Pncrmlior ID, 1941 TUB EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINE c Homecoming Dane et January 2 By Lakeview High LAKE VIEW The annunl for mal Homecoming dnnrs of tha I.nkevlew hluli school will be held Jiinunry 2 nt 0 p. m. In the high ichool auditorium. All alumni era Invited to attend. CommltUe heads for tha dnnca are: Docnratlons, Jim Ogle; In vitation and reception, Moya Hall, and clean-up, Dan Barry. Any girl can keep her com plexion In the pink If the dmg More stay open. ITH ? 5 imDEFENSE BUY UNITS 0 aTATca having a o TO INTERCEPTOR CORPS EMERGENCY CIVILIAN DIFINSI CORPS ALL CIVILIANS Wa Muif Do Our Part Now of nil timet accuracy and efficiency la of necessity and la primarily dependent on lharp, keen and efficient viiion. Don't delay thla la of basic importance. Have your eyea checked. Be certain that your lenses give maximum efficiency. IUY U. t. IAVINOS STAMPS AT COLUMBIAN OPTICAL NO CHARCI FOR EYI EXAMINATION OR CONSULTATION ONE PRICE CASH OR CREDIT TWO REGISTERED OPTOMETRISTS TO SERVE YOU aw av aaa mm m m mam aa. a u LRL11JA11HM 5 FIRE RESERVES HEAR AMBROSE OUTLINEPLANS There's Small Fry Fun In Playing Santa Claus A special meeting of the fire- man'a volunteer reaervei waa held Wedneiday night at the central fire hall, to acquaint the varloua squad leadera with the function! that will ba re quired of them, and their divl lont In emergency work. The meeting waa presided over by Fire Chief Keith K. Ambrose, who gave an explana tion of incendiary bombi and waya to combat them. Chief Ambrose haa worked out a plan to divide the city Into nine dls trlcta, each district being in charge of an eight-man aquad which will cover the district and make a detailed plan of all building! and fir fighting pos libllitiei therein. Howard H. Smith of Howard- Cooper corporation waa unani mously elected secretory and publicity director of the now re icrve organization. All membera of the reservo who have already ilgned up for duty are urged by Chief Am' brow to be at the central fire hall Sunday morning at 10 o'clock for drill and Initructlon. 'Ten o'clock meana 10 o'clock and everyone must be there by that time," laid Ambrose. "Mem ben who come In late, work a hardship on themselves and all others of the organization and much precious time is lost In going over previous explanations." Making candlea and cookies for Grandma (and other friends and relatives) Is part of n youngster's Christmas fun. A wise mother encourages her young children to turn out sim ple confections (under her super vision, if necesiary), and wrap them In wax paper and lovely boxes. Here are some delicious recipes. They need careful pre paration but they are neither complice -d nor expensive.! CHOCOLATE MOLASSES TAFFY (Makes 6 Dosen 1-Inch Pieces) One cup brown sugar, firmly packed, 1-3 cup corn syrup, 2-3 cup water, 1 cup molasses, I teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons but ter. 4 squares unsweetened chocolate, melted; 1 tablespoon vanilla. Combine sugar, corn syrup, water, molasses, salt, and butter. Place over low flame and stir constantly until mixture bolls. Continue boiling until a small amount of syrup becomes brittle In cold water (290 deg. F.), stir ring frequently to prevent scorching. Pour on greased plat ter or mnrble slob. Pour choco late over candy. As candy cools on edges, fold edges toward cen ter with spatula; add vanilla and continue folding until candy Is cool enough to handle. Pull un til cold. Stretch out in long rope and cut with scissors in pieces of desired size. MINCEMEAT HERMITS One-half cup shortening, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, t cup milk, 2 cups flour, 8 teaspoons baking pow der, i teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, i teaspoon cloves, i teaspoon allspice, 1 cup mince meat. Cream shortening, add sugar, well-beaten eggs and milk. Mix and sift flour, baking powder, salt and spices and add a small amount to first mixture. Add mincemeat and rest of flour. A little more flour may be needed if mincemeat Is very moist. Drop batter by teaspoonfuls onto a greased baking sheet. Bake In a moderate oven (32S deg. F .) until delicately browned. FIG, DATE, NUT BALLS (Makes 3 dozen balls) One-half cup ground dried figs, i cup ground dates, 1 cup ground nut meats, dash of salt, 4 teaspoons lemon Juice, tea spoon grated lemon rind. Combine fruits, nuts, salt, lem on Juice, and lemon rind, and mix until blended. Shape into balls about ! inch In diameter. Roll In powdered sugar. MENU BREAKFAST Orange Juice, oatmeal, toasted nut bread, coffee, milk. LUNCHEON Casserole of dried kidney beans, enriched hard rolls, baked apples, tea, milk. DINNER Creamed codfish with potato balls, eggs, brown rice, spinach, mincemeat her mits, coffee, milk. Girl Scouts of Sprague River Enjoy Party SPRAGUE RIVER The Sprague River troop of Girl Scouts met at the home of their scoutmaster, Mrs. Joe Young, for a very enjoyable Christmas party on the night of Monday, December 15. Tha room waa gayly decorated In Christmas fashion with a large decorated tree as the center of attraction. The party opened with the exchange of gifts. Mrs. Young gave each girl a Girl Scout pin and a handkerchief. After the awarding of gifts the evening was spent In playing checkers, animal hearts and prize contests After the games refreshments of Sandwiches, cocoa, cookies and candy were served to the follow ing: Evelyn Cadego, Charlotte Rumolhart, Leonora Thurman, Sally Zadow, Beulah Santerre, Elsie Lively, June McKenzie, Read the Classified page W RMrr Iht Right lo Until Prices Cor Saturday Through Wednesday Oregon Grown Cauliflower.1.? Fancy Bunklat Lemons Small Rise Des. 10c 200 Sis Naval Oranges 2 do.. 29c Famous Coachella Valley Seedless Grapefruit 8 fof 25c Fancy. Large Cranberries 2 ib.. 37c Produce Specials Sweet Potatoes Hot House Tomatoes 10c 3,b.l0c .... Pound 23c Firm, Medium Siae Calavos for Saturday Only 2 15c OUR LEADER CoSiee A high quality 4g blend, pound XXC SNOWDRIFT, 3650 uniier CRACKERS ... JELL-0 29c 3 17c rtvei. ps. 2 1 C 99e nnnMIOARY PITTED DATES Miyrn IIHTC No Minuto in l n ku n v w p,u JOLLY TIME Pop Corn Bu.k 3 25c pnov ssonTso CHOCOLATES ,.t, ... JELLY BEANS CREAM MIX. Royal Ann ChoeolstS Oosttd CHERRIES . nnoMsosnv old inoliih ityls FRUIT CAKE l(, 0iB . LIOMT HALVIt WALNUT MEATS Uh eneooN brand MILK Till R 98c 2u.. 23c fa2lb,25c iu. aoi25C 43c a u 27c 4 ..,33c Marshmallows Cp Pound pkg. 2 foratiJv puna osni SUGAR '.Vr. O0O.AN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCER 10 u.. 65c , 2 , 29c HILLS BROS COFFEE cl"; oe 3lc 60c CIGARETTES . 2 , 25c ,.rlM$l.23 0mU Clmtrf!iiai . KooH Lunliyo Rlilnt PARD BOG FOOD 3 ,25c NONE-SUCH Mince Meat 223c AUNT OINAN'I MOLASSES OBI BJOOUB tARLV SARDSN SWEET PEAS H.. ui c BRIMFUL PAN0V No. SIBVB PEAS Mo. IM Bin . . 17c 1 u, 25c 2 23c DEL ROGUE GOLDEN WAONAM'I WH01B ORIBIN BEANS No. t Bin FANOV OR.BN SPBARB ASPARAGUS no. , t... cn WADHAMS PAN0V ILI0BD PINEAPPLE Pumpkin c.n8l -10c , 1 4c , 25c 40 No. 1 Bin .. OLD MONK RXTRA PANBV STUFFED GREEN OLIVES 21c BWANSDOWN Flour .. $1.99 2 Cans Oven Baked Be.ns tt) MEAT SPECIALS SATURDAY ONLY BEEF ROaSt BladB Cut Pound 19C Round Steak Peund2Sc Pork Steak .. Pound 23c Cornell Beef ' p.d23c Exceptionally Fine Flavor Bacon Oriole, Sliced. ..... ..Pound 33c GET YOUR XMAS TURKEY HERE 1205 Klamath At. Order! of 12.00 or More Delivered FREE Phone 4803 ra HmWCKHUAGUIReN ffll mhow ruMM rmhi I Real Estate Sale. I V0L I II PrtioMni Property Managament I SJUIIW H r.vl,M' lo.linJ1oP' Auiwmbilo, nr.. Cmu.II IrwruHo I v Betty Ahl, Velma Le Pool. Joanna Little and special guetta, Mrs. Carl Rumelhart, Mm, Live ly and Mrs. Thurman. CAMERA FANS Any or Exp. Roll at Films DEVELOPED and PRINTED 25C ; Reprints So Each CarmichaePt Newsstand 10th and Mala P ffond for PEPPER full of flavor and zr Ask your grocer for Schilling you're sure of the bttl Schilling: T PICI(-1t IXTt ACTS a immb iaao i Kill 1 UT THE WORLD'S BEST SET YOUR HOLIDAY TABLE 'VkiiaLJf MEDIUM PEAS SWEET TELEPHONE VARIETY 2 cans 35 c nraniiii.nj isiwtl BANTAM CORN WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM STYLE 2 cans 35c 4 GREEN BEANS TENDER STRINGLESS VARIETY 2 cans 35c URAPPLEADAT 0Z.TIN 15e NOTACIDER Pineapple Juice 'ZZUc Tomato Juice 4c6.T24c Grapefruit Juice ST'26e Ripe Olives JL-llc Catsup 2;. 33c White Rice K 26c Maraschino Cherries oTc Whole Cranberry Sauce 19c SW Peas and Carrots 2 HMl 33c Julienne Beets 2 SMS Lima Beans .J 29c Sm Red Kidney Beans 2 'gj 29c S?W Cling Peaches 28c Bartlett Pears 32c SW Apricots 31c SW Seedless Grapes 23c SZV Fruit Cocktail 2 wcn, 35c Black Cherries WaCanfH 36c Salad Fruit 2 ?J 39c lil.WaW!t133SB 60c y -LTT ot. 15V ar I i i ii ii I l FREE DELIVERY DIAL 3138 Price Effectiv Sot. - Mon. - Tues. - WcY Serve Delicious SPICED FRUITS With Your Xma Dinner CRABAPPLES APRICOTS PEACHES e grapes pears Ocean Spray CRANBERRY SAUCE 29c A No. 1 Q. cans A TREESWEET. Orange Butter 19c 1 lb. Jar VaV Swansdown CAKE FLOUR Large t- Box 2 C.H.B. Cocktail Sauce 2 10-ox. 4E. bottles 0-fC HOLIDAY FRUITS and VEGETABLES Don't Forget Baby's Xmas Dinner ,.. Compute Line Clapps Gerbers Halna Baby Foods Fancy Oregon Brussels Sprouts Baskat 10c Juicy Navsl Yakima Wines.p Oranges 2d01 33c Apples 6 ib,,29c Coachella Seadless Rip Grapefruit 6 for25c Avocados 2 ,or25c MEXICORN 2 "0, 29c A cans " J ft JHrnl Bom t ftA HOLIDAY MEATS Eastarn and Western Cranberrloa Artichokas Cauliflower Danish Squash Texas Pink and Florida Grapefruit Campfire Marshmallows VkT 9c THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY BKINNED, OVENIZED, ONE-HALF or WHOLE, lb..... HAMS FRESH GROUND BEEF ..... LINK SAUSAGE SHOULDER PORK ROAST LEGS-O-LAMB 39' lbs. 35c . Ib. 26c . Ib. 25c . Ib. 29c iviiViAnAarLriArii"""J Full Line Deliciout - Fresh CHRISTMAS NUTS and CANDIES !M:HiM.'IIIH BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE 32c 53c For Delicious Salad Fresh Dressed TURKEYS ROASTERS FRYERS . RABBITS COCKTAIL OYSTERS CARTER'S FINE FOODS "YOUR CHRISTMAS FOOD STORE" 7th and PINE STREETS yiPUMPKIN 1 rnBsc. I V POTATOES