Drieember 19, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN , O Ham Slow to Cook; Fruit Cake Quickie for Holiday Wm i BnU wm the Chrlslmss ham. The Christmas festive menu ire uuully turkey, noose, suck- pig, rib ronst or uliucd limn. Tlio choice li matter of taste rid pockatbook. BAKED CHRISTMAS HAM If pre-cooked limn li uu'd, follow the direction! on tho wrapper around the twin In bak ing. If imoked hem is uiod, crub hem with bruih. Soak 12 to 14 houri In cold water to cover. Drain. Place skin side up In open roaster. I inert meat thermometer In ham o that bulb will be In center of ham, but not touching bone. Bake In slow oven (300 degreei P.) allowing 30 mlnutei per pound for whole hami and 35 mlnutei per pound for imall or half-hams, or cook until final reading on meet ther mometer li 170 degreei F. Tike him from oven ind remove tkln. Soak Virginia ham 12 hours In cold water to cover. Trim ruity edgei ind icrub with bruih. MENU BREAKFAST Grapefruit Juice, oatmeil, clnmmon tout, coffee, milk. LUNCHEON Creamed bam on enriched tout, cab bage and apple' wild, augir cooklei, tea, milk. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DINNER Comomme, toast ed crackeri, roast turkey, e h 1 1 n ut stuffing, glblet gravy, ituffed baked potatoes, quick frozen green lima beans, cranberry molds, romalne and sliced radish ulid, plum pud ding, hard sauce, coffe, milk. Hece skin tide up In kettle ind cover him with boiling water. Cook covered over lowhcat, sim mering very gently until tender, allowing about 30 minutes per pound. Uncover ind let cool In stock 34 houri. Tike from liquid, remove skin, bike and glare. Here's fruit cake that can be baked In 25 mlnutei ind eaten is soon as It Is cool. LAST MINUTE FRUIT CAKE One and one-third cups (15 unce can) sweetened condensed milk, 1 cup chopped walnut meats, i pound (3 cups) shredded coconut, 1 pound (2 cups) pitted dates, coarsely chopped. Thoroughly blend sweetened condensed milk, chopped walnut meats, shredded coconut and courscly chopped dntes. Pack In buttered loaf pan (Hx4x3 Inches). Hiiko In inodcruli'ly hot oven (375 degrees F.) 25 minutes or until brown. Remove from pan und allow to cool thoroughly. Decorate with tree of frosting, with tiny silver, green and red candles for trimmings. Cut In thin slices when serving. Rods Reels Creels all the best makes The Gun Store Puckett and Houston 714 Main. Girl Scouts Hold Christmas Party LAKEVIEW The senior Olrl Scout troop of Lskevlew, led by Mrs. Jcsslo Troxail and Miss Beatrice Getty, met at the Trox ail homo Wednesday evening. Gumcs were played ' and the leaden were presonted with gifts from the group, Gifts were exchanged and refreshments were served. The next meeting will be Wed nesday evening, December 31, at the home of Miss Merldee Moore. The most quickly digested food is sugar. A Gift for a Man? If the Answer! M & ROBE -Viu'll fimf if at Draw't MarNtor. MEN'S ROBES & "Spunray" That will make him feel luxuriously masculine! Gorgeous lounging robes in beige, luggage, teal, navy and maroon. Sires: Small," medium, large and extra-large. 6 Beautiful ''r Silk & Rayon and -.V Silk Robes The kind he's alwoyi wanted! In all colors '5 ..'n50 Wool Flannel Soft, warm robes In bold stripes or plain colors. Sires: Small, med, large ond extra-large. 7.5 ,nso S.V.O. and Wilton In. PINI PAJAMAS ara.4ol.th, Flanmi, SUM 22s 3S0 Silk. St si iite in And get him SLIPPERS T Batch or contrast vttli till aav rob4)I IHIIM.1NIO fflpptf Slipper m blut w tmrtuBOT, BIm I-It. $3.30 oesai IT Til Fin, KM liira for nan. Htiia. Mark or burgundy. SUra I to IS $2.95 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 MAIN s 4 aod QifjU - 4?M GUnUtmai Kris Kringle, Jolly Old St. Nicholas, or if you like, just Santa Claus. Anyway, you must stop and realize it's almost Christmas, and we have baked some of the finest Christmas specialties to be found on the Pacific coast. So now is the time to choose yours for mailing or gifts. Here are a few items you should stock up on early: I Old Ingllih Fruit Cake Made with choice fruits, nuts, bran dy, and rum. Aged ust right. ' One pound 60c Two Pounds $1.15 Three pounds $1.70 Ginger Bread Santa Claui Elaborately decorated. Wrapped In cellophane. Ready for the tree or packing. Two sizes, 10c and 15c. Honey. Cake Hearts 10c Christmas Tree Cakes 5c Ginger Iread Stan 40 doien Pfeffernusse, hand dipped and varied In eolor 20c doien Anise Drops 20e doien Sprlngerla . 25c doien Spttikuchen 25c doien Chocolate Wafers, hand dipped In candy chocolate 20c doien Fancy Macaroons 25c doien Mariipan Fruit 5c each Panatonl A rich Christmas Fruit Bread - IV lb. loaf 35a s s IS Any of the above Items would be appreciated by the boys In service. We will gladly wrap ready for mailing. We also specialize in fancy decorated Christmas Table Centers. Any design you might desire. BE SURE AND GET YOUR ORDERS IN EARLY JKt I 8 ,mmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmm Think It Over! Hera ore two ways to run a grocery business: (1) Advertise a few Items at sensationally low prices end make up the loss by unwarranted higher prices on other items. (2) Quote a fair price, the lowest possible price, on every Item in the store every day. This Is Safaway's method, the only certain way tha customer can be assured of consistently sav ing money on ALL her food buying. It is not "sensa tional" ... but it Is safe and sure. . . Think It over! Hens lb. 31c jne a vuniiiuij u on your, CHRISTMAS TABLE t determines the succtss of yew Holiday Feast q So we hive secured for you hundreds oi those fimous John Llskey Turkeys. Every bird a champion, grown, fed and fat tened on a balanced ration. They are Just right In slse, plumpness and flavor. Every turkey guaranteed. Safeway Melt Prices for De cember 20, 22, 23 and 24. Hams Merrell's Pride, skinned, oeund ' Sliced Bacon .. ,,,. 27c Morrill's, pound ....... uctArc Ctti A' ,or ,Uw' WFCI or for aood turkey dressing, nint ... Prime Rib Roast Cu. she,., pound Loin Pork Roast Pou, 25c 2lb..39c I .Sift II TEA Sausage umy Style CHERUB MILK T.., . ADVERTISED MILK Csns .. fer Carnation. Bortfana, Alptnc Morninf, Pat, 4(w33c 4,., 35c TOMATO JUICET.'T 3 for 25c 4t-w. en -1M wuinft" ft, ft 1 1 9C. i-.,. aotttM viorft.w'w OHis Sparkling W.lar Plus belli, etepo.lt. 1M lottlaa, C OCr w l a. ww PEPSI-COLA pre CantartMjrv Oranfa Pafcoo, H. I Plu. bat. .topoaltU lor ' HEINZ PUDDINGS Plum, Data, PIS InflMt Majft, Mb. Jar MTHfF MFJIT He MINCE MEAT Upton-. Yotaw UM, Yt-tb. PHI. m a 34c 42c PEAS VTSTi 3,K25c TOMATOES JSS 3l0,33c CORN "J'.T-'-'"" 2 .-25c pAQV Country Homo Cratm Stylo O VSr LUnn iiamm HiHim Na. t aana for PUMPKIN 5.- PINEAPPLE TrZ" UritrUrC rotator, PEACHES VVTCUllU MMfu Tomato, AM Hill, 14-ot. lottK emu craat. No. 1 1 on - 10c r25c 19c "19c pnjrirrDC Snotrtiik. Sodu, ulUiwrililli) tn, earton rVTRHTT WM,,S vuniit or Iiaiiuiv. RoyiI Satin MONtT SAVTMQ Shorteniag 20 ZtSV Meeey-aUek auiutettf Uewn, tti. bottl. SCHILLINGS SPICES AND EXTRACTS LOW PRICIS ALWAYS 29c '10c ID. jr. 5 27c tsciagrs ' illSl f Colored Hens &Js&g&8l '; Cor, led, 2Qc I:- " dry Picked, pound ... C . UJ.'J ?h I , Col. Fryers jJ I Corn fed, 90e ' aJ dry picked, pound ? 29C I STEAKS I Advertised Value. I I' So Tender and Juicy They I Art Elective I I V WU1 Make Your Mouth I Friday, Dee. 19th, I ' StRLom. ..33. lThn,Mo;d,;,D.a2 I, T-BONE, pound 39 'j I : . l ' fresh fromooi kjtchu ' ' mm S UeeDo fl aWA : I Dorothy D uncial I j bse lljE- I Chocolates . I I 2ic osfcaa.--- ,M i; 39c WZ.&im 2L S129 v lie virfl .- i SZZis. r 1 1 15c r I i , i-:: I viK3.r. I; 33c VZJZ&: li 15c I or SalaDi-tDesserb SALAD DRESSING ST7 33c KRAFT MIRACLI WHIP SALAD DRESSING fc,. 39c 33c Sauces-GcnS'umnh till CATSUP phttt sunrr VUlMa WUVVH CHILI SAUCE pickles rr;'.,T LARGE OLIVES r7.15c CRANBERRY SAUCE Ootan tprtf,Vi. tin , ,,, CRAB MEATnST; oysters rrr. CURRANTS SutmmM, 11-oa. Fk. 9c PEANUTS Wb.rs. I 13c WALNUTS Srsy 25c BRAZIL NUTS ,. s19c JOLLY TIME POPCORN "llc tfv:Tte t. al Chocolate Covered Cherrias It t. 25c Snowdrift Shuttling 23c e63c II cmsco Ihartfliif Lb. 23c ra'eeo if Fldells. all sweet virietles . Quart J Brillo Soap Pads " 9c Crystal White Soap 10 37c Vhjte King 3 -14c Lux Toilet Soap 3 -17c Mixad Nuts 2 a 37e A Merry Christmas to You and Yours! U-PURl - IOC Ona. Soap 24-o. bos 17 IVORT FLAKES )t laH-os pseksge til1 IVORT INOW 91 C H-H-ot. pseisoe ENRICHED BREAD lulls tee Wtlght'a-Trih PsHyl M. I. B. COr FEE 01r as t3elda West Lb. esa J EDWARDS COrm 2-lb.. 83e AIRWAY eorm 3 t. si w MM ?! m Celerv m 'I li ssiijjb.,' I aj R-Bft air -; I II b. y ' ' I II ' nlrT" '' I II J,-' fcoiiXTr ftoppaa I ; II "VSajat " w ft. la If sL"';;:- I f w,,"lrp.dM-,-1 Produce Prices for Saturday Only, December 20 , H J Golden fruit for slicing and iery- 4 ' ej DQnQnQS ins with rich- thlck cream .... lbs. )C Smooth, Well-Shaped Carrots 3 -10c Utah. Green Type. oJW extra crisp, pound.. Coiehelli Grapefruit ..c OrangesXo,: c Yams or Sweet Potatoes : 3,0,14c U. S. Mo. 1 gride .