THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON December 111. 1041 Snow Gets Invited to Adorn Christmas Dinner AT EMIL'SM A A The choicest blrdi of Oregon Hale at Emlt'i Market, selected for their Under drum sticks and heavy whltemeaUd breait BUY YOURS NOWI TOMS HENS GEESE PAGE EIGHT i i ii 1 1 " m ' '"P" m 27c 31c ib. j JL ib. L 5 lb- V " fa-Sis A.vr v o o Mike crep paper now airl and tied for your Chiiitmaa table. inches with with gummed paper tape. Brush paste over outside and cover with red crepe paper which has been thoroughly stretched to prevent wrinkling. Decorate edge of sleigh with gold seals folded in halt. Wrap several packages or gifts and place in sleigh. HandlMt Wrap a heavy No. 15 wire 25 inches long with a strip of red crepe paper. Fasten ends to underside of sleigh with gum med paper tape. Here's a merry miss we had designed for your Christmas table. She's a love of a snow girl. SNOW GIRL AND SLEIGH Head: Crush two sheets white tissue into ball 3 inches in diam eter. Wrap smoothly with 1 inch strip of white crepe paper cut across grain. Legs and body: Cut two heavy No. 15 wires each 12 inches long for each leg. Wrap two wires to gether with narrow strip of pa per leaving 2 inches unwrapped at one end. Separate unwrapped wires and fasten with gummed paper tape to top of a cardboard oval 2 inches long and 1 inch wide. Pad leg and instep with tissue and wrap smoothly with strip of white crepe paper. Con tinue wrapping and padding un til legs are nice and chubby. Wind medium weight No. 10 'wire around center of head leav ing the ends extending below the ball to start the neck. Then place two leg wires on either side of medium wire and tie all together with spool wire. Wrap body from neck to hips with white crepe paper, padding with tissue as you wrap. Arms: Cut one heavy No. 15 wire 12 inches long. Pad with tis- xtue and wrap with white crepe paper. Place arms at right angles to doll's body and tie together with spool wire. Wrap all to gether with criss-cross wrapping. Then brush paste over figure and cover with white crepe paper which has been stretched and crushed. Dressi For skirt cut a strip of bright green crepe paper across the grain 5 Inches wide and 15 inches long. Fold strip in half lengthwise and shirr folded edge over knitting needle. Slip onto a piece of spool wire long enough to go around doll's body. Twist ends or wire together to hold in place. Repeat for neck ruff, cut ting paper 3 inches wide. Hati Cut brim to fit head out of light-weight cardboard. For the crown make a tube of double thickness of white crepe paper. Paste folded edge to hat brim. MENU BREAKFAST: Tangerines, oatmeal griddle cakes, syrup, coffee, milk. LUNCHEON: Black bean soup with frankfurter rings, hard enriched rolls, baked apples, cookies, tea, milk. DINNER: Tomato Juice, pan-broiled chopped round steak, mashed potatoes, carr rots with parsley, lettuce and green pepper salad, Boston cream pie, coffee, milk. Gather open edges at top to gether with needle and thread. Then flatten to form top circle of crown. Decorate with ribbon bows. SLEIGH Cut two side sections for sleigh out of white cardboard. Join sides to strip of cardboard 5 Wake Marines, Chicago Cop Settle Strike CHICAGO, Dec 19 OfV-The marines on Wake island and a policeman on picket detail set-1 tied a 2-month-old defense plant strike in Chicago. Lieutenant Leroy Steffens had spent eight weeks observing a strike of 30 machinists demand-! ing recognition of an AFL union as bargaining agency when the story of Pearl harbor and Wake island came along. "If the lads on Wake island can fight like they did," he told the pickets, "you guys certainly can settle your little differences and do your part." They named Steffens media tor. He cleared the path to set tlement and by next week the company again should be at peak production on military equipment. Newberg Woman Loses Son in War NEWBERG, Ore, Dec. 19 W "If I had ten sons I would will ingly send them all into the service of their country," Mrs. Fred Bryant said today. She had five sons, all In mili tary service. . Yesterday she was told that her vouneert Harvuvl Rushford, 18, had been killed December 7. FOR RENT TRUCKS and BICYCLES Yon Drive Move Yourself Save M Long and Short Trips. STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main IDEALNGIFT ' THEATRE SCRIP I SAVE 20 V THEATRE SCRIP BOOKS V Thf Palicu, Pku TrM, J T fT Vo1 Rainbow '' A TM"a 1 Jack and Jill enjoy their fill Of evenings gay and dashing. Her yet are bright, her hands ere white And For has dona her washing. PAR SOAP Is so skillfully blended of carefully chosen ingredients that washing clothes and dishes with Par actually helps keep hands soft and White. At Your Grocer 'a 4 ZSw a scus, Headquarttrs for 2 Pound Can Pudding Crosse & Blackwell 33e 59e Plum and Fig 1 Pound Can . Oysters For That Turkey Dressing Ocean Brand 2 cans 25 Lutef isle pound . - 25c Oysters t. s....t 29c Colored, dry plckad, Roasting Hens - 33c Sausage Mince Meat Swift's Brooklleld, pound roll Hams H or whole . Lb. Specials for Frin Sat, Mon Tues Wed. Brandy flavored SPECIALS ON S. 6TH 27c Bacon H or whole JUICES Libby's Tomato Juice Tall can A 3 for C Grapefruit Juice Texas. q 4Ba. can JkVQ Blended Juice Dr. Phillips, 46-os. can No. 2 Can 28c MILK II SUGAR I NUC0A II. cbdv II SNOW- II rnBliJIV fZU -Cn. Margarine SPRY DRIFT FORMAT L 33c 65c . 49c I 65c ?.L b" 63c Anchovies Rolled or flats. 2-oa. can Chateau Horseradish Flavor Sauce Jar Catsup Crosse tc Blackwell. Large bottle 2 (or Cocktail Sauce Croue tc Blackwell. Bottle 17c 25c 35c 25c OUR POLICY is to sell foods that our customers want. Emit Says, if you cant find the brand and quality you want, ASK US WE HAVE IT. LIBBY'S PUMPKIN , Fancy Solid Packed for Tasty Pies Large Grade A Eggs Do..39c Fresh Farm Eggs for Every Use SEEDLESS RAISINS POWDERED SUGAR BROWN SUGAR Sprinkle or Cook Those Delicious Jersey Sweet Potatoes CRANBERRY SAUCE It's Easy to Slice In the Can Mistklst Coffee Hills Bros. Red Can 35c 2 -25c 4 3 3 2 Lb. Pkg. Lbs. Lbs. Cans 12c 29c 23c 23c 29c Royal Gelatin 23c Assorted Flavors 4 packagn Best Foods Mayonnaise PINT QUARi 32c 53c 1 Lb. 31c 2Ibt 60c 4lb..$1.18 ALBER'S CORNFLAKES lc Sale 11 -ci. package for lc with purchase of 2 regular 11-os. m 0 IYC ... Pkg. 104 Crab Meat 33c Ststlde Brand No. H Can ... packages for Philadelphia Cheese Wine Vinegar Fine for Salad mm Quart Bottle atO Best for luW'O&syef o .i'VI CA1IPORNIA ORANGES A special shipment of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for our customers. Emil's says: The best for THAT Christmas dinner. ORANGES-'-35c ORANGES---"-.45c ORANGES 3 -35c Place Peek Navels CELERY 15c-19c APPLES :rw,ri. ... S Lbs.JW Box $1.98 Reman Beauty Fancy Wrapped and Packed ....... 6 Lbs. ( Box $1.89 Packed. Delicious APPLES 25c SWEET POTATOES Fine for Baking 5lb.. 19c Cranberries 2 lbs. 35c GOLDEN BANANAS O CANDIES O Hard Mix, 2 lbs 27c Old Fashioned Chocolates, 2 lbs 27c Jumbo Gum Drops, 2 lbs 27c Victoria Filled, 2 lbs 35c SEE OUR FULL LINE OF FANCY CHRISTMAS BOX CHOCOLATES O NUTS O Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs 45c Walnuts, med., 2 lbs 33c Peanuts, fresh roasted, lb 15c Brazils, fancy, 2 lbs .........49c Shelled Walnuts, fancy halves, Ib 53c Filberts, Ib. , 23c O OLIVES O La Mirada, large, ripe, qt. can 35c La Mirada Green Olives, stuffed with celery, ripe olives and plmlentos, large jar 49e La Mirada Green Pitted Olives, Ige. Jar 49c O TOBACCO O Prlnea Albeit, Mb. tin 76c Velvet, Lib. tin 76c George Washington, Lib. tin...- 54e Granger, Lib. tin 72e FLOUR DRIFTED SNOW Home Perfected 49 Pound Bag 24 H Pound Bag BISQUICK Large Package - III RINS0 I LUX I LUX I Taii.t FLAKES BBBBBW BBBBV BBBBBSaBk db W WhaVs Christmas: Without SOW Quality Foods on Your Table SW Fruit Cocktail ,P T' C" - 2 For 35C SW Salad Fruits Z 19c SiW Peaches No 2W c. 28c SW Pineapple Favor,. No. SM Can 2 for SW Asparagus Green Tip. No. 2 Can 2C SW Peas 33c S-W Peas & Carrots mt Can 8C SDeloro Corn &' 18c wy corn Wet Pack 17c Can AJW SW Shrimp SW Salad Veg. 22c FLOUR NORTHERN BRAND HARDWHEAT 49 POUND BAG Anchor Brand $!39 T 1 o ) C 0; G SUPER MARKET 8th and Pine Ph. 3168 STORE NO. 2 1338 Ore. Ph. 4714 STORE NO. 3 2200 So. 6th Ph. 6878 49 POUND BAG r