWU la fcarllaaea rtalr-a ka would aal r aalva nalaaa ka marrUd bafura Ika aaa at 05 Ofkara la Ika alarr ara Irkll Braaa, llankaa'a kaat Irl.nd aha la alroalr allraalad la lllaaal Kralra Tburpa, haaallful bllad wlla af lllrkard, nhnm lllaaa ba llaaaa mavhan hi.aa. "Ilara atiaia Vfkara, lllaaal" Irlumnhanl Adala aha whan bar alul la dlarradll kla wlla rtllh Maykaa kaa nnrli.a. l lava klm," daakra lllaaa. "aad I'm m-'t la Bakl Car klatl laakaa allll faala lllaaa la la ataaaat, laaraa Iklnaa la kar akaraa HfefH ka laavaa far a Irlp a Moalk Amarlra. Ward aamaa tkal kla alaaa kaa alaaaaaaraa. fcal liana ralaaaa la arllata ka la daad. I'kll llrura caasaa la laha life CXOBES IN CHAPTER XXI JJE found cost before sha eould changa her mind, bundled bar Into bla car and swung out ef tr.afllc onto tlie open highway. Neither spoke, for a long time until Diana said, "A man from an In eurance company cam to ee me today." a Phil wei not surprised. "Steve 14 me about that" "He did?" Tea. He laid there wai a great 4m1 of uncertainly about that aort et trip. He wanted to be aura you'd ba taken cara of." "But a hundred thouaand dol lara!" "1 happen to know the ratea came plenty high. It I can advlie you In any way " "I didn't take itl" Phil awerved the car aharply. TWhat?" "I didnt take It. Phil I dont auppoie you can underitand It, but I have euch a stranis feeling. I look up expecting to aee him In the doorway. I know ha Isn't deed I" "It'a the clrcunuUncee aur roundlng the caie," ha aald, frowning. "Never really knowing. I think you'd be happier In the long run, Diana, If you'd juat ac cept the truth." "I can't." He drove mora aiowly, "You O loved him very much!" "Yea. I winh I might have told him to. It wc-uld have made thlnga ao much eailer now." But how could ahe have told him, when he did not even klu her goodby that momlng at the alr Iport? "Then perhapa If will make rt eailer," PhU aald alowly, "If I told you that ha loved you with all the atrength of hla being. But he thought there waa something keeping you apart " Her voice cnme on a whljcer. "How how do you know?" "Ha apoka to ma about It that jlaurt day.' We were alone for a momem at tvaiyn i, you remem ber, while you and ahe went up stairs togclhrr to get your wraps. Ha aald, 'PhU It anything should jhappen to me, you'll look out for 'Diana, won't you? I've discovered that I love her very much, but I won't say anything until I re turn. It wouldn't be fair to her."' "But Evelyn It was Evalyn he loved always!" OPhJl spoke with quiet convlc ition. "loving Evalyn la Ilka wor shiping a dim, far-off statue. You're flesh and blood, Diana a men could not live In the same house with you long and resist lyoul" CHE was too preoccupied to think 0 Phil might be also speaking for himself. She stared straight at the road before her until It became blurred with her teara. Then aha began to weep quietly, aa If the sobs were coming from her very soul. She cried for long time and Phil waa silent, busy with his driving and his own 'brooding thoughts. At Inst she 'laid her hand on his arm. She was smiling through her tears. "Thanks for tolling me that, 'Phil," she snld. "And now I ethall never stop waiting for him to come backl" A little later Phil left her at the door, drove oft wondering. Diana seemed so sura that Ste phen was alive. And yet, the evi dence of hla death was so con clusive conclusive enough to sat isfy an Insurance company! O1 In the hallway Larkln told iDlana that Adela waa waiting to laa her In the drawing room, plana drew a deep breath. Well, at was Inevitable, of course. She land Adela must have an under standing. But ahe had hoped It (night be dolnyed a little longer. : Adela was pacing nervously back and forth before the fire, wnue Aunt Christie occupied the big, while leather chair. Richard Thorpe's profile was clear-cut against the darkening window. So Aunt Christie knew and approved of Adela'a affair with Richard. She was the type who would, Diana reflected scornfully. Ever since the night sha had Ivlslted Richard's hunting lodge in i learch of Adela, sha had sensed In him a mounting Intensity ot dislike, born ot the fact that ha had revealed Diane's attraction for him only to be coldly rebuffed. Such repulsion his ego could not tolerate and so his desire to hurt Diana had played eagerly Into O Adela'a hands. . "You wanted to sea ma, Adela?" Three pairs ot hostile eyea raised to meet hers. Adela cama forward, trembling a little. "Yea. We all know the arrange REQUEST .1 MIA RVICK I HO. ment my brother made with you about becoming his wife. We know the marriage was a farce from beginning to end. And now we want to know when you are leaving this houiel" Diana took a deep breath and steadied herself. "I'm not leav ing," she said quite clearly. "Ste phen asked mo to carry on until his return and that's exactly what I'm going to dol" aaa CHE awakened early one morn lng, Just as dawn was poking fingers of light Into her bedroom. Outiklo the mists of night had not lentlroly dissolved. She arose and .'went to kneel at the open win dow, looking out Into the garden. jClreat waves of fog swept bock as if by an unseen hand, and a fnlnt plnknrss In the east gave assurance of a bright, new day. Diana felt a great peace descend upon her, as It for a moment out of eternity all thought and time was arrested while she knelt there and drank In the promise of the dawn. And then Stephen's voice, as clear as sha had ever heard It, spoke quietly and tenderly. "Di ana, my beloved we ahall ooon be together again In Just a little while" Trembling, the teors streaming down her face, lifted entirely out of herself, she rose end, as com plete Joy flooded her being, sha found herself In . the hallway, 'knocking frantically at Adela'a jdoor, calling: "Adela! Adelal i Please come" Adela opened (lie doqr to shire THIS CURIOUS WORLD. s rlt!a """'aw "SSeyvay 'ctjf I L-yyXliS it& ?yA, Ok. in the KJ.S.a., Gnl CVm VOU SIVS DailNITION OB. THH WORDS OC1CV ANDtrV7HAT HAVE NOTHING. TO DO WITH V ANSWER: Puck . . , a fairy, or elf: punt .... a nat-boltomei boat with square ends. NEXT: What's a nuarbor U. S. CONGRESSMAN HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured U. S. Congressman, V Caper. ' 10 Legal claims. 12 Endure. 14 Burdened. 16 Judicial sen tence (Hindu) lTOne In cards. 19 Pay back. 21 Ages. 22 Chimney post. 24 Matron. 23 Ever (poet.). 26 Everlasting. 28 Meadow. 29 Senior (abbr.). 31 Tilts. 33 And (Latin). 33 Tree. 36 Male parent 38 Weight allowance. 40 Applauders. 42 Atmospheres. 43 Article. 44 Check. 43 3.1416. Answer to 47 Alleged force. 48 Ammonia sub stance (pi.). 84 Earth's satellite. 86 He is a 1 from North Dakota. VERTICAL 1 Chews upon. 2 Vessel for heating liquids 8 Disencumber. 4 Electrical cur- rent (abbr.) ElG"onEjS.btsti o?WNmf EtecUatgtolfp rfellslftfe wwTjggr: jeJvMnitJs ait vUA!RigfTgtB!E laiipBl r , Flf"H"' lit ijjJpnyi-s4eM site Sii tfeMRnetoitfpilstd 1 1 P I4 I lS I6 I7 I u ltTj4 ' ni? "sVib io 2i -pr Sr -yts, nr y -krl 125 L 35-3? 1 1 1 j y La 35 pV & ' p-brp" 35 59 rvy 5rj 47" 31 43 144 n 1 1 If 1 &J; lln amazement "What's happened? You look aa If you'd seen" I "Stephen apoka to ma there In imy room I Oh, you must believe) me. Please believe I'm telling the truth! He's aliva, Adelal Oh, be glud with mel I knew it surely. He aald, 'Diana, my beloved in just a little while' " She was surprised at Adela'a gentloness. "It was a dream, Diana nothing more. I'm sorry. Come, let me take you back to bed." (To Ha Continued) We will overwhelm Hitler and his crcdliire natinna and all they stand far with the very weight of metal, Floyd B. Odium, di rector, contract! distribution, OPM. Why doesn't some smnrt cloth ing manufacturer make kids' nils the same color as the gut ter? Headquarters for Bicycles Tricycles Wagons Lionel Trains A Small Deposit Holds Anything Until Christmaa POOLE'S BIKE SHOP 222 S. 7th. Phona 5520 By William Ferguson ects of CORN -ttrS4r HAVE AN EVEN NJt-IMBeR OP ROWS SOMBTIAMVS AN INJURV DESTROYS A ROW OF KBIZNIEU.G AND THE EAR. APPBABG TO Be OOO ROWeD, BUT MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION 5HOWSTHB UNDBVELOPED ROW, ItJO Previous Punle 18 Even (poet.). 20 Affirmative vote. 22 Street (abbr.).- 23 Allowance ot provisions. 27 Linoleum. 30 Decays. 32 Fondles. 33 Greek letter. 34 Journey, 35 Entreat. 36 Goad. 37 Snoko. 3t Assam silkworm.' 41 English school. 46 Also. 49 Chinese measure. 80 Exists. 81 Nova Scotia (abbr.). 82 Electrical en gineer (abbr.)i 83 Symbol for tlnj 84 Mountain (abbr.). 55 Either. 8 Deciliter (abbr.). 6 Nothing. T Twelve months. 8 Brought to a conclusion. 9 Perfumes. 11 Calyx dl- visions (bot.). 12 Certain, 13 Mnple. 15 Title. 16 Gratuity, 17 Mimic. OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams I FOUMD OUT TOOAV WMV ITS SO .-rr-n T RUW.ALVIW.' AWPPf QOlCK, '$X "iTl BA5V FER 6OLPI6 TO Be 9UCH A -r WOW lfi IF WE DON'T Cl LPvDS.'- EGAD. yv"- GEMTLEMANJ AM' 6TUPP--HE INHERITS ALL TME "t NAB 'EM, 'Si HOW STUPID '-w ' V-AY'i'l I IT WIS MA N&VER GITSOCCITEP I &033LEKS ARE IT'S JUST TOO A. THEV RUN rhftU SCREECHES ER-WELL, HE'S JIS' LIKE t fi&TTifiG. OUT 11 BM5VOB1UK 1 iKP. 1-. KA )"lW HER.' WELL, rr AIN'T MUCH TROUBLE bz i V ;THAT rV VSoSkT M kStL I U V"W'lb 1 FER A CUV THAT DON'T HAVE TO Tn S JZ RPH) MU6TA.MGS. f J ' JMW 1 Vr&HT OPP-NO- WELL , WAIT NOW Zgfc 1 aII& K'DS WAIT-1 UH-&'f& j ! , S W MCOW ' S-v-WHAT'LUl i W' I V iV J? RAFPL5 WITH ? Pft f , ..aU THE DIPLOMAT 2--ZQ J ,M. ...... i, t m .SiU. . m' s! & TO HIM J fEP "E , By Fred Harmon LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By HaroId Gf(i. ftffiWs JlCTsflwwSwm. H f"MMM EH?WHffTIS J OH. DOCTOR-rTsl f WHAT? OH-PggTENpir" VfM llwS K WWrtal 1 IT? HA! A MAM'S I ANNIES SECRET-- I EH? HM-M--IOT A HA! HA fey a?oofS& DH.! If rW, only! TShJJi VJFS") CYNICAL ABOUT IT-HE- I HURT ySJrSELE II HURT MY YOU A SECRET i fS?CHtm?I -LW ( "TRUST thcj mivSBRL BOTjlrB ' ' . - gyt.n j-fMimmmtmmtmmn ijj . L Jiy f OH', tOUO'iE.-PV.'etvit. W fWl.CMiVEA. s 00K wC ( j WASH TUBBS BV I . J. 2i,r HO I S" LftL THRU l fVt-C THERE'S NOTOM LIKE A WAUK Ml fr TuiXruM I &WCX4 ?')JSMli: TIMECl?CK5: .THE "AIM TO MAKE A MAM APP6E- tlffSr M tlAvHSlAS IfiOTTAfSOOOMlNDTORUNAWAyj IS 60NE!CIATE THE COWFOftTS OF HOME, SIEDSIIW Wtf IUtS' ILL"5 WTJ 50MEi - t-HE'LL BE BACK ath' spineless, ffsV rtsWSSa 7-XLU vu' ifi-runni! S : . T U'VWm.MfcLJ.. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS BTBIoMcf f Wwv ah we sropptwa yxlMIIIMaak a '-ii""J-"?)iii'iSn!i'i!?ii T 1 1,- MFe , FRFCKlf S ? I I WE ARE--BUT PC HE SAID lb MB - AMD liw mpu , n rVJY CTf WHEPB POP FOOLEO HIS Thought wb were o.nq thinks Tne blub yoo'rb ooSs td t?V erTi 1 e IfZZit tf Dioou father, that way- . TO THF RIVIERA BUIB J BOOM IS JO x CMUITV H ALLARBNT THIS 1r V1,S tt- LPARM AMD WHATS GOOD M mB. ALLEY OOP By V. T. Ham!in IeRpTrEFTjOPWM!! f FOOLED MV MEN INTO ( ?" L" ' UX$&Z&& "Jf- ' 1 "TTi''i 1 OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla i 1 tern V.